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Employee Experience and Wellbeing in Digital AgeLaajuus (3 op)

Tunnus: BC00CM74


3 op


  • englanti


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, how we work and interact within our organizations has undergone significant transformation. This course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and thrive in this new digital work environment. It covers key areas, including digitalization and workplace transformation, the impact of technology on competencies and employee experiences, managing remote teams, ensuring employee wellbeing in digital settings, addressing ethical concerns such as privacy and security, fostering inclusivity and accessibility, and enhancing employee engagement and organizational culture within digital workplaces.

The learning objectives and outcomes cover a broad spectrum of topics relevant to navigating the digital transformation of the workplace, including technological advancements, remote work management, employee wellbeing, ethics, diversity, and organizational culture.


Digitalization and Workplace Transformation
Impact of Technology on Competencies and Employee Experience
Managing Remote Work and Teams
Employee Wellbeing in the Digital Work Environment
Ethics - Privacy and Security Issues, Inclusive and Accessibility (Diversity Management in Digital Workspace)
Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture in Digital Workplace
