Leadership and entreprise competenceLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: SH00CS08
5 op
- suomi
Osaa arvioida ja kehittää johtamisen ja päätöksenteon tukena sosiaali- ja terveysalan työtä näyttöön ja kerättyyn tietoon perustuen sosiaali- ja terveysalan toimintaympäristössä.
Ymmärtää itsensä ja hyvän johtamisen merkityksen organisaation/työyhteisön tuloksekkaan toiminnan johtamiseksi.
Osaa arvioida hoitotyön laatua ja perehtyy palvelujen kehittämisen mahdollisuuksiin.
Ymmärtää ja tunnistaa yrittäjyystoiminnan peruslainalaisuudet ja osaa soveltaa niitä sosiaali- ja terveysialalla.
Tunnistaa työhyvinvointia ylläpitäviä ja heikentäviä tekijöitä sekä osaa toimia työhyvinvoinnin kehittämiseksi. Tunnistaa työsuojelun keskeisen lainsäädännön ja perehdyttämisen merkityksen työhyvinvoinnin tukemisessa.
4 credits: Good leadership; evidence-based practice, knowledge leadership, self-management
Quality and development of client-centred services.
Fundamentals of entrepreneurship; marketing, development of services and social platforms
1 credit: Health and safety at work as part of management: key legislation and obligations in the field of health and safety at work. The legal framework for occupational safety and health and the role of stakeholders in supporting well-being at work. Induction as part of well-being at work. Challenges for well-being at work in the 21st century.
Material provided by lecturer
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
The student evaluates the work of the work community and seeks to improve it based on evidence.
The student assesses and evaluates the performance of the work community based on evidence.
The student is able to evaluate and apply quality management in their own activities.
The student is able to promote well-being at work and is aware of the requirements of occupational health and safety legislation. Awareness of the importance of induction training as part of well-being at work.
The student will use the concepts of business competence.
The student will be able to identify, describe and justify entrepreneurial practices.
The student does not know how to evaluate the performance of the work community and how to develop it on the basis of evidence.
The student does not know the role of strategy in the development of work community activities and is not able to use it in the development of activities.
The student does not know how to assess and apply quality management methods to develop their own and the work community's performance.
The student does not know how to promote well-being at work through his/her own activities and does not recognise the key obligations arising from health and safety legislation and the importance of induction training for well-being at work.
The student does not know the concepts of business competence.
The student does not know how to identify, describe and justify entrepreneurial practices.