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Patient Safety and Nursing DocumentationLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: SH00BS85


2 op


Nursing decision-making process
The students know the stages of nursing decision-making processes and apply them appropriately in the structured nursing documents. The students define the need, goals, implementation and evaluation of nursing in accordance with the nursing decision-making process. They recognize the documentation of nursing as part of the overall care of the patient / client. The students adopt legislation related to nursing documentation and can record the nursing process according to standard of the documents using a uniform classification system.
The students are able to identify the basic requirements of recording data and the importance of language in documenting nursing.
Patient Safety
The students are able to name and describe the concept of patient safety and explain the factors affecting patient safety.

Safety and risk management: the students understand their work unit’s principles of security and safety management and their own responsibility in promoting it
Patient Safety: the students understand their professional responsibility in ensuring and promoting patient safety


Patient Safety and Nursing Documentation 2 cr
Decision-making processes in nursing
Legislation and guidelines for nursing documentation
Patient Safety

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student participates actively in completing the course assignments and exercises.


01.08.2022 - 30.09.2022


01.08.2022 - 20.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
  • Jaana Kemppainen
  • Gitta Palomäki
  • SMM22KKuu


Nursing decision-making process
The students know the stages of nursing decision-making processes and apply them appropriately in the structured nursing documents. The students define the need, goals, implementation and evaluation of nursing in accordance with the nursing decision-making process. They recognize the documentation of nursing as part of the overall care of the patient / client. The students adopt legislation related to nursing documentation and can record the nursing process according to standard of the documents using a uniform classification system.
The students are able to identify the basic requirements of recording data and the importance of language in documenting nursing.
Patient Safety
The students are able to name and describe the concept of patient safety and explain the factors affecting patient safety.

Safety and risk management: the students understand their work unit’s principles of security and safety management and their own responsibility in promoting it
Patient Safety: the students understand their professional responsibility in ensuring and promoting patient safety


Patient Safety and Nursing Documentation 2 cr
Decision-making processes in nursing
Legislation and guidelines for nursing documentation
Patient Safety

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student participates actively in completing the course assignments and exercises.


01.08.2022 - 30.09.2022


01.08.2022 - 20.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
  • Anna-Leena Luukkonen
  • SMM22K2
  • SMM22K1


Nursing decision-making process
The students know the stages of nursing decision-making processes and apply them appropriately in the structured nursing documents. The students define the need, goals, implementation and evaluation of nursing in accordance with the nursing decision-making process. They recognize the documentation of nursing as part of the overall care of the patient / client. The students adopt legislation related to nursing documentation and can record the nursing process according to standard of the documents using a uniform classification system.
The students are able to identify the basic requirements of recording data and the importance of language in documenting nursing.
Patient Safety
The students are able to name and describe the concept of patient safety and explain the factors affecting patient safety.

Safety and risk management: the students understand their work unit’s principles of security and safety management and their own responsibility in promoting it
Patient Safety: the students understand their professional responsibility in ensuring and promoting patient safety


Patient Safety and Nursing Documentation 2 cr
Decision-making processes in nursing
Legislation and guidelines for nursing documentation
Patient Safety

Location and time

Syksy 2022


Sähköiset oppikirjat ja materiaalit DevMoodlessa

Teaching methods


Exam schedules

Itsenäisten verkkotehtävien palautusajat opintojaksolla DevMoodlessa

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

100% läsnäolo lähiopetukseen
Devmoodle verkkotehtävät suoritettu hyväksytysti

Content scheduling

Opintojakson aloitus:
Lähiopetus 28.9.2022 klo 12:30-14:00 Luokka TA21L146
- Yleisimmät käsitteet; lääke-, laite- ja hoitoturvallisuus sekä yhteys terveydenhuoltoon
- Dokumentoinnin merkitys potilastyössä
- Potilasturvallisuutta edistävät toiminta- ja ajattelutavat

Itsenäistä opiskelua (oppimistehtävät DevMoodlessa)

Lähiopetus 1.11.2022 klo 9:00-11:30 Luokka TA21L148-auditorio
- Dokumentointi - rakenteinen kirjaaminen
- Kommunikaatio ja raportointi (ISBAR)
- Haittatapahtumat (Haipro)

Itsenäistä opiskelua (oppimistehtävät DevMoodlessa)

Lähiopetus 22.11.2022 klo 12:30-16:00 Luokka TA21L148-auditorio
- Vaaratapahtumien tunnistaminen, käsittely ja korjaavat toimet
- Yhteenveto potilasturvallisuudesta

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student participates actively in completing the course assignments and exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria

Hyväksytysti suoritetut verkkotehtävät ja lähiopetukseen osallistuminen


01.12.2021 - 31.01.2022


01.01.2022 - 25.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
  • Tiina Poranen
  • Sari Pyykkönen
  • SMM21SRaa2
  • SMM21SRaa1


Nursing decision-making process
The students know the stages of nursing decision-making processes and apply them appropriately in the structured nursing documents. The students define the need, goals, implementation and evaluation of nursing in accordance with the nursing decision-making process. They recognize the documentation of nursing as part of the overall care of the patient / client. The students adopt legislation related to nursing documentation and can record the nursing process according to standard of the documents using a uniform classification system.
The students are able to identify the basic requirements of recording data and the importance of language in documenting nursing.
Patient Safety
The students are able to name and describe the concept of patient safety and explain the factors affecting patient safety.

Safety and risk management: the students understand their work unit’s principles of security and safety management and their own responsibility in promoting it
Patient Safety: the students understand their professional responsibility in ensuring and promoting patient safety


Patient Safety and Nursing Documentation 2 cr
Decision-making processes in nursing
Legislation and guidelines for nursing documentation
Patient Safety

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student participates actively in completing the course assignments and exercises.


01.12.2021 - 31.01.2022


01.01.2022 - 25.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
  • Tiina Poranen
  • SHS21S
  • SHT21S


Nursing decision-making process
The students know the stages of nursing decision-making processes and apply them appropriately in the structured nursing documents. The students define the need, goals, implementation and evaluation of nursing in accordance with the nursing decision-making process. They recognize the documentation of nursing as part of the overall care of the patient / client. The students adopt legislation related to nursing documentation and can record the nursing process according to standard of the documents using a uniform classification system.
The students are able to identify the basic requirements of recording data and the importance of language in documenting nursing.
Patient Safety
The students are able to name and describe the concept of patient safety and explain the factors affecting patient safety.

Safety and risk management: the students understand their work unit’s principles of security and safety management and their own responsibility in promoting it
Patient Safety: the students understand their professional responsibility in ensuring and promoting patient safety


Patient Safety and Nursing Documentation 2 cr
Decision-making processes in nursing
Legislation and guidelines for nursing documentation
Patient Safety

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student participates actively in completing the course assignments and exercises.