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Accommodation ServicesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: AM00BG91


5 op


The students will be able to describe accommodation operations in Finland and worldwide and
explain the different forms of accommodation. They will understand the internal and external
operational environment of accommodation operations and will master the main duties and tasks
associated with working in the accommodation business.


The history of accommodation as a business
Forms of accommodation business
The operational environments of accommodation
Digital business and marketing
Reservation/booking software and systems


Ilmoitetaan opintojaksolla.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to extensively describe and analyse the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain in depth
different forms of accommodation while being able to analyse the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use hotel reservation software independently and extensively and
have extensively mastered the comprehensive principles of housekeeping. The students are able to
work as members of a group to further and develop the work of the team and they are able to apply
theoretical knowledge in practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to describe in depth the main features and phases of the history of
accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain extensively different
forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational environment. They are able
to use hotel reservation software independently and have mastered the principles of housekeeping
well. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and they are
able to justify their work according to professional ethical principles.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to describe to a satisfactory degree, the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain to some
degree, the different forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use the main functions of hotel reservation software and have
satisfactorily mastered the principles of housekeeping. The students are able to work as members of
a group taking others into account and they are able to work according to professional ethical


19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Katja-Mari Kärkkäinen
  • AMA24S


The students will be able to describe accommodation operations in Finland and worldwide and
explain the different forms of accommodation. They will understand the internal and external
operational environment of accommodation operations and will master the main duties and tasks
associated with working in the accommodation business.


The history of accommodation as a business
Forms of accommodation business
The operational environments of accommodation
Digital business and marketing
Reservation/booking software and systems

Location and time



Rautiainen, M. & Siiskonen, M. (2021). Majoitustoiminta ja palveluosaaminen. Restamark.

Teaching methods

Lähiopetus, annetut tehtäväharjoitteet ja itsenäinen opiskelu.

Employer connections

Hotellivierailu osana kurssisisältöä. 1. vuoden opiskelijat suorittavat keväällä 2025 työelämäjakson, johon kurssin sisältöä voidaan rinnastaa käytännössä.
Hotellijärjestelmä Operaan tutustuminen kurssin aikana.

Exam schedules

Varsinainen tentti ke 4.12.24.

Uusintatentti: to 9.1.2025. (tähän opiskelija ilmoittautuu erikseen).

Student workload

Kurssin laajuus 5 op, josta noin 50% on kontaktiopetusta.

Content scheduling

3. & 4. jakso.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to extensively describe and analyse the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain in depth
different forms of accommodation while being able to analyse the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use hotel reservation software independently and extensively and
have extensively mastered the comprehensive principles of housekeeping. The students are able to
work as members of a group to further and develop the work of the team and they are able to apply
theoretical knowledge in practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to describe in depth the main features and phases of the history of
accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain extensively different
forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational environment. They are able
to use hotel reservation software independently and have mastered the principles of housekeeping
well. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and they are
able to justify their work according to professional ethical principles.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to describe to a satisfactory degree, the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain to some
degree, the different forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use the main functions of hotel reservation software and have
satisfactorily mastered the principles of housekeeping. The students are able to work as members of
a group taking others into account and they are able to work according to professional ethical

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

Opiskelija ei tavoita tyydyttävän arvosanan minimikriteerejä. Opiskelija lyö laimin annetut kurssisuoritteet.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Opiskelija osaa laaja-alaisesti kuvata ja analysoida Suomen ja maailman majoitustoiminnan historian pääpiirteet ja vaiheet tähän päivään saakka. Hän osaa myös selittää kiitettävästi majoitustoiminnan tarjonnan eri muodot sekä analysoida majoitusliikkeen toimintaympäristön. Opiskelija osaa käyttää kiitettävästi ja laaja-alaisesti hotellivarausohjelmaa sekä hallitsee kiitettävästi ja laaja-alaisesti majoitusliikkeen puhtaanapidon perusteet. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa sekä osaa soveltaa

Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Opiskelija osaa hyvin kuvata Suomen ja maailman majoitustoiminnan historian pääpiirteet ja vaiheet tähän päivään saakka. Hän osaa myös selittää hyvin majoitustoiminnan tarjonnan eri muodot sekä kuvata majoitusliikkeen toimintaympäristön. Opiskelija osaa käyttää hyvin hotellivarausohjelmaa sekä hallitsee hyvin majoitusliikkeen puhtaanapidon perusteet. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi sekä osaa perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Opiskelija osaa tyydyttävästi kuvata Suomen ja maailman majoitustoiminnan historian pääpiirteet ja vaiheet tähän päivään saakka. Hän osaa myös pintapuolisesti selittää majoitustoiminnan tarjonnan eri muodot sekä kuvata majoitusliikkeen toimintaympäristöä. Opiskelija osaa käyttää pääpiirteittäin hotellivarausohjelmaa sekä hallitsee tyydyttävästi majoitusliikkeen puhtaanapidon perusteet.
Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassaan muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon sekä toimii ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.


Ei ole esitietovaatimuksia


01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Katja-Mari Kärkkäinen
  • AMA23S


The students will be able to describe accommodation operations in Finland and worldwide and
explain the different forms of accommodation. They will understand the internal and external
operational environment of accommodation operations and will master the main duties and tasks
associated with working in the accommodation business.


The history of accommodation as a business
Forms of accommodation business
The operational environments of accommodation
Digital business and marketing
Reservation/booking software and systems

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to extensively describe and analyse the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain in depth
different forms of accommodation while being able to analyse the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use hotel reservation software independently and extensively and
have extensively mastered the comprehensive principles of housekeeping. The students are able to
work as members of a group to further and develop the work of the team and they are able to apply
theoretical knowledge in practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to describe in depth the main features and phases of the history of
accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain extensively different
forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational environment. They are able
to use hotel reservation software independently and have mastered the principles of housekeeping
well. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and they are
able to justify their work according to professional ethical principles.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to describe to a satisfactory degree, the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain to some
degree, the different forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use the main functions of hotel reservation software and have
satisfactorily mastered the principles of housekeeping. The students are able to work as members of
a group taking others into account and they are able to work according to professional ethical


Ei ole esitietovaatimuksia


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022


01.08.2022 - 15.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Katja-Mari Kärkkäinen
  • Mika Pietarinen
  • AMA22S


The students will be able to describe accommodation operations in Finland and worldwide and
explain the different forms of accommodation. They will understand the internal and external
operational environment of accommodation operations and will master the main duties and tasks
associated with working in the accommodation business.


The history of accommodation as a business
Forms of accommodation business
The operational environments of accommodation
Digital business and marketing
Reservation/booking software and systems

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to extensively describe and analyse the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain in depth
different forms of accommodation while being able to analyse the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use hotel reservation software independently and extensively and
have extensively mastered the comprehensive principles of housekeeping. The students are able to
work as members of a group to further and develop the work of the team and they are able to apply
theoretical knowledge in practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to describe in depth the main features and phases of the history of
accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain extensively different
forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational environment. They are able
to use hotel reservation software independently and have mastered the principles of housekeeping
well. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and they are
able to justify their work according to professional ethical principles.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to describe to a satisfactory degree, the main features and phases of the
history of accommodation in Finland and worldwide to this day. They are able to explain to some
degree, the different forms of accommodation and describe the accommodation operational
environment. They are able to use the main functions of hotel reservation software and have
satisfactorily mastered the principles of housekeeping. The students are able to work as members of
a group taking others into account and they are able to work according to professional ethical


Ei ole esitietovaatimuksia