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Työelämälähtöinen kehittämistehtäväLaajuus (10 cr)

Code: AM00CR50


10 op


Student learn to apply the tools they have learned during studies in a work-based development task.


Työelämälähtöisen kehittämistehtävän toteuttaminen yritykselle.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to use the tools acquired during his/her studies competently in a work-based development task. The student is able to work responsibly and independently in a development task with the client. They can work as a member of a team to achieve a common goal.

The student does not know how to use the tools he/she has acquired in a work-based development task. The student does not know how to work with the client in a development task and does not commit to working with the group.