Site TechnologyLaajuus (3 cr)
Code: TR00CS38
3 op
Students will deepen their knowledge of site technology and different construction methods so that they can compare them and select the appropriate method to achieve specific goals.
The different stages of building work and site planning.
The effects of phasing construction work on the schedules, costs and other parts of the construction project.
Different/alternative building methods
The preparation and implementation of different phases of construction
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are proficient in the factors and issues linked with setting up a building site. They are able to make informed economic and technical decisions concerning the site and are proficient in the basic knowledge and skills needed to manage a building site. The students are competent in personnel management and the principles and information sources of production control.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to make economically viable resource and materials acquisitions and are proficient in the special features of building in the summer and winter taking them into account as building progresses.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are familiar with the special features of setting up a building site. they are able to perceive the order of construction from drawings and can purchase materials as building progresses.