Occupational Safety in Construction and Facility ManagementLaajuus (3 cr)
Code: TRAT007
3 op
Students will understand the significance of occupational safety in facility management and building production. They will be proficient in building site safety inspections, occupational safety notices and official regulations. They will recognize the responsibilities and significance of site management in terms of promoting work safety in construction.
Occupational safety in facility management and the different phases of construction. Building site occupational safety inspections and notices. Official regulations and licensed work. The employer's duties and responsibilities. How to act in an emergency. Accomplishment of First Aid I according to EAI (EA1 certificate).
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are aware of occupational safety risks, can survey and them and conduct an occupational safety inspection independently on site. They are able to inspect the safety of machines and devices.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are aware of the occupational safety responsibilities of various parties and official procedures. They are able to apply occupational safety regulations and instructions to practical work situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are familiar with occupational safety laws and regulations concerning building work and facility management. They are able to take the economic significance of safe working into account.
27.09.2025 - 26.10.2025
27.10.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Veera Kilpeläinen
- Riitta Sievänen
Students will understand the significance of occupational safety in facility management and building production. They will be proficient in building site safety inspections, occupational safety notices and official regulations. They will recognize the responsibilities and significance of site management in terms of promoting work safety in construction.
Occupational safety in facility management and the different phases of construction. Building site occupational safety inspections and notices. Official regulations and licensed work. The employer's duties and responsibilities. How to act in an emergency. Accomplishment of First Aid I according to EAI (EA1 certificate).
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are aware of occupational safety risks, can survey and them and conduct an occupational safety inspection independently on site. They are able to inspect the safety of machines and devices.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are aware of the occupational safety responsibilities of various parties and official procedures. They are able to apply occupational safety regulations and instructions to practical work situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are familiar with occupational safety laws and regulations concerning building work and facility management. They are able to take the economic significance of safe working into account.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
21.10.2024 - 22.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Veera Kilpeläinen
- Riitta Sievänen
Students will understand the significance of occupational safety in facility management and building production. They will be proficient in building site safety inspections, occupational safety notices and official regulations. They will recognize the responsibilities and significance of site management in terms of promoting work safety in construction.
Occupational safety in facility management and the different phases of construction. Building site occupational safety inspections and notices. Official regulations and licensed work. The employer's duties and responsibilities. How to act in an emergency. Accomplishment of First Aid I according to EAI (EA1 certificate).
Korte, H. & Myllyrinne, K. 2017. Ensiapu. Keuruu. Otavan kirjapaino Oy.
SPR Ensiapuohjeet. https://www.punainenristi.fi/ensiapuohjeet
Terveyskirjasto: Ensiapuopas. https://www.terveyskirjasto.fi/kotisivut/tk.koti?p_teos=spr
SPR Uudet ensiapu- ja elvytysohjeet: https://rednet.punainenristi.fi/n
Teaching methods
EAI (1 op)
Aktivoivat luennot (20%)
Ohjatut harjoitukset (80%)
Student workload
EA peruskurssi lähiopetus 16h
Content scheduling
Orientoituminen opintojaksolle
Toiminta auttamistilanteessa
Tajuton, elvytys ja vierasesine hengitysteissä
Harjoitukset ja sokki/suuret verenvuodot
Haavojen ja palovammojen ensiapua,
Murtumien ja nivelvammojen ensiapua.
Further information
1. Jos opiskelijalla on tuore (alle 1 v suoritettu) ea1-, tai ea2 -kurssi.
a. opiskelija esittää viimeistään ensimmäisillä oppitunneilla dokumentin (opintokortti tai ea- todistus) aiemmasta suorituksesta
b. osallistuu PPE-D- oppitunneille
Tekee hyväksiluvun AHOT-lomakkeella.Vastuuopettajaksi laitetaan Riitta Sievänen. Liitteeksi dokumentti todistuksesta (valokuva, skannattu todistus tms.) Lomake löytyy KAMK:n. intrasta.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are aware of occupational safety risks, can survey and them and conduct an occupational safety inspection independently on site. They are able to inspect the safety of machines and devices.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are aware of the occupational safety responsibilities of various parties and official procedures. They are able to apply occupational safety regulations and instructions to practical work situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are familiar with occupational safety laws and regulations concerning building work and facility management. They are able to take the economic significance of safe working into account.
Assessment methods and criteria
100% läsnäolo harjoitustunneilla. Aktiivinen osallistuminen tunneilla/harjoituksissa.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Veera Kilpeläinen
- Riitta Sievänen
Students will understand the significance of occupational safety in facility management and building production. They will be proficient in building site safety inspections, occupational safety notices and official regulations. They will recognize the responsibilities and significance of site management in terms of promoting work safety in construction.
Occupational safety in facility management and the different phases of construction. Building site occupational safety inspections and notices. Official regulations and licensed work. The employer's duties and responsibilities. How to act in an emergency. Accomplishment of First Aid I according to EAI (EA1 certificate).
Korte, H. & Myllyrinne, K. 2017. Ensiapu. Keuruu. Otavan kirjapaino Oy.
SPR Ensiapuohjeet. https://www.punainenristi.fi/ensiapuohjeet
Terveyskirjasto: Ensiapuopas. https://www.terveyskirjasto.fi/kotisivut/tk.koti?p_teos=spr
SPR Uudet ensiapu- ja elvytysohjeet: https://rednet.punainenristi.fi/n
Teaching methods
EAI (1 op)
Aktivoivat luennot (20%)
Ohjatut harjoitukset (80%)
Student workload
EA peruskurssi lähiopetus 16h
Content scheduling
Orientoituminen opintojaksolle
Toiminta auttamistilanteessa
Tajuton, elvytys ja vierasesine hengitysteissä
Harjoitukset ja sokki/suuret verenvuodot
Haavojen ja palovammojen ensiapua,
Murtumien ja nivelvammojen ensiapua.
Further information
1. Jos opiskelijalla on tuore (alle 1 v suoritettu) ea1-, ea2 - tai hätäensiapu-kurssi.
a. opiskelija esittää viimeistään ensimmäisillä oppitunneilla dokumentin (opintokortti tai ea- todistus) aiemmasta suorituksesta
b. osallistuu PPE-D- oppitunneille
Tekee hyväksiluvun AHOT-lomakkeella.Vastuuopettajaksi laitetaan Riitta Sievänen. Liitteeksi dokumentti todistuksesta (valokuva, skannattu todistus tms.) Lomake löytyy KAMK:n.l
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are aware of occupational safety risks, can survey and them and conduct an occupational safety inspection independently on site. They are able to inspect the safety of machines and devices.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are aware of the occupational safety responsibilities of various parties and official procedures. They are able to apply occupational safety regulations and instructions to practical work situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are familiar with occupational safety laws and regulations concerning building work and facility management. They are able to take the economic significance of safe working into account.
Assessment methods and criteria
100% läsnäolo harjoitustunneilla. Aktiivinen osallistuminen tunneilla/harjoituksissa.
01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 22.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Veera Kilpeläinen
- Riitta Sievänen
Students will understand the significance of occupational safety in facility management and building production. They will be proficient in building site safety inspections, occupational safety notices and official regulations. They will recognize the responsibilities and significance of site management in terms of promoting work safety in construction.
Occupational safety in facility management and the different phases of construction. Building site occupational safety inspections and notices. Official regulations and licensed work. The employer's duties and responsibilities. How to act in an emergency. Accomplishment of First Aid I according to EAI (EA1 certificate).
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are aware of occupational safety risks, can survey and them and conduct an occupational safety inspection independently on site. They are able to inspect the safety of machines and devices.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are aware of the occupational safety responsibilities of various parties and official procedures. They are able to apply occupational safety regulations and instructions to practical work situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are familiar with occupational safety laws and regulations concerning building work and facility management. They are able to take the economic significance of safe working into account.
01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 22.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Veera Kilpeläinen
- Riitta Sievänen
Students will understand the significance of occupational safety in facility management and building production. They will be proficient in building site safety inspections, occupational safety notices and official regulations. They will recognize the responsibilities and significance of site management in terms of promoting work safety in construction.
Occupational safety in facility management and the different phases of construction. Building site occupational safety inspections and notices. Official regulations and licensed work. The employer's duties and responsibilities. How to act in an emergency. Accomplishment of First Aid I according to EAI (EA1 certificate).
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are aware of occupational safety risks, can survey and them and conduct an occupational safety inspection independently on site. They are able to inspect the safety of machines and devices.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are aware of the occupational safety responsibilities of various parties and official procedures. They are able to apply occupational safety regulations and instructions to practical work situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are familiar with occupational safety laws and regulations concerning building work and facility management. They are able to take the economic significance of safe working into account.