On-the-job Development ProjectLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: LT00BY07
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Students will be able to apply project work, development tools and quality thinking to a concrete target of development
Implementation of development project
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students have excellent knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have extensive knowledge of project management and tasks, and an extensive understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group with a high degree of expertise. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students have a good knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have good knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to identify the requirements of project activities to some degree and to implement the project. They are able to conduct reporting independently well.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group fairly well. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students have some knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have some knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project to a certain extent. They are able to conduct reporting independently to a certain extent.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group to some extent.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
RDI portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Hannele Siipola
Students will be able to apply project work, development tools and quality thinking to a concrete target of development
Implementation of development project
Location and time
Opintojakson ajoitus 1.1.2025-31.12.2025. Voit suorittaa opintojakson omaan tahtiin ja voit aloittaa sen suorittamisen milloin haluat.Lukujärjestyksen mukaiset oppitunnit teams-toteutuksena.
Suositeltava kirjallisuus ja oppimateriaalit on ilmoitettu verkko-opintojaksolla.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja lukujärjestyksen mukaiset oppitunnit. Projektin suunnittelu, toteutus ja raportointi. Palautettavat tehtävät: alkumuistio, loppuraportti sekä raportin esittelymateriaali Power point ja projektin esittely.
Employer connections
Opintojakso on suunniteltu tehtäväksi työnantajaorganisaatiossa, mutta mikäli et työskentele tällä hetkellä, voit tarkastella mitä tahansa yritystä/organisaatiota, josta saat tietoa tai esim. harrastustoiminnasta. Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista työntantajan puuttuessa saat opintojakson opettajalta.
Completion alternatives
Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista työntantajan puuttuessa saat opintojakson opettajilta.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op x 27 tuntia = n. 135 tuntia.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso etenee viiden vaiheen kautta, jotka suoritetaan loogisessa järjestyksessä.
Vaihe 1: Kehittämiskohteen etsintä ja valinta
Vaihe 2: Alkumuistion palautus ja hyväksyttäminen
Vaihe 3: Projektin tekeminen ja raportin tekeminen.
Vaihe 4. Loppuraportin ja PP-esityksen laadinta ja palautus
Vaihe 5: Projektin esittely ryhmälle.
Further information
Esitietovaatimukset: Projektitoiminta/Tapahtuman järjestämisen perusteet -opintojakso suoritettu sekä Kehittämistoiminta ja laatutyö -opintojakso suoritettu tai suorittaminen samanaikaisesti.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students have excellent knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have extensive knowledge of project management and tasks, and an extensive understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group with a high degree of expertise. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students have a good knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have good knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to identify the requirements of project activities to some degree and to implement the project. They are able to conduct reporting independently well.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group fairly well. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students have some knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have some knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project to a certain extent. They are able to conduct reporting independently to a certain extent.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group to some extent.
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi muodostuu hyväksyttävästi suoritetuista oppimistehtävistä (alkukartoitus, raportti, raportin esittely esittelytilaisuudessa sekä esittelymateriaali Power point).
Alkukartoitus: hyväksytty/vaatii täydentämistä.
Raportti: arviointi 0-5.
Raportin esittely Power point: hyväksytty/vaatii täydentämistä.
Raportin esittely: hyväksytty/ hylätty.
Raportin palautus viimeistään kaksi viikkoa ja esittelymateriaalien palautus viimeistään viikko ennen esitystilaisuutta. Opintojakson arviointi kahden viikon kuluttua esityksestä. Esittelytilaisuudet lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti opetuspäivien aikana.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Tiedot: Opiskelija tietää hyvin kehittämisprojektien keskeisestä sisällöstä ja soveltamismahdollisuuksista. Opiskelija tuntee hyvin projektihallintoa ja –tehtäviä. Opiskelija ymmärtää hyvin projektitoiminnan laatuvaatimuksia ja riskejä. Tunnistaa hyvin projektitoiminnan edellytyksiä ja miten projekti toteutetaan. Opiskelija osaa hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti. Taidot: Opiskelija tunnistaa hyvin projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttaa hyvin projektin. Opiskelija osaa hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti. Pätevyys: Opiskelija pystyy hyvin arvioimaan projektiryhmän toimintaa. Opiskelija tunnistaa projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttaa projektin hyvin. Opiskelija osaa hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Tiedot:Opiskelija tietää melko hyvin kehittämisprojektien keskeisestä sisällöstä ja soveltamismahdollisuuksista.
Opiskelija tuntee projektihallintoa ja –tehtäviä. Opiskelija ymmärtää osittain projektitoiminnan laatuvaatimuksia ja riskejä. Tunnistaa osittain projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin.Opiskelija osaa jonkin verran tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Taidot: Opiskelija tunnistaa melko hyvin projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin.
Opiskelija osaa melko hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Pätevyys: Opiskelija pystyy melko hyvin arvioimaan projektiryhmän toimintaa. Opiskelija tunnistaa projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin melko hyvin. Opiskelija osaa melko hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Tiedot: Opiskelija tietää jonkin verran kehittämisprojektien keskeisestä sisällöstä ja soveltamismahdollisuuksista. Opiskelija tuntee jonkin verran projektihallintoa ja –tehtäviä.
Opiskelija ymmärtää osittain projektitoiminnan laatuvaatimuksia ja riskejä.
Taidot: Opiskelija tunnistaa osittain projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin.
Opiskelija osaa jonkin verran tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Pätevyys: Opiskelija pystyy jonkin verran arvioimaan projektiryhmän toimintaa.
Project Work, Basics of Development Operations, Quality Thinking and Quality Development
01.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Hannele Siipola
Students will be able to apply project work, development tools and quality thinking to a concrete target of development
Implementation of development project
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students have excellent knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have extensive knowledge of project management and tasks, and an extensive understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group with a high degree of expertise. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students have a good knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have good knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to identify the requirements of project activities to some degree and to implement the project. They are able to conduct reporting independently well.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group fairly well. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students have some knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have some knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project to a certain extent. They are able to conduct reporting independently to a certain extent.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group to some extent.
Project Work, Basics of Development Operations, Quality Thinking and Quality Development
01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
RDI portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Hannele Siipola
- Päivi Auno
Students will be able to apply project work, development tools and quality thinking to a concrete target of development
Implementation of development project
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students have excellent knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have extensive knowledge of project management and tasks, and an extensive understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group with a high degree of expertise. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students have a good knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have good knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to identify the requirements of project activities to some degree and to implement the project. They are able to conduct reporting independently well.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group fairly well. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students have some knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have some knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project to a certain extent. They are able to conduct reporting independently to a certain extent.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group to some extent.
Project Work, Basics of Development Operations, Quality Thinking and Quality Development