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Strength of Materials 1Laajuus (3 cr)

Code: TR00BH68


3 op


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.

Further information

TKI 0 op.


26.07.2025 - 24.08.2025


25.08.2025 - 05.10.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Tarmo Lähdesmäki
  • KRM24S


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.


Statics 1

Further information

TKI 0 op.


30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025


17.03.2025 - 30.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Tarmo Lähdesmäki
  • KRY24S


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Location and time

Taito1 työjärjestyksen mukaisesti


Kurssimateriaali repussa

Teaching methods


Exam schedules

Esitetty kurssimateriaalin alussa

Completion alternatives

Palautettu harjoitustyö ja hyväksytysti suoritettu tentti.

Student workload

Tunneilla ei ole läsnäolopakkoa.

Content scheduling

Esitetty kurssimateriaalin alussa

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Arviointi esitetty kurssimateriaalin alussa.

Harjoitustyön arviointikriteerit esitetty repussa portfolio - välilehdellä.

Tenttitehtävien pisteytyskriteerit julkaistaan opiskelijoille tentin jälkeen.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Opiskelija osaa käyttää asiantuntevasti staattisesti määrättyjen rakenteiden jännitystilojen analysointiin liittyviä laskentamenetelmiä, osaa soveltaa oppimaansa päättelyä vaativien ongelmien ratkaisuun ja on hankkinut laskentatekniikkaan liittyvien työkalujen käyttöön liittyvän perusrutiinin.

Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Opiskelija osaa toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti ratkaistessaan staattisesti määrättyjen rakenteiden jännityksiin liittyviä ongelmia. Laskelmien esitystapa on selkeä ja johdonmukainen.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Opiskelija osaa käyttää asianmukaisesti lujuusopin laskentamenetelmiä yksinkertaisten staattisesti määrättyjen rakenteiden jännitysten ja muodonmuutosten laskentaan.


Statics 1

Further information

TKI 0 op.


01.12.2023 - 31.01.2024


18.03.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Tarmo Lähdesmäki
  • KRY23S


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.


Statics 1

Further information

TKI 0 op.


01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 15.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Tarmo Lähdesmäki
  • KRM22S


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.


Statics 1

Further information

TKI 0 op.


02.12.2022 - 31.01.2023


20.03.2023 - 30.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Jari Kurtelius
  • KRY22S


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.


Statics 1

Further information

TKI 0 op.


01.12.2021 - 31.01.2022


28.03.2022 - 30.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Engineering

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Jari Kurtelius
  • KRY21SRaa


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.


Statics 1

Further information

TKI 0 op.


01.12.2021 - 31.01.2022


21.03.2022 - 25.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Jari Kurtelius
  • KRY21S


Students will comprehend the effects of different stress and cross-sectional shape on structural tension and changes in structure shape.


The link between stress and changes in shape
Tension, compression, cutting
Bending stress of a straight beam
Changes in the shape of the structure
The concepts of buckling, lateral torsional instability, buckling of plate

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use calculation methods for analysing the tension of statically defined structures with expertise and can apply their acquired knowledge to solve complex problems. They can use calculation tools with routine and understand the main factors affecting dynamic certainty.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to solve tension problems associated with statically defined structures as required. They are able to present their calculations clearly and systematically.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use strength calculation methods for simple tension and deformation analyses concerning statically defined structures.


Statics 1

Further information

TKI 0 op.