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Innovation ManagementLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: LY00CC22


5 op


  • englanti


The student understands the importance of innovations and knows the stages of the innovation process, the most important concepts and financing models of innovation activities, and is able to apply the innovation process in their own work tasks. He gets the skills to apply
innovation management methods as part of the development of their field.
After completing the course, the student has the ability to develop research and work community activities
development project planning.
Future research methods provide tools to identify the future of the industry
alternative developments. Students gain the ability to apply future research methods as part of their own field and business development.
After completing the course, the student is able to develop the company's business in accordance with a flexible strategy process


The importance of innovation
Key concepts of innovation
Innovation process and its management
Examples of innovation activities
Innovation environment and financing of innovation activities
Utilization of scenarios in business development
Foresight tools and operating environment analysis
Exploring the future
Foresight in strategic decision making