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Degree Programme in Advanced Practice Nurse 90 cr (SKY25S): SKY25S

Code: SKY25S

Master of Healthcare

Degree title:
Master of Health Care, Nursing (AMK)
Master of Health Care, Public Health Nursing, AMK

90 ects

2 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027

(Choose ects: 30)

YA00BU16 Development of the Advanced Clinical Practitioner’s Role in Palliative Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU17 Patient-centred Nursing Process in Palliative Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU18 Advanced Nursing Practice in Palliative care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU19 Person-centred Palliative Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU20 Multidisciplinary knowledge and interprofessional collaboration in palliative care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU21 Diverse interaction in palliative care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU22 Evidence Based Knowledge Management and Development in Palliative Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5

(Choose all )

YA00BR22 Strategic Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5

(Choose all )

YA00BR13 Research and Development Methodology 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BR16 Data Analyses and Interpretation 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
SYJT061 Development of Evidence-based Work 5 5 5 2.5 2.5

(Choose ects: 10)

YA00CF30 Inhimillisesti, sosiaalisesti ja ekologisesti kestävä kehitys 5
YA00BR61 Studying and Working in International Environment 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU10 Social and Health Care Law 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BR21 Competence Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU15 Effectiveness evaluation 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BR18 Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU12 Project Competence and Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00BU06 Self Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00CC36 Using RAI Comparative Information in Management and Development 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YA00CC37 Social and Health Service System and Societal Influence 5 5 5 2.5 2.5

(Choose all )

YA00BT45 Master Thesis 30 10 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5
Total 90 70 60 25 45 50 10 12.5 12.5 22.5 22.5 25 25 5 5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

YAMK_Yhteiset kompetenssit

Osaamisen kuvaus, ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto


-osaa monipuolisesti ja tavoitteellisesti arvioida ja kehittää asiantuntijuuttaan
- osaa hankkia, käsitellä, tuottaa ja arvioida tietoa kriittisesti ja eri alojen näkökulmista
- kykenee ottamaan vastuuta yhteisön tavoitteellisesta

Research and Development Methodology
Data Analyses and Interpretation
Project Competence and Management
Self Management
Master Thesis

-kykenee ottamaan vastuuta yhteisön toiminnasta ja sen seurauksista
- osaa soveltaa alansa ammattieettisiä periaatteita asiantuntijana ja työelämän kehittäjänä
- osaa tehdä ratkaisuja ottaen huomioon yksilön ja yhteisön näkökulmat
- osaa edistää tasa-arvoisuuden periaatteiden toteutumista työyhteisössä
- osaa edistää kestävän kehityksen periaatteiden ja yhteiskuntavastuun toteutumista
- kykenee johtamaan yhteiskunnallisesti vaikuttavaa toimintaa eettisiin arvoihin perustuen

Strategic Management
Research and Development Methodology
Data Analyses and Interpretation
Development of Evidence-based Work
Social and Health Care Law
Competence Management
Effectiveness evaluation
Self Management
Master Thesis

-osaa kehittää työyhteisön toimintaa ja työhyvinvointia
- osaa kehittää työelämän monialaista viestintää ja vuorovaikutusta
- osaa soveltaa tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa tehtävissään
- osaa luoda verkostoja ja kumppanuuksia
- osaa johtaa ja uudistaa toimintaa monimutkaisissa ja ennakoimattomissa toimintaympäristöissä
- kykenee toimimaan vaativissa asiantuntijatehtävissä, johtamistehtävissä tai yrittäjänä

Strategic Management
Development of Evidence-based Work
Studying and Working in International Environment
Social and Health Care Law
Competence Management
Effectiveness evaluation
Self Management
Master Thesis

-osaa tuottaa uutta tietoa ja uudistaa toimintatapoja yhdistäen eri alojen osaamista
- osaa johtaa projekteja
- osaa johtaa tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiohankkeita sekä
hallitsee tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminnan menetelmiä
- osaa kehittää asiakaslähtöistä, kestävää ja taloudellisesti kannattavaa toimintaa

Strategic Management
Research and Development Methodology
Data Analyses and Interpretation
Studying and Working in International Environment
Effectiveness evaluation
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Project Competence and Management
Master Thesis

-kykenee kansainväliseen viestintään työtehtävissään ja toiminnan kehittämisessä
- osaa toimia kansainvälisissä toimintaympäristöissä
- osaa ennakoida kansainvälisyyskehityksen vaikutuksia ja mahdollisuuksia omalla ammattialallaan

Strategic Management
Studying and Working in International Environment
Project Competence and Management
Master Thesis

The students are able to apply their skills and knowledge in the use of technological solutions in their own professional field and to develop new business models and services. In teams with members from different fields and disciplines, they are able to evaluate and develop activities aiming to develop solutions for a variety of working life contexts.

Data Analyses and Interpretation
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Not grouped
Development of the Advanced Clinical Practitioner’s Role in Palliative Care
Patient-centred Nursing Process in Palliative Care
Advanced Nursing Practice in Palliative care
Person-centred Palliative Care
Multidisciplinary knowledge and interprofessional collaboration in palliative care
Diverse interaction in palliative care
Evidence Based Knowledge Management and Development in Palliative Care
Inhimillisesti, sosiaalisesti ja ekologisesti kestävä kehitys
Using RAI Comparative Information in Management and Development
Social and Health Service System and Societal Influence


01. Evidenced-based Practice

-Initiates and co-ordinates applied health care research in purpose of incorporating best evidence-based practices to meet client and service needs.
-Critically appraises relevant evidence and integrates applicable research results when providing social and health-care services.
-Carries out applied research, which contributes to the quality of client-centred care and services.
-Enhances the professional body of multidisciplinary knowledge on health care both nationally and internationally.

No attached course units

02. Research and Development

-Plans and collaborates in development activities by producing innovations through multiprofessional collaboration to improve the quality of health care services.
-Applies results of research and other forms of evidence in order to improve processes and outcomes of clinical practice.
-Disseminates research results, new knowledge and innovations in order to promote implementation of evidence-based practice.

No attached course units

03. Renewing leadership

-Renews and develops health services in accordance with the organization's strategy in her/his own field of clinical expertise.
-Creates, participates, manages and reforms networks that develop advanced practice and enhance wellbeing and health outcomes of the population in focus.
-Uses effective communication strategies with clients and other parties involved.
-Acts as a preceptor, mentor, role model and trainer of advanced practice in multidisciplinary teams and networks by utilizing digital communication and taking into account community-based and ethical perspectives.
-Advocates for and participates in creating an organization that supports safe client care, collaborative practice, occupational health of staff and development of competences.

No attached course units

04. Quality improvement and effectiveness

-Uses best available evidence to continuously monitor and improve quality of practice.
-Develops the quality and quality management of health and wellbeing services that promote customer and patient safety.
-Monitors the quality and outcomes of own practice and participates in continuous quality improvement.
-Evaluates the relationships among access, cost, quality, safety and clinical efficacy and their influence on clinical decision-making and health care.
-Analyzes and utilizes measurement methods and indicators of health services.
-Uses indicators to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the outcomes of strategies, services and interventions.
-Critically evaluates how organization-related factors such as processes impact the quality of health care.
-Contributes to the development of health policy and public health agenda and promotes the advanced practitioner role development in clinical, professional and political contexts.

No attached course units

05. Counselling and developing working community

-Coordinates the work of a multiprofessional team responsible for the client’s care.
-Educates others in the working community using advanced practice competencies.
-Supports staff to commit to continuous development of patient education

No attached course units

06. Counselling and developing counselling of clients/patients and their family

-Masters dialogical communication in challenging client and care situations.
-Applies advanced expert knowledge in designing, choosing counselling methods and implementing patient education together with the client to engage the client to his/her own care.
-Designs, implements, critically evaluates and develops evidence-based educational interventions, methods and materials for different kinds of needs of individuals and groups by using modern methods.

No attached course units

07. Health Assessment and Diagnosis

-Applies and synthesizes advanced-level knowledge on anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology and other relevant fields of science in the assessment of client’s care needs.
-Assesses the complex and/or unstable health care needs of the person receiving care through identification of the impact of comorbidities, the prior
treatments to health and recognizes through prioritization the most important anamnestic data.
-Demonstrates advanced skills and knowledge on comprehensive holistic clinical examination of health status (including physical, mental, ethnic, cultural dimensions of health) using evidence-based frameworks, tools and techniques.
-Evaluates the client’s health status and need for care (diagnosis) in partnership with the client recognizing individual needs.
-Orders and/or performs screening and diagnostic investigations, interprets results using evidence-informed clinical reasoning and critical inquiry, and assumes responsibility for follow-up of client’s health status and care.
-Identifies, evaluates and synthesizes evidence-based conclusions on client’s health situations and state of health/illness by performing autonomous clinical decision-making and differential diagnosis based on comprehensive health history, physical examination and laboratory and other health parameters in her/his scope of practice.
-Communicates with clients and his/her next of kin about health assessment findings and/or diagnosis, care, and follow-up.
-Performs a complete documentation on health history, clinical findings, diagnosis, possible medication and further actions/therapeutic interventions to the electronic patient record.

No attached course units

08. Direct clinical care

-Integrates a body of evidence from clinical guidelines and evidence-based interventions to clinical decision-making in the patient’s individual situation.
-Makes the clinical decision together with the client and her/his next of kin and in multiprofessional collaboration, taking into account the clients’ individual health status.
-Takes responsibility for autonomous decisions as an advanced nurse practitioner, concerning selecting appropriate interventions from a range of non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions, implements the care plan, monitors the health condition and assesses the fulfilment of the goals of the care plan.
-Exhibits comprehensive knowledge of therapeutic interventions, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological advanced nursing interventions in the
clinical decision-making.
-Critically evaluates and discusses with the client and her/his next of kin on the use of complementary and alternative therapies, and considers the benefits and risks to clients’ health and safety. Guides the patient to reliable information sources.
-Counsels clients on medication therapy, benefits, potential side effects, interactions, importance of compliance and recommended follow-up.
-Advanced practice nurse with prescriptive authority

No attached course units

09. Health promotion and prevention of illness

-Applies advanced competencies on health promotion and prevention of diseases in individual, family, community and society levels while implementing clinical nursing through preventing occurrence of health risks.
-Initiates or participates in her/his advanced scope of practice in the evaluation of health promotion and interventions as well as strategical development.

No attached course units

10. Planning continuity of care, referral and consultation

-Creates the client’s plan of care and follow-up in her/his advanced scope of practice, refers and consults other members of the multiprofessional team when needed.
-Consults and /or acts as a consultant by using a variety of consultation and communication methods such as distance consultation in her/his advanced scope of practice.

No attached course units

Not grouped
Development of the Advanced Clinical Practitioner’s Role in Palliative Care
Patient-centred Nursing Process in Palliative Care
Advanced Nursing Practice in Palliative care
Person-centred Palliative Care
Multidisciplinary knowledge and interprofessional collaboration in palliative care
Diverse interaction in palliative care
Evidence Based Knowledge Management and Development in Palliative Care
Strategic Management
Research and Development Methodology
Data Analyses and Interpretation
Development of Evidence-based Work
Inhimillisesti, sosiaalisesti ja ekologisesti kestävä kehitys
Studying and Working in International Environment
Social and Health Care Law
Competence Management
Effectiveness evaluation
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Project Competence and Management
Self Management
Using RAI Comparative Information in Management and Development
Social and Health Service System and Societal Influence
Master Thesis