Getting to Know MentoringLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: AV00CJ65
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Tuula Rajander
The participant understands the significance of mentoring and can utilize it as a method for developing competencies. The participant masters different forms of mentoring and can assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The participant is able to evaluate and apply different mentoring methods in various mentoring contexts and relationships. The participant can analyze the key factors of a quality mentoring process. The participant can design a mentoring program and process.
Knowledge base of mentoring
Mentoring approaches and forms
Mentoring methods
Organizing a mentoring program
Kupias & Salo. Mentorointi 4.0.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The course is passed when the participant understands and can explain the significance of mentoring as a method for developing competencies and masters its knowledge base. They master and can utilize different forms of mentoring and are able to assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The student understands various mentoring methods and can apply them in their work, and they understand, can explain, and can design a quality mentoring process and program.
01.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 15
- Tuula Rajander
Scheduling groups
- KAMK Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 15.)
Small groups
- KAMK Open UAS 1
The participant understands the significance of mentoring and can utilize it as a method for developing competencies. The participant masters different forms of mentoring and can assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The participant is able to evaluate and apply different mentoring methods in various mentoring contexts and relationships. The participant can analyze the key factors of a quality mentoring process. The participant can design a mentoring program and process.
Knowledge base of mentoring
Mentoring approaches and forms
Mentoring methods
Organizing a mentoring program
Location and time
A nonstop course that can be started according to one's own schedule during the year 2025.
Kupias & Salo. Mentorointi 4.0.
Teaching methods
The course is completed as independent study in the Reppu online learning environment. The course includes multiple-choice assignments as well as a final assignment, which is assessed by the course instructor.
Employer connections
The course assignment is carried out in the workplace.
Exam schedules
Nonstop-exams at Reppu-environment.
Completion alternatives
To be arranged with the teacher.
Student workload
3 cr = 81 hours of student's own work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The course is passed when the participant understands and can explain the significance of mentoring as a method for developing competencies and masters its knowledge base. They are proficient in utilizing different forms of mentoring and can assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The student is skilled in various mentoring methods and can apply them in their work, and they understand, can explain, and can design a quality mentoring process and program.
Content scheduling
Knowledge base of mentoring
Mentoring approaches and forms
Mentoring methods
Planning a mentoring program
Further information
Tekoälyn käyttäminen kokoavassa tehtävässä on sallittu, mutta siitä ja sen roolista tulee kertoa työssä selkeästi. Tekoälyn käytön ilmoittamatta jättäminen tulkitaan vilpiksi. Väärinkäytöksestä seuraa KAMKin ohjeiden mukaisesti opintojakson hylkääminen ja opintojakson tai tehtävän uudelleen suorittaminen.
Hyväksiluku- ja AHOT-tapauksissa ota suoraan yhteys opintojakson opettajaan.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The course is passed when the participant understands and can explain the significance of mentoring as a method for developing competencies and masters its knowledge base. They master and can utilize different forms of mentoring and are able to assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The student understands various mentoring methods and can apply them in their work, and they understand, can explain, and can design a quality mentoring process and program.
01.01.2024 - 30.11.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Tuula Rajander
Scheduling groups
- Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 15.)
Small groups
- Open UAS 1
The participant understands the significance of mentoring and can utilize it as a method for developing competencies. The participant masters different forms of mentoring and can assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The participant is able to evaluate and apply different mentoring methods in various mentoring contexts and relationships. The participant can analyze the key factors of a quality mentoring process. The participant can design a mentoring program and process.
Knowledge base of mentoring
Mentoring approaches and forms
Mentoring methods
Organizing a mentoring program
Location and time
A nonstop course that can be started according to one's own schedule during the year 2024.
Kupias & Salo. Mentorointi 4.0
Teaching methods
The course is completed as independent study in the Reppu online learning environment. The course includes multiple-choice assignments as well as a final assignment, which is assessed by the course instructor.
Employer connections
The course assignment is carried out in the workplace.
Exam schedules
Nonstop-exams at Reppu-environment.
International connections
Completion alternatives
To be arranged with the teacher.
Student workload
3 cr = 81 hours of student's own work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The course is passed when the participant understands and can explain the significance of mentoring as a method for developing competencies and masters its knowledge base. They are proficient in utilizing different forms of mentoring and can assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The student is skilled in various mentoring methods and can apply them in their work, and they understand, can explain, and can design a quality mentoring process and program.
Content scheduling
Knowledge base of mentoring
Mentoring approaches and forms
Mentoring methods
Planning a mentoring program
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The course is passed when the participant understands and can explain the significance of mentoring as a method for developing competencies and masters its knowledge base. They master and can utilize different forms of mentoring and are able to assess their applicability in various mentoring situations and relationships. The student understands various mentoring methods and can apply them in their work, and they understand, can explain, and can design a quality mentoring process and program.