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Gerontological Nursing and Home Care (7 cr)

Code: SH00BL48-3008

General information


14.02.2022 - 28.02.2022


01.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish


  • Sirpa Parviainen
  • Katja Räisänen


  • SH20ST_OKM


The students will be aware of the legislation, strategies and recommendations that regulate services for the elderly.
The students will be able to describe an age-friendly service structure and explain the importance of living at home.
The students will be able to assess the physical, mental, social and cognitive abilities of the elderly and identify physical and mental capability risk factors
The students will be able to describe the customer and service management model.
The students will be able to explain the main geriatric diseases based on evidence and will master holistic nursing.
The students will be able to promote the health of the elderly and implement nursing of the elderly in a manner that supports the autonomy and inclusion of the elderly, within a variety of operational environments.
The students will be able to utilize technology supporting living at home, communication, health monitoring and services.
The students will be able to understand the special features of medicating the elderly and are able to implement and evaluate medical treatment for the elderly.
The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate palliative nursing and the care of a dying patient, while supporting the patient’s next-of-kin.


Socially and economically sustainable service system for the elderly and the legislation and recommendations that guide it.
Customer and service guidance. Care and service plan.
Ethical issues and value base in gerontological nursing
Aging, changes that occur during the aging process, mental and physical capacity and its assessment. Anticipating changes mental and physical capacity.
Promoting healthy and mentally and physically active aging and supporting the mental and physical resources of the elderly.
Safe medical treatment, dosage calculation.
The most common geriatric diseases and their care.
Wound Care
Multi-professional cooperation and collaboration with relatives/loved ones.
Accessibility, intelligent building technology, home-help robots and various technological applications. Communication Technology. Electronic services
Planning, implementing and evaluating palliative nursing and the care of a dying patient.

Location and time

Gerontologinen hoitotyö ja kotihoito OKM 2022

1.3. 8.00-9.30 2h Orientaatio ja ikääntymismuutokset 100% läsnäolo
17.3. 12.30-15.45 4h Palvelujärjestelmä, eettisyys ikääntyneen hoitotyössä
23.3 12.30-15.45 4h Ikääntyneen turvallinen lääkehoito ja lääkelaskut 100% läsnäolo
30.3. 12.30-15.45 4h Muistisairaanhoitotyö
6.4. 12.30-15.45 4h Kotona asumista tukevat ratkaisut ja teknologia
14.4. 10.00-16.00 4h Palliatiivinen ja saattohoito
21.4. 8.00-14.00 6h Terveyden ja toimintakyvyn edistäminen, kuntoutusosaaminen 100% lo
27.4. 12.30-15.45 4h Simulaatio koko ryhmä Studio K? 100% läsnäolo
29.4. 8.00-16.00 4h Simulaatiot pienryhmillä kotihoidon tila 100% läsnäolo


Gerontologia- kirja Duodecim
Geriatria- kirja Duodecim
Ikääntynyt ihminen ja hoitotyö -kirja Sanoma Pro
Muu opettajan osoittama materiaali
Verkkomateriaali mm. devmoodlessa

Teaching methods

Aktivoivat opetusmenetelmät, itsenäinen opiskelu ja simulaatiot
Skhole- verkko-opiskeluympäristö ja valtakunnallinen sähköinen koe

Exam schedules


Lääkelaskujen 1. uusinta

Geriatrian tentti Skholessa

Lopputehtävä 30.4.2022 mennessä

Student workload

7 op = 189 h

Further information

Simulaatioihin pukeudutaan hoitotyön suojavaatteisiin.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa

Assessment methods and criteria

Lopputehtävä 1-5/hyl
Oppimispäiväkirja hyv/hyl
Lääkelaskut hyv/hyl
Geriatrian tentti hyv/hyl