Event Management (5 cr)
Code: BY00BX49-3017
General information
01.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
- Annamaija Juntunen
- Päivi Auno
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
Location and time
Kevät 2023
Oppimateriaalit ovat verkossa saatavaa kirjallisuutta ja verkkoluentonouhotteita
Teaching methods
Monimuotototeutus - kontaktitunteja, itsenäinen tehtävä, netissä tehtävä tentti
Exam schedules
Projektitoiminnan tentti on auki kevätlukukauden 2023, suoritusaika opiskelijan aikatauluun sopien. Tenttimateriaalit on esitetty oppimisalustalla.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso koostuu kahdesta osioista, jotka arvioidaan erikseen osasuorituksina ja yhdistettään sitten kokonaisarvosanaksi: projektitoiminta ja tapahtuman järjestäminen. Molempien osioiden painokerron on yhtä suuri.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed