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Pneumatics and Hydraulics (4 cr)

Code: TK00BW82-3008

General information


30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 30.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering


  • Hannu Tornberg


  • KKT23S
  • 13.01.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 20.01.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 27.01.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 03.02.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 10.02.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 17.02.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 24.02.2025 12:30 - 18:00, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008/Kaolla labrat Varaus Ryhmä A
  • 25.02.2025 12:30 - 14:00, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008/ Teoriatunnit
  • 10.03.2025 12:30 - 18:00, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008/ labrat ryhmä B
  • 11.03.2025 12:30 - 14:00, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 17.03.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 24.03.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 31.03.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 07.04.2025 12:45 - 15:15, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008
  • 14.04.2025 12:30 - 18:00, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008/ Labrat varaus KAO
  • 29.04.2025 08:00 - 15:00, Pneumatiikka ja hydrauliikka TK00BW82-3008


The student knows the basics and components of pneumatics and hydraulics and knows how to apply them in machine automation devices and knows maintenance-related issues.


Producing and transferring compressed air
Compressed air components
Design and control of compressed air systems

Hydraulic energy
Hydraulic components
Hydraulic system design and control


We will announce it during the course.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student uses professional concepts expertly and knows how to apply professional knowledge appropriately in different situations.
The student is able to choose the best possible and available pneumatics/hydraulics method for each situation. The student is able to develop methods so that they are suitable for use in different situations in an economical way.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student uses professional concepts fluently and widely and knows how to evaluate the applicability of methods in different tasks in different operating environments.
The student understands the economic importance of pneumatics/hydraulics in industrial operations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student recognizes the main methods of pneumatics/hydraulics and their fields of application and uses professional concepts consistently.
The student becomes aware of the importance of knowing pneumatics/hydraulics methods in industrial operations.