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Professional Internship in Social Services (15 cr)

Code: SO00CA81-3003

General information


19.08.2024 - 31.05.2025


01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services


  • Susanna Veteläinen
  • Kaisa Kepanen
  • Maija Leinonen
  • Jenni Korhonen
  • Veera Rinne


  • SOS23SKuu
  • SOS23SB
  • SOS23SA
  • 11.12.2024 10:00 - 11:00, Sosionomin ammatillinen harjoittelu SO00CA81-3003
  • 12.12.2024 10:00 - 11:30, Sosionomin ammatillinen harjoittelu SO00CA81-3003
  • 13.02.2025 12:15 - 13:45, Sosionomin ammatillinen harjoittelu SO00CA81-3003
  • 15.04.2025 08:00 - 09:30, SOS23SKuu_Sosionomin ammatillinen harjoittelu SO00CA81-3003
  • 16.05.2025 09:45 - 11:15, Sosionomin ammatillinen harjoittelu SO00CA81-3003


Description: The students can select the practical training place/internship according to their own professional interests. If the student wishes to accomplish the early childhood education qualification required by the Early Childhoo Education Act as a part of the social services degree, they should complete their practical training in an early childhood education environment.

During the first week, the student will be introduced to the work community's activities, instructions and regulations governing work and community activities by the person in charge of the internship. The student will work as an active observer and develop an understanding of the issues that are important in promoting a smooth workflow. From the second week onwards, the student will take on a more active role in the work community, participating in the planning, production and evaluation of services. With the help of regular guidance and feedback, the student will be assisted in gaining in-depth work management skills.

During the practical training period, the student will gain practical knowledge and competencies in working with clients, customer guidance, documentation, and record-keeping practices and the customer process. The students will become familiar with the processes and functions of the work unit in a variety of ways. They will gain experience in working with different professionals and networks. The students will be instructed to familiarize themselves with the management of the work community and with creating conditions for a functioning work community and forming suitable financial conditions for the service. The students are encouraged to adopt a critical and reflective approach to their work and thinking. When defining goals and competencies, the student must determine, in addition to the set competencies of the practical training period, 3 to 5 goals, the implementation of which will be monitored during the internship.

Objectives of the practical training period:

Customer work and case management:
The students
- will be able to act ethically in different customer and work community situations and are familiar with the legislation governing the service.
- will be able to plan, implement and evaluate the customer service process in an inclusive manner
- will be able to guide and supervise clients in various digital environments and in the use of services
- will be able to engage with and guide the client in different life situations and with methods and work orientation that enhance the client's well-being and life situation
- will be able to guide customers, customer groups and communities in a targeted, empowering and inclusive way
- will be able to engage with customers who come from different backgrounds and have different life situations in a culturally sensitive way

Documentation, data collection and utilization:
The students will
- know the customer information documentation practices of the service area.
- become familiar with the regulations and guidelines for the use, storage, security and confidentiality of customer data.

Inter-professionalism and networking
The students
- will be able to act as an active social services expert and justify issues that are in the client's interest within interprofessional and multidisciplinary cooperation
- will become acquainted with cooperation with different service sectors (public, private and third sector)

Critical and inclusive approach:
The students
- will be capable of professional critical reflection
- will be able to promote the inclusion and citizens' opportunities to participate and will be able to work with different actors.

Management and development work:
The students will be
- familiar with the financial, operational strategy and personnel management practices of the service area
- will understand the key development needs and goals of the service area

In addition, in early childhood education, the students will:
- be able to design, implement, document and evaluate early childhood learning environments, operating culture and different areas of expertise.
- understand the guiding role and opportunities of a social services professional in working with families in the best interests of the child and in supporting growth and development.
- recognize their own understanding of people and the theory that guides working with families.
- be able to react empathetically to the different life situations of families and encounter difference/diversity in an ethically sustainable and professional way.
- know the regulations and practices of data transfer and confidentiality.
- will be able to plan and implement a meaningful activity / project that supports growth and development.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5


Ennen ammatillista harjoittelua opiskelijalla tulee olla suoritettuna / hyväksyttynä:

Orientoiva harjoittelu 10 op (PO)
Ammatillinen osaaminen sosiaalialan asiakastyössä 5 op (PO)
Palveluohjaus ja asiakastyön orientaatiot sosiaalialalla 5 op (AO)
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelujärjestelmän perusteet 5 op (PO)
Asiakkaan osallisuuden tukeminen 2 op (PO)
Eettisyys asiakkaan kohtaamisessa ja ohjaamisessa 5 op (AO)

Varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomin kelpoisuuden suorittavat opiskelijat:
Varhaiskasvatuksen perusteet 5 op (AO)

Further information

Before the professional internship the students must have successfully accomplished:
Initial Practical Training 19 cr
Basics of Early Childhood Education 5 cr .
Ethical Principles in Customer Contacts and Instruction 5 cr
Introduction to Case Management and Working with Customers in Social Services 5 cr

Length of the practical training period: 405 hours in total, approx. 11 weeks (depending on hours/week)
Assessment: Pass/Needs more/Fail