Speech Communication for Professionals (3 cr)
Code: AV00CH57-3002
General information
01.01.2024 - 30.11.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Teacher in charge
Tuula Rajander
Scheduling groups
- Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
- Open UAS 1
Opinnoissa keskitytään erilaisiin työelämän puheviestintätilanteisiin ja niihin valmistautumiseen. Opinnoissa saadaan eväitä asiantuntijan selkeään, tavoitteelliseen ja vaikuttavaan puheviestintään. Lisäksi käsitellään mm. esiintymisjännitystä ja sen hallintaa.
Minä viestijänä, sanattomat viestit, havainnollistaminen, vaikuttava viestintä, esiintymisjännitys.
Location and time
The course can be completed independently according to one's own schedule in the Reppu learning environment.
Lohtaja-Ahonen, S. & Kaihovirta-Rapo, M. (2012). Tehoa työelämän viestintään. AlmaTalent. (Luku 2: Viestintä, sivut 11 - 32).
Lehtipuu, U. & Mustakallio, A. (2021). Elämäsi paras puhe. AlmaTalent. (Luku 7: Puhe joka tilanteeseen, sivut 98 - 124).
Teaching methods
Independent study in an online learning environment.
Employer connections
Exam schedules
Exams as nonstop in Reppu-environment.
International connections
Completion alternatives
Student workload
3 cr = 81 hours of student's own work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student can employ various methods for visualizing speech presentations. They can tailor their speech presentation to the target audience based on audience analysis. They know how to use different argumentation techniques in their speech presentations and can analyze and evaluate the argumentation of their communication partner.
The student is aware of factors influencing stage fright and knows and can utilize methods to accept and alleviate it.
The student can create and deliver an impactful speech.
The student is able to integrate communication analysis and the planning and execution of communication tasks into the theoretical background of communication.
Content scheduling
Me as a communicator; Nonverbal messages; Remember to use visual aids; Effective communicator; Butterflies in your stomach?; Becoming a skilled presenter
Further information
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Opiskelija pohtii omaa viestijäkuvaansa analyyttisesti ja hän kykenee nostamaan siinä esiin vahvuuksiaan ja kehittämiskohteitaan puheviestijänä.
Opiskelija kykenee analysoimaan viestintäkumppanin sanatonta viestintää eri osa-alueiden kannalta. Hän ottaa myös huomioon sanallisen viestinnän omassa esiintymisessään.
Opiskelija kykenee käyttämään erilaisia puhe-esityksen havainnollistamisen keinoja. Hän pystyy kohdentamaan puhe-esityksen kuulija-analyysin perusteella kohdeyleisölle. Hän osaa käyttää puhe-esityksessään erilaisia argumentoinnin keinoja ja pystyy myös analysoimaan ja arvioimaan viestintäkumppanin argumentointia.
Opiskelija tietää esiintymisjännitykseen vaikuttavia seikkoja sekä tuntee ja osaa hyödyntää keinoja sen hyväksymiseen ja lieventämiseen.
Opiskelija kykenee laatimaan ja esittämään vaikuttavan puheenvuoron
Assessment methods and criteria
Learning Diary
(Accepted: The student can analyze and reflect on what they have learned in different sections of the course and connect it to practical communication situations. The student can realistically assess their areas for development. / To be completed: One of the above criteria is not met.)
Personal Communicator Profile Video
(Accepted: The student can produce a video lasting at least 2 minutes, clearly explaining themselves as a speaker by answering at least some of the questions presented above. The student can realistically assess their communication skills, including their strengths and areas for development. / To be completed: One of the above criteria is not met.)
Analysis of Nonverbal Communication
(Accepted: The student can analyze the nonverbal communication of examples based on the concepts presented in the theoretical materials. They can distinguish their own opinions from the information provided by the sources and cite the references in the text. / To be completed: One of the above criteria is not met.)
Illustration and Targeting Exercise
(Accepted: The student can create a clear speech plan that takes the target audience into account and justify their choices based on theoretical background. They can execute a video lasting about three minutes, presenting a speech based on their plan to a fictional audience. The student uses appropriate illustrative techniques relevant to the presentation and topic. / To be completed: One or more of the above criteria are not met.)
Argumentation Analysis
(Accepted: The student can evaluate the arguments in the target advertisements in relation to the theoretical background. They can distinguish their own opinions from the information in the source materials, including source citations. / To be completed: One of the above criteria is not met.)
Impactful Speech Video Task
(Accepted: The student can plan and execute a speech aiming to have an impact, lasting about 3-4 minutes and having a clear structure. / To be completed: One of the above criteria is not met.)
Online Exam
(20 true/false statements. Each correct answer scores one point. Incorrect answers score 0 points. The exam is accepted if at least 14 points are achieved.)