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Strategic Marketing (5 cr)

Code: YA00BS43-3010

General information


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 15.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


KAMK Master School

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Master´s Degree in Responsible Business Management


  • Mervi Väisänen


  • AYM24S
  • TLY24S
  • LYL24SV
  • SJY24S
  • LYL24S
  • ALY24S
  • SYT24S


The student understands the importance of strategic marketing thinking as part of the company's
business strategy development. He/she will have an overview of the tasks of marketing and
processes of marketing in the strategic management of a company's business model. The student will be able to
marketing concepts and can analyse the strategic marketing strategies of a company in a customer-oriented way.
strategic development opportunities and needs in a changing business environment in a customer-oriented manner.


Strategic marketing as part of strategic management
Basic marketing processes in business strategy
Strategic analysis of the marketing environment of a company
Changing customer needs and trends, the value of the customer relationship
Customer-oriented development of activities and products
The role of brand and image in business strategy
Implementing strategic marketing in companies


Repussa olevat materiaalit ja ilmoitettu kirjallisuus.

Teaching methods

Yhden lukukauden aikana itsenäisesti suoritettavat tehtävät annettua (osoitettua) materiaalia hyödyntäen.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been achieved to an exceptionally high-level demonstrating the following attributes:
• Exceptional understanding, exploration, insight and application of the theories and concepts learned.
• Clear adherence to all specifications for the assessment task where appropriate
• The organisation, structure and standard of assignments are of very high quality throughout
• Offer stimulating and rigorous arguments that are likely to be at the limits of what may be expected at this level
• The course assignments have been executed/performed in an original way
• Outstanding ability to reach appropriate decisions based on incomplete or complex evidence
• Evidence of very high-quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Evidence of outstanding problem-solving skills
• Evidence of outstanding ability to address complex issues both systematically and creatively

Assessment criteria, good (3)

All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been met fully at a good or very good standard demonstrating the following attributes:
• Good to very good understanding, exploration, insight and application of the theories and concepts learned.
• No significant inaccuracies, misunderstandings or errors
• Clear adherence to all specifications for the assessment task
• The organisation, structure and standard of assignments are of reasonable to good quality throughout
• Ability to present structured, clear and concise arguments
• The assignments have been approached and executed in a comprehensive way with some degree of originality
• Evidence of reasonable to good quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Evidence of sufficient problem solving skills

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been met demonstrating the following attributes:
• Demonstrate sound understanding and exploration, some insight and/or appropriate research
• Some minor inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings of concepts, theories or literature – small but not significant errors
• Some minor deviation from the specifications for the assessment task
• Meet the minimum standard to organize and present with some adherence to the subject-specific conventions
• Demonstrate some ability to develop an argument but can lack fluency


Understanding the concepts and basic processes of marketing