International Business in Emerging Markets (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: LY00BJ59-3007
Toteutuksen perustiedot
01.01.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.09.2025 - 31.10.2025
5 op
5 op
3 op
KAMK Master School
- Englanti
- Master's Degree in International Business Management
- Ruey Komulainen
The course aims to provide the participants with the theoretical models for organizing and managing a multi-national network of subsidiaries and other strategic relationships focusing on high growth emerging markets. The course demonstrates the decisions affecting the international expansion of the firm, and connect these to the higher risks emerging markets which typically provide greater opportunities for higher returns or costs savings. Such knowledge and competencies are highly important especially for companies that are familiar with highly developed and stable environment. Exploring such emerging new territories with growth potentials for expansion requires the global managers to extend their knowledge horizon, and critical analysis skills to better manage such markets with more success with a set of conceptual tools that will help them navigate through such muddy water with higher precision and success. Such knowledge will also increase the effectiveness of managing challenges in a multi-national network environment.
Definition of emerging market
Importance of emerging markets and how do they differ from developed markets
Management of key risks, challenges, and issues in such type of markets
National differences in the emerging markets business environment and system
Pros and cons of various entry strategies to emerging markets
Strategies targeting the bottom of the pyramid in emerging markets
Aika ja paikka
Five sessions online via Teams
Available in KAMK learning platform.
Lectures, research and presentation
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
The course is vital for student's professional development especially in international business.
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
No exams; task due dates must be observed. If the student fails the course, the student can enrol for a retake exam, which constitutes 100% of the assessment.
* Attendance is not part of the course assessment; absentees are expected to watch the recordings at their convenience.
* Absentees must complete all the tasks by the due date, and a penalty will be imposed if they fail to submit on time.
* Students are expected to participate in the assessment presentation on the date it takes place (the third online session). Every student must present at this task.
Emerging markets are an important part of the global business environment.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Not applicable.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Five online sessions - 4 pm to 6 pm (10 hours) Independent work - 135 hours
Lectures, group work, research, presentation and discussions
Sisällön jaksotus
* Session 1: Course introduction, facilitator and students' self-introductions, learning platform introduction and curriculum introduction Assessment overview, defining emerging markets and the global trends impacting the significance of emerging markets (*Emerging markets" presentation)
* Session 2: Business cultures and emerging markets (research and presentation task)
* Session 3: Entry strategies and risk management (research and presentation task)
* Session 4: Managing relationships and negotiation in emerging markets (forum discussion)
* Session 5: Emerging markets research presentation and summing up
0 - 5
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Global trends and emerging market presentation - 10 points
Business culture and emerging market presentation - 20 points
Risk management and emerging market strategy - 10 points
Final assignment interview results presentation - 30 points
Final research report - 30 points
Hylätty (0)
Student failed to
* demonstrates basic competency and knowledge of the subject matter through group work, discussions, course task, and/or final assignment
* failed to complete the assessment tasks and coursework that meet the assessment criteria
* failed to use and apply the course materials to complete the course tasks and final assignment
* failed to provide source materials if these are introduced by the students from external sources
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
* critically analyzes the current state of human resource management, able to forecast future change needs based on sound evidence and arguments, and innovatively anticipates changes in the operating environment and their impact on their work community
* masters the development of HRM processes in collaboration with work community actors based on evidence
* reasonably masters fair and supportive HR management in managing diverse people
* is able to apply the terms and conditions of employment in his or her management work
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
* analyzes the current state of human resource management and future change needs, and anticipate changes in the operating environment and their impact on their work community
* is able to develop human resource management processes in collaboration with work community actors based on evidence
* is able to provide fair and supportive HR management in managing diverse people
* is able to apply the terms and conditions of employment in his or her management work
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
* demonstrates basic competency to evaluate the current state of human resource management and future change needs and seeks to anticipate changes in the operating environment and their impact on their work community
* is able to develop human resource management processes in cooperation with work community actors
* strives for fair and supportive HR management in managing diverse people
* is able to apply the terms and conditions of employment in his or her management work
To be announced later