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Service Design (5 cr)

Code: LB00CH83-3002

General information


02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025


01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

RDI portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning



Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree in International Business


  • Maarit Vuorinen


  • LBI23S


The student is able to describe the central service design concepts, emphasis and meanings. The student understands the key principles of service design thinking in business development and learns to seek for and interpret user / customer needs from the perspective of his/her own field. He/She learns to improve an existing service or to create a new one – based on creating value for users and customers and to be as efficient as possible. The student is familiar with the service design process and can implement that knowledge creatively into practice. The student is aware of the various research methods and creative tools used in service design when seeking information. In addition, she/he is able to enhance the stakeholder involvement and encourage the engagement with the design process. Student’s workshop facilitator skills will improve


The key guidelines in design thinking.
Step-by-step –process of the service design
Creative tools and research methods to create more understanding about user needs.
Building representation of the creative development suggestions.
Guidelines to facilitate and conduct a workshop and a design process.
Service design case study connected with the specific field chosen.

Location and time

Starting on the 27.8.
Class teaching sessions are 2 x 1,30h on the same day. The lunch break is in between the lectures.

The ending of the course day depends of the possible commission given from the working life. This will later announced during the course.


The information about the course material can be found in Reppu. The literature list will be provided at the beginning of the course. In addition links and material for different service design tools and methods archives will be introduced.

Teaching methods

The course takes place in the class room.
The study content follows the course content structure and proceeds a grid by grid.

1) Service blueprint presentation, A / F, group assignment
2) Videos: key take-aways task, A / F, individual assignment
3) Research plan for the Service Design -case (to be included into the final report)
4) Service Design Case, 1-5, groupwork, presentation & written report

Blueprint assignment and research plan are due to a fixed dead line. Video assignment due before starting the final case study. The dates will be announced later.
The final case study is tightly linked with working life. The student group can choose the company they will be investigating and making development suggestions.

The course progress monitoring is self-directed

Employer connections

A work-related final project work will be accomplished.

Exam schedules


Completion alternatives

No distance teaching possibilities, no recording of the lectures available. Possibilities to apply for the credit transfer if the course accomplished in other university is according to the content of KAMK service design course.

Student workload

For 5 credits, teaching covers 60 - 65 hours of class teaching. Rest 70 hours)will be covered with individual assignments, group assignments, field work and the final work-related project.

Content scheduling

Compulsory attendance rate 80%
Attendance between 80 and 60, highest rate no longer possible.
If attendance is 60% or less, the course is failed.

Class room teaching organised weekly. 2 x 1,5 h.
All the assignment have to be succesfully passed, in order to pass the course.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) - All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been achieved to an exceptionally high-level demonstrating the following attributes:
• Exceptional understanding, exploration, insight and application of the theories, concepts, processes and creative tools learned.
• Clear adherence to all specifications for the assessment task, including word limit where appropriate
• The organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work and conduction of workshop, including any subject-specific conventions, where applicable, are of very high quality throughout
• Evidence of effective communication of work to peers and others. Excellent teamwork.
• Offer stimulating and rigorous arguments that are likely to be at the limits of what may be expected at this level
• The course work has been executed/performed in an original way
• Outstanding ability to reach appropriate decisions based on incomplete or complex evidence
• Evidence of very high-quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Evidence of outstanding problem-solving skills and ability to suggests alternative approaches
• Evidence of outstanding ability to address complex issues both systematically and creatively

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3-4) - All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been met fully at a good or very good standard demonstrating the following attributes:
• Good to very good understanding, exploration, insight and application of the theories, concepts, processes and creative tools learned.
• No significant inaccuracies, misunderstandings or errors
• Clear adherence to all specifications for the assessment task, including word limit where appropriate
• The organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work, including any subject-specific conventions, where appropriate, are of reasonable to good quality throughout
• Evidence of sufficiently effective communication of work and good teamwork
• Ability to present structured, clear and concise arguments
• The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a comprehensive way with some degree of originality
• Evidence of sufficient ability to reach appropriate decisions based on incomplete or complex evidence
• Evidence of reasonable to good quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Evidence of sufficient problem solving skills and ability to suggest alternative approaches

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Satisfactory (1-2) - All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been met demonstrating the following attributes:
• Demonstrate sound understanding and exploration, some insight and/or appropriate research and using creative tools and processes
• Some minor inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings of concepts, theories or literature – small but not significant errors
• Some minor deviation from the specifications for the assessment task, including word limit where appropriate
• Meet the minimum standard to organize and present with some adherence to the subject-specific conventions
• Demonstrate some ability to develop an argument but can lack fluency. Teamwork is challenging
• The course work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a standard way with limited evidence of originality
• Some contextualisation but with a heavy reliance on a limited number of sources and, in general, the breadth and depth of sources and research are lacking
• Evidence of study and demonstration of ability to reach appropriate decisions based on incomplete or complex evidence
• Some, but limited evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Some evidence of problem solving skills
• Some evidence of ability to address complex issues adequately

Assessment methods and criteria

The grading for the whole course is 1-5

1) Service blueprint presentation, P / F, group assignment
2) Videos: key take-aways task, P / F, individual assignment
3) Research plan for the Service Design -case (to be included into the final report)
4) Service Design Case, 1-5, groupwork, presentation & written report

The grading methods of separate assignments are explained in detail in the 'All course assignments -grid' in Reppu

Assessment criteria, fail (0)

For the project work the grading is 1-5.
All the other assignments are P / F, but must achieve the grading criteria of at least 3.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) - All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been achieved to an exceptionally high-level demonstrating the following attributes:
• Exceptional understanding, exploration, insight and application of the theories, concepts, processes and creative tools learned.
• Clear adherence to all specifications for the assessment task, including word limit where appropriate
• The organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work and conduction of workshop, including any subject-specific conventions, where applicable, are of very high quality throughout
• Evidence of effective communication of work to peers and others. Excellent teamwork.
• Offer stimulating and rigorous arguments that are likely to be at the limits of what may be expected at this level
• The course work has been executed/performed in an original way
• Outstanding ability to reach appropriate decisions based on incomplete or complex evidence
• Evidence of very high-quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Evidence of outstanding problem-solving skills and ability to suggests alternative approaches
• Evidence of outstanding ability to address complex issues both systematically and creatively

Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good (3-4) - All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been met fully at a good or very good standard demonstrating the following attributes:
• Good to very good understanding, exploration, insight and application of the theories, concepts, processes and creative tools learned.
• No significant inaccuracies, misunderstandings or errors
• Clear adherence to all specifications for the assessment task, including word limit where appropriate
• The organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work, including any subject-specific conventions, where appropriate, are of reasonable to good quality throughout
• Evidence of sufficiently effective communication of work and good teamwork
• Ability to present structured, clear and concise arguments
• The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a comprehensive way with some degree of originality
• Evidence of sufficient ability to reach appropriate decisions based on incomplete or complex evidence
• Evidence of reasonable to good quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Evidence of sufficient problem solving skills and ability to suggest alternative approaches

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Satisfactory (1-2) - All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been met demonstrating the following attributes:
• Demonstrate sound understanding and exploration, some insight and/or appropriate research and using creative tools and processes
• Some minor inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings of concepts, theories or literature – small but not significant errors
• Some minor deviation from the specifications for the assessment task, including word limit where appropriate
• Meet the minimum standard to organize and present with some adherence to the subject-specific conventions
• Demonstrate some ability to develop an argument but can lack fluency. Teamwork is challenging
• The course work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a standard way with limited evidence of originality
• Some contextualisation but with a heavy reliance on a limited number of sources and, in general, the breadth and depth of sources and research are lacking
• Evidence of study and demonstration of ability to reach appropriate decisions based on incomplete or complex evidence
• Some, but limited evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
• Some evidence of problem solving skills
• Some evidence of ability to address complex issues adequately