Moisture and Microbe Damage (3 cr)
Code: TRAM012-3016
General information
01.09.2025 - 30.09.2025
20.10.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Miia Rönkkö
- 23.10.2025 17:00 - 20:15, Kosteus- ja mikrobivauriot TRAM012-3016
- 30.10.2025 17:00 - 20:15, Kosteus- ja mikrobivauriot TRAM012-3016
- 06.11.2025 17:00 - 20:15, Kosteus- ja mikrobivauriot TRAM012-3016
Students will possess a basic knowledge of microbiological damage mechanisms in buildings and how to take them into account in building and planning. They will learn to understand the structural and material demands, and heat and moisture related stress factors of structures, while understanding liability issues in moisture damage repair cases.
Properties of microbes, microbe species and where they can be found.
Problems with dampness, mould and decay in buildings.
The effects of heat and damp on the birth of damage caused by moisture and mould
Mould and damp microbes and health
Researching and reporting damage caused by damp and mould
Prevention of microbe damage in the construction planning and building stages
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to take building, surface and room air samples and interpret them. The students know various risk structures as well as how moisture and microbes cause damage.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to identify the most common microbes causing moisture damage. They are able to take microbe samples from structures and air in a room. The students will be able to design structures that function in a damp-proofing way. Students are aware of the health risks posed by microbes.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are aware of the impacts of various building materials and conditions on the creation of damage due to moisture and microbes. They are able to calculate how to prevent the creation of risky microbiological structures using construction physics. The students are able to identify the most common indicators of moisture damage.
No previous knowledge required.