Strategic Planning in Tourism (5 cr)
Code: AM00BY44-3004
General information
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Pasi Korhonen
The students will able to describe and explain in detail, the main features of the strategic planning
process in tourism, and also their related key concepts and strategic actors. They will be able to
explain the relevance of Finnish (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment &
Finpro/VisitFinland) and regional strategies in domestic and international tourism development and
how these strategies affect the operations and development of tourism businesses. The students will
be able to explain forecasting competence and proactive thinking and the importance of such activity
in strategic planning in the tourism industry. They will know the key methods and concepts of future
studies. The students will be able to explain and justify the significance of project work in developing
Cultural competence
International tourism and its impact on the tourism business in Finland
Using Finnish culture and nature in tourism services
Applying the principles of sustainable and responsible tourism
Future studies in tourism and the basic concepts of future studies
Tourism project work
To be announced during the study period.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has a commendable knowledge of the main features of the strategy process, the related key concepts and the key strategic actors in tourism planning. The student commendably knows the importance of Finnish (TEM & Finpro/VisitFinland) and regional tourism strategies in the domestic and international development of tourism, as well as their effects on the operation and development of tourism companies.
The student commendably knows foresight and proactive thinking, as well as the importance of action in the strategic planning of tourism. The student has a commendable knowledge of the most important methods and concepts of taking over the future. The student can commendably explain the importance of project activities in the development of tourism.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student knows well the main features of the strategy process, the related key concepts and the key strategic actors in tourism planning. The student knows well the importance of Finnish (TEM & Finpro/VisitFinland) and regional tourism strategies in the domestic and international development of tourism, as well as their effects on the operation and development of tourism companies.
The student knows the importance of foresight and proactive thinking, as well as the importance of action in the strategic planning of tourism. The student knows very well the most important methods and concepts of taking over the future. The student can explain well the importance of project activities in the development of tourism.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student satisfactorily knows the main features of the strategy process, the related key concepts and key strategic actors in tourism planning. The student satisfactorily knows the importance of Finnish (TEM & Finpro/VisitFinland) and regional tourism strategies in the domestic and international development of tourism, as well as their effects on the operation and development of tourism companies.
The student satisfactorily knows foresight and proactive thinking, as well as the importance of action in the strategic planning of tourism. The student is satisfactorily familiar with the key methods and concepts of future acquisition. The student can satisfactorily explain the importance of project activities in the development of tourism.