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Study Skills (2 cr)

Code: AB00CU22-3001

General information


02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Virtual portion

1.5 op

Mode of delivery

25 % Contact teaching, 75 % Distance learning



Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism


  • Eljas Johansson


  • ATA25K
  • 15.01.2025 08:30 - 12:00, Welcome to Study at KAMK_Study Skills AB00CU22-3001
  • 15.01.2025 13:00 - 16:00, Introduction to Bachelor's degree in Tourism Studies_Study Skills AB00CU22-3001
  • 04.03.2025 15:15 - 16:00, Study Skills AB00CU22-3001
  • 05.05.2025 09:00 - 11:30, Study Skills AB00CU22-3001


The students will know the basic principles and rules of study at a university of applied sciences and can use student services. They will be able to plan their own study path using the curriculum, generic and field-specific competences, and guidance. The students will be able to use the document templates needed during their studies


Welcome to KAMK!
University studies and guidance services
Study path planning

Location and time

Scheduled tutor meetings take place during the orientation days and throughout the 1st year of studies.

Scheduled on-campus meetings for Spring semester are held as follows:
15.1. at 08:30-16:00 at Arcada
16.1. at 13:00-16:00 at Arcada
4.2. at 15:15-16:00 at Arcada
5.5. at 09:00-11:30 at Arcada

Additionally, every new student will have development discussions with their tutoring teacher once in the Spring semester and again in the Autumn semester.


Provided on the Reppu e-learning platform

Teaching methods

The course comprises three parts:
1. Orientation Kit, which is completed independently online
2. Online Course, completed independently
3. Scheduled tutor meetings, held on campus and online

Student workload

The scope of the course is 2 ECTS (1ECTS = 27hrs of workload)
1. Orientation Kit (0.5 ECTS)
2. Online Course (1 ECTS)
3. Scheduled tutor meetings (1 ECTS)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

PASS: Active participation and successful completion of given tasks.

Assessment methods and criteria

All three partial study attainments are graded on the pass/fail basis.
The course is completed with a pass once all partial attainments are completed with a pass.