Academic English 1 (3 cr)
Code: BC00BX79-3021
General information
03.08.2025 - 01.09.2025
02.09.2025 - 20.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Bachelor’s Degree in International Business
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor's Degree in Esports Business
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
Students will improve their oral and written communication skills and academic vocabulary. In written communication, the focus will be on academic writing and in oral communication, formal English language usage.
Genres of academic English
Academic style and structures
Paraphrase and summary
Avoiding plagiarism: referencing
Academic presentations
Location and time
August - December
KAMK campus
Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students, Stephen Bailey, Routledge (mandatory)
Materials in Reppu
Teaching methods
Approx. 30-40 h contact teaching in class and independent assignments.
Group work and individual tasks.
Exam schedules
The course includes two exams.
One exam is held halfway through the course in October and the other at the end of the course in November/December.
The exact exam dates will be visible in Reppu and in in your timetables.
You can retake the exams in the spring 2026.
International connections
The course is for students studying in the international degree programmes.
Completion alternatives
International students who are unable to arrive in Kajaani, Finland before 15.9. may be given the option of completing the course independently combined with regular Teams sessions. Please contact the course teacher for more information.
Student workload
If you are studying on campus the course includes approx. 30-40 hours of contact lessons and approx. 30-35 hours of independent work by the student.
If you are studying independently, the volume of independent work is higher.
Content scheduling
One (1) two-hour (2 x 45 minutes) Teams session per week for all international groups including students on campus and students studying independently.
Plus two 2-hour (2 x 45 minutes) mandatory contact lessons per week for students studying on campus.
The exact progession of the lessons and their themes will be given in the detailed course plan in Reppu.
Further information
You will need to acquire the course ebook as all the classroom and homework exercises are from the book.
The course book contains exercises and the answers to the exercises.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can use the features of formal and academic writing systematically and reflectively. His/her grammar usage is impeccable. The student can write a text according to the features of academic writing with fluency using varied and appropriate vocabulary, and correctly referenced academic sources. The student has an extensive academic vocabulary. The student is able to communicate fluently in both writing and speaking while demonstrating an awareness of formal academic style.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can identify and apply the features of academic writing fairly consistently. The student is able to use grammar correctly although some errors might occur. The student can write a text according to the main features of academic writing with relative fluency, using a variety of vocabulary and sources that are mainly referenced correctly. The student has a good command of academic vocabulary. The student is able to communicate clearly in writing and orally without reading directly from a text.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can recognize and name the features of academic writing. However, the student's language usage may be inconsistent with the norms of standard English and academic writing and basic errors in style, grammar, pronunciation, and intonation occur. The student can write an understandable and logical text with appropriate content using some academic concepts of his/her field. The student is able to communicate the main ideas of a topic in writing and orally.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is graded numerically 0-5
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The course is automatically failed and graded 0 if the students fail to attend 60% of the classroom lessons or if they attend the mandatory 80% of the lessons but fail the two exams and subsequent retakes and fail to complete any required tasks.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can use the features of formal and academic writing systematically and reflectively. His/her grammar usage is impeccable. The student can write a text according to the features of academic writing with fluency using varied and appropriate vocabulary, and correctly referenced academic sources. The student has an extensive academic vocabulary. The student is able to communicate fluently in both writing and speaking while demonstrating an awareness of formal academic style.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student can identify and apply the features of academic writing fairly consistently. The student is able to use grammar correctly although some errors might occur. The student can write a text according to the main features of academic writing with relative fluency, using a variety of vocabulary and sources that are mainly referenced correctly. The student has a good command of academic vocabulary. The student is able to communicate clearly in writing and orally without reading directly from a text.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can recognize and name the features of academic writing. However, the student's language usage may be inconsistent with the norms of standard English and academic writing and basic errors in style, grammar, pronunciation, and intonation occur. The student can write an understandable and logical text with appropriate content using some academic concepts of his/her field. The student is able to communicate the main ideas of a topic in writing and orally.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Further information
If you have completed a course of similar content and scope (3 ECTS) please inquire about the possibility of having the course accredited.
Please note previous courses cannot be more than 10 years old.