Organizational Psychology (3 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: KLVY050-3010
Toteutuksen perustiedot
01.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
3 op
3 op
- Englanti
- Pia Kuittinen
Opiskelija syventää tietojaan organisaatiokäyttäytymisestä
Johdon tehtävät ja vastuu konfliktitilanteissa, työyhteisön ongelmat ja ongelmien käsittely, työtyytyväisyyden perusteet, kannustaminen ja palkitseminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen.
Aika ja paikka
The course has no due date, but we expect you to return the essay within 3 months of enrollment. Exchange students must return all the assignments by the time their exchange semester ends.
In the Resources -section in Reppu, you will find link tips to literature and current publications, which you can read to get an idea of the different subject areas of organizational psychology.
Your task is to write a long essay of the topics you choose.
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
In the essay, theories can be illustrated through the knowledge and skills acquired in the workplace context.
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
No exam.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
3 ects = 81 hours work for a student
(5 ects = 135 hours work for a student)
0 - 5
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
The person who assesses and/or evaluates a dissertation or thesis will consider how you (the student) have perceived a specific area of knowledge or information. The assessor will pay particular attention to the following issues:
Are the objectives of the essay clearly defined?
Do the contents of the essay answer the question set or fulfil the requirements of the assignment and do they progress in order?
Does the essay have a logical structure?
Are your facts correct?
Has the topic selected been dealt with deeply enough, with different points of view and in a well argued manner?
How well you combine sources and your own opinions and thoughts?
how you use sources, are they reliable and have you used a variety of sources?
Is the style of you essay appropriate (correct formal academic style), fluent, neutral in style, well edited etc.?
Are the references embedded in the text, and is your bibliography accurate and correct?
Hylätty (0)
An essay/dissertation etc assessed as requiring further work can be described as follows:
The essay clearly lacks content in terms of the question/learning assignment set.
Central theories and concepts have not been covered and applied profoundly enough nor in an appropriate way.
A crucial part of the coverage of the assignment set may have been left out.
Sources have not been used properly, e.g. one basic source has not been sufficiently used or has not been used at all during the writing process
The text may simply summarise sources, even copy directly from other texts.
References have been recorded incorrectly or are even missing
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Statements of evaluation grade 4-5
An excellent and commendable (grade 4 or 5) essay based on the set learning assignment completed by the student, is informative and comprehensive and covers all areas stipulated in the question/set assignment.
All sources used in the learning assignment have been appropriately and visibly applied when answering and breaking down the set questions.
The points of view presented by various sources have been evaluated, compared and joined to each other so that the central themes and concepts of the subject are fluently presented
The text also contains your own thoughts, appropriately reasoned and justified, applications and criticism.
The text is clearly divided up and progresses in a logical way ensuring that all the areas of the assignment have been equally covered.
The source references have been recorded correctly and the general external appearance of the learning assignment is neat and well organised and edited.
A grade 5 essay means that in addition to the above, the student has presented the issues and topics stipulated in the assignment/question set, in an original and creative way.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Statements of evaluation grade 3
A grade 3 means that the student has written an essay that clearly presents the central theories and concepts of the topic covered, based on the set assignment/essay question.
The learning assignment includes coverage of all sources, but the evaluation of the contents presented in the source information, the overall cohesiveness of the source information presented, and the comparison of sources is random and requires more thought.
The text, though informative, is slightly unnatural (mechanical in nature), boring and based on summary and quotation. It only contains a little original thought.
The source references may contain some inaccuracies
As a whole, the essay has covered all topics and themes as stipulated in the question in an organised and cohesive way.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Statements of evaluation grades 1 – 2
An essay which superficially covers the set question or assignment in a disorganised fashion will be evaluated as satisfactory (grade 2) in a learning assignment.
Source coverage will be erratic, relying on a single source in detail and leaving other sources out or only covering them sketchily.
The essay almost totally lacks a combination of information, comparison and critical thought.
The text is unclearly divided, making it difficult to perceive a cohesive narrative.
The student has managed to present the theories and concepts appropriate to the subject of the question/task in a comprehensible way and has attempted to apply them to the question in hand.
Some references are missing.
A learning assignment awarded a grade 1 contains most of the elements required to be awarded a grade 2.