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Condition based monitoring for different industrial applications (3 cr)

Code: TK00BW88-3008

General information


02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025


01.01.2026 - 15.03.2026

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering


  • Riikka Korhonen


  • KKM23S


The student understands the basic principles and methods of vibration measurements, knows some industry standards. The student gains an understanding of work planning and the phenomena that significantly affect it. The student learns the basic principles of work planning.


Concepts and methods of vibration measurements of rotating machines and equipment, standards. Concepts and definitions of work planning.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students are able to use professional concepts with expertise and can apply their professional competence as required in different situations.
The student is able to develop the methods of monitoring the operation of machines in different operating environments.
A commendable level requires that you get more than 90% of the maximum points in the exam.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students are able to use professional concepts fluently and are able to carry out different tasks in various operational environments.
The student understands the importance of machine control methods in industrial operations.
A good level requires that you get about 70 - 80% of the maximum points in the exam.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students are able to use professional concepts systematically and are able to work on various tasks according to instructions. The student becomes aware of the importance of machine control methods in industrial operations.
A satisfactory level requires that approximately 50 - 60% of the maximum points in the exam are obtained.


Industrial Maintenance
Maintenance planning and controlling
Vibrational mechanics