Basic clinical practice training (10 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: SH00CR76-3001
Toteutuksen perustiedot
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 31.07.2026
10 op
- Suomi
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus
The student is able to demonstrate:
Ethics, professionalism and client orientation
- Can work in accordance with the values, ethical principles and guidelines of nursing and recognise their implementation in daily work.
- Ability to work in accordance with current legislation.
- Has adopted the professional identity of a nurse and is committed to the principles of the service profession.
- Values the client/patient and encounters them as experts and actors in their own lives at different stages of the life cycle
Communication and multidisciplinary skills, patient and client safety, information technology and documentation
- Ability to interact in a professional and caring way with clients/patients of different ages and backgrounds and their relatives
- Ability to work in a patient and client safety oriented manner and to identify factors affecting patient and client safety.
- Ability to record appropriately the client/patient care process in the care record.
Social and health care service systems, management and workforce competences, quality assurance, entrepreneurship and development
- Understands the organisation, delivery and organisation of social and health care services.
- Able to give and receive feedback and to develop their own activities on the basis of this feedback
Clinical nursing, guidance and teaching skills and support for self-care, promotion of health and functional capacity
- Ability to consider the individual care needs of the client/patient and to plan, implement and evaluate appropriate and individualised care.
- Is able to use nursing methods required in nursing as part of the overall care of the client/patient.
Evidence-based practice, use of research evidence and decision making
- Can apply evidence-based practice recommendations for different age and target groups.
0 - 5
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
The student is able to demonstrate:
Ethics, professionalism and customer orientation
- The student is guided by the values and principles of nursing and is able to describe their actions by example.
- The student's actions reflect the legal basis of nursing.
- Client-centredness guides the student's actions at different stages of the nursing process.
Communication and multidisciplinary skills, patient and client safety, information technology and documentation
- Students are genuinely interested in their patients and interact in a reciprocal manner.
- The student will be able to work in a patient-safe manner and describe his/her patient-safe behavior by example.
- Documentation in client or patient records is in accordance with the national record-keeping model
Social and health care service system, management and workforce competences, quality assurance, entrepreneurship and development
- The supervisory relationship with the supervisor is reciprocal and the student is able to consider issues in relation to his/her own knowledge, skills and nursing value base.
- The student works in a collegial manner.
- Students receive and give constructive feedback in relation to their own knowledge, skills and value base.
- The objectives of the student's practice will guide the student's practice.
Clinical nursing, guidance and teaching skills and support for self-care, promotion of health and functional capacity
- Students will be able to assess the asepticism of their own practice.
- The student will be able to select and use the nursing activities required in nursing care as part of the overall care of the patient in collaboration with others involved in the patient's care.
Evidence-based practice, research and decision-making
- The student will use evidence-based knowledge to inform decision making at different stages of the patient care process.
Ethics, professionalism and client orientation
- The student is aimless and does not understand the importance of values and principles of nursing.
- The student repeatedly violates the values, principles and legislation of the placement.
- The student's attitude towards patients and the work community is unprofessional and disparaging.
Communication and multiprofessional skills, patient and client safety, information technology and record keeping
- In interactions, the student's behaviour shows a lack of concern for the client/patient
- The student repeatedly compromises patient safety, there are several near misses.
- Student recording is recording of activities performed without a client/patient focus
Social and health care service system, management and staff competences, quality assurance, entrepreneurship and development
- Students do not adhere to agreed working hours and neglect agreed tasks.
- Lack of feedback skills and failure to change the student's behaviour despite feedback.
- The objectives of the student's placement remain disconnected and in the supervision discussion the student is unable to link the objectives and the means to achieve them in the development of his/her own skills.
Clinical nursing, counselling and teaching skills and support for self-care, promotion of health and functional capacity
- The student does not follow the necessary precautions in his/her activities and fails to observe hand hygiene.
- The student performs nursing activities in a routine manner and the choice of activities is not based on the individual needs of the patient.
- The student's nursing skills are inadequate.
Evidence-based practice, use of research evidence and decision making
- The use of evidence-based knowledge in the student's practice is inadequate.