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Gym Training (2 cr)

Code: AS00CE97-3003

General information


05.12.2025 - 03.01.2026


04.01.2026 - 30.03.2026

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree in Sports and Leisure Management


  • Joonas Rissanen
  • Mikko Törmälehto


  • ASL24S


The student knows the muscles working in different gym exercises and techniques of those exercises. The student is able to instruct and coach gym training for his / her clients based on their baseline level and objectives.


- Training with equipment
- Training with free weights
- Technique and instruction training in a gym environment
- Demo customers

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to accurately specify the different forms of gym training and training methods. He/she is able to name in detail the muscle groups and individual muscles used in the exercises. In addition, he/she has an in-depth understanding of the muscle action types, the functional roles and the interaction of the muscle groups and individual muscles in the exercises. He/she masters the techniques of various gym exercises in detail and is capable for clear and expert gym instruction. He/she is able to plan and instruct a gym workout in a customer-oriented and individual manner, taking into account the client’s baseline level and goals.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to name different forms of gym training and training methods on a general level. He / she is able to name the muscle groups and individual muscles used in the exercises and to understand the muscle action types, the functional roles and the interaction of the muscle groups and individual muscles on a general level. He / she masters the techniques of various gym exercises on a general level and is capable clear and appropriate gym instruction. He / she is able to plan and direct a gym workout in a customer-oriented manner, taking into account the customer's baseline level and goals on a general level.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to name the different forms of gym training on a general level. He / she is able to name the muscle groups trained in the exercises. He is able to perform the most common gym exercises on a general level and is able to instruct the client safely. He / she is able to plan and direct a gym workout for clients on a general level considering the client’s baseline level.


Anatomy and physiology
Exercise physiology