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Thesis (15 cr)

Code: SO00CB67-3005

General information


02.07.2026 - 31.07.2026


01.08.2026 - 15.12.2027

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services


  • Susanna Veteläinen
  • Kaisa Kepanen
  • Jenni Korhonen
  • Veera Rinne


  • SOS24SA


The students will deepen their professional knowledge of research, development and innovation activities in cooperation with those involved in the process. They will demonstrate their mastery of critical, research, developmental, and ethical thinking as the foundation of developing their expertise.

Prior knowledge
Research, Development, and Innovation Competence course (5 cr) passed before approval of the topic analysis and before the implementation phase of the thesis.
Topic analysis approved before starting the thesis plan.
The thesis plan is approved before the thesis is completed and presented.
Thesis presented before writing the maturity test.

Other recommended studies: to be discussed with the study counsellor in the personal study plan review


Course content

Part 1. Thesis topic analysis (1 cr): Thesis objectives, topic selection and delineation. Supervision and peer supervision. Commitment, responsibility and duty. Topic analysis and information retrieval skills. Commissioning agreement and copyright.

Part 2. Thesis plan (7 cr): Cooperation with the client. Evaluation practices. Thesis plan and its presentation.

Part 3. Thesis implementation, presentation and reporting (7 cr): Thesis presentation and utilization. Seminars and eposter. Publishing and marketing. Basics of academic writing (at the beginning of the thesis process and with reporting).

Part 4. Maturity test: Decree on Polytechnic studies 352/2003

Evaluation scale

0 - 5