Tarinallisuus, draama ja kuvankäyttö luovina ohjausmenetelminä (5 cr)
Code: SO00CA41-3001
General information
01.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services
- Teija Ravelin
The students will know the basics of creative and art-based work and understands the possibilities of different art forms in empowering the client and promoting inclusion.
They will understand their own role as instructors of creative methods.
The students will identify the methods, opportunities and development needs of their own mode of expression.
They will be able to develop and utilize their own creative potential in the design and implementation of art and activity-based methods.
They will be able to plan and implement various art-based work methods or projects for both groups and individuals.
Other recommended studies: to be discussed with the study counsellor in the personal study plan review
Creative methods in the work of a social services professional as group and individual processes, the process of creative activity, empowerment and inclusion, empowerment of one's own creative resources, activity-based practice in utilizing different creative methods to instruct groups and individuals, storytelling methods as a creative group activity: fiction and other texts, writing, recollection, story-making, self-awareness methods, diaries, blogs, use of drama methods as a method of creative group work, expression, role-play exercises, theatrical expression, functional and experiential exercises using dramatic methods
DevMoodle-kurssilla oleva materiaali.
Karjalainen, A-K (toim.) 2019. Luovan toiminnan työtavat. Käsikirja sosiaali- ja terveysalalle. PS-kustannus.
Teaching methods
Verkko- ja lähiopetus.
Exam schedules
Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.
Content scheduling
Verkko-opinnot 2 op DevMoodlessa avautuvat 9.1.2023 ja sulkeutuvat 28.2.2023.
3 op osuus toteutuu sekä DevMoodlessa että lähiopetuksena 1.3.-21.4.2023 välisenä aikana. Lähiopetuspäivät ovat 25.3.2023. 6 h ja 25.3. 8 h
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
2 op. osuus: hylätty/hyväksytty (H3 taso)
3 op osuus: osasuoritukset (verkkotehtävät ja ryhmäohjaus) hylätty/hyväksytty (H3 taso)
Kokonaisarviointi: osasuoritukset hyväksytty.
Further information
The course involves 135 hours of study.
10 hours of teaching online.
Contact teaching / practical training / simulations / project:contact teaching 25 h
The course teacher will determine the assessed outputs
Literature to be announced
Assessment: pass/fail