Introduction to machine learningLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TT00CC61
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
After completing the course, the student masters the most typical machine learning techniques and understands their utilization possibilities. In addition to theoretical understanding, the student is able to apply the methods he/she has learned to solving practical problems and has his/her own basic view of good practices related to the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Typical steps of the workflow
- Basics of data processing (Z-score, Box-Cox, etc.)
- Measurement of model performance (MSE, F1, etc.)
- Several different algorithms, such as:
- Naive Bayes
- Decision tree
- k-NN
- k-Means
- Linear Regression (Hill Climbing and/or Gradient Descent)
The learning material consists of lectures or lecture videos, coding exercises and end-to-end exercises in which the machine learning problem defined by the teacher is solved using the tools presented in the course. At the beginning of the implementation of each course, a more detailed list of recommended learning materials and sources is distributed.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student uses the concepts of his/her professional field competently and extensively and combines them into wholes. The student can analyze, reflect and critically evaluate his/her own competence and the operating methods of his/her professional field with the help of the knowledge he/she has acquired. The student also knows how to select and critically evaluate the techniques and models of their professional field and use them in their activities and critically apply professional ethical principles in their activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student consistently uses the concepts of his/her professional field and knows how to name, describe and justify the basic information of his/her professional field. The student chooses appropriate methods of operation based on the knowledge and instructions he/she has acquired, and appropriately applies techniques and models suitable for the operation of his professional field. The student evaluates and reflects on his/her own competence and knows how to justify his/her actions in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student uses the key concepts of the course's subject area appropriately and knows how to name the basic information of his/her professional field. The student acts appropriately, although the action may still be uncertain and requires guidance. The student appropriately uses the techniques and models of his/her professional field in his/her activities and acts in accordance with professional ethical principles.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
- Jani Sourander
After completing the course, the student masters the most typical machine learning techniques and understands their utilization possibilities. In addition to theoretical understanding, the student is able to apply the methods he/she has learned to solving practical problems and has his/her own basic view of good practices related to the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Typical steps of the workflow
- Basics of data processing (Z-score, Box-Cox, etc.)
- Measurement of model performance (MSE, F1, etc.)
- Several different algorithms, such as:
- Naive Bayes
- Decision tree
- k-NN
- k-Means
- Linear Regression (Hill Climbing and/or Gradient Descent)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student uses the concepts of his/her professional field competently and extensively and combines them into wholes. The student can analyze, reflect and critically evaluate his/her own competence and the operating methods of his/her professional field with the help of the knowledge he/she has acquired. The student also knows how to select and critically evaluate the techniques and models of their professional field and use them in their activities and critically apply professional ethical principles in their activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student consistently uses the concepts of his/her professional field and knows how to name, describe and justify the basic information of his/her professional field. The student chooses appropriate methods of operation based on the knowledge and instructions he/she has acquired, and appropriately applies techniques and models suitable for the operation of his professional field. The student evaluates and reflects on his/her own competence and knows how to justify his/her actions in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student uses the key concepts of the course's subject area appropriately and knows how to name the basic information of his/her professional field. The student acts appropriately, although the action may still be uncertain and requires guidance. The student appropriately uses the techniques and models of his/her professional field in his/her activities and acts in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Knowledge of Git, Python and Jupyter Notebook must be at least at the basic level.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
- Jani Sourander
After completing the course, the student masters the most typical machine learning techniques and understands their utilization possibilities. In addition to theoretical understanding, the student is able to apply the methods he/she has learned to solving practical problems and has his/her own basic view of good practices related to the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Typical steps of the workflow
- Basics of data processing (Z-score, Box-Cox, etc.)
- Measurement of model performance (MSE, F1, etc.)
- Several different algorithms, such as:
- Naive Bayes
- Decision tree
- k-NN
- k-Means
- Linear Regression (Hill Climbing and/or Gradient Descent)
Linkit oppimateriaaliin, mahdollisiin luentojen tallenteisiin sekä lukuvinkit löytyvät Reppu-alustan "Aloita tästä"-osiosta. Kirja "An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Application in Python" toimii virallisen kurssimateriaalin tukevana kirjallisuutena. Lisäksi oppimispäiväkirjan tueksi on suositeltavaa etsiä muuta kirjallisuutta omatoimisesti.
Teaching methods
Oppimispäiväkirja, luennot, ja itsenäisesti tehtävät harjoitukset. Luentojen tallennekäytäntö sovitaan kurssin alussa yhteisesti. Oppimispäiväkirja on laadittava Oppimispäiväkirja 101 -ohjeen mukaisesti käyttäen. Ohje sijaitsee osoitteesta:
Completion alternatives
Ota yhteyttä opettajaan, mikäli on tarve AHOT-prosessiin tai muutoin vaihtoehtoiseen tapaan osoittaa kurssilla vaadittu osaaminen.
Student workload
Luennoille osallistumisen tai niiden tallenteiden katsomisen lisäksi opiskelijan oletetaan käyttävän viikoittain kurssin laajuutta vastaava määrä tunteja tehtävien tekemiseen, itsensä kehittämiseen ja tämän prosessin dokumentointiin oppimispäiväkirjamuodossa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student uses the concepts of his/her professional field competently and extensively and combines them into wholes. The student can analyze, reflect and critically evaluate his/her own competence and the operating methods of his/her professional field with the help of the knowledge he/she has acquired. The student also knows how to select and critically evaluate the techniques and models of their professional field and use them in their activities and critically apply professional ethical principles in their activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student consistently uses the concepts of his/her professional field and knows how to name, describe and justify the basic information of his/her professional field. The student chooses appropriate methods of operation based on the knowledge and instructions he/she has acquired, and appropriately applies techniques and models suitable for the operation of his professional field. The student evaluates and reflects on his/her own competence and knows how to justify his/her actions in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student uses the key concepts of the course's subject area appropriately and knows how to name the basic information of his/her professional field. The student acts appropriately, although the action may still be uncertain and requires guidance. The student appropriately uses the techniques and models of his/her professional field in his/her activities and acts in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija todistaa vahvaa näyttöä taidoista ja niiden kehittymisestä oppimispäiväkirjassaan. Päiväkirja on virheetöntä asiatyyliä ja sisälllöltään argumentoiva sekä oivaltava. Oppimispäiväkirjaan on todistettavasti lisätty viikoittain merkintä, jonka sisällön laajuus ja taso vastaa työmäärältään kurssin ajankäytön mukaista työtä. Lähdeaineisto on kriittisesti arvioitu ja punnittu.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija reflektoi tai analysoi taitojensa kehittymistä oppimispäiväkirjassaan. Päiväkirjan asiasisältö on huoliteltua ja selkeää tai sujuvaa ja lähes virheetöntä asiatyyliä. Työtä on tehty välillä joko toinen viikko tai useimpina viikkoina. Lähdeaineiston käyttö on systemaattista, lukijalle selkeää ja lähdeaineisto on monipuolista sekä tarkoituksenmukaista.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija listaa tai soveltaa perustaitoja oppimispäiväkirjassaan. Päiväkirjan asiasisältö on jäsentymätöntä tai tyylillisesti epätasaista. Oppimispäiväkirjaa ei ole päivitetty asianmukaisesti viikoittain vaan merkittävin osa työstä on tehty viikossa. Lähdeluettelo on laadittu, mutta runkotekstin ja lähteiden yhteys on vähäinen tai olematon.
Knowledge of Git, Python and Jupyter Notebook must be at least at the basic level.
01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
- Mikko Romppainen
After completing the course, the student masters the most typical machine learning techniques and understands their utilization possibilities. In addition to theoretical understanding, the student is able to apply the methods he/she has learned to solving practical problems and has his/her own basic view of good practices related to the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Typical steps of the workflow
- Basics of data processing (Z-score, Box-Cox, etc.)
- Measurement of model performance (MSE, F1, etc.)
- Several different algorithms, such as:
- Naive Bayes
- Decision tree
- k-NN
- k-Means
- Linear Regression (Hill Climbing and/or Gradient Descent)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student uses the concepts of his/her professional field competently and extensively and combines them into wholes. The student can analyze, reflect and critically evaluate his/her own competence and the operating methods of his/her professional field with the help of the knowledge he/she has acquired. The student also knows how to select and critically evaluate the techniques and models of their professional field and use them in their activities and critically apply professional ethical principles in their activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student consistently uses the concepts of his/her professional field and knows how to name, describe and justify the basic information of his/her professional field. The student chooses appropriate methods of operation based on the knowledge and instructions he/she has acquired, and appropriately applies techniques and models suitable for the operation of his professional field. The student evaluates and reflects on his/her own competence and knows how to justify his/her actions in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student uses the key concepts of the course's subject area appropriately and knows how to name the basic information of his/her professional field. The student acts appropriately, although the action may still be uncertain and requires guidance. The student appropriately uses the techniques and models of his/her professional field in his/her activities and acts in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Knowledge of Git, Python and Jupyter Notebook must be at least at the basic level.
01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
- Jussi Ala-Hiiro
After completing the course, the student masters the most typical machine learning techniques and understands their utilization possibilities. In addition to theoretical understanding, the student is able to apply the methods he/she has learned to solving practical problems and has his/her own basic view of good practices related to the implementation of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Typical steps of the workflow
- Basics of data processing (Z-score, Box-Cox, etc.)
- Measurement of model performance (MSE, F1, etc.)
- Several different algorithms, such as:
- Naive Bayes
- Decision tree
- k-NN
- k-Means
- Linear Regression (Hill Climbing and/or Gradient Descent)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student uses the concepts of his/her professional field competently and extensively and combines them into wholes. The student can analyze, reflect and critically evaluate his/her own competence and the operating methods of his/her professional field with the help of the knowledge he/she has acquired. The student also knows how to select and critically evaluate the techniques and models of their professional field and use them in their activities and critically apply professional ethical principles in their activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student consistently uses the concepts of his/her professional field and knows how to name, describe and justify the basic information of his/her professional field. The student chooses appropriate methods of operation based on the knowledge and instructions he/she has acquired, and appropriately applies techniques and models suitable for the operation of his professional field. The student evaluates and reflects on his/her own competence and knows how to justify his/her actions in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student uses the key concepts of the course's subject area appropriately and knows how to name the basic information of his/her professional field. The student acts appropriately, although the action may still be uncertain and requires guidance. The student appropriately uses the techniques and models of his/her professional field in his/her activities and acts in accordance with professional ethical principles.
Knowledge of Git, Python and Jupyter Notebook must be at least at the basic level.