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Business SwedishLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: BY00BX35


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Iina Korhonen
  • LLT24SM
  • LLT24SH


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Iina Korhonen
  • Marjaana Seppi
  • LLM24SE
  • LLM24SH


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Erja Karppinen
  • LBI24S
  • ASL24S
  • AMA24S
  • LBE24S
  • ATA24S


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


01.12.2023 - 31.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Marjaana Seppi
  • AMM24K


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Iina Korhonen
  • LLT23SM
  • LLT23SH


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Iina Korhonen
  • Erja Karppinen
  • LLM23S


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 15.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Iina Korhonen
  • ATA23S
  • AMA23S
  • ASL23S
  • LBE23S
  • LBI23S


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


30.01.2023 - 15.02.2023


01.03.2023 - 15.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Tuula Rajander
  • Mira Heikkinen
  • VAPVAL2023


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan liiketalouden opiskelijoille, joilta puuttuu opintojakson suoritus kokonaan ja ovat valmistumassa. Yhteyshenkilöinä toimivat Tuula Rajander ja Sini Saren.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.


02.12.2022 - 28.02.2023


01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Marjaana Seppi
  • AMM23K


Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.


Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.

To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.


B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Further information

Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.

Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.

Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.