Research, development and innovation expertise (5 cr)
Code: SH00BS96-3013
General information
01.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
- Arja Oikarinen
The students will be able to describe the points of departure of research and development projects, and various research and development processes. They will understand the significance of research and development work in terms of professional development. They will be able to critically assess information generated by research and development operations.
Approaches to research and development operations
Qualitative research process
Quantitative research process
Commercialisation process
Product design
Literature review
Analysis and interpretation of research material
Hirsjärvi, Remes&Sajavaara: Tutki ja kirjoita.
DevMoodlen kurssi: TUTO I ja II Sote
Teaching methods
Luennot, harjoitustehtävät, harjoitustunnit
Content scheduling
13.1.2023 Orientointi opintojaksoon -> Graduanalyysi tehtävän ohjeistus
20.1.2023 Luento: tieto ja tieteellinen tieto, tutkimusprosessi, määrällinen, laadullinen tutkimus (rinnalla tehdään graduanalyysitehtävää)
27.1.2023 Luento: tutkimuksen eettisyys ja luotettavuus (rinnalla tehdään graduanalyysitehtävää)
La 4.2.2023 Luento ja harjoitustehtävät kirjallisuuskatsaus, toiminnallinen/tuotteistettu/palvelumuotoilu prosessi
10.2.2023 Luento laadullisen tutkimusaineiston analysointi ja tulkinta (rinnalla tehdään graduanalyysitehtävää)
11.2.202 Harjoitustehtävä: laadullisen tutkimusaineiston analysointi
17.2.2023 Luento ja harjoitustehtävä: Määrällisen tutkimusaineiston analysointi ja tulkinta/webropol
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to:
use research and development concepts extensively and with expertise
analyse and critically assess existing research
analyse, compare, combine, and select knowledge and present alternative methods and practices in research and development processes
analyse, reflect on, and critically assess their own competence
work independently, responsibly and with initiative
work as groups members, promoting and developing the work of the group to achieve common goals
apply ethical principles in their work
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to:
use research and development concepts systematically
describe various research and development processes and justify solutions based on them
analyse existing research
select appropriate methods and practices for research and development based on acquired knowledge
reflect on, and assess their own competence
work independently, responsibly
work as groups members to achieve common goals
justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to:
use key research and development concepts appropriately
outline the key points of the research and development process
summarise existing research
plan the implementation of methods linked to a research process, though this work may display some uncertainty
assess their own general competence
use appropriate research and development methods with supervision
work as groups members taking others into account
work according to ethical principles
Tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatio-osaaminen opintojakso etenee yhtäaikaa opinnäytetyöopintojakson kanssa.