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Professional Competence for Customer Contacts in Social Services (5 cr)

Code: SO00CA24-3006

General information


02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Sosionomikoulutus


  • Kaisa Kepanen


  • SOS24SB
  • SOS24SA
  • SOS24SC


The students will be familiar with their professional opportunities and role within work with customers and in the promotion of wellbeing.
They will understand the importance and impact of respecting customers as the basis of ethical guidance within case management and their role within this process.
Students will become familiar with the customer case management process.
They will know what multi-professional work and working within networks mean.
They will become familiar with the opportunities offered by digital services and applications within social services and case management.

Other recommended studies: to be discussed with the study counsellor in the personal study plan review


Working in social services as a profession, required competences within social services and early years education training, guidance and case management as a profession, customer-centredness, multi-professionalism and networks within social services work, introduction to the concept of social services case management, introduction to the concept of green care.


Pakollinen kirjallisuus:

- Raatikainen, E. & Rahikka, A. & Saarnio, T. (2020). Ammattina sosionomi. Sanoma Pro. (ks. saatavuus KAMK:n kirjaston sivuilta)
- STM. (2017). Sosiaalihuoltolain soveltamisopas.
- Pyykönen, A-M. (2021). Sähköinen asiointi sosiaalityössä. Teoksessa Pehkonen, A., Pyykönen, A.-M. & Okulov, S. (2021). Sosiaalisesti kestävä Kainuu. Kuopio: University of Eastern Finland, s. 142-164.
- Talentia (2017). Malli sosiaalihuollon laillistettujen ammattihenkilöiden työnjaon laatimiseksi sosiaalialan työpaikoille. Ks. Talentian Internet-sivut.

Valinnainen kirjallisuus:
- Saari, J., Eskelinen, N. & Björklund, L. (2020). Raskas perintö. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
- Saari, J. (2020). Samassa veneessä: hyvinvointivaltio eriarvoistuneessa yhteiskunnassa. Helsinki: Docendo
- Frankl, V. E. (2010). Ihmisyyden rajalla. Man's search for meaning. Helsinki: Otava. (ks. saatavuus KAMK:n kirjaston sivuilta )

Opintojakson kirjallisuuden löydät Repusta.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää:
- verkkoluentoja ja tehtäviä
- kirjallisuuteen ja materiaaleihin itsenäistä perehtymistä
- lähiopetusta 4 - 8 tuntia
- verkkotenttejä

Exam schedules

Opintojakson tentit voi suorittaa joustavasti oman aikataulun mukaan opintojakson aikana (verkkotentit).

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus 5op eli 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment methods and criteria

Opintojakso arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5.

Further information

The course involves 135 hours of studyThe course includes online lectures / video materials (10 h) contact teaching / exercises / simulations / project:contact teaching, group instruction 8 h, work based assignment linked to case management, cooperating in a network, customer encounters/guidance - the course teacher will determine the tasks in more detail
Literature: Model for defining the division of work between registered social services professonals within social work (2017). Further literature to be announced by the course teacher.
Assessment 0-5