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Brand Strategies (5 cr)

Code: LB00BY74-3008

General information


01.08.2025 - 15.09.2025


01.09.2025 - 18.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree in International Business


  • Petri Lintumäki
  • Outi Lundahl


  • LBI24S


The course develops a deeper understanding of Brand Strategies from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. Student is able to understand and describe branding as a strategic tool. Student learns to identify, analyse and solve problems connected with branding. He/she also is able to compare and apply brand-related sources, models and theories into practical contexts. Student will aim at combining branding theories and his/her own ideas to formulate new models. Successful digital campaigns are being developed as well as the success is evaluated and data being leveraged. In addition, the success of digital campaigns in terms of brand awareness, association, engagement and ROI is measured.


Strategic brand analysis
The brand identity, brand image, brand promise and brand equity
The brand building processes and models
Brand management
Current trends, megatrends and best practises in digital marketing
Developing successful digital campaigns
Measuring success and learning how to leverage data and how to measure the success of digital campaigns in terms of brand awareness, association, engagement and ROI.

Location and time

The course is conducted as in-person teaching during the autumn semester, according to the schedule.


The course material includes the book:
Keller, K.L. (2019) Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. Pearson.
Other course material as indicated on Reppu.

Teaching methods

The course consists of mandatory lectures for all students, accompanied by independent and group-based learning assignments. These assignments help you practice mastering and understanding the key contents of the course. The scope of the learning assignments is approximately 3 ECTS credits, equivalent to about 80 hours of work. Some assignments are graded on a pass/fail basis, while others receive a numerical grade, which contributes to the final course grade.

Exam schedules

There is no exam included in this course.

Completion alternatives

There are no optional completion methods.

Student workload

The course requires approximately 135 hours of student work. Lectures account for about 45 hours, while the remaining 90 hours involve independent study and learning assignments. These figures are indicative, and the actual workload depends on the time each student dedicates to their studies.

Content scheduling

The course consists of in-person lectures that are common to all students. Additionally, it includes learning assignments in which students are divided into groups. Groups are assigned at the beginning of the course. The assignments include both written components and oral presentations. The required attendance for in-person teaching is 50%. Excessive absences must be compensated with an additional learning assignment.

Further information

The use of AI is permitted; however, students must disclose its use (following the "yellow" classification in Arene’s AI recommendation). Misuse will result in course failure and require retaking the course or the assignment in accordance with KAMK's guidelines.

In-person lectures will not be recorded.

Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning (RPL) are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students use the right basic concepts extensively and in a variety of ways and provide an excellent description of the concept and / or key elements of the key concepts taught in the course.Students have the ability to apply concepts and knowledge gained from prior courses in practice / given assignments / in objectives independently and pro-actively.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students use the right basic concepts consistently and provide the terminology and key elements of the concepts taught. Students have the ability to provide a good description and the key elements of the concepts and to justify and reason the choice and application of specific concepts.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students demonstrate a basic understanding of the concepts introduced in the course and have the basic ability to apply and implement the concepts learned. Have the ability to provide a basic description of the concept and / or key elements of the key concepts taught in the course

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Provided by the teacher.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course includes mandatory learning assignments. Some assignments are graded on a pass/fail basis, while others are graded on a scale of 0–5, contributing to the final course grade.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to describe the contents of brand strategy concepts and elements in a versatile and knowledgeable manner. They can comprehensively evaluate strategic choices made and the resulting outcomes, as well as future prospects for various example companies, comparing different alternatives in practical situations and reflecting on their learning. Their solutions to given tasks demonstrate a diverse understanding of the subject matter.

Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The use and utilization of brand strategy concepts are consistent, and structuring of the overall framework is logical. The student can also effectively employ and apply key concepts and elements when analyzing or solving practical case situations and tasks.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to broadly describe the basic concepts and their contents within the subject area. However, their understanding of the overall scope of the subject and the use of concepts is lacking. The student utilizes the necessary concepts to some extent in task solving, but their application of concepts in practical exercises is only partially successful.