Developing Social Services (5 cr)
Code: SO00CA80-3002
General information
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services
- Veera Rinne
- 24.01.2025 14:00 - 15:30, Sosiaalialan palvelujen kehittäminen SO00CA80-3002
- 21.02.2025 12:15 - 13:45, Sosiaalialan palvelujen kehittäminen SO00CA80-3002
- 17.04.2025 12:15 - 14:00, Sosiaalialan palvelujen kehittäminen SO00CA80-3002
The students will adopt a knowledge-based developmental approach. They will be able to identify the development needs of social and educational services and are familiar with ongoing local and national development projects. They will understand what service design is and can utilize it as one of the methods of developing customer orientation in the social services, health care and education sectors. The students will be familiar with the methods of evaluating the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of social services.
Other recommended studies: to be discussed with the study counsellor in the personal study plan review.
Service design as a method, process and activity involving clients, empathy and customer orientation, development and evaluation of service quality, productivity and effectiveness, product development, understanding of customer service experience / customer understanding: collecting customer feedback and customer data and data processing, innovation.
Location and time
Spring 2024
Summer 2024 (no webinars)
Autumn 2024 (no webinars)
- Palvelumuotoilu sotessa. Palvelumuotoilun käsikirja sosiaali-ja terveysalan palvelujen kehittämiseen. (Ahonen, Tarja (2017) ISBN 978-952-68686-0-8
- Lapsikeskeinen palvelumuotoilu (Reetta Kalliomeri, Katja Mettinen, Anna-Maija Ohlsson, Sonja Soini, Hanna Tulensalo ; kuvitus: Inari Savola (2020 978-952-7112-52-6)
- Jämsä, K., Manninen, E., & Manninen, E. (2000). Osaamisen tuotteistaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Tammi.
- Tuominen, T., Järvi, K., Lehtonen, M. H., Valtanen, J., & Martinsuo, M. (2015). Palvelujen tuotteistamisen käsikirja: Osallistavia menetelmiä palvelujen kehittämiseen. Aalto-yliopisto.
- Toikko, T., Rantanen, T., & Toikko, T. (2009). Tutkimuksellinen kehittämistoiminta: Näkökulmia kehittämisprosessiin, osallistamiseen ja tiedontuotantoon. Tampere University Press.
Teaching methods
- Independent study in Reppu
- Project work for the client
- Teaching on Teams
Employer connections
- The course project requires a client from the professional field.
- The project work can be done individually or in groups of 2-3 people
Exam schedules
There is no exam in the course.
Completion alternatives
- A fully independent completion option is also available in Summer 2024/Autumn 2024 without webinars.
Student workload
5 ECTS credits, i.e., 135 hours
Content scheduling
Available in the following periods:
- 1-5/2024
- 6-8/2024
- 8-11/2024
Further information
- Before the course begins, find a client for whom you can carry out a development project using service design methods.
- Note that you cannot have a pre-determined topic before the course; the idea should develop during the course.
- The target group can be, for example, preschoolers, schoolchildren, or the elderly.
- Easy enrollments:
Evaluation scale
Further information
The course involves 135 hours of study.
10 hours of online lectures.
Contact teaching / practical training / simulations / project: Project-based development assignment in conjunction with advanced practical training or an ongoing project. The development assignment can support the thesis process or be a separate part of it.
The course teacher will determine the assessed outputs
Literature to be announced
Assessment: pass/fail