Emotional skills (3 cr)
Code: ED00CH15-3003
General information
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 1000
Degree programmes
- Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services
- Matti Heikkinen
Teacher in charge
Matti Heikkinen
Scheduling groups
- KAMK Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 999. Open UAS: 999.)
Small groups
- KAMK Open UAS 1
Main objective of the course:
To develop personal competence in supporting children and families' emotional skills and to apply it in practice:
1) Emotional skills / Emotional intelligence (1op)
2) Emotional regulation skills and temperament (1 op)
3) Interaction and self-expression skills (1 op)
4) Emotional Skills Methods (2 op)
Sub-objectives of the course for the student:
- To acquire knowledge and understanding of emotions and learning emotional skills.
- To be able to identify the feelings and needs of children and adults.
- Understand the importance of personal and client emotions in client work.
- learns concrete methods to strengthen the emotional regulation and emotional skills of children, adolescents and adults.
Location and time
Opintojakson voi suorittaa itsenäisesti omien aikataulujen mukaan Edukamu-oppimisympäristössä
Teaching methods
Verkko-oppimisympäristössä tapahtuva itsenäinen opiskelu (esitietokysely, tehtävät) ja
verkkokeskusteluihin osallistuminen.
Student workload
Opintojakso on 3 opintopisteen laajuinen. 3 opintopistettä vastaa n. 81 opiskelijan työtuntia
Further information
Tämä opintojakso on kehitetty osana JOKSA - Jatkuvan oppimisen kehittäminen sosiaalialalla -hanketta (S22379). Euroopan unionin sosiaalirahasto (ESR) on rahoittanut hanketta.
Evaluation scale
This course can be taken without specific entry level requirements. This course is designed for people working in the social work or early childhood education sector. However, learners should have previous studies in the field and experience of working life. This course is ideal for in-service and student training.
Further information
This course has been developed as part of the JOKSA - Developing Continuous Learning in the Social Sector project (S22379). The project has been funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).