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Preliminary Practical TrainingLaajuus (12 cr)

Code: AL00BI63


12 op


To promote the work based competencies and skills of the students. The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate sports instruction. They will be able to describe sports administration from the point of view of their practical training places.


Preliminary planning of practical training
Eight (8) week practical training period in a sports working environment
Reporting and assessment of practical training

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students take responsibility for preliminary planning (participate in information sessions, compile the practical training agreement and its objectives). The students behave in an appropriate manner and responsibly during their practical training period in line with professional ethical principles. They adapt to the working culture of the practical training place and after induction, are able to carry out duties assigned to them. The students work independently, are motivated and indicate that they wish to develop their expertise. They take others into consideration and can work flexibly in a group. The students apply skills and knowledge acquired from their studies and can justify what they do using theoretical knowledge. The students are able to plan, implement, and assess sports instruction sessions and packages. They are able to describe sports administration: the basic duty of the organisation, operational/business idea and structure. The students are able to evaluate their own work, identify their own level of competence realistically and have an interactive feedback discussion. The students report on how their practical training proceeds, stay in touch with the supervisor and return all required documents.
The student fails to complete agreed tasks and duties, behaves irresponsibly or fails to return the required documents.


02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025


01.08.2025 - 05.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

92 % Contact teaching, 8 % Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Kaisa Loikkanen
  • Tiina Virtanen
  • Liisa Paavola
  • ALM24K


To promote the work based competencies and skills of the students. The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate sports instruction. They will be able to describe sports administration from the point of view of their practical training places.


Preliminary planning of practical training
Eight (8) week practical training period in a sports working environment
Reporting and assessment of practical training

Location and time



Harjoittelukäytänteisiin liittyvät ohjeet löytyvät Reppukurssilta

Teaching methods

Opiskelija hyväksyttää harjoittelupaikkansa opettajatuutorilla. Orientoivan harjoittelun tavoitteena on edistää opiskelijan työelämävalmiuksia. Tavoitteena on, että opiskelija osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida liikunnan ohjauskokonaisuuksia. Hän osaa kuvata liikunta-alan hallintoa harjoittelupaikkansa näkökulmasta.

Employer connections

Harjoittelupaikan kanssa tehdään harjoittelusopimus

Completion alternatives

Harjoittelun voi tehdä omalla aikataululla, esim. kesällä 2025.

Student workload

Harjoittelu on 12 op, mikä vastaa 324h opiskelijan työtä

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Hyväksytty: Opiskelija huolehtii ennakkosuunnittelusta (osallistuu harjoitteluinfoon ja laatii harjoittelusopimuksen ja tavoitteet). Harjoittelujakson aikana opiskelija käyttäytyy asianmukaisesti ja toimii vastuullisesti noudattaen liikunta-alan arvoperustaa ja ammattieettisiä periaatteita. Opiskelija sopeutuu harjoittelupaikan toimintakulttuuriin ja osaa perehdyttämisen jälkeen suorittaa työtehtäviä. Opiskelija toimii itseohjautuvasti, on motivoitunut ja osoittaa halua kehittää osaamistaan. Hän ottaa muut huomioon toiminnassaan ja osaa työskennellä joustavasti ryhmässä. Opiskelija soveltaa opinnoissa jo läpikäytyjä tietoja ja taitoja ja osaa perustella toimintaansa teoreettisesti. Opiskelija osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida liikunnan ohjauskokonaisuuksia. Hän osaa kuvata liikunta-alan hallintoa; organisaation perustehtävää, toiminta-ajatusta ja rakennetta. Opiskelija osaa arvioida toimintaansa, tunnistaa realistisesti osaamisensa tason ja kykenee vuorovaikutteiseen palautekeskusteluun. Opiskelija raportoi harjoittelun etenemisen, on yhteydessä ohjaavaan opettajaan ja palauttaa vaaditut dokumentit.

Hylätty: Opiskelija ei suorita sovittuja työtehtäviä harjoittelupaikassa, ei toimi vastuullisesti tai ei palauta vaadittuja dokumentteja.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students take responsibility for preliminary planning (participate in information sessions, compile the practical training agreement and its objectives). The students behave in an appropriate manner and responsibly during their practical training period in line with professional ethical principles. They adapt to the working culture of the practical training place and after induction, are able to carry out duties assigned to them. The students work independently, are motivated and indicate that they wish to develop their expertise. They take others into consideration and can work flexibly in a group. The students apply skills and knowledge acquired from their studies and can justify what they do using theoretical knowledge. The students are able to plan, implement, and assess sports instruction sessions and packages. They are able to describe sports administration: the basic duty of the organisation, operational/business idea and structure. The students are able to evaluate their own work, identify their own level of competence realistically and have an interactive feedback discussion. The students report on how their practical training proceeds, stay in touch with the supervisor and return all required documents.
The student fails to complete agreed tasks and duties, behaves irresponsibly or fails to return the required documents.


55 credits of previously accomplished studies


30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025


01.04.2025 - 31.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

92 % Contact teaching, 8 % Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Kaisa Loikkanen
  • Tiina Virtanen
  • Liisa Paavola
  • ALK23S


To promote the work based competencies and skills of the students. The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate sports instruction. They will be able to describe sports administration from the point of view of their practical training places.


Preliminary planning of practical training
Eight (8) week practical training period in a sports working environment
Reporting and assessment of practical training

Location and time



Harjoittelukäytänteisiin liittyvät ohjeet löytyvät Reppukurssilta

Teaching methods

OPiskelija hyväksyttää harjoittelupaikkansa opettajatuutorilla. Orientoivan harjoittelun tavoitteena on edistää opiskelijan työelämävalmiuksia. Tavoitteena on, että opiskelija osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida liikunnan ohjauskokonaisuuksia. Hän osaa kuvata liikunta-alan hallintoa harjoittelupaikkansa näkökulmasta.

Employer connections

Harjoittelupaikan kanssa tehdään harjoittelusopimus.

Completion alternatives

Harjoittelun voi tehdä omalla aikataululla, esim. kesällä 2025.

Student workload

Harjoittelu on 12 op, mikä vastaa 324h opiskelijan työtä

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Hyväksytty: Opiskelija huolehtii ennakkosuunnittelusta (osallistuu harjoitteluinfoon ja laatii harjoittelusopimuksen ja tavoitteet). Harjoittelujakson aikana opiskelija käyttäytyy asianmukaisesti ja toimii vastuullisesti noudattaen liikunta-alan arvoperustaa ja ammattieettisiä periaatteita. Opiskelija sopeutuu harjoittelupaikan toimintakulttuuriin ja osaa perehdyttämisen jälkeen suorittaa työtehtäviä. Opiskelija toimii itseohjautuvasti, on motivoitunut ja osoittaa halua kehittää osaamistaan. Hän ottaa muut huomioon toiminnassaan ja osaa työskennellä joustavasti ryhmässä. Opiskelija soveltaa opinnoissa jo läpikäytyjä tietoja ja taitoja ja osaa perustella toimintaansa teoreettisesti. Opiskelija osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida liikunnan ohjauskokonaisuuksia. Hän osaa kuvata liikunta-alan hallintoa; organisaation perustehtävää, toiminta-ajatusta ja rakennetta. Opiskelija osaa arvioida toimintaansa, tunnistaa realistisesti osaamisensa tason ja kykenee vuorovaikutteiseen palautekeskusteluun. Opiskelija raportoi harjoittelun etenemisen, on yhteydessä ohjaavaan opettajaan ja palauttaa vaaditut dokumentit.

Hylätty: Opiskelija ei suorita sovittuja työtehtäviä harjoittelupaikassa, ei toimi vastuullisesti tai ei palauta vaadittuja dokumentteja.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students take responsibility for preliminary planning (participate in information sessions, compile the practical training agreement and its objectives). The students behave in an appropriate manner and responsibly during their practical training period in line with professional ethical principles. They adapt to the working culture of the practical training place and after induction, are able to carry out duties assigned to them. The students work independently, are motivated and indicate that they wish to develop their expertise. They take others into consideration and can work flexibly in a group. The students apply skills and knowledge acquired from their studies and can justify what they do using theoretical knowledge. The students are able to plan, implement, and assess sports instruction sessions and packages. They are able to describe sports administration: the basic duty of the organisation, operational/business idea and structure. The students are able to evaluate their own work, identify their own level of competence realistically and have an interactive feedback discussion. The students report on how their practical training proceeds, stay in touch with the supervisor and return all required documents.
The student fails to complete agreed tasks and duties, behaves irresponsibly or fails to return the required documents.


55 credits of previously accomplished studies


19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 27.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Kirsi Huotari
  • Helka Leimu-Pelkonen
  • Liisa Paavola
  • ALM23K


To promote the work based competencies and skills of the students. The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate sports instruction. They will be able to describe sports administration from the point of view of their practical training places.


Preliminary planning of practical training
Eight (8) week practical training period in a sports working environment
Reporting and assessment of practical training

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students take responsibility for preliminary planning (participate in information sessions, compile the practical training agreement and its objectives). The students behave in an appropriate manner and responsibly during their practical training period in line with professional ethical principles. They adapt to the working culture of the practical training place and after induction, are able to carry out duties assigned to them. The students work independently, are motivated and indicate that they wish to develop their expertise. They take others into consideration and can work flexibly in a group. The students apply skills and knowledge acquired from their studies and can justify what they do using theoretical knowledge. The students are able to plan, implement, and assess sports instruction sessions and packages. They are able to describe sports administration: the basic duty of the organisation, operational/business idea and structure. The students are able to evaluate their own work, identify their own level of competence realistically and have an interactive feedback discussion. The students report on how their practical training proceeds, stay in touch with the supervisor and return all required documents.
The student fails to complete agreed tasks and duties, behaves irresponsibly or fails to return the required documents.


55 credits of previously accomplished studies


01.12.2023 - 31.01.2024


01.04.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Kaisa Loikkanen
  • Tiina Virtanen
  • Liisa Paavola
  • ALK22S


To promote the work based competencies and skills of the students. The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate sports instruction. They will be able to describe sports administration from the point of view of their practical training places.


Preliminary planning of practical training
Eight (8) week practical training period in a sports working environment
Reporting and assessment of practical training

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students take responsibility for preliminary planning (participate in information sessions, compile the practical training agreement and its objectives). The students behave in an appropriate manner and responsibly during their practical training period in line with professional ethical principles. They adapt to the working culture of the practical training place and after induction, are able to carry out duties assigned to them. The students work independently, are motivated and indicate that they wish to develop their expertise. They take others into consideration and can work flexibly in a group. The students apply skills and knowledge acquired from their studies and can justify what they do using theoretical knowledge. The students are able to plan, implement, and assess sports instruction sessions and packages. They are able to describe sports administration: the basic duty of the organisation, operational/business idea and structure. The students are able to evaluate their own work, identify their own level of competence realistically and have an interactive feedback discussion. The students report on how their practical training proceeds, stay in touch with the supervisor and return all required documents.
The student fails to complete agreed tasks and duties, behaves irresponsibly or fails to return the required documents.


55 credits of previously accomplished studies


01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Tiina Virtanen
  • Mikko Törmälehto
  • Liisa Paavola
  • Anne Karhu
  • ALM22K


To promote the work based competencies and skills of the students. The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate sports instruction. They will be able to describe sports administration from the point of view of their practical training places.


Preliminary planning of practical training
Eight (8) week practical training period in a sports working environment
Reporting and assessment of practical training

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students take responsibility for preliminary planning (participate in information sessions, compile the practical training agreement and its objectives). The students behave in an appropriate manner and responsibly during their practical training period in line with professional ethical principles. They adapt to the working culture of the practical training place and after induction, are able to carry out duties assigned to them. The students work independently, are motivated and indicate that they wish to develop their expertise. They take others into consideration and can work flexibly in a group. The students apply skills and knowledge acquired from their studies and can justify what they do using theoretical knowledge. The students are able to plan, implement, and assess sports instruction sessions and packages. They are able to describe sports administration: the basic duty of the organisation, operational/business idea and structure. The students are able to evaluate their own work, identify their own level of competence realistically and have an interactive feedback discussion. The students report on how their practical training proceeds, stay in touch with the supervisor and return all required documents.
The student fails to complete agreed tasks and duties, behaves irresponsibly or fails to return the required documents.


55 credits of previously accomplished studies


01.12.2022 - 31.01.2023


01.04.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

12 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
  • Titta Kuorelahti
  • Kirsi Huotari
  • Tiina Virtanen
  • Mikko Törmälehto
  • Liisa Paavola
  • ALK21S


To promote the work based competencies and skills of the students. The students will be able to plan, implement and evaluate sports instruction. They will be able to describe sports administration from the point of view of their practical training places.


Preliminary planning of practical training
Eight (8) week practical training period in a sports working environment
Reporting and assessment of practical training

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students take responsibility for preliminary planning (participate in information sessions, compile the practical training agreement and its objectives). The students behave in an appropriate manner and responsibly during their practical training period in line with professional ethical principles. They adapt to the working culture of the practical training place and after induction, are able to carry out duties assigned to them. The students work independently, are motivated and indicate that they wish to develop their expertise. They take others into consideration and can work flexibly in a group. The students apply skills and knowledge acquired from their studies and can justify what they do using theoretical knowledge. The students are able to plan, implement, and assess sports instruction sessions and packages. They are able to describe sports administration: the basic duty of the organisation, operational/business idea and structure. The students are able to evaluate their own work, identify their own level of competence realistically and have an interactive feedback discussion. The students report on how their practical training proceeds, stay in touch with the supervisor and return all required documents.
The student fails to complete agreed tasks and duties, behaves irresponsibly or fails to return the required documents.


55 credits of previously accomplished studies