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Customer Experience ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YA00BR08


5 op


The aim of the course is for students to understand the importance of customer experience in developing customer relationships and creating value. The student knows the factors that influence the creation of customer experience and knows how to use the tools needed to develop customer experience. They will also be able to lead the development of the customer experience in a company.
The student will be familiar with the use of new technologies in the development of customer experience.


Diverse customer experience and its development
Managing customer value
Managing the customer experience
Customer Experience Strategy
Customer relationship management
Using customer data and new technologies to improve customer experience

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted / (to be completed) Rejected
The student has returned the course assignments for completion. They are completed to a good standard and demonstrate the student's ability to apply the concepts of customer experience management in practice.
The theoretical background of the course development assignment shows a good level of conceptual use and accuracy. It describes the key practices and dimensions of customer experience management in accordance with the guidelines and makes sufficient use of relevant source materials.
The development task demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge base presented to customer experience management in one's own example company (one's own workplace) and to develop activities in line with the objectives.
The reflection shows the link between the theoretical analysis and the application part. The student will be able to analyse and evaluate in a sufficiently critical, analytical and comprehensive manner the need for further development of the application component and its usefulness in the light of theoretical knowledge.
The structure and language of the written report will be in accordance with the Kamk guidelines.


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


KAMK Master School

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master´s Degree in Responsible Business Management
  • Mervi Väisänen
  • AYM24S
  • TTY24S
  • TLY24S
  • LYL24SV
  • SJY24S
  • LYL24S
  • ALY24S
  • SYT24S


The aim of the course is for students to understand the importance of customer experience in developing customer relationships and creating value. The student knows the factors that influence the creation of customer experience and knows how to use the tools needed to develop customer experience. They will also be able to lead the development of the customer experience in a company.
The student will be familiar with the use of new technologies in the development of customer experience.


Diverse customer experience and its development
Managing customer value
Managing the customer experience
Customer Experience Strategy
Customer relationship management
Using customer data and new technologies to improve customer experience

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted / (to be completed) Rejected
The student has returned the course assignments for completion. They are completed to a good standard and demonstrate the student's ability to apply the concepts of customer experience management in practice.
The theoretical background of the course development assignment shows a good level of conceptual use and accuracy. It describes the key practices and dimensions of customer experience management in accordance with the guidelines and makes sufficient use of relevant source materials.
The development task demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge base presented to customer experience management in one's own example company (one's own workplace) and to develop activities in line with the objectives.
The reflection shows the link between the theoretical analysis and the application part. The student will be able to analyse and evaluate in a sufficiently critical, analytical and comprehensive manner the need for further development of the application component and its usefulness in the light of theoretical knowledge.
The structure and language of the written report will be in accordance with the Kamk guidelines.


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 15.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


KAMK Master School

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Mervi Väisänen
  • SJY23S
  • LYL23S
  • LYL23SV
  • SYT23S
  • TLY23S
  • AYM23S
  • ALY23S


The aim of the course is for students to understand the importance of customer experience in developing customer relationships and creating value. The student knows the factors that influence the creation of customer experience and knows how to use the tools needed to develop customer experience. They will also be able to lead the development of the customer experience in a company.
The student will be familiar with the use of new technologies in the development of customer experience.


Diverse customer experience and its development
Managing customer value
Managing the customer experience
Customer Experience Strategy
Customer relationship management
Using customer data and new technologies to improve customer experience

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted / (to be completed) Rejected
The student has returned the course assignments for completion. They are completed to a good standard and demonstrate the student's ability to apply the concepts of customer experience management in practice.
The theoretical background of the course development assignment shows a good level of conceptual use and accuracy. It describes the key practices and dimensions of customer experience management in accordance with the guidelines and makes sufficient use of relevant source materials.
The development task demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge base presented to customer experience management in one's own example company (one's own workplace) and to develop activities in line with the objectives.
The reflection shows the link between the theoretical analysis and the application part. The student will be able to analyse and evaluate in a sufficiently critical, analytical and comprehensive manner the need for further development of the application component and its usefulness in the light of theoretical knowledge.
The structure and language of the written report will be in accordance with the Kamk guidelines.


01.09.2022 - 31.12.2022


01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Perttu Huusko
  • Mervi Väisänen
  • AYM22S
  • SYT22S
  • TLY22S
  • LYL22SV
  • LYL22S
  • ALY22S
  • SJY22S


The aim of the course is for students to understand the importance of customer experience in developing customer relationships and creating value. The student knows the factors that influence the creation of customer experience and knows how to use the tools needed to develop customer experience. They will also be able to lead the development of the customer experience in a company.
The student will be familiar with the use of new technologies in the development of customer experience.


Diverse customer experience and its development
Managing customer value
Managing the customer experience
Customer Experience Strategy
Customer relationship management
Using customer data and new technologies to improve customer experience

Evaluation scale

0 - 5

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted / (to be completed) Rejected
The student has returned the course assignments for completion. They are completed to a good standard and demonstrate the student's ability to apply the concepts of customer experience management in practice.
The theoretical background of the course development assignment shows a good level of conceptual use and accuracy. It describes the key practices and dimensions of customer experience management in accordance with the guidelines and makes sufficient use of relevant source materials.
The development task demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge base presented to customer experience management in one's own example company (one's own workplace) and to develop activities in line with the objectives.
The reflection shows the link between the theoretical analysis and the application part. The student will be able to analyse and evaluate in a sufficiently critical, analytical and comprehensive manner the need for further development of the application component and its usefulness in the light of theoretical knowledge.
The structure and language of the written report will be in accordance with the Kamk guidelines.


01.08.2021 - 31.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning



Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Mervi Väisänen
  • ALY21S
  • SJY21S
  • LYL21SV
  • TLY21S
  • LYL21S
  • AYM21S


The aim of the course is for students to understand the importance of customer experience in developing customer relationships and creating value. The student knows the factors that influence the creation of customer experience and knows how to use the tools needed to develop customer experience. They will also be able to lead the development of the customer experience in a company.
The student will be familiar with the use of new technologies in the development of customer experience.


Diverse customer experience and its development
Managing customer value
Managing the customer experience
Customer Experience Strategy
Customer relationship management
Using customer data and new technologies to improve customer experience


Löytyy moodlesta

Teaching methods

Teams-luennot ja kehittämistehtävän tekeminen

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Kehittämistehtävän arviointi: täydennettävä / hyväksytty.

Asiakaskokemuksen teoreettinen tarkastelu
- käsitteiden käyttö ja täsmällisyys
- työkalujen ja asiakaskokemuksen johtamisen toimintatapojen tarkastelu
- lähteiden käyttö ja monipuolisuus – hyödynnettävä vähintään kolmea eri lähdettä
- organisaation kuvaus, asiakaslupaus ja nykytilan kuvaaminen
- asiakaspolku ja sen kehittämisehdotukset
- mahdolliset uudet toimintamallit ja kehittäminen (kohtaamiset, asiakasymmärrys, mittaaminen ja seuranta)
- systemaattisuus ja kehittämisosuuden hyödyntäminen
- teoreettisen tarkastelun ja kehittämistehtävän välinen yhteys
- kehittämisosuuden onnistumisen ja hyödynnettävyyden arviointi
- mahdolliset tarvittavat / suunnitellut jatkotoimet asiakaskokemuksen kehittämisessä ja johtamisessa
- pohdinnan kriittisyys ja monipuolisuus
Kirjoitusasu ja raportointi
- kieliasu
- raportin rakenne ja loogisuus
- lähdeviitteiden merkintä (KAMK:n ohjeistuksen mukaan)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted / (to be completed) Rejected
The student has returned the course assignments for completion. They are completed to a good standard and demonstrate the student's ability to apply the concepts of customer experience management in practice.
The theoretical background of the course development assignment shows a good level of conceptual use and accuracy. It describes the key practices and dimensions of customer experience management in accordance with the guidelines and makes sufficient use of relevant source materials.
The development task demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge base presented to customer experience management in one's own example company (one's own workplace) and to develop activities in line with the objectives.
The reflection shows the link between the theoretical analysis and the application part. The student will be able to analyse and evaluate in a sufficiently critical, analytical and comprehensive manner the need for further development of the application component and its usefulness in the light of theoretical knowledge.
The structure and language of the written report will be in accordance with the Kamk guidelines.