Exercise and Nutrition for the AgedLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: AL00BM50
5 op
Students will be able to work as an expert in exercise for the aged and will be a qualified coach for seniors authorised by the Age Institute.
Health and well-being promotion for the aging population
Changes in health and physical and mental capacity during aging
Physical exercises and fitness testing for the aged
Nutrition counselling for the aged
Ikäinstituutin Voitas -valmentaja materiaali
Opettajien materiaalit Moodlessa
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to assess and develop ways of promoting exercise amongst the aging population. They are able to work as specialists in exercise for the elderly using an extensive knowledge base. They are able to work independently and assess their own work. The students can organise group work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use customer-oriented counselling methods when working with the elderly. They can instruct exercise sessions for the elderly and give them nutritional advice based on their theoretical knowledge.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to explain the significance of exercise to the health and well-being of the elderly. They can describe changes in health and physical capability that happen during the aging process. The students are able to describe the principles of exercise and nutritional instruction for the elderly. They are able to conduct fitness testing for the elderly safely and to a high standard.
Further information
TKI- opintoina suoritetaan 2-3 op.
11.09.2024 - 31.01.2025
04.09.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
- Liisa Paavola
Students will be able to work as an expert in exercise for the aged and will be a qualified coach for seniors authorised by the Age Institute.
Health and well-being promotion for the aging population
Changes in health and physical and mental capacity during aging
Physical exercises and fitness testing for the aged
Nutrition counselling for the aged
Ikäinstituutin Voitas -valmentaja materiaali
Opettajien materiaalit Moodlessa
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to assess and develop ways of promoting exercise amongst the aging population. They are able to work as specialists in exercise for the elderly using an extensive knowledge base. They are able to work independently and assess their own work. The students can organise group work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use customer-oriented counselling methods when working with the elderly. They can instruct exercise sessions for the elderly and give them nutritional advice based on their theoretical knowledge.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to explain the significance of exercise to the health and well-being of the elderly. They can describe changes in health and physical capability that happen during the aging process. The students are able to describe the principles of exercise and nutritional instruction for the elderly. They are able to conduct fitness testing for the elderly safely and to a high standard.
Liikunnan perusteet, anatomia ja fysiologia, kuormitusfysiologia, ravitsemus ja kuntosaliharjoittelu
Further information
TKI- opintoina suoritetaan 2-3 op.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2.5 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
- Liisa Paavola
Students will be able to work as an expert in exercise for the aged and will be a qualified coach for seniors authorised by the Age Institute.
Health and well-being promotion for the aging population
Changes in health and physical and mental capacity during aging
Physical exercises and fitness testing for the aged
Nutrition counselling for the aged
Location and time
29.8. - 30.11.2024
Ikäinstituutin Voitas -valmentaja materiaali
Opettajien materiaalit Repussa
Teaching methods
Kontaktiopetus (Kamk ja Teams), harjoitukset, itsenäiset tehtävät
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to assess and develop ways of promoting exercise amongst the aging population. They are able to work as specialists in exercise for the elderly using an extensive knowledge base. They are able to work independently and assess their own work. The students can organise group work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use customer-oriented counselling methods when working with the elderly. They can instruct exercise sessions for the elderly and give them nutritional advice based on their theoretical knowledge.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to explain the significance of exercise to the health and well-being of the elderly. They can describe changes in health and physical capability that happen during the aging process. The students are able to describe the principles of exercise and nutritional instruction for the elderly. They are able to conduct fitness testing for the elderly safely and to a high standard.
Assessment methods and criteria
- orientaatio- ja laatutehtävä, laajuus 1,5op, arvointi 0-5
- VoiTasValmentaja (Ikäinstituutin konseptin mukaan), osallistuminen opetukseen ja harjoituksiin, laajuus 1op, arviointi hyv (erillinen todistus)
- ohjaukset ja niiden kirjallinen itsearviointi, laajuus 0,5op, hyv-hyl
- vanhusvalmentajatehtävä, laajuus 1op , 0-5
- ravitsemusosuus, laajuus 1op, arviointi 0-5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa arvioida ja kehittää ikääntyvän väestön liikunnan edistämisen keinoja.
Opiskelija osaa toimia ikäihmisten liikunnan ja ravitsemuksen asiantuntijana laaja-alaista tietoperustaa käyttäen.
Opiskelija osaa suhteuttaa sisältöä laajoihin ja ajankohtaisiin kokonaisuuksiin.
Opiskelija osaa toimia itsenäisesti ja arvioida kriittisesti toimintaansa
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija soveltaa asiakaslähtöisesti tietoperustaa sekä neuvontamenetelmiä ikäihmisten ohjauksessa.
Opiskelija osaa teoreettisesti perustellen toteuttaa ikäihmisten liikunta- ja ravinto-ohjausta.
Opiskelija osaa tarkastella sisältöjä useasta eri näkökulmasta.
Opiskelija toteuttaa ikäihmisten terveyskuntotestausta turvallisesti ja laadukkaasti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija osaa selittää liikunnan merkitystä ikäihmisten terveydelle ja hyvinvoinnille.
Opiskelija osaa määritellä terveyden ja toimintakyvyn muutoksia ikääntyessä.
Opiskelija osaa kuvata ikäihmisten liikuntaharjoittelun ja ravinto-ohjauksen periaatteet.
Opiskelija osaa toteavalla tasolla tuoda esille sisältöjen ydinkohtia.
Opiskelija osaa toteuttaa ikäihmisten terveyskuntotestausta.
Liikunnan perusteet, anatomia ja fysiologia, kuormitusfysiologia, ravitsemus ja kuntosaliharjoittelu
Further information
TKI- opintoina suoritetaan 2-3 op.
01.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Titta Kuorelahti
- Teija Vainikka
Students will be able to work as an expert in exercise for the aged and will be a qualified coach for seniors authorised by the Age Institute.
Health and well-being promotion for the aging population
Changes in health and physical and mental capacity during aging
Physical exercises and fitness testing for the aged
Nutrition counselling for the aged
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to assess and develop ways of promoting exercise amongst the aging population. They are able to work as specialists in exercise for the elderly using an extensive knowledge base. They are able to work independently and assess their own work. The students can organise group work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use customer-oriented counselling methods when working with the elderly. They can instruct exercise sessions for the elderly and give them nutritional advice based on their theoretical knowledge.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to explain the significance of exercise to the health and well-being of the elderly. They can describe changes in health and physical capability that happen during the aging process. The students are able to describe the principles of exercise and nutritional instruction for the elderly. They are able to conduct fitness testing for the elderly safely and to a high standard.
Liikunnan perusteet, anatomia ja fysiologia, kuormitusfysiologia, ravitsemus ja kuntosaliharjoittelu
Further information
TKI- opintoina suoritetaan 2-3 op.
21.11.2022 - 31.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Titta Kuorelahti
- Teija Vainikka
- Liisa Paavola
Students will be able to work as an expert in exercise for the aged and will be a qualified coach for seniors authorised by the Age Institute.
Health and well-being promotion for the aging population
Changes in health and physical and mental capacity during aging
Physical exercises and fitness testing for the aged
Nutrition counselling for the aged
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to assess and develop ways of promoting exercise amongst the aging population. They are able to work as specialists in exercise for the elderly using an extensive knowledge base. They are able to work independently and assess their own work. The students can organise group work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use customer-oriented counselling methods when working with the elderly. They can instruct exercise sessions for the elderly and give them nutritional advice based on their theoretical knowledge.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to explain the significance of exercise to the health and well-being of the elderly. They can describe changes in health and physical capability that happen during the aging process. The students are able to describe the principles of exercise and nutritional instruction for the elderly. They are able to conduct fitness testing for the elderly safely and to a high standard.
Liikunnan perusteet, anatomia ja fysiologia, kuormitusfysiologia, ravitsemus ja kuntosaliharjoittelu
Further information
TKI- opintoina suoritetaan 2-3 op.