NutritionLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: AL00BM44
4 op
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Described in Moodle.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
01.09.2025 - 30.09.2025
15.10.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Kuvataan Moodlessa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
04.08.2025 - 02.09.2025
03.09.2025 - 14.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Kuvataan Moodlessa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
12.01.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Kuvataan Moodlessa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 24.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Location and time
Opintojakson opetus on kevätlukukaudella työjärjestyksen mukaan kontaktiopetuksena kampuksella tai teamsissä. Opintojakson arviointi suoritetaan viimeistään viikolla 23.
Opintojakson oppimateriaalit on kerrottu Repussa.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso koostuu kaikille pakollisista luennoista, joihin liittyy itsenäisesti suoritettavia oppimistehtäviä Repussa. Oppimistehtävien avulla harjoittelet opintojakson keskeisten sisältöjen hallintaa ja ymmärtämistä. Lisäksi opintojaksoon kuuluu itsenäisesti tai parityönä tehtäviä harjoitustöitä, joiden laajuus on noin 2 opintopistettä. Harjoitustyöt ohjaavat sinua opitun tiedon soveltamiseen. Harjoitustehtävät arvioidaan numeerisesti.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksoon kuuluva verkkotentti järjestetään toukokuun alussa (tarkempi ajankohta selviää myöhemmin) ja mahdollisista uusintatenttikerroista sovitaan tarpeen mukaan erikseen.
Student workload
Opintojakso vaatii noin 110 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Luentojen osuus on noin 20 tuntia. Loput 90 tuntia käytetään itsenäiseen opiskeluun, tenttiin valmistatumiseen ja arviotavien harjoitustöiden tekemiseen.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso koostuu työjärjestyksenmukaisesta kontaktiopetuksesta sekä itsenäisesti/parityönä tehtävien harjoitustöiden tekemisestä. Kontaktiopetuksessa on 80% osallistumisvelvoite.
Further information
Opintojakson hyväksilukemisessa noudatetaan Kamkin yhteisiä ohjeita.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
Assessment methods and criteria
Tentti ja kaksi harjoitustyötä. Tentin painotus arvioinnissa on 25 % ja harjoitustöiden painotus 75 %.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei osallistunut kontaktiopetukseen tai verkkotenttiin eikä ole palauttaunut vaadittuja harjoitustehtäviä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa käyttää asiantuntevasti ja monipuolisesti ravitsemukseen liittyviä käsitteitä. Hän osaa kuvata ja perustella terveyttä edistävän ravitsemuksen periaatteet sekä urheiluravitsemuksen painotukset asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti.
Opiskelija osaa arvioida asiakkaan ruokavaliota ja antaa ravinto-ohjausta hyödyntäen opintojaksolla opiskeltuja asioita monipuolisesti ja kriittisesti.
Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa sekä ammattieettisiä periaatteita soveltaen.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa käyttää johdonmukaisesti ravitsemukseen liittyviä keskeisiä käsitteitä. Hän osaa kuvata ja perustella terveyttä edistävä ravitsemuksen periaatteet sekä urheiluravitsemuksen keskeisimmät painotukset monipuolisesti.
Opiskelija osaa arvioida asiakkaan ruokavaliota ja antaa ravinto-ohjausta hyödyntäen opintojaksolla opiskeltuja asioita monipuolisesti.
Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi sekä perustella toimintansa eettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija osaa käyttää keskeisiä ravitsemukseen liittyviä käsitteitä. Hän osaa kuvata pääpiirteissään terveyttä edistävän ravitsemuksen periaatteet sekä urheiluravitsemuksen tärkeimmät painotukset.
Opiskelija osaa arvioida asiakkaan ruokavaliota ja antaa ravinto-ohjausta, mutta toiminta on epävarmaa ja osittain epätarkoituksenmukaista.
Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa vastuun omasta toiminnastaan.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
01.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.
01.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
The student can describe the functions and meanings of food for humans and the main principles of a health-promoting diet. He can explain how nutrition can influence the development, performance, recovery and well-being of the client being coached. The student knows how to use reliable sources of information in the planning and implementation of nutrition guidance for the physical activity instructor's key client groups. The student knows how to use concepts related to nutrition with justification.
Nutrition knowledge in the work of a physical education instructor
A health-promoting diet and key nutrition and food recommendations for health enthusiasts
Cornerstones of sports nutrition
Assessment of the need for energy and nutrients, tasks in the body and sources in the diet
Emphasis on nutrition in achieving goals related to sports/healthy exercise
Special issues of nutrition: weight control, special diets, supplements
Athlete's healthy food relationship and eating disorders
The principles of nutrition coaching for athletes and guiding a sustainable lifestyle change
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students know how to use nutrition terms and concepts with expertise and in a variety of ways as well as being able to describe and justify extensively and with expertise health promoting nutritional principles as well as needs stemming from physical activity. They are able to assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice using knowledge acquired from the course extensively and critically. They can work as a group member to promote the group's activities and applying professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the key concepts and terms of nutrition consistently and describe and justify the health promoting principles of nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They know how to assess a customer's diet and provide a wide range of nutritional advice using knowledge acquired during the course. The students are able to work as a group to achieve common goals and justify their activities according to professional ethics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know how to use key nutrition concepts and can describe the main principles of health promoting nutrition and needs stemming from physical activity. They can assess a customer's diet and provide nutritional advice but their activities may display a lack of confidence and some irrelevance. The students can work in a group and take responsibility for their own actions.