02.03.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Yrittäjyyden ja liiketoimintaosaamisen koulutus
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services
- Pia Kuittinen
Scheduling groups
- KAMK 1 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- KAMK 1
- You master theories and concepts of psychology applicable to business operations, and you can apply them to the functions of a company and organization.
- You know how to utilize psychology in the development of responsible business practices.
- You enhance your self-awareness and interaction skills and understand their connection to the work and well-being of yourself and the rest of the organization's staff.
You familiarize yourself with the theories and concepts of the following areas of psychology and apply them to organizational functions and different roles (customer, customer service representative, subordinate, supervisor):
- Social Psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
The course is part of the business psychology study module, which has been developed as part of the EU co-funded Mastering Business Psychology project.
Location and time
Non-stop verkkokurssilla opiskelet oman aikataulusi mukaan.
Verkko-oppimisympäristössä oleva materiaali:
- aloitustehtävä
- teoria ja sen käytännön sovellusesimerkit
- videoluento
- Testaa tietosi –testit
- osiotentit
- lopputentti
- lopputehtävä
Muu oppimateriaalit kuten kirjallisuus, artikkelit, videot, nettisivustot yms. ilmoitetaan verkko-oppimisympäristössä (Repussa). Lisäksi voit perehtyä opintojaksolle valittujen psykologian osa-alueiden perusteoksiin esimerkiksi haluamiesi e-kirjojen avulla.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu, jossa pakollisina suorituksina ovat aloitustehtävä, osiotentit, lopputentti ja lopputehtävä.
Employer connections
Valittujen psykologian osa-alueiden soveltaminen käytäntöön yrityksen toimintoihin ja niissä toimivien rooleihin.
Exam schedules
Voit itse valita ajankohdat, jolloin suoritat pakolliset suoritukset eli aloitustehtävän, osiotentit, lopputentin ja lopputehtävän. Osiotentit ja lopputentin voit uusia 24 tunnin kuluttua edellisestä yrityksestä.
Student workload
Opintojakso edellyttää 54 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment methods and criteria
Jokaisesta psykologian osa-alueesta teet osiotentin, joka arvioidaan hyväksytty - hylätty -asteikolla. Osiotenttisi on hyväksytty, kun saat vähintään 70 % maksimipisteistä.
Opintojakson arvosana (1-5) perustuu lopputentin pistemäärään alla olevan taulukon mukaisesti. Hyväksyttyyn eli arvosanaan 1 on oltava vähintään 70 % maksimipisteistä.
1: 70-79 %
2: 80-84 %
3: 85-89 %
4: 90-94 %
5: 95-100 %
Arvosanan saaminen edellyttää myös aloitus- ja lopputehtävän tekemisen. Opintojakso arvioidaan neljän viikon kuluessa lopputehtävän tekemisestä.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Lopputentin pistemäärä ei ole vähintään 70 % maksimpistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa soveltaa psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää psykologiaa vastuullisen liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä. Opiskelija ymmärtää itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija hallitsee psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä, ja osaa soveltaa niitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija ymmärtää psykologian roolin liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä. Opiskelija ymmärtää itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija hallitsee psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä ja osaa soveltaa niitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija hahmottaa itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Does not require prior studies. The course is best taken after completing the basic studies at KAMK, during the spring semester of the second year.
02.03.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Yrittäjyyden ja liiketoimintaosaamisen koulutus
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services
- Pia Kuittinen
- You master theories and concepts of psychology applicable to business operations, and you can apply them to the functions of a company and organization.
- You know how to utilize psychology in the development of responsible business practices.
- You enhance your self-awareness and interaction skills and understand their connection to the work and well-being of yourself and the rest of the organization's staff
You familiarize yourself with the theories and concepts of the following areas of psychology and apply them to organizational functions and different roles (customer, customer service representative, subordinate, supervisor):
- Personality Psychology
- Work and Organizational Psychology
- Positive Psychology
The course is part of the business psychology study module, which has been developed as part of the EU co-funded Mastering Business Psychology project.
Location and time
Non-stop verkkokurssilla opiskelet oman aikataulusi mukaan.
Verkko-oppimisympäristössä oleva materiaali:
- aloitustehtävä
- teoria ja sen käytännön sovellusesimerkit
- videoluento
- Testaa tietosi –testit
- osiotentit
- lopputentti
- lopputehtävä
Muu oppimateriaalit kuten kirjallisuus, artikkelit, videot, nettisivustot yms. ilmoitetaan verkko-oppimisympäristössä (Repussa). Lisäksi voit perehtyä opintojaksolle valittujen psykologian osa-alueiden perusteoksiin esimerkiksi haluamiesi e-kirjojen avulla.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu, jossa pakollisina suorituksina ovat aloitustehtävä, osiotentit, lopputentti ja lopputehtävä.
Employer connections
Valittujen psykologian osa-alueiden soveltaminen käytäntöön yrityksen toimintoihin ja niissä toimivien rooleihin.
Exam schedules
Voit itse valita ajankohdat, jolloin suoritat pakolliset suoritukset eli aloitustehtävän, osiotentit, lopputentin ja lopputehtävän. Osiotentit ja lopputentin voit uusia 24 tunnin kuluttua edellisestä yrityksestä.
Student workload
Opintojakso edellyttää 81 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment methods and criteria
Jokaisesta psykologian osa-alueesta teet osiotentin, joka arvioidaan hyväksytty - hylätty -asteikolla. Osiotenttisi on hyväksytty, kun saat vähintään 70 % maksimipisteistä.
Opintojakson arvosana (1-5) perustuu lopputentin pistemäärään alla olevan taulukon mukaisesti. Hyväksyttyyn eli arvosanaan 1 on oltava vähintään 70 % maksimipisteistä.
1: 70-79 %
2: 80-84 %
3: 85-89 %
4: 90-94 %
5: 95-100 %
Arvosanan saaminen edellyttää myös aloitus- ja lopputehtävän tekemisen. Opintojakso arvioidaan neljän viikon kuluessa lopputehtävän tekemisestä.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Lopputentin pistemäärä ei ole vähintään 70 % maksimpistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa soveltaa psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää psykologiaa vastuullisen liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä. Opiskelija ymmärtää itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija hallitsee psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä, ja osaa soveltaa niitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija ymmärtää psykologian roolin liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä. Opiskelija ymmärtää itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija hallitsee psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä ja osaa soveltaa niitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija hahmottaa itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Does not require prior studies. The course is best taken after completing the basic studies at KAMK, during the spring semester of the second year.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Outi Lundahl
The student understands how branding functions as a strategic tool for a company. He/she learns to identify, analyze, and solve branding-related tasks and objectives. He/she develops the ability to compare and utilize brand theories and theoretical frameworks in a practical manner linked to specific branding goals.
Symbolic and cultural meanings of brands
Brand identity, brand image, brand promise, brand equity
Processes and models of brand building
Creating brand strategy and brand management
Measuring the effectiveness of branding
Current trends, megatrends, and practices in branding
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to describe the contents of brand strategy concepts and elements in a versatile and knowledgeable manner. They can comprehensively evaluate strategic choices made and the resulting outcomes, as well as future prospects for various example companies, comparing different alternatives in practical situations and reflecting on their learning. Their solutions to given tasks demonstrate a diverse understanding of the subject matter.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The use and utilization of brand strategy concepts are consistent, and structuring of the overall framework is logical. The student can also effectively employ and apply key concepts and elements when analyzing or solving practical case situations and tasks.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to broadly describe the basic concepts and their contents within the subject area. However, their understanding of the overall scope of the subject and the use of concepts is lacking. The student utilizes the necessary concepts to some extent in task solving, but their application of concepts in practical exercises is only partially successful.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Anne Karhu
The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business.
The significance of business in society
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Operational and business idea
Basic business model and smart processes
Stakeholders and networking
Forms of business
Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
Business potential
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Opiskelija osallistuu aktiivisesti työskentelyyn lähiopetustunneilla. Opiskelija osaa suunnitella liiketoimintaa ja kuvata asiakasymmärryksen merkitystä liikuntapalveluiden suunnittelussa. Opiskelija huolehtii vastuullisesti itsenäisten tehtävien suorittamisesta ja toimii aktiivisena ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamista.
Further information
Vaihtoehtoinen suoritustapa: täysin itsenäinen opiskelu
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Maritta Seppälä
- Pia Kuittinen
The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business.
The significance of business in society
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Operational and business idea
Basic business model and smart processes
Stakeholders and networking
Forms of business
Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
Business potential
Location and time
Syyslukukaudella 2024 lähiopetukset kerran viikossa (2,5 h) Kajaanin kampuksella (4 op).
Keväällä 2025 työelämäjakso (1 op).
Oppikirja: Liiketoimintaosaaminen; Menestyvän liiketoiminnan perusta
Tekijät: Viitala R, Jylhä E.
Kustantaja: Edita. Kirja on saatavana Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulun kirjastosta myös e-kirjana.
Myös muut liiketalouden oppikirjat käyvät, sillä perusasiat on kaikissa kirjoissa samat.
Reppu-verkko-oppimisympäristön aineistot ja testit.
Teaching methods
Lähiopetus, luennot, ohjatut harjoitukset, yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. ryhmätyöskentely)
Employer connections
Keväällä 2025 suoritettava työelämäjakso (1 op).
Exam schedules
Sovitaan opintojakson alussa.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat yrityksen perusteita käsittelevät korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava yritystoiminnan osaaminen sovitaan tapauskohtaisesti.
Student workload
1 op on 27 tuntia, yhteensä 5 * 27 h = 135 tuntia
Content scheduling
Syksyllä 2024 lähiopetus kampuksella (4 op) ja kevällä 2025 työelämäjakso (1 op).
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to widely use and combine business concepts with expertise and can analyse, compare and critically assess their own business competence and forms and methods of business using acquired knowledge. The students are able to work as members of a group/team, promoting and developing the work of the group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to systematically use business concepts. They are able to use, name and justify business and entrepreneurial practices. The students are able to work independently based on information and instructions and can apply business techniques and models. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and can give reasons for their actions based on professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use basic business concepts as required according to professional ethical principles. They are able name and describe basic business information. The students are able to work appropriately though their actions may display uncertainty.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Pia Kuittinen
The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business.
The significance of business in society
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Operational and business idea
Basic business model and smart processes
Stakeholders and networking
Forms of business
Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
Business potential
Location and time
Lähi- ja etäopetus lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti syyslukukauden 2024 aikana.
Oppikirja: Liiketoimintaosaaminen; Menestyvän liiketoiminnan perusta.
Tekijät: Viitala R, Jylhä E. Kustantaja: Edita. Kirja on saatavana Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulun kirjastosta myös e-kirjana.
Myös muut liiketalouden oppikirjat käyvät, sillä perusasiat on kaikissa kirjoissa samat.
Reppu-verkko-oppimisympäristön aineistot ja testit.
Teaching methods
Luennot, ohjatut harjoitukset, yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. ryhmätyöskentely)
Employer connections
Yrittäjän haastattelu on yksi opintojakson tehtävä.
Student workload
1 op on 27 tuntia, yhteensä 5 * 27 h = 135 tuntia
Content scheduling
Syksylukukauden 2024 aikana
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to widely use and combine business concepts with expertise and can analyse, compare and critically assess their own business competence and forms and methods of business using acquired knowledge. The students are able to work as members of a group/team, promoting and developing the work of the group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to systematically use business concepts. They are able to use, name and justify business and entrepreneurial practices. The students are able to work independently based on information and instructions and can apply business techniques and models. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and can give reasons for their actions based on professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use basic business concepts as required according to professional ethical principles. They are able name and describe basic business information. The students are able to work appropriately though their actions may display uncertainty.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Mika Pietarinen
The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business.
The significance of business in society
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Operational and business idea
Basic business model and smart processes
Stakeholders and networking
Forms of business
Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
Business potential
The lecture material and other material will be announced at the beginning of the study period.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to widely use and combine business concepts with expertise and can analyse, compare and critically assess their own business competence and forms and methods of business using acquired knowledge. The students are able to work as members of a group/team, promoting and developing the work of the group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to systematically use business concepts. They are able to use, name and justify business and entrepreneurial practices. The students are able to work independently based on information and instructions and can apply business techniques and models. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and can give reasons for their actions based on professional ethical principles.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use basic business concepts as required according to professional ethical principles. They are able name and describe basic business information. The students are able to work appropriately though their actions may display uncertainty.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
- Erja Karppinen
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 27.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Nina Jyrkäs
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Nina Jyrkäs
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Erja Karppinen
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
- Nina Jyrkäs
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
- Erja Karppinen
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Location and time
Spring 2025
Isaacs, C., Pesso, P. Rasimus R., Rönkä, I. (2022). Eye for Business. Edita Publishing Oy.
Material indicated by the teacher in Reppu.
Teaching methods
Blended teaching
Teams teaching every second month.
Contact lessons on campus every second month.
Exam schedules
Supervised exam on 24.5. at 11.45 until 13.15.
Two retakes are permitted in autumn 2025.
Completion alternatives
Blended learning.
It is also possible to complete the course independently, but students are required to be active and motivated to find other participants for pair and group work tasks. The final exam is taken under supervision, either at a KAMK exam session or at a student-organised exam session at another educational institution. In the latter case, the contact details of the exam invigilator must be provided to the teacher of the course at least 7 working days before the exam. The student must pay any possible costs arising from sitting the exam elsewhere under supervision.
Student workload
22 hours of contact teaching in total on campus and via Teams.
100 hours of independent work.
Content scheduling
Date Contact lessons Topics introduced in the lessons
24.1. 1-2 Introduction to the course Getting to know you!
25.1. 3-4 Career in Business
21.2. 5-6 Business Basics and Public Speaking
22.2. 7-8 Managerial Skills
28.3. 9-10 Writing in Business
29.3. 11-14 Writing in Business, Corporate Social Responsibility
25.4. 15-16 Networking
26.4. 17-18 Meetings and Negotiations
23.5. 19-20 Exam preparation
24.5. 21-22 Exam on campus
Further information
You will need a computer, pen and paper.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation both in class, in Teams and independently and an exam.
Exam grading:
50-59 % = grade 1
60-69 % = grade 2
70-79 % = grade 3
80-89 % = grade 4
90 – 100 % = grade 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To achieve a Grade 1, all of the assessed tasks/assignments must be completed, submitted and approved and 50% of the exam points must be achieved.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
Students will be proficient in the basics of English for business and working life using spoken and written English.
Communication in working life and customer service
Education and study
Applying for work
Business Communication
Company and/or product presentation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to explain in their own words and fluently compensate for any lack of vocabulary as well as being able to use business and working life terminology accurately. They are able to communicate in demanding situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to express themselves in a different way if necessary and use business and working life terminology somewhat accurately. The students are able to communicate clearly in key situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use basic business and working life vocabulary so that their message is communicated. They are able to communicate understandably in simple routine situations.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Ari Teirilä
Teacher in charge
Ari Teirilä
Scheduling groups
- KAMK Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 500. Open UAS: 500.)
Small groups
- KAMK Open UAS 1
This course provides the necessary maths skills that students will be able to use and apply in business.
Revision of basic mathematical topics and providing mathematical skill
Margin and VAT
Interest calculation and its applications
Compound interest calculation and its applications
Periodic performance and its applications
Economic functions (use, optimisation)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Can define and explain the central concepts and calculation priciples of the course. Can deduce or prove the results presented during the course and justify their feasibility.
Can apply the course information also to new tasks which require epiphany and of which no examples were given during the course. There are no faults in the calculations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Can present, enumerate and apply the ideas underlying the central caluculation principles. Can interpret whether the results of the calculations are significant and resonable.
Can compare different calculation methods and choose one that is suitable in each given situation. Calcultions mainly without faults.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Recognizes the central concepts and calculation principles of the course.
- precent and its applicacations
- indexes and value of money
- interest calculation
- credits
-investment methods
Can, in an exam using calculation formulas, solve most of the caluclations which are similar to the examples dealt with during the course. Small, not fundamental, faults are possible.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to compile a business plan for a company.
He is able to evaluate the business potential of the company and do profitability and financing calculations needed. He will get abilities to establish an enterprise of his own or to develop existing enterprise.
A company's strategic planning process
Location and time
Syksy 2024
Mika Kamensky: Strateginen johtaminen; menestyksen timantti. Muu aineisto kuvattu Moodlen oppimisympäristössä.
Teaching methods
Aloitustunnit ja verkko-opinnot. Ryhmätyö.
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä, palautettava työkirja.
Student workload
1 op vaatii 27 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. 5 * 27 h = 135 h.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to analyse, compare and critically assess the implementation of an business plan using acquired knowledge. They are able to analyse the customer and goal orientation and profitability of their plan.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to describe and give reasons for initializing procedures for starting a company. They are able to work independently according to their acquired knowledge and instructions and can apply alternative forms of business planning according to professional ethics. The students are able to assess the compatibility of a business idea and a selected form of operations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use the basic concepts of the business plan according to professional ethics. Their plan contains sufficient information to begin business operations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Kuvattu opetussuunnitelmassa.
Basic Studies
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to compile a business plan for a company.
He is able to evaluate the business potential of the company and do profitability and financing calculations needed. He will get abilities to establish an enterprise of his own or to develop existing enterprise.
A company's strategic planning process
Location and time
Syksy 2024
Mika Kamensky: Strateginen johtaminen; menestyksen timantti. Muu aineisto kuvattu Moodlen oppimisympäristössä.
Teaching methods
Lähiopetus ja ryhmätyöskentely.
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä, palautettava työkirja.
Student workload
1 op vaatii opiskelijan työtä 27 h. % * 27 = 135 h.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to analyse, compare and critically assess the implementation of an business plan using acquired knowledge. They are able to analyse the customer and goal orientation and profitability of their plan.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to describe and give reasons for initializing procedures for starting a company. They are able to work independently according to their acquired knowledge and instructions and can apply alternative forms of business planning according to professional ethics. The students are able to assess the compatibility of a business idea and a selected form of operations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use the basic concepts of the business plan according to professional ethics. Their plan contains sufficient information to begin business operations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Kuvattu opetussuunnitelmassa.
Basic Studies
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Iina Korhonen
Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.
Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.
B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Further information
Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.
Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.
Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Iina Korhonen
- Marjaana Seppi
Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.
Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.
B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Further information
Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.
Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.
Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Erja Karppinen
Students will improve their ability to use Swedish in their field of expertise. They will be able to communicate in working life in spoken and written situations in Swedish.
Working life communication and customer service
Education and studies
Applying for work
Company presentations
Product demonstrations
Central concepts and vocabulary in the field of expertise
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
- is able to search information in different media independently and produce versatile contents without mistakes.
- can use the essential vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters spontaneously.
- can represent the work place professionally.
- speaks fluently and consistently without frequent grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
- uses versatile structures and vocabulary and can thus get the message across without complications.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of instructions and aids and uses professional language in presentations.
- can use the central vocabulary in the field of expertise and discuss topical matters when prepared.
- can represent the work place professionally but may need some preparing.
- speaks consistently but grammar or pronunciation mistakes occur.
-can put the message across well using basic structures and vocabulary.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student
- is able to search information in different media with the help of thorough instructions and various aids and produce basic contents using basic language.
- knows the central vocabulary in the field of expertise but discussing topical matters causes difficulties.
-speaks with breaks and needs to search for words; pronunciation and grammar mistakes occur frequently.
-can put basic messages across, but errors occur in structures and vocabulary.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and the exam result must be at least 50%.
B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Further information
Suoritettuaan tämän opintojakson hyväksytysti opiskelija saavuttaa sellaisen ruotsin kielen taidon, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammattikorkeakouluista annetun asetuksen (1129/2014 §7) mukaan on ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta tarpeellinen.
Julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittava ruotsin kielen taito arvioidaan asetuksen (481/2003 § 16 ja 17) mukaan arvosanalla hyvä tai tyydyttävä. Suullinen ja kirjallinen kielitaito arvioidaan opintojaksolla erikseen ja niistä annetaan erilliset arvosanat.
Opintojakson suoritusten arvosanat 1, 2 ja 3 vastaavat tyydyttävää ja 4 ja 5 hyvää.
01.04.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Yrittäjyyden ja liiketoimintaosaamisen koulutus
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Services
- Pia Kuittinen
You master theories and concepts of psychology applicable to business operations, and you can apply them to the functions of a company and organization. You know how to utilize psychology in the development of responsible business practices. You enhance your self-awareness and interaction skills and understand their connection to the work and well-being of yourself and the rest of the organization's staff.
You familiarize yourself with the theories and concepts of the following areas of psychology and apply them to organizational functions and different roles (customer, customer service representative, subordinate, supervisor):
- Personality Psychology
- Work and Organizational Psychology
- Positive Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
The course is part of the business psychology study module, which has been developed as part of the EU co-funded Mastering Business Psychology project.
Location and time
Non-stop verkkokurssilla opiskelet oman aikataulusi mukaan.
Verkko-oppimisympäristössä oleva materiaali:
- aloitustehtävä
- teoria ja sen käytännön sovellusesimerkit
- videoluento
- Testaa tietosi –testit
- osiotentit
- lopputentti
- lopputehtävä
Muu oppimateriaalit kuten kirjallisuus, artikkelit, videot, nettisivustot yms. ilmoitetaan verkko-oppimisympäristössä (Repussa). Lisäksi voit perehtyä opintojaksolle valittujen psykologian osa-alueiden perusteoksiin esimerkiksi haluamiesi e-kirjojen avulla.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen verkko-opiskelu, jossa pakollisina suorituksina ovat aloitustehtävä, osiotentit, lopputentti ja lopputehtävä.
Employer connections
Valittujen psykologian osa-alueiden soveltaminen käytäntöön yrityksen toimintoihin ja niissä toimivien rooleihin.
Exam schedules
Voit itse valita ajankohdat, jolloin suoritat pakolliset suoritukset eli aloitustehtävän, osiotentit, lopputentin ja lopputehtävän. Osiotentit ja lopputentin voit uusia 24 tunnin kuluttua edellisestä yrityksestä.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso edellyttää 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment methods and criteria
Jokaisesta psykologian osa-alueesta teet osiotentin, joka arvioidaan hyväksytty - hylätty -asteikolla. Osiotenttisi on hyväksytty, kun saat vähintään 70 % maksimipisteistä.
Opintojakson arvosana (1-5) perustuu lopputentin pistemäärään alla olevan taulukon mukaisesti. Hyväksyttyyn eli arvosanaan 1 on oltava vähintään 70 % maksimipisteistä.
1: 70-79 %
2: 80-84 %
3: 85-89 %
4: 90-94 %
5: 95-100 %
Arvosanan saaminen edellyttää myös aloitus- ja lopputehtävän tekemisen. Opintojakso arvioidaan neljän viikon kuluessa lopputehtävän tekemisestä.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Lopputentin pistemäärä ei ole vähintään 70 % maksimpistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa soveltaa psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää psykologiaa vastuullisen liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä. Opiskelija ymmärtää itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija hallitsee psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä, ja osaa soveltaa niitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija ymmärtää psykologian roolin liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä. Opiskelija ymmärtää itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija hallitsee psykologian osa-alueiden teorioita ja käsitteitä ja osaa soveltaa niitä organisaation toimintoihin eri rooleihin (asiakas, asiakaspalvelija, alainen ja esihenkilö). Opiskelija hahmottaa itsetuntemuksen ja vuorovaikutustaitojen merkityksen ja yhteyden omaan ja organisaation muun henkilöstön työskentelyyn ja hyvinvointiin.
Does not require prior studies. The course is best taken after completing the basic studies at KAMK, during the spring semester of the second year.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sami Malm
Students will know the priciples of corporate law for different forms of business and the legal issues that arise when the form of business changes or in other situations involving reorganisation.
Forms of business
Company information system
Setting up a company
Board and representation
Changes in forms of business
Other forms of reorganisation of a business
Location and time
syksy 2024
Oppimateriaali kerrottu repussa.
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
TEnttiajankohdat kts. reppu.
Student workload
100 h.
Content scheduling
syksy 2024
Further information
Kontaktitunnit joka toinen vko.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Pekka Vaarala
Students will know the priciples of corporate law for different forms of business and the legal issues that arise when the form of business changes or in other situations involving reorganisation.
Forms of business
Company information system
Setting up a company
Board and representation
Changes in forms of business
Other forms of reorganisation of a business
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
01.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2025 - 30.12.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
- Pia Kuittinen
The student is able to track and communicate the development of their professional competence.
Perehtyminen amk-opiskeluun
Ryhmäytyminen oman opiskeluryhmän kanssa
Oma ammatillinen kehittyminen ja urasuunnittelu
Oman osaamisen arviointi ja sanoittaminen
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment criteria: The student has participated in the development discussions and compiled an online portfolio describing their professional growth.
01.12.2023 - 31.01.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Elina Jääskeläinen
- Erja Karppinen
- Eija Pekkonen
Teacher in charge
Tuula Rajander
The student is able to track and communicate the development of their professional competence.
Perehtyminen amk-opiskeluun
Ryhmäytyminen oman opiskeluryhmän kanssa
Oma ammatillinen kehittyminen ja urasuunnittelu
Oman osaamisen arviointi ja sanoittaminen
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment criteria: The student has participated in the development discussions and compiled an online portfolio describing their professional growth.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Loikkanen
Opiskelija tutustuu liikunta-alan työkenttään ja alalla tarvittavaan osaamiseen. Opiskelija osaa hakea omaa urasuunnittelua tukevan työelämäjaksopaikan. Opiskelija havainnoi työpaikan erilaisia työtehtäviä ja arvioi niissä tarvittavia tietoja, taitoja ja asenteita suhteessa omaan osaamiseen ja kiinnostuksen kohteisiin. Opiskelija toimii omaa osaamistaan vastaavissa työtehtävissä liikunta-alalla. Opiskelija osaa seurata ammatillisen osaamisensa kehittymistä ja osaa viestiä siitä.
Työelämäjakso (6 op) 1.vuoden loppupuolella
Osaajana kehittyminen (4 op):
1. kevät (1 op)
2. syksy ja kevät (1+1 op)
3. lukuvuosi (1. op)
1. syksy (1 op)
2. kevät ja syksy (1+1 op)
3. lukuvuosi (1. op)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Hyväksytty: Opiskelija on osallistunut tulo-, kehitys- ja päättökeskusteluihin, suorittanyt työelämään tutustumisjakson hyväksytysti ja koonnut ammatillista kasvua kuvaavan verkkoportfolion.
Further information
Työelämään tutustumisjakso: opiskelija etsii/valitsee paikan itse. Paikka hyväksytettävä etukäteen tuutoropettajalla. HUOM! Harjoittelusopimus on laadittava ennen työelämään tutustumisen aloittamista. Työelämään tutustumisjakson edellytyksenä on 25 op:n opintosuoritukset.
Opintojakso sisältää itsenäisesti verkossa suoritettavia (digi) opintoja 3 op.
02.07.2024 - 31.12.2027
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
2.5 op
Mode of delivery
17 % Contact teaching, 83 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Tuula Rajander
The student is able to track and communicate the development of their professional competence.
Perehtyminen amk-opiskeluun
Ryhmäytyminen oman opiskeluryhmän kanssa
Oma ammatillinen kehittyminen ja urasuunnittelu
Oman osaamisen arviointi ja sanoittaminen
Location and time
The times for tutor sessions will be announced separately. The study module lasts throughout the entire duration of studies.
Material indicated by the teacher.
Teaching methods
Group tutor sessions and associated exercises, individual initial, development, and final discussions, independent study (e.g., drafting and reviewing the personal study plan).
Employer connections
The implementation of working life connections is monitored in the course.
Exam schedules
International connections
Completion alternatives
Student workload
3 cr = 81 hours of student's own work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Completion of the starter package
Active participation in tutor sessions
Completion of agreed learning assignments
Participation in initial, development, and final discussions and completion of forms
One or more of the above are not fulfilled.
Content scheduling
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment criteria: The student has participated in the development discussions and compiled an online portfolio describing their professional growth.
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Teija Vainikka
Opiskelija osaa toimia ammattikorkeakouluympäristössä ja tietää tarjolla olevat ohjaus- ja tukipalvelut. Hän osaa suunnitella omaa opintopolkua ja käyttää suunnittelussa tarvittavia työkaluja. Opiskelija osaa asettaa oman oppimisen tavoitteita ja sekä osaa arvioida tavoitteiden toteutumista. Hän oppii tunnistamaan omat vahvuudet ja kehittämiskohteet oppijana sekä löytämään omaa oppimista tukevia työtapoja. Opiskelija oppii edistämään koko ryhmän yhteishenkeä ja osaamisen jakamista.
Opiskelija osaa käyttää ura- ja rekrypalveluita sekä alumnivierailuita oman työllistymisen ja jatko-opiskelumahdollisuuksien suunnittelussa.
Perehtyminen ammattikorkeakouluopiskeluun
Vahvuuksien tunnistaminen
Työelämän osaamisvaatimukset ja oman opintopolun suunnittelu
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Hyväksytty: Opiskelija on palauttanut sovitut harjotustehtävät, osallistunut kehityskeskusteluihin ja ryhmälle järjestettyihin ura- ja rekrytapahtumiin ja alumnitapaamisiin.
18.07.2024 - 19.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Saara Manninen
- Mervi Väisänen
- Pia Kuittinen
The student is able to track and communicate the development of their professional competence.
Perehtyminen amk-opiskeluun
Ryhmäytyminen oman opiskeluryhmän kanssa
Oma ammatillinen kehittyminen ja urasuunnittelu
Oman osaamisen arviointi ja sanoittaminen
Location and time
Lectures according to the schedule. Development discussions twice a academic year.
Teacher-assigned material.
Teaching methods
Lectures, Guided exercises, Independent study, Yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. ryhmätyöskentely), Development discussions.
Employer connections
Collaboration with working life is implemented, for example, in the exercises.
Exam schedules
International connections
Completion alternatives
Student workload
3 cr = 81 hours of student's own work.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment criteria: The student has participated in the development discussions and compiled an online portfolio describing their professional growth.
Content scheduling
The course is spread over the entire duration of the studies.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment criteria: The student has participated in the development discussions and compiled an online portfolio describing their professional growth.
30.08.2024 - 30.12.2024
02.09.2024 - 25.12.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
70 % Contact teaching, 30 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Liisa Paavola
Opiskelija tutustuu liikunta-alan työkenttään ja alalla tarvittavaan osaamiseen. Opiskelija osaa hakea omaa urasuunnittelua tukevan työelämäjaksopaikan. Opiskelija havainnoi työpaikan erilaisia työtehtäviä ja arvioi niissä tarvittavia tietoja, taitoja ja asenteita suhteessa omaan osaamiseen ja kiinnostuksen kohteisiin. Opiskelija toimii omaa osaamistaan vastaavissa työtehtävissä liikunta-alalla. Opiskelija osaa seurata ammatillisen osaamisensa kehittymistä ja osaa viestiä siitä.
Työelämäjakso (6 op) 1.vuoden loppupuolella
Osaajana kehittyminen (4 op):
1. kevät (1 op)
2. syksy ja kevät (1+1 op)
3. lukuvuosi (1. op)
1. syksy (1 op)
2. kevät ja syksy (1+1 op)
3. lukuvuosi (1. op)
Location and time
Orientaatio: starttipaketti ja tulokeskustelu (0,5 op), syksy 2024
Vuosittaiset kehityskeskustelut ja päättökeskustelu (0,5 op), kevät 2025-syksy 2027
Osaaja esiin 1 (1 op), kevät 2025
Työelämäjakso TET (6 op), 2.-30.5.2025
Osaaja esiin 2 (0,5 op), syksy 2025
Urasuunnittelu (1 op), kevät 2026
Ammatillinen verkostoituminen (0,5 op), syksy 2026
Materiaalit Repussa
Teaching methods
Opintojakso jakautuu koko opintojen ajalle. Tehtävien ja ensimmäisen lukuvuoden työelämäjakson avulla opiskelija tutustuu liikunta-alan työkenttään ja alalla tarvittavaan osaamiseen. Opiskelija havainnoi työpaikan erilaisia työtehtäviä ja arvioi niissä tarvittavia tietoja, taitoja ja asenteita suhteessa omaan osaamiseen ja kiinnostuksen kohteisiin. Opiskelija osaa seurata ammatillisen osaamisensa kehittymistä ja osaa viestiä siitä.
Employer connections
Työelämään tututstumisjakson paikan hyväksyy opettajatuutori. TET -jaksosta tehdään kirjallinen harjoittelusopimus
Completion alternatives
Omalla aikataululla voi tehdä n. 3op
Student workload
Työelämään tutustumisjakso on 6op, mikä vastaa n. 162h opiskelijan työtä
Tehtävät n. 3,5op, mikä vastaa n. 94h opiskelijan työtä
Tulo-, ja kehityskeskustelut sekä päättökeskustelu opettajatuutorin kanssa 0,5op
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Opiskelija on osallistunut tulo-, kehitys- ja päättökeskusteluihin, suorittanyt työelämään tutustumisjakson hyväksytysti ja koonnut ammatillista kasvua kuvaavan verkkoportfolion.
Further information
Työelämään tutustumisjakso: opiskelija etsii/valitsee paikan itse. Paikka hyväksytettävä etukäteen opettajtuutorilla. Työelämään tutustumisjakson edellytyksenä on 25 op:n opintosuoritukset.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Hyväksytty: Opiskelija on osallistunut tulo-, kehitys- ja päättökeskusteluihin, suorittanyt työelämään tutustumisjakson hyväksytysti ja koonnut ammatillista kasvua kuvaavan verkkoportfolion.
Further information
Työelämään tutustumisjakso: opiskelija etsii/valitsee paikan itse. Paikka hyväksytettävä etukäteen tuutoropettajalla. HUOM! Harjoittelusopimus on laadittava ennen työelämään tutustumisen aloittamista. Työelämään tutustumisjakson edellytyksenä on 25 op:n opintosuoritukset.
Opintojakso sisältää itsenäisesti verkossa suoritettavia (digi) opintoja 3 op.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Petri Lintumäki
- Pia Kuittinen
Students will know the special features of services marketing while understanding the importance of customer relationship thinking and customer satisfaction as a part of profitable business operations. Students will be able to use basic relationship marketing and will learn to assess and use services marketing.
LT00BX30 Competition in the market
Competitive means of marketing
Customer relationship management
Service processes and operating environment
Pricing strategies
Development of accessibility
elements of marketing communications
Location and time
Opiskelu tapahtuu kerran viikossa lähitapaamisissa kampuksella.
Reppu: Luentomateriaalit, erikseen ilmoitetut artikkelit, raportit ja muu oheismateriaali.
Kirjallisuus: Bergström, Seija & Leppänen Arja (2015 tai uudempi painos) Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi: Markkinoinnin kilpailukeinot.
Teaching methods
Luennot, ohjatut harjoitukset, yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely) ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
Employer connections
Luennoilla mahdolliset (yrittäjä)vierailijat ja ohjatuttuina harjoituksina yrityksille tehtävät projektit.
Mahdolliset vierailut lähialueen yrityksiin ja tapahtumiin.
Työelämäjaksoon linkittyvät seuraavat suoritukset:
- Työkirja (yksilötehtävä, 1 op): Opintojaksolla opiskellut teoriat ja käsitteet havainnollistetaan ja analysoidaan raportissa, jossa hyödynnetään harjoittelupaikan tarjoamia käytäntöjä
- Harjoitteluraportti (1 op): Opintojakson sisältöä käsittelevä tehtävä
Exam schedules
Reppu-tentti on ke 26.2.oppitunnilla.
Uusintatenttimahdollisuus on kaksi kertaa KAMKin uusintatenttipäivinä.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat opintojakson sisältöihin liittyvät korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava opintojakson sisältöihin liittyvä osaaminen.
Student workload
5 opintopistettä tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use the concepts and elements of the subject area in a variety of ways in practical work and assignments. They use concepts expertly and can justify their use. The students are able to use and compare various theories independently and critically in practical situations, direct the implementation of the assignment, work in a self-directed manner and reflect upon what they have learnt.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use marketing and customer relations concepts systematically and logically. The students are able to use various theories independently in practical situations, give reasons for the implementation of the assignment and choices of solutions and assess whether the solutions have been successful.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to describe the fundamental concepts and contents of the main elements. Some uncertainty in their perception and description of the whole subject is apparent. The students are able to select suitable methods and channels for the situation and can partially employ various theories in practical situations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojaksolla suoritetaan seuraavat osasuoritukset:
) 1 op = 20 p. Osallistuminen opetukseen ja erikseen määriteltyjen tehtävien tekeminen
) 1 op = 20 p. Tentti
) 1 op = 20 p. Ryhmätyö
) 1 op = 20 p. Työkirja (yksilötehtävä)
) 1 op = Harjoitteluraportin tämän opintojakson tehtävä (hyväksytty - täydennettävä -hylätty)
Opintojakso arvioidaan (1-5) kokonaispistemäärän (maks. 80 p.) perusteella seuraavasti:
5 = 90 % = 72 -80 p.
4 = 80 % = 64 - 71 p.
3 = 70 % = 56 - 63 p.
2 = 60 % = 48 - 55 p.
1 = min. 50 % = 40 – 47 p.
0 = < 50 % = alle 40 p.
Customer Oriented Marketing
Further information
Work Placement 1 credit
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2.5 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Kirsi Meriläinen
- Pia Kuittinen
Students will know the special features of services marketing while understanding the importance of customer relationship thinking and customer satisfaction as a part of profitable business operations. Students will be able to use basic relationship marketing and will learn to assess and use services marketing.
LT00BX30 Competition in the market
Competitive means of marketing
Customer relationship management
Service processes and operating environment
Pricing strategies
Development of accessibility
elements of marketing communications
Location and time
Opiskelu tapahtuu kerran kuukaudessa 2,5-tunnin tapaamisissa joko lähitapaamisissa kampuksella tai etätapaamisissa Teamissä.
Teams-tapaamisiin opiskelija voi osallistua tietokoneella tai puhelimella. Opiskelijalla on oltava toimiva mikrofoni ja kamera Teams-tapaamisten aikana, jotta hänet voidaan katsoa läsnäolevaksi.
Tapaamiset keväällä 2025:
pe 24.1. klo 17:30-19 LähiTapiola Kainuu-Koillismaan toimistolla, Kauppakatu 16, Kajaani
pe 21.2. klo 17:30-19 Teams
pe 28.3. klo 14-15:30 Kampus (katso luokka lukujärjestyksestä)
pe 25.4. klo 14-15:30 Teams
la 24.5. klo 8-9:30 Kampus (katso luokka lukujärjestyksestä)
Reppu: Luentomateriaalit, erikseen ilmoitetut artikkelit, raportit ja muu oheismateriaali.
Kirjallisuus: Bergström, Seija & Leppänen Arja (2015 tai uudempi painos) Yrityksen asiakasmarkkinointi: Markkinoinnin kilpailukeinot.
Teaching methods
Luennot etä- ja lähitapaamisilla, ohjatut harjoitukset, yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely) ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
Employer connections
Luennoilla mahdolliset (yrittäjä)vierailijat ja ohjatuttuina harjoituksina yrityksille tehtävät projektit.
Mahdolliset vierailut lähialueen yrityksiin ja tapahtumiin.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat opintojakson sisältöihin liittyvät korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava opintojakson sisältöihin liittyvä osaaminen.
Student workload
5 opintopistettä tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use the concepts and elements of the subject area in a variety of ways in practical work and assignments. They use concepts expertly and can justify their use. The students are able to use and compare various theories independently and critically in practical situations, direct the implementation of the assignment, work in a self-directed manner and reflect upon what they have learnt.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use marketing and customer relations concepts systematically and logically. The students are able to use various theories independently in practical situations, give reasons for the implementation of the assignment and choices of solutions and assess whether the solutions have been successful.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to describe the fundamental concepts and contents of the main elements. Some uncertainty in their perception and description of the whole subject is apparent. The students are able to select suitable methods and channels for the situation and can partially employ various theories in practical situations.
Customer Oriented Marketing
Further information
Work Placement 1 credit
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sami Malm
Students will know the general principles of contract law, the core contracts used in business, and marketing regulations.
The legal system
Contracts and making contracts
Debt and security
Consumer protection and competition rules
oppimateriaali kerrottu repussa
Teaching methods
Arvioitavat tehtävät
Exam schedules
Arvioitavat tehtävät. Ei tenttiä.
Student workload
100 h
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
Moduuleittain arvioitavat tehtävät
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
alle 50% arviotavien tehtävien maksimipisteistä
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
vähintään 90% arviotavien tehtävien maksimipisteistä
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
70-89 % arviotavien tehtävien maksimipisteistä
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
50-69 % arviotavien tehtävien maksimipisteistä
Further information
Work Placement 1 credit
1 RDI credit
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Pekka Vaarala
Students will know the general principles of contract law, the core contracts used in business, and marketing regulations.
The legal system
Contracts and making contracts
Debt and security
Consumer protection and competition rules
oppimateriaali kerrottu moodlessa
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Further information
Work Placement 1 credit
1 RDI credit
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4.5 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
10 % Contact teaching, 90 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
The student knows the basics of corporate communication, recognizes the components of a communication process and knows how to plan and implement internal and external communication in a company. The student knows the basics of reputation management and can use the tools of communication in change and crisis management.
Basics of corporate communication and communication process
Areas of communication
Panning and implementation of communication
Reputation management
Communication in change and crisis management
Location and time
A nonstop course that can be started according to one's own schedule during the year 2025. Introductory session 25.1.2025 klo 13.45 - 14.30.
Juholin, E. Communicare! Ota viestinnän ilmiöt ja strategiat haltuun. (Vanhemmat painokset ok).
Åberg, L. Viestinnän johtaminen.
Åberg, L. Esimiehen viestintäopas.
Åberg, L. Viestinnän strategiat.
Aula, P. - Heinonen, J. Maine - menestystekijä
Teaching methods
Introductory session. Independent study in Moodle and submission of the final assignment.
Employer connections
Collaboration with working life is implemented in the final assignment.
Exam schedules
Completion alternatives
Discuss with the teacher.
Student workload
5 cr = 135 hours of student's own work.
Content scheduling
Community communication - what is it?
Influencer communication and reputation management
Crisis communication
Communication planning
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can draw on the areas and tools of organizational communication and the approaches of communication process in a responsible and problem solving way.
In the portfolio, (s)he can develop and analyse communication in the organization from the individual and group communication point of view.
The student recognizes and reflects on the effects of communication culture in individual and group guidance.
The student uses portfolio bibliography in a versatile and creditable way, which forms the base for his/her own reflections.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student knows usable tools and approaches of organizational communication.
In the portfolio, (s)he can apply communication, tools and approaches of his/her own organization as well as analyse communication and recognize things to be developed.
The student's use of portfolio bibliography is fairly good and versatile.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student knows the basic tasks, roles and responsibilities of organizational communication.
In the portfolio, (s)he can examine factors affecting individual and group activities from the communicational point of view and reflect on the influence of communication.
The student's use of portfolio bibliography is superficial and one-sided.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is assessed based on the final assignment according to the course assessment criteria.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is capable of responsibly and solution-orientedly utilizing the various areas, tools, and communication process models of organizational communication. In their portfolio, they can develop and analyze communication within their own organization from the perspectives of individual and group communication.
The student identifies and reflects on the effects of communication culture on guiding individuals and groups. Their portfolio demonstrates commendable and diverse use of sources, serving as a foundation for their own reflections.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student is well acquainted with the tools and models of organizational communication that can be utilized. In their portfolio, they demonstrate the ability to apply communication, tools, and models within their own organization, as well as analyze communication and identify areas for improvement.
The student's use of sources in their portfolio is moderately good and diverse.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is aware of the fundamental tasks, roles, and responsibilities of organizational communication. In their portfolio, they can examine factors influencing individual and group behavior from a communication perspective and reflect on the impact of communication.
However, the student's use of sources in their portfolio is limited and one-sided.
19.02.2024 - 25.02.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
Students will know the legislation for corporate income taxation and the basic principles of income taxation and financial statement planning.
Income taxation for different forms of business
Calculating taxable business income
Basics of financial statement planning
Tomperi S. 2022 tai uudempi painos. Yritysverotus ja tilinpäätössuunnittelu. Edita. Teos löytyy e-kirjana Kamk:n Ellips-kirjastosta
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Tentti kurssialustalla.
Completion alternatives
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student understands the theoretical legislation behind corporate taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying corporate taxation to various corporate tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can interpret the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying personal taxation to various personal tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student applies the legislative theory underlying income taxation to various income tax-related cases under guidance.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavien tehtävien ja tentin yhteispistemäärän mukaan.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Introduction to Accounting and Finance 5 cr and Practical Bookkeeping 5 cr
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will know the legislation for corporate income taxation and the basic principles of income taxation and financial statement planning.
Income taxation for different forms of business
Calculating taxable business income
Basics of financial statement planning
Tomperi S. 2022 tai uudempi painos. Yritysverotus ja tilinpäätössuunnittelu. Edita. Teos löytyy e-kirjana Kamk:n Ellips-kirjastosta
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Tentti Devmoodlessa
Completion alternatives
Lähiopetus LLT22SH-ryhmän työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student understands the theoretical legislation behind corporate taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying corporate taxation to various corporate tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can interpret the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying personal taxation to various personal tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student applies the legislative theory underlying income taxation to various income tax-related cases under guidance.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavien tehtävien ja tentin yhteispistemäärän mukaan.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Introduction to Accounting and Finance 5 cr and Practical Bookkeeping 5 cr
30.05.2025 - 30.07.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Scheduling groups
- KAMK Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
- KAMK Open UAS 1
Students will know the legislation for corporate income taxation and the basic principles of income taxation and financial statement planning.
Income taxation for different forms of business
Calculating taxable business income
Basics of financial statement planning
Location and time
Kesä- ja syyslukukauden opinnot
Tomperi Soile. Yritysverotus ja tilinpäätössuunnittelu. Sanomapro.
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Tentti Repussa.
Completion alternatives
Lähitoteutus LLT23SH-ryhmän mukana.
Content scheduling
Yrityksen tuloverotuksen keskeinen lainsäädäntö
Tulolajit ja tulolähteet
Verotus yksityisliikkeessä ja henkilöyhtiöissä
Osakeyhtiöiden verotus
Elinkeinotulolähde ja verotettavan tulon laskeminen
- Veronalaiset -ja verovapaat tulot
- Vähennyskelpoiset ja vähnnyskelvottomat menot ja menetykset
- Tulojen ja menojen jaksotus
- Varaukset
Tilinpäätössuunnittelu, case-esimerkki.
Further information
Kesäopintoina v. 2025
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavien tehtävien ja tentin yhteispistemäärän mukaan.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Courses Introduction to Accounting and Finance (5 cr) and Practical Bookkeeping (5 cr)
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Olli Jääskeläinen
- Maritta Seppälä
- Päivi Auno
The student knows techniques used for organizational and activity research and development. The student knows how quality thinking develops and can grasp the importance of quality for successful organizational performance. (S)he can describe processes, search for items to develop and understand the procedures of on-going developing and projecting and can apply developmental methods.
Basics of development activities
Development methods
Quality thinking /LEAN
Quality tools
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is well aware of the main contents and application possibilities of development activities and quality thinking.
The student knows the development methods and quality enhancement techniques well
The student can apply development practices well.
The student can apply development and quality tools to develop his/her organisation.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is rather aware of the main contents and application possibilities of development activities.
The student knows the development methods and quality techniques rather well
The student can apply development methods and quality techniques rather well.
The student can work out how to apply development and quality tools.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is somewhat aware of the main content and application possibilities of development activities.
The student knows the development methods and quality thinking techniques to some extent.
The student can apply development methods to some extent.
The student can understand development and quality tools.
Further information
Research and development 5 credits
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 25
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
The students will be able to start using a financial management system and will know the software features. They will be able to enter the business transactions of a case company into the system, compile VAT calculations and submit VAT tax returns in via the OmaVero platform using a financial management system. The students will know how to compile periodic financial reports and financial statements. The students will also become familiar with digital financial management and automatic systems of business administration.
Financial management system, NetVisor
Entering the business transactions of a case company, periodic bookkeeping and financial statement
VAT calculations, VAT tax return in OmaVero and income register notices
Digital accounting and automatic business administration systems
Location and time
13.1.-15.4.2024 lukujärjestyksen mukaan.
Huom. Muutokset mahdollisia!
© Edita Publishing Oy ja Soile Tomperi, 2023
Repun kurssimateriaali
Teaching methods
Case-yrityksen liiketapahtumien kirjaaminen
Välitilinpäätöksen ja tilinpäätöksen laatiminen
Raportointi ja esitys
Exam schedules
Opintojaksosta ei järjestetä erillistä tenttiä. Arviointi perustuu palautettaviin tehtäviin ja esitettävään raporttiin.
Student workload
Lähiopetusta 15 x 4h = 60h
Omaa työskentelyä n. 75h
Content scheduling
Opintojakson sisältö:
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä: Netvisor
Case-yrityksen liiketapahtumien kirjaaminen
Välitilinpäätös ja tilinpäätös
Alv-laskelmien laatiminen sekä alv- ja tulorekisteri-ilmoitukset
Digitaalinen laskentatoimi
Taloushallinnon automatisointi
Further information
Palautettavat tehtävät
Tehtävät palautetaan viimeistään:
Ti 28.1.2025 klo 16.00 kuukausikirjanpito tammi-maaliskuu
Ti 11.2.2025 klo 16.00 kuukausikirjanpito huhti-kesäkuu
Ti 25.2.2025 klo 16.00 välitilinpäätös (kesäkuun vtp)
Ti 11.3.2025 klo 16.00 kuukausikirjanpito heinä-syyskuu
Ti 18.3.2025 klo 16.00 välitilinpäätös (syyskuun vtp)
Ti 1.4.2025 klo 16.00 raportti
Ti 8.4.2025 klo 16.00 kuukausikirjanpito loka-joulukuu
Ti 15.4.2025 klo 16.00 tilinpäätös (joulukuun tp)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointiasteikko 0-5
Arvosana muodostuu palautettavien tehtävien ja kirjallisen raportin yhteispistemäärän perusteella:
Kuukausikirjanpito, max 5 pistettä/kk eli max 60 pistettä yhteensä
Välitilinpäätös, max 5 pistettä/vtp eli max 10 pistettä yhteensä
Tilinpäätös, max 5 pistettä
Kirjallinen raportti, max 25 pistettä
Kaikki pisteet yhteensä, max 100 pistettä
Kurssin suorittaminen hyväksytysti edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista lähiopetukseen, ryhmätöihin ja muihin tehtäviin sekä tehtävien suorittamista ja palauttamista aikataulujen mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Alle 49 pistettä
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
90-100 kiitettävä 5
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
70-79 pistettä hyvä 3
80-89 pistettä hyvä 4
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
50 - 59 pistettä tyydyttävä 1
60 - 69 pistettä tyydyttävä 2
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
The students will be able to start using a financial management system and will know the software features. They will be able to enter the business transactions of a case company into the system, compile VAT calculations and submit VAT tax returns in via the OmaVero platform using a financial management system. The students will know how to compile periodic financial reports and financial statements. The students will also become familiar with digital financial management and automatic systems of business administration.
Financial management system, NetVisor
Entering the business transactions of a case company, periodic bookkeeping and financial statement
VAT calculations, VAT tax return in OmaVero and income register notices
Digital accounting and automatic business administration systems
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Tomperi S. Käytännön kirjanpito. Edita. Uusin painos.
Leppiniemi, Jarmo & Kaisanlahti Timo. Liikekirjanpito. Alma Talent Fokus. Teos löytyy digitaalisena Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulun kirjaston verkkokirjahyllyltä.
Leppiniemi Jarmo & Leppiniemi Raili & Kaisanlahti Timo. Oikeat ja riittävät kirjaukset. Alma Talent Fokus. Teos löytyy digitaalisena Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulun kirjaston verkkokirjahyllyltä.
Kirjallisuusesseen lähdemateriaali on kerrotaan Reppu-kurssilla.
Teaching methods
NetVisor -ohjelmiston käytön opiskelu
Case-yrityksen kirjanpidon tositteiden kirjaaminen ja tilinpäätös, NetVisor -ohjelmistolla. palautettava tehtävä
Completion alternatives
Päivätoteutus LLT23SH-työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Opiskelija osaa soveltaa taloushallinnon järjestelmää tavanomaisissa liiketapahtuma -ja tilinpäätöskirjauksissa.
Opiskelija on tutustunut älykkääseen taloushallintoon sekä automaation, ohjelmistorobotiikan, koneoppimisen ja tekoälyn mahdollisuuksiin taloushallinnossa kirjallisuuskatsauksella.
Content scheduling
NetVisor -taloushallinnon ohjelman käytön opiskelu.
Case-yrityksen liiketapahtumien kirjaaminen ja tilinpäätös NetVisor-ohjelmalla. Palautettava tehtävä.
Digitaalisesta taloushallnnosta kohti älykkääseen taloushallintoon. Taloushallinnon automaatio. Kirjallisuusessee.
Further information
Laskentatoimen perusteet 5op
Käytännön kirjanpito 5 op
Evaluation scale
01.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sini Sarén
The course aims to make artificial intelligence understandable. "The Basics of Artificial Intelligence" is a free online course designed for anyone who wants to know what artificial intelligence is, what it can (and cannot) do, and how it impacts our lives. You don't need in-depth mathematical understanding or programming skills. Upon completing the course, you can earn 2 credits through the Open University of the University of Helsinki.
After completing the course, you will:
Understand the key impacts of artificial intelligence
Be able to critically evaluate news and discussions related to artificial intelligence
Be able to discuss and define what artificial intelligence is
Be able to describe methods that enable artificial intelligence.
What is artificial intelligence?
Problem-solving using artificial intelligence
Practical applications of artificial intelligence
Machine learning
Neural networks
Societal impacts of artificial intelligence
The learning materials are provided on the learning platform.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The University of Helsinki assesses the study module.
The Basics of Artificial Intelligence is a free online course designed for anyone who wants to know what artificial intelligence is, what it can (and cannot) do, and how artificial intelligence impacts our lives. You don't need a deep understanding of mathematics or programming skills.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Helka Leimu-Pelkonen
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Mika Pietarinen
- Annamaija Juntunen
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 27.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Helka Leimu-Pelkonen
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
The learning materials are available in Reppu.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Mika Pietarinen
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
The learning materials are available on Moodle.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3.5 op
Mode of delivery
30 % Contact teaching, 70 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Katja-Mari Kärkkäinen
- Hannele Siipola
Teacher in charge
Hannele Siipola
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
Location and time
Aloitustunnit 22.2.2025 teamsissä.
Projektinhallinta: Verkkoluennot oman aikatalun mukaisesti. Verkkotentti 22.2.-4.5.2025 oman aikataulun mukaisesti.
Tapahtuman järjestäminen: Sisältää lukujärjestyksen mukaisia oppitunteja teamsissa ja lähiopetuksena. Verkkotentti 4.-6.5.2025. oman aikataulun mukaisesti.
The learning materials are available on Moodle.
Teaching methods
Aloitustunnit ja oppitunnit teamsissa ja lähiopetuksena lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti, verkkoluennot oman aikatalun mukaisesti. oppimistehtävät ja tentit.
Exam schedules
Projektinhallinta osion tenttiaika oman aikataulun mukaisesti 22.2.2025 - 4.5.2025. Arviointi toukokuun aikana. Mahdollisuus uusintaan.
Tapahtuman järjestämisen perusteet: Verkkotentti 4.- 6.5.2025. Oman aikataulun mukaisesti. Arviointi toukokuun aikana. Mahdollisuus uusintaan.
Completion alternatives
Opintojakso edellyttää 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Opintojakso ei sisällä vaihtoehtoista suoritustapaa, mutta aikaisempi osaaminen voidaan tunnistaa ja tunnustaa. (Tieto päivitetty 5.2.25. vastaamaan LLM24SE opintosuunnitelmaa).
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op a´27 tuntia. Tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskeluaikaa.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso koostuu kahdesta kokonaisuudesta: Projektin hallinta 2,5 op ja Tapahtuman järjestäminen 2,5 op. Osioista on omat oppimisympäristönsä Reppumoodlessa.
Projektin hallinta 2,5 op koostuu verkkoluento-osioista Projektijohtamisen perusteet ja Projektinhallinta projektin toteutuksen aikana ja tentistä.
Further information
Opintojakson arviointi sisältökuvauksen mukaisesti toukokuun 2025 aikana.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment methods and criteria
Molemmat tentit ja Tapahtuman järjestämisen osion oppimistehtävät hyväksyttävästi suoritettu. Opintojakson arvosana muodostuu 50% painotus Tapahtuman järjestämisen osio ja 50% painotus Projektinhallinnan osio.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti, oma-aloitteisesti, vastuullisesti suunnitella ja järjestää käytännössä tapahtuman alusta loppuun saakka noudattaen onnistuneen tapahtuman järjestämisen periaatteita. Opiskelija osaa toimia kiitettävästi edistäen ryhmän toimintaa jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassaan muut tapahtumatiimin jäsenet huomioon. Opiskelija osaa analysoida tapahtumien merkityksen matkailun vetovoimatekijänä. Lisäksi hän osaa laajasti perustella tapahtumien taloudellisen merkityksen yhteiskunnalle.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti suunnitella ja järjestää käytännössä tapahtuman alusta loppuun saakka noudattaen onnistuneen tapahtuman järjestämisen periaatteita. Opiskelija osaa toimia hyvin ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassaan muut tapahtumatiimin jäsenet huomioon. Opiskelija osaa arvioida yleisötapahtumien merkityksen matkailun vetovoimatekijänä. Lisäksi hän osaa hyvin perustella tapahtumien taloudellisen merkityksen yhteiskunnalle.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija osaa ohjattuna suunnitella ja järjestää käytännössä mukaisen tapahtuman alusta loppuun saakka noudattaen onnistuneen tapahtuman järjestämisen periaatteita. Opiskelija osaa toimia tyydyttävästi ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassaan muut tapahtumatiimin jäsenet huomioon. Opiskelija osaa tyydyttävästi arvioida yleisötapahtumien merkityksen matkailun vetovoimatekijänä. Lisäksi hän osaa pintapuolisesti kuvailla tapahtumien taloudellisen merkityksen yhteiskunnalle.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Anne Määttä
- Annamaija Juntunen
The students will understand the significance of memorable experiences and narratives in event production and the role of catering as a part of the event experience.
The students will be able to plan responsible events taking into account the special features of the region and the opportunities offered by the environment.
Memorable experience
Creating narratives
Catering as a part of events
Special cultural features
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Anne Määttä
- Katja-Mari Kärkkäinen
- Teija Vainikka
- Mika Pietarinen
- Annamaija Juntunen
The students will participate in producing an event. They be able to work within different roles within the event in a responsible and expert way as well as to evaluate the success of the event.
Tapahtuman käsikirjoittaminen ja tuotantoon osallistuminen.
Matkamessuille osallistuminen.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be able to compile financial statements for different forms of company. They will be able to analyse a company's economic situation with the aid of financial statement information.
The impact of different forms of business on the financial statement
Financial ratio analysis
Cash flow calculation
Location and time
LLT23SH työjärjestyksen mukaan
Tomperi S. Käytännön kirjanpito. Oppikirja ja harjoituskirja. Edita.
Tomperi S. Kehittyvä kirjanpitotaito. Oppikirja ja harjoituskirja. Edita.
Teosten vuoden 2022 painos tai uudemmat soveltuvat.
Korhonen P. 2011. Yritystutkimuksen tilinpäätösanalyysi. Gaudeamus.
Yritystutkimus ry. Yritystutkimuksen tilinpäätösanalyysi. Materiaali löytyy Yritystutkimus ry:n sivuilta:
Teaching methods
Palautettavat tehtävät
Exam schedules
Tentti Repussa.
Completion alternatives
Monimuotototetus LLM23S-ryhmän työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Content scheduling
Tilinpäätöksen sisältö, painotus tuloslaskelma ja tase
Vaihto-omaisuuden arvostus ja tuloutus
Suunnitelman mukaiset poistot ja poistoero
Pakolliset -ja vapaaehtoiset varaukset
Tuloslaskelman ja taseen oikaisut
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statement analysis and other sources of good bookkeeping. They are able to analyse a company's economic situation and reasons and consequence relationships independently. They are able to work as a team to develop the team's work and spirit.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statement analysis. They are able to analyse a company's economic situation independently. They are able to work as a team to achieve the common goals of the team/group.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to recognize the theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statement analysis. They are able to analyse a company's economic situation with supervision. They participate in the work of the group (classwork).
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat tehtävät: Hyväksytty / Täydennettävä.
Tentti: 5 - 0
Opiskelija osaa tulkita kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätösanalyysin taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä sekä muita hyvän kirjanpitotavan lähteitä.
Opiskelija analysoi itsenäisesti yrityksen taloudellista tilannetta ja syy-seuraussuhteita.
Opiskelija toimii ryhmän ja tiimin kehittäjänä ja hengen luojana.
Opiskelija osaa tulkita kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätösanalyysin taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija analysoi itsenäisesti yrityksen taloudellista tilannetta.
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ryhmässä ja tiimeissä.
Opiskelija tunnistaa kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätösanalyysin taustalla olevaa teoriaa.
Opiskelija analysoi ohjatusti yrityksen taloudellista tilannetta.
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan ryhmässä.
Introduction to Accounting
Follow-up course in Bookkeeping
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be able to compile financial statements for different forms of company. They will be able to analyse a company's economic situation with the aid of financial statement information.
The impact of different forms of business on the financial statement
Financial ratio analysis
Cash flow calculation
Location and time
LLM23S työjärjestyksen mukaan
Tomperi S. 2022. Käytännön kirjanpito. Edita.
Tomperi S. 2022. Kehittyvä kirjanpitotaito. Edita.
Teoksen aikaisemmat painokset myös soveltuvat.
Yritystutkimus ry. Yritystutkimuksen tilinpäätösanalyysi. Materiaali löytyy Yritystutkimus ry:n sivuilta:
Korhonen P. 2011. Yritystutkimuksen tilinpäätösanalyysi. Gaudeamus.
Teaching methods
Palautettavat tehtävät
Exam schedules
Tentti Repussa.
Completion alternatives
Päivätoteutus LLT23-ryhmän työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Content scheduling
Tilinpäätöksen sisältö, painotus tuloslaskelma ja tase
Suunnitelman mukaiset poistot ja poistoero
Tuloslaskelman ja taseen oikaisut.
Further information
Laskentatoimen perusteet 5op
Käytännön kirjanpito 5 op
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statement analysis and other sources of good bookkeeping. They are able to analyse a company's economic situation and reasons and consequence relationships independently. They are able to work as a team to develop the team's work and spirit.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statement analysis. They are able to analyse a company's economic situation independently. They are able to work as a team to achieve the common goals of the team/group.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to recognize the theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statement analysis. They are able to analyse a company's economic situation with supervision. They participate in the work of the group (classwork).
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat tehtävät: Hyväksytty /Täydennettävä
Tentti: 5 - 0
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätösanalyysin taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä sekä muita hyvän kirjanpitotavan lähteitä.
Opiskelija analysoi itsenäisesti yrityksen taloudellista tilannetta ja syy-seuraussuhteita.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätösanalyysin taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija analysoi itsenäisesti yrityksen taloudellista tilannetta.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätösanalyysin taustalla olevaa teoriaa.
Opiskelija analysoi ohjatusti yrityksen taloudellista tilannetta.
Introduction to Accounting
Follow-up course in Bookkeeping
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Mervi Väisänen
Students will know the main concepts of regional economics as well as factors associated with the development of economic regions while being able to discuss current economic issues. Students will be able to review current economic issues ans compile reports on the state of economic development.
The world as an operational environment and regional economic viewpoints
Demographic factors and their effect on the economy
Europe as a economic region and the development of the EU
Finland's economy, competitiveness and production structure
Energy issues in economic decision making
Location and time
Kevät 2025
Repussa jaettava oppimateriaali ja ajankohtaiset muut materiaalit käsiteltävien teemojen mukaisesti.
Teaching methods
Monimuoto-opetus, itsenäinen ja yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Kokonaisaika 130 h (lähiopetus/Teams 14 h, itsenäinen ja yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu 116 h).
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use concepts expertly and in a variety of ways. They are able to critically and analytically analyse changes and trends in the economic operational environment and to reflect upon their own learning.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use the concepts of the subject area systematically and logically. They are able to assess and analyse changes and trends in the economic operational environment at least to some extent.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use the basic concepts of the economic operational environment and to describe their content.
Assessment methods and criteria
Annettujen tehtävien ja nettitentin suoritus, hyväksytty suoritus vähintään 50 % opintojakson kokonaispistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelijan käsitteiden käyttö on monipuolista ja asiantuntevaa.
Opiskelija kykenee analysoimaan kriittisesti ja analyyttisesti taloudellisen toimintaympäristön muutoksia ja kehityskulkuja, sekä reflektoimaan omaa oppimistaan.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa käyttää aihealueen käsitteitä johdonmukaisesti ja loogisesti.
Opiskelija osaa kuvata, arvioida ja analysoida taloudellisen toimintaympäristön muutoksia ja kehityskulkuja.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija osaa käyttää taloudelliseen toimintaympäristöön liittyviä peruskäsitteitä ja kuvata niiden sisältöjä.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kirsi Huotari
- Iina Korhonen
The student recognizes different communication situations as well as documents and spoken presentations relating to them. (S)he can express him/herself clearly and in a target oriented way in communication situations in speaking and writing. The student acquires and assesses field related information critically and applies it in new situations.
Basics of communication and interaction.
Spoken communication situations, preparation and implementation: presentations, meetings, negotiations, speeches, intensive listening techniques.
Central business documents: meeting and negotiation documents, business letters, employment search documents.
Formal writing and properties of a good document (essays, summaries, reports, abstracts).
Use of source references and drawing up a bibliography.
Other formal writing and technical instructions for it (reference technique, bibliography, templates).
Location and time
Katso ALK24S/ALK24SLT lukujärjestys.
Ilmoitetaan opintojakson yhteydessä
Teaching methods
Vuorovaikutus/ Kirsi Huotari (2 op):
Luennot / ohjatut harjoitukset, itsenäinen opiskelu
Viestintä / Iina Korhonen (2 op):
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä. Oppimistehtävän ajankohta ja oppimisraportin palautus sovitaan opintojakson alussa.
Student workload
Opiskelijan työmäärä on 54h (sis. lähiopetusta sekä itsenäistätyöskentelyä)
Content scheduling
Katso tuntien ajankohdat ryhmän työjärjestyksestä. Aloitustunnin, oman ohjauksen ja vertaisarvioinnin läsnäolovelvollisuus on 100%. Läsnäolovelvollisuus muutoin yleisesti 80%
Further information
AHOT/muut hyväksiluvut: Lukujärjestykseen merkityt lähiopetustunnit (Kirsin tunnit) kuuluvat aina kaikille ryhmäytymisen vuoksi, niistä ei voi saada hyväksilukuja. Muutoin hyväksiluvut katsotaan aina tapauskohtaisesti.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the learning objectives and can produce publishable documents using versatile professional concepts and deliver an assertive presentation.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce accurate documents and deliver a successful presentation.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce adequate documents and deliver an average presentation.
Assessment methods and criteria
1-5, katso tarkemmat arviointikriteerit opintojakson tiedoista.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Päivi Dahl
The student recognizes different communication situations as well as documents and spoken presentations relating to them. (S)he can express him/herself clearly and in a target oriented way in communication situations in speaking and writing. The student acquires and assesses field related information critically and applies it in new situations.
Speech Communication 2 cr
Meeting and Negotiation Skills 1 cr
Written Communication 2 cr
Basics of communication and interaction.
Spoken communication situations, preparation and implementation: presentations, meetings, negotiations, speeches, intensive listening techniques.
Central business documents: meeting and negotiation documents, business letters, employment search documents.
Formal writing and properties of a good document (essays, summaries, reports, abstracts).
Use of source references and drawing up a bibliography.
Other formal writing and technical instructions for it (reference technique, bibliography, templates).
In the implementation plan.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the learning objectives and can produce publishable documents using versatile professional concepts and deliver an assertive presentation.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce accurate documents and deliver a successful presentation.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce adequate documents and deliver an average presentation.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Päivi Dahl
The student recognizes different communication situations as well as documents and spoken presentations relating to them. (S)he can express him/herself clearly and in a target oriented way in communication situations in speaking and writing. The student acquires and assesses field related information critically and applies it in new situations.
Speech Communication 2 cr
Meeting and Negotiation Skills 1 cr
Written Communication 2 cr
Basics of communication and interaction.
Spoken communication situations, preparation and implementation: presentations, meetings, negotiations, speeches, intensive listening techniques.
Central business documents: meeting and negotiation documents, business letters, employment search documents.
Formal writing and properties of a good document (essays, summaries, reports, abstracts).
Use of source references and drawing up a bibliography.
Other formal writing and technical instructions for it (reference technique, bibliography, templates).
In the implementation plan.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the learning objectives and can produce publishable documents using versatile professional concepts and deliver an assertive presentation.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce accurate documents and deliver a successful presentation.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce adequate documents and deliver an average presentation.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Tuula Rajander
- Päivi Dahl
The student recognizes different communication situations as well as documents and spoken presentations relating to them. (S)he can express him/herself clearly and in a target oriented way in communication situations in speaking and writing. The student acquires and assesses field related information critically and applies it in new situations.
Speech Communication 2 cr
Meeting and Negotiation Skills 1 cr
Written Communication 2 cr
Basics of communication and interaction.
Spoken communication situations, preparation and implementation: presentations, meetings, negotiations, speeches, intensive listening techniques.
Central business documents: meeting and negotiation documents, business letters, employment search documents.
Formal writing and properties of a good document (essays, summaries, reports, abstracts).
Use of source references and drawing up a bibliography.
Other formal writing and technical instructions for it (reference technique, bibliography, templates).
In the implementation plan.
Teaching methods
Contact teaching. In multi-form implementation every other month lectures will be held via Teams. There is no possibility to join to the contact teaching remotely.
Exam schedules
Oman viestijäkuvan sekä rooli- ja toimintatyylin pohdinta (hyv/hyl), 15.9.2024 mennessä.
Videoitu puhe-esitys (0 - 5), 13.10.2024 mennessä.
Palautettava essee (0 - 5), 20.10.2024 mennessä (huom! yhteinen suoritus Asiakassuuntainen markkinointi -opintojakson kanssa)
Palautettavat liikekirjeet (0 - 5), 30.11.2024 mennessä.
Completion alternatives
To be arranged with the teacher.
Student workload
5 cr = 135 hours of student's work.
Content scheduling
Pe 30.8.2024 2 h kampuksella: opintojakson aloitus, tutustuminen ja ryhmäytyminen (Tuula & Päivi), puheviestinnän perusteita (Päivi)
La 31.8.2024 2 h kampuksella: lähdeviitteet, esseen kirjoittaminen (Tuula)
Pe 27.9.2024 2 h Teamsissa: kokous- ja neuvottelutaito, verkkoviestintä (Päivi)
Pe 25.10.2024 2 h kampuksella: ryhmäviestintä, (neuvottelu)simulaatiot (Päivi)
Pe 22.11.2024 2 h Teamsissa: palautetta esseistä (Tuula)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the learning objectives and can produce publishable documents using versatile professional concepts and deliver an assertive presentation.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce accurate documents and deliver a successful presentation.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce adequate documents and deliver an average presentation.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the learning objectives and can produce publishable documents using versatile professional concepts and deliver an assertive presentation.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce accurate documents and deliver a successful presentation.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce adequate documents and deliver an average presentation.
01.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be able to apply rules and laws of accounting in practical situations.
Good accounting principles:
Accountancy act
Accountancy statutory order
Accoutancy Standards Board guidelines
Good accountancy principles
Location and time
Opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaan.
Leppiniemi Jarmo - Leppiniemi Raili: Pieni kirjanpitovelvollinen, kirjanpito ja tilinpäätös. WSOYpro
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu. Kurssiavain Repussa (Easy enrollments): hmdzwy
Content scheduling
Pieni kirjanpitovelvollinen, määritelmä
Tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus
Oikea ja riittävä kuva sekä yleiset tilinpäätösperiaatteet
Hyvä kirjanpitotapa, määritelmä ja sisältö
Taseen -, tuloslaskelman - ja liitetietojen sekä toimintakertomuksen sisältö
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply bookkeeping legislation and other bookkeeping regulations and statements in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to apply bookkeeping legislation independently in their work.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students know bookkeeping legislation and other bookkeeping regulations and statements. They can use them with supervision in their work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Opiskelija osaa perustellusti soveltaa kirjanpidon lainsäädäntöä sekä muita kirjanpitoa sääteleviä ohjeita ja lausuntoja toiminnassaan.
Opiskelija osaa soveltaa itsenäisesti kirjanpidon lainsäädäntöä toiminnassaan.
Opiskelija tuntee kirjanpidon lainsäädännön sekä muut kirjanpitoa säätelevät ohjeet ja lausunnot. Hän osaa käyttää niitä ohjatusti toiminnassaan.
Introduction to Accounting
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Outi Lundahl
The student is familiar with the special features and challenges of international business
The student identifies market opportunities for products and services in the international market.
The student is able to make development and implementation solutions that meet customer needs and evaluate their profitability effects
The student manages the launch of a product / service for a selected target market.
The importance of foreign trade for the Finnish economy
Challenges of the global operating environment for the company and global marketplaces
The company's internationalization paths and internationalization strategy
Analysis and utilization of market information
Commercialization planning: making full use of competitive means
Marketing and sales planning
Vahvaselkä, Irma (2009) Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta ja markkinointi. Edita.
Tienari – Meriläinen (2021). Johtaminen ja globaali talous.
Hollendsen, Svend 2014: Global Marketing, edition 6.
Hill, Charles 2011: International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace.
Cavusgil- Knight- Riesenberger- Freeman -Rammal 2012: International Business.
Muu materiaali opintojakson Moodlessa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
To achieve grade 5 students must be able to
- analyze the acquired information, draw conclusions, and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill, or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners
Assessment criteria, good (3)
To achieve grade 3-4 students must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
To achieve grade 1-2 (or pass) students must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner
- act independently considering the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their need
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
- Päivi Auno
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Location and time
Itsenäinen työskentely ja verkkototeutus. Voit suorittaa opintojakson omaan tahtiin. Opintojaksosta järjestetään aloitustunti lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti teams -toteutuksena.
E-books and -materials
Teaching methods
Itsenäisesti verkossa suoritettava opintojakso.
Employer connections
Opiskelija reflektoi oppisisältöjä tuntemansa organisaation käytänteisiin.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksossa ei ole aikataulutettua tenttiä.
Completion alternatives
Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista saat tarvittaessa opintojakson opettajilta.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op x 27 tuntia = n. 135 tuntia.
Content scheduling
Sisällön tarkempi jaksotus löytyy opintojaksolta repusta.
Kaikille opiskelijoille yhteinen osio 3 op Henkilöstövoimavarojen kokonaisuus
- henkilöstösuunnittelu ja rekrytointi
- perehdyttäminen ja työnopastus
- työnorganisointi ja muotoilu
- henkilöstön kehittäminen
- palkitseminen
Eriytyvä osio 2 op liiketalous
- HRM- suunnitelmat, suunnitelman teoria ja suunnitelman laadinta
Eriytyvä osio 2 op: matkailu ja liikunta
- työoikeus, itsenäinen ja itsenäisesti aikataulutettava tentti
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
Assessment methods and criteria
Liiketalouden koulutus: Tutkielmaesseen arviointikriteerien perusteella 5 op.
Matkailun ja liikunnan koulutukset:
- Tutkielmaesseen arviointikriteerien perusteella 3 op .
- Tentti, jossa automatiikan arvioimia kysymyksiä 2op.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
- Päivi Auno
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Teaching methods
Oppimistehtävät ja tarvittavat materiaalit löytyvät Repusta.
Itsenäisesti suoritettava opintojakso, jonka voi tehdä oman aikataulun mukaan.
Repussa olevan ohjeen mukainen tutkielmaessee (HRM) 3 op ja työoikeuden nettitentti 2 op
Opintojakso on uudistettu osana businesspsykologian opintokokonaisuutta,
joka on luotu osana EU:n osarahoittamaa Businesspsykologian taitajaksi –hanketta.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
- Päivi Auno
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
E-books and -materials
Teaching methods
Opintojakso on uudistettu osana businesspsykologian opintokokonaisuutta,
joka on luotu osana EU:n osarahoittamaa Businesspsykologian taitajaksi –hanketta.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
01.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Elina Jääskeläinen
The student can plan, implement and assess different methods and channels of marketing communication, understands the meaning of integrated marketing communication and the effects of the aims, target groups, overall profitability and budget.
The student manages the methods and channels in digital marketing communication and can choose them according to the situation and aim. (S)he can produce publishable contents for different media and channels.
Comprehensive planning of marketing communication
Methods and channels of marketing communication
Planning and implementation of a marketing campaign
Digital marketing communication
Digital media and channels
1) Edita Viesti perille! Tuloksellista markkinointiviestintää ja sisällöntuotantoa. Digikirja
2) Alma talent Bisneskirjasto: Digimarkkinointi
3) Alma talent Bisneskirjasto: Sisältöstrategia
4) Alma talent Bisneskirjasto: Johdata asiakkaasi verkkoon
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication independently and use them logically and consistently.
The student can, on own initiative, choose the most appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in different areas of marketing communication
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can use and apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication logically and consistently.
The student can choose the most appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in in different areas of marketing communication.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can use and apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication to some extent.
The student can choose appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in different areas of marketing communication under guidance.
Basics of marketing
Customer Oriented Marketing -course has to be made before
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Elina Jääskeläinen
The student can plan, implement and assess different methods and channels of marketing communication, understands the meaning of integrated marketing communication and the effects of the aims, target groups, overall profitability and budget.
The student manages the methods and channels in digital marketing communication and can choose them according to the situation and aim. (S)he can produce publishable contents for different media and channels.
Comprehensive planning of marketing communication
Methods and channels of marketing communication
Planning and implementation of a marketing campaign
Digital marketing communication
Digital media and channels
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication independently and use them logically and consistently.
The student can, on own initiative, choose the most appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in different areas of marketing communication
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can use and apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication logically and consistently.
The student can choose the most appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in in different areas of marketing communication.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can use and apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication to some extent.
The student can choose appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in different areas of marketing communication under guidance.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Pia Kuittinen
Students will know the basic principles of economic science and will understand the reason and consequencerelationships in micro- and macro economics. They will recognise the main concepts of regional economics and the factors associated with regional economic development. They will be able to acquire current, economic science related data and compile an essay.
Basic concepts of economic science
Microeconmic and macroeconomic theory
Factors associated with the development of the regional economy
International economics
Location and time
Kevätlukukausi 2025 eli tammi-toukokuussa
Kerran viikossa 2,5 tunnin lähiopetus kampuksella.
Työelämään tutustuminen viikoilla 11-14.
Luentomateriaalit, kirjallisuus- ja aineistovinkit ovat Repussa.
Teaching methods
4/5 opintopistettä: Luennot, ohjatut harjoitukset, yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely) ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
1/5 opintopiste: Työharjoittelu ja harjoitteluraportin kirjoittaminen ja esittäminen
Employer connections
Luennoilla mahdolliset vierailijat, talouden webinaarit ja seminaarit.
Mahdolliset vierailut lähialueella toimiviin yrityksiin, rahoituslaitoksiin ja/tai julkisen sektorin organisaatioihin.
Työharjoittelu neljän viikon ajan, ja siihen liittyvän raportin kirjoittaminen ja esittäminen
Exam schedules
Tenttiajankohta sovitaan yhdessä opintojakson alussa. Uusinta yleisinä uusintapäivinä.
International connections
Mahdolliset vierailijaluennot yrityksistä ja organisaatioista.
Completion alternatives
Itsenäinen suorittaminen on mahdollista opettajan antamien tehtävien ja yhdessä sovitun aikataulun mukaisesti. Tästä on aina sovittava etukäteen opettajan kanssa. Tehtävänanto ja palautus on Repussa.
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat taloustieteen korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava taloustieteen osaaminen.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use professional concepts systematically and assess various sources of information. The are able to search for information and justify the use of selected sources of information.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students indicate their extensive knowledge of the subject and can restrict information required in individual situations involving the use of knowledge.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use single professional concepts and can search for information for an individual situation from amongst various sources. The students are able to distinguish between common and research-based knowledge.
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojaksolla suoritetaan seuraavat tehtävät, jotka merkataan osasuorituksina Peppiin:
1 op Harjoitteluraportin tämän opintojakson tehtävät (Hyväksytty - Täydennettävä - Hylätty)
1 op = 10 p. Läsnäolo ja tuntitehtävät
1 op = 10 p. Talouskurssi-fi (yksilötehtävä)
1 op = 10 p. Oma talous (yksilötehtävä)
1 op = 20 p. Alkutesti tai lopputentti (läpimenoraja 10 pistettä)
Opintojakson palautetut tehtävät voi opiskelija itse merkitä suoritetuiksi, jolloin ne näkyvät Repun oikean reunan valikossa edistymisen seurantapalkissa.
Arvosana määräytyy tehtävistä saadun kokonaispistemäärän perusteella.
5 = 45-50 pistettä
4 = 38-44 pistettä
3 = 32-37 pistettä
2 = 26-31 pistettä
1 = vähintään 25 pistettä ja jokainen osasuoritustehtävä on suoritettu hyväksytysti
Further information
Work Placement 1 credit
1 RDI credit
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
Students will be aware of the significance of bookkeeping and accounting as a part of entrepreneurial activities. They will know the basic principles of compiling accounts and financial statements. Additionally they will be able to assess a company's financial situation based on the profit and loss statement and balance sheet as well as understanding the significance of the financial statement as the basis of corporate taxation.
Accounting as a part of business operations
Double-entry bookkeeping
Financial statement structure
ADP bookkeeping
The basics of VAT and company taxation
Introduction to financial statement analysis
ReppuMoodlen materiaali ja opintojaksolla ilmoitettava kirjaliisuus
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements
can interpret and draw conclusions on financial statements using financial ratios
can use accounting technics independently and judge them critically
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student
knows the basic priciples of accounting and financial statements
can interpret financial ratios and prepare financial statements
can use accounting technics independently
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the significance of accounting and financial statements in economic follow-up
The student knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements and can calculate financial ratios
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
Students will be aware of the significance of bookkeeping and accounting as a part of entrepreneurial activities. They will know the basic principles of compiling accounts and financial statements. Additionally they will be able to assess a company's financial situation based on the profit and loss statement and balance sheet as well as understanding the significance of the financial statement as the basis of corporate taxation.
Accounting as a part of business operations
Double-entry bookkeeping
Financial statement structure
ADP bookkeeping
The basics of VAT and company taxation
Introduction to financial statement analysis
ReppuMoodlen materiaali ja opintojaksolla ilmoitettava kirjaliisuus
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements
can interpret and draw conclusions on financial statements using financial ratios
can use accounting technics independently and judge them critically
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student
knows the basic priciples of accounting and financial statements
can interpret financial ratios and prepare financial statements
can use accounting technics independently
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the significance of accounting and financial statements in economic follow-up
The student knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements and can calculate financial ratios
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to audit administration, bookkeeping and financial statements.
Management and bookkeeping auditing
Auditing financial statements
Reporting and work papers
Location and time
Syksy 2024
Oppikirja: Tomperi, Tilintarkastus, normeista käytäntöön; Edita.
Muu Moodlessa kerrottu aineisto
Teaching methods
Aloitustunnit ja verkko-opinnot.
Exam schedules
Verkkotentti, sovitaan opintojakson alussa.
Student workload
1 op vaatii 27 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. 5 * 27 h = 135 h.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assignments, the limit for Pass is 70 %.
Assessment methods and criteria
Kuvattu opetussuunnitelmassa.
Introduction to Accounting
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to audit administration, bookkeeping and financial statements.
Management and bookkeeping auditing
Auditing financial statements
Reporting and work papers
Tomperi, Tilintarkastus, normeista käytäntöön; Edita.
Other materials are announced in moodle.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assignments, the limit for Pass is 70 %.
Introduction to Accounting
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sami Malm
Students will know the legal regulations concerning contracts governing employment and official post relationships, the special features of such relationships, the rights and duties of parties, the main legal procedures and employment and official post conditions and contract systems.
How an employment/official post contract is set up and cancelled
The rights and duties of parties in the contract
Annual holiday pay, holiday pay, holiday bonus
Location and time
syksy 2024
Oppimateriaali kerrottu repussa
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä.
Student workload
100 h.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Hyväksytty: Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti arvioida ja tehdä johtopäätöksiä sekä kehittää vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja oikeudellista tietoperustaa käyttäen.
Opiskelija osaa tulkita työoikeudellisien ammattikäsitteiden sisältöjä ja niiden välisiä suhteita sekä vertailla ja perustella ratkaisuvalintojaan.
Content scheduling
syksy 2024
Further information
Teamsinfo syyskuun tapaamiskerralla. Info ei pakollinen.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student clearly understand, interpret and judge the legislation and precedents relating to labour law.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has a basic ablity to understand and judge the contents of contractual commitments in work relations and also those of provisions relating to working hours and annual leave.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has a basic understanding of the employment contract system, relation between collective agreements and labour legislation, rights and duties of the partners, terms and conditions in an employment contract and termination of the contract.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1 - 5
Assessment methods and criteria
Oppimistehtävät arvoidaan.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Pekka Vaarala
Students will know the legal regulations concerning contracts governing employment and official post relationships, the special features of such relationships, the rights and duties of parties, the main legal procedures and employment and official post conditions and contract systems.
How an employment/official post contract is set up and cancelled
The rights and duties of parties in the contract
Annual holiday pay, holiday pay, holiday bonus
Oppimateriaali kerrottu moodlessa
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student clearly understand, interpret and judge the legislation and precedents relating to labour law.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has a basic ablity to understand and judge the contents of contractual commitments in work relations and also those of provisions relating to working hours and annual leave.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has a basic understanding of the employment contract system, relation between collective agreements and labour legislation, rights and duties of the partners, terms and conditions in an employment contract and termination of the contract.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1 - 5
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sami Malm
Students will know the system of regulations concerning publicity, privacy and personal information concerning officials as well as the legal regulations concerning information security.
Legal regulations concerning privacy and the protection of personal information
Processing personal information
Security surveys
Information security in working life
Location and time
syksy 2024
Opiskelumateriaali kerrottu repussa
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Opintojakson tehtävät arvioidaan. Ei tenttiä.
Student workload
85 h
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Hyväksytty: Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti arvioida ja tehdä johtopäätöksiä sekä kehittää vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja oikeudellista tietoperustaa käyttäen.
Opiskelija ymmärtää keskeiset aihealueen käsitteet, soveltaa käsitteitä oikein tulkittuna tehtävien ratkaisuissa,osaa tulkita ammattikäsitteiden välisiä suhteita sekä vertailla ja perustella ratkaisuvalintojaan.
Content scheduling
syksy 2024
Further information
Teamsinfo, syyskuun tapaamisessa. Info ei pakollinen
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
In order to get the highest grade, a student must present very well justified, interpretative and insightful solutions for the problems. A student shows that he knows the system between the norms of the data security. The language and form of assignmets are impeccable.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
In order to get grades 3 - 4, a student must present justified solutions for the problems. Attitudes may not be very insightful. A student shows that he mainly knows the system between the norms of the data security. The language and form of assignmets are impeccable.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
In order to get grades 1 - 2, a student understands the systems between the norms, but he can't give any interpretations or attitudes of his own. His arguments may not be insightful and he can't give interpretations that are legally justified.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The students are able to assess and make conclusions independently and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law. They are able to interpret the relationships between different professional concepts and can compare and justify their choice of solution.
Assessment methods and criteria
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Mika Pietarinen
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be able to carry out calculations that support the finances and specifically profitability related management decision making.
The course have common 3 credits to students in Sports, Business and Tourism.
Common 3 cr:
Profitability monitoring
Planning operations
Cost accounting
Business 2 cr:
Activity based accounting
Assessing the profitability of investments
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan
Selander K. & Valli V. Hinnoittelu ja kannattavuus matkailu- ja ravitsemisalalla.
Teos saatavana myös e-kirjana,
käyttäjätunnus että salasana ovat kamkfi
Jomakka R., Koivusalo K., Lappalainen J. & Niskanen M. 2021. Laskentatoimi. Edita.
Niskavaara E. 2017.Yritystaloutta esimiehille. Alma Talent
Pellinen J. 2017. Talousjohtaminen. Alma Talent.
Alhola. K. 2016. Toimintolaskenta. Alma Talent.
Teaching methods
Luennot ja harjoitukset
Palautettava tehtävä, LTS
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Opiskelija osaa tulkita liiketoiminnan suunnittelun ja johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii oma-aloitteisesti pienryhmässä kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ryhmässä ja tiimeissä
Content scheduling
Liiketoiminnan suunnittelu
Kannattavuuden hallinta
Talouden suunnittelu
Toimintolaskenta kustannuslaskentamenetelmänä
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret and apply management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile demanding profitability planning and management calculations. They develop the work and spirit of their team/group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret and management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile profitability planning and management calculations. They work together to achieve common goals in teams and groups.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to identify management accounting theory. They are able to compile profitability planning and management calculations under supervision. They participate in group (classroom) work.
Assessment methods and criteria
LTS:n kirjallinen ja suullinen esitys pienryhmässä sekä opponointi.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
Students will be able to carry out calculations that support the finances and specifically profitability related management decision making.
The course have common 3 credits to students in Sports, Business and Tourism.
Common 3 cr:
Profitability monitoring
Planning operations
Cost accounting
Business 2 cr:
Activity based accounting
Assessing the profitability of investments
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan
Jormakka, Koivusalo, Lappalainen, Niskanen: Laskentatoimi
Opintojakson alussa sovittu muu kirjallisuus.
Opettajan laatima materiaali
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Kurssin etenemissuunnitelman mukaan.
Completion alternatives
Content scheduling
Kannattavuuden hallinta
Talouden suunnittelu
Investointien kannattavuuden arviointi
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret and apply management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile demanding profitability planning and management calculations. They develop the work and spirit of their team/group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret and management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile profitability planning and management calculations. They work together to achieve common goals in teams and groups.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to identify management accounting theory. They are able to compile profitability planning and management calculations under supervision. They participate in group (classroom) work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat tehtävät 50%
Tentti 50%
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita ja soveltaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti vaativia kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija toimii ryhmän ja tiimin kehittäjänä ja hengen luojana
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ryhmässä ja tiimeissä
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii ohjatusti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan ryhmässä (luokka)
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be able to carry out calculations that support the finances and specifically profitability related management decision making.
The course have common 3 credits to students in Sports, Business and Tourism.
Common 3 cr:
Profitability monitoring
Planning operations
Cost accounting
Business 2 cr:
Activity based accounting
Assessing the profitability of investments
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan
Jormakka, Koivusalo, Lappalainen, Niskanen: Laskentatoimi
Opintojakson alussa sovittu muu kirjallisuus.
Opettajan laatima materiaali
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Kurssin etenemissuunnitelman mukaan.
Completion alternatives
Content scheduling
Kannattavuuden hallinta
Talouden suunnittelu
Investointien kannattavuuden arviointi
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret and apply management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile demanding profitability planning and management calculations. They develop the work and spirit of their team/group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret and management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile profitability planning and management calculations. They work together to achieve common goals in teams and groups.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to identify management accounting theory. They are able to compile profitability planning and management calculations under supervision. They participate in group (classroom) work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat tehtävät 50%
Tentti 50%
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita ja soveltaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti vaativia kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija toimii ryhmän ja tiimin kehittäjänä ja hengen luojana
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ryhmässä ja tiimeissä
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii ohjatusti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan ryhmässä (luokka)
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Petri Lintumäki
Students will gain the ability to acquire information required by company management with the aid of marketing research. They will understand the principles of qualitative and quantitative research. They will know how to plan a piece of research and apply a suitable research method to solve their research problem.
Concepts, needs and aims of marketing research
Ethics in marketing research
Qualitative and quantitative research methods
Compiling a research plan from the viewpoint of a selected research method
Conducting the research and analysing the results
Conclusions and compiling the research report
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use, compare and apply the fundamental contents and basic concepts of marketing research. They use versatile concepts in a variety of ways in the piece of research and can justify their use. The students are able to effectively combine and apply previous marketing competence in their marketing research. In the research report, analysis and conclusions they demonstrate an ability for critical assessment and to take future challenges into account. The aims of the marketing research assignment are achieved independently in a self-directed manner.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to describe and explain the fundamental contents and basic concepts of marketing research. They use concepts and theory logically and systematically. The students are able to use and apply the most suitable research method. Their conduct of the research, analysis and conclusions form a logical, cohesive piece of research. The students work independently and can justify implemented solutions in the research report.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to name, understand and to some extent use the fundamental contents and basic concepts of marketing research. Their research plan remains descriptive and their perception of the piece of research as a whole and reporting may remain somewhat cursory. The students are able to select a suitable research method. They are able to use previously acquired skills and knowledge to some extent when conducting their research and they still require supervision when forming the conclusions in their research report.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Elina Jääskeläinen
The student achieves basic knowledge and skills in visual communication and media design. They can plan and execute communication materials and media content for an organization from commission to print-ready product. The student understands the basic theory of visual design and learns to use selected image editing, video editing, and layout programs.
Digital media space, content planning, and production
Readability and typographic design
Layout, illustration, and visual expression elements
Creating imagery in marketing communication
Print-ready visual publishing
PhotoShop and InDesign software
Opettajan erikseen ilmoittama
Harjoitukset lähiopetuksessa
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can plan and execute corporate communication materials from commission to print-ready product. Both the class exercises and the final assignment are executed exceptionally well both technically and visually, demonstrating the student's fluent use of various software and ability to come up with creative and insightful solutions. The student is ready to continuously develop themselves in all areas.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can plan and execute corporate communication materials from commission to print-ready product. Both the class exercises and the final assignment are technically well executed, demonstrating the student's ability to come up with visually creative solutions. The student handles different areas and software quite independently and can apply and utilize them in creating media content.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can plan and execute corporate communication materials from commission to print-ready product. Both the class exercises and the final assignment are satisfactorily well executed both technically and visually. The student excels in some areas more than others.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Taneli Rantaharju
The aim of the course is to introduce the student to new technologies, business opportunities created by them and to learn the terminology and history of new technologies. The student is able to apply new technologies in his / her field of study and to recognize their special features. Students will get an overview of the current state of technology and future opportunities.
• Impact of digitalization
• Smart phones and mobile apps
• Cloud Services and Big Data
• Internet of Things (IoT)
• Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR)
• Artificial intelligence and machine learning
• Blockchain
Location and time
Lukujärjestykseen merkityt ajankohdat ja paikat.
Opettajan osoittama materiaali (Reppu-ympäristö)
Teaching methods
Opintojakson uudistetut osaamistavoitteet
Opintojakson tavoitteena on johdattaa opiskelija uusiin teknologioihin ja niiden synnyttämiin hyödyntämis- ja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin. Opintojaksolla perehdytään uusien teknologioiden keskeiseen termistöön ja yleisiin toimintaperiaatteisiin sekä opitaan tunnistamaan uusien teknologioiden sovellus- ja käyttökohteita sekä erityispiirteitä omalla koulutusalalla. Tavoitteena on synnyttää opiskelijoille kokonaiskuva teknologian nykytilanteesta sekä tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksista. Opintojakson soveltavassa osuudessa tutustutaan liiketoimintatiedon hallintaan ja visualisoimiseen (Business Intelligence, BI) Microsoftin Power BI Desktop -työkalun avulla.
Opetusmenetelmät: Lähiopetus, verkko-opetus, videotallenteet, itsenäisesti opiskeltavat materiaalit
Employer connections
Power BI -harjoitustyön saa tehdä työelämälähtöisestä aiheesta.
Exam schedules
Teoriaosuus (1 op) suoritetaan Reppu-tentillä, jossa on rajaton määrä yrityskertoja.
Completion alternatives
Vaihtoehtoisista suoritustavoista sovitaan opintojakson vastuuopettajan kanssa. Käydään läpi aloitusluennoilla.
Content scheduling
Teoriaosuuden (1 op) sisältöalueet
• Älypuhelimet ja mobiilisovellukset
• Pilvipalvelut ja Big Data
• Internet of Things (IoT)
• Business Intelligence (BI)
• Data-analytiikka ja tekoäly
• Lohkoketjut (blockchain)
Soveltavan Power BI -osuuden (2 op) sisältöalueet
• Microsoft Power BI Desktop -sovelluksen ominaisuudet ja asentaminen
• Datan käsittelyn perusteet
• Datamallien luomisen perusteet
• Datan analysoinnin ja DAX-kielen perusteet
• Visuaalisten ja interaktiivisten raporttien luominen
Further information
Koska opintojaksolla käytetään Microsoftin Power BI -sovellusta, toivon jokaisen hankkivan kurssille käyttöönsä kannettavan tietokoneen Windows-käyttöjärjestelmällä. Mikäli tämä ei ole mahdollista, pyrin KamIT:n kautta järjestämään MAC-käyttäjille pääsyn PBI-sovellukseen virtuaalikoneiden avulla (VDI, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). Suosittelen myös langallisen tai langattoman hiiren kuskaamista mukana soveltavan osuuden oppitunneilla.
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Teoriaosuus: verkkotenteissä hyväksytyn suorituksen raja on 70 % maksimipistemäärästä.
Soveltava osuus: harjoitustehtävien/harjoitustyön suorittaminen hyväksytysti (vähintään 70 % maksimipisteistä). Yksityiskohtaiset harjoitustyön arviointikriteerit esitetään opintojakson alussa.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
17.03.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Taneli Rantaharju
The aim of the course is to introduce the student to new technologies, business opportunities created by them and to learn the terminology and history of new technologies. The student is able to apply new technologies in his / her field of study and to recognize their special features. Students will get an overview of the current state of technology and future opportunities.
• Impact of digitalization
• Smart phones and mobile apps
• Cloud Services and Big Data
• Internet of Things (IoT)
• Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR)
• Artificial intelligence and machine learning
• Blockchain
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
02.12.2024 - 16.02.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
RDI portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Hannele Siipola
Students will be able to apply project work, development tools and quality thinking to a concrete target of development
Implementation of development project
Location and time
Opintojakson ajoitus 1.1.2025-31.12.2025. Voit suorittaa opintojakson omaan tahtiin ja voit aloittaa sen suorittamisen milloin haluat.Lukujärjestyksen mukaiset oppitunnit teams-toteutuksena.
Suositeltava kirjallisuus ja oppimateriaalit on ilmoitettu verkko-opintojaksolla.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja lukujärjestyksen mukaiset oppitunnit. Projektin suunnittelu, toteutus ja raportointi. Palautettavat tehtävät: alkumuistio, loppuraportti sekä raportin esittelymateriaali Power point ja projektin esittely.
Employer connections
Opintojakso on suunniteltu tehtäväksi työnantajaorganisaatiossa, mutta mikäli et työskentele tällä hetkellä, voit tarkastella mitä tahansa yritystä/organisaatiota, josta saat tietoa tai esim. harrastustoiminnasta. Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista työntantajan puuttuessa saat opintojakson opettajalta.
Completion alternatives
Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista työntantajan puuttuessa saat opintojakson opettajilta.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op x 27 tuntia = n. 135 tuntia.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso etenee viiden vaiheen kautta, jotka suoritetaan loogisessa järjestyksessä.
Vaihe 1: Kehittämiskohteen etsintä ja valinta
Vaihe 2: Alkumuistion palautus ja hyväksyttäminen
Vaihe 3: Projektin tekeminen ja raportin tekeminen.
Vaihe 4. Loppuraportin ja PP-esityksen laadinta ja palautus
Vaihe 5: Projektin esittely ryhmälle.
Further information
Esitietovaatimukset: Projektitoiminta/Tapahtuman järjestämisen perusteet -opintojakso suoritettu sekä Kehittämistoiminta ja laatutyö -opintojakso suoritettu tai suorittaminen samanaikaisesti.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students have excellent knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have extensive knowledge of project management and tasks, and an extensive understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group with a high degree of expertise. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project with a high degree of expertise. They are able to conduct reporting independently to an excellent degree.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students have a good knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have good knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work. They are able to identify the requirements of project activities to some degree and to implement the project. They are able to conduct reporting independently well.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group fairly well. The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project fairly well. They are able to conduct reporting independently fairly well.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students have some knowledge of the central content and opportunities for applying development projects. They have some knowledge of project management and tasks, and some understanding of the quality requirements and risks of project work.
The students are able identify the requirements of the project and to implement the project to a certain extent. They are able to conduct reporting independently to a certain extent.
The students are able to assess the activities of the project group to some extent.
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi muodostuu hyväksyttävästi suoritetuista oppimistehtävistä (alkukartoitus, raportti, raportin esittely esittelytilaisuudessa sekä esittelymateriaali Power point).
Alkukartoitus: hyväksytty/vaatii täydentämistä.
Raportti: arviointi 0-5.
Raportin esittely Power point: hyväksytty/vaatii täydentämistä.
Raportin esittely: hyväksytty/ hylätty.
Raportin palautus viimeistään kaksi viikkoa ja esittelymateriaalien palautus viimeistään viikko ennen esitystilaisuutta. Opintojakson arviointi kahden viikon kuluttua esityksestä. Esittelytilaisuudet lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti opetuspäivien aikana.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Tiedot: Opiskelija tietää hyvin kehittämisprojektien keskeisestä sisällöstä ja soveltamismahdollisuuksista. Opiskelija tuntee hyvin projektihallintoa ja –tehtäviä. Opiskelija ymmärtää hyvin projektitoiminnan laatuvaatimuksia ja riskejä. Tunnistaa hyvin projektitoiminnan edellytyksiä ja miten projekti toteutetaan. Opiskelija osaa hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti. Taidot: Opiskelija tunnistaa hyvin projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttaa hyvin projektin. Opiskelija osaa hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti. Pätevyys: Opiskelija pystyy hyvin arvioimaan projektiryhmän toimintaa. Opiskelija tunnistaa projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttaa projektin hyvin. Opiskelija osaa hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Tiedot:Opiskelija tietää melko hyvin kehittämisprojektien keskeisestä sisällöstä ja soveltamismahdollisuuksista.
Opiskelija tuntee projektihallintoa ja –tehtäviä. Opiskelija ymmärtää osittain projektitoiminnan laatuvaatimuksia ja riskejä. Tunnistaa osittain projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin.Opiskelija osaa jonkin verran tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Taidot: Opiskelija tunnistaa melko hyvin projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin.
Opiskelija osaa melko hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Pätevyys: Opiskelija pystyy melko hyvin arvioimaan projektiryhmän toimintaa. Opiskelija tunnistaa projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin melko hyvin. Opiskelija osaa melko hyvin tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Tiedot: Opiskelija tietää jonkin verran kehittämisprojektien keskeisestä sisällöstä ja soveltamismahdollisuuksista. Opiskelija tuntee jonkin verran projektihallintoa ja –tehtäviä.
Opiskelija ymmärtää osittain projektitoiminnan laatuvaatimuksia ja riskejä.
Taidot: Opiskelija tunnistaa osittain projektitoiminnan edellytykset ja toteuttamaan projektin.
Opiskelija osaa jonkin verran tuottaa projektiraportointia itsenäisesti.
Pätevyys: Opiskelija pystyy jonkin verran arvioimaan projektiryhmän toimintaa.
Project Work, Basics of Development Operations, Quality Thinking and Quality Development
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Petri Lintumäki
Student can:
- Identify key trends and changes in digital business models
- Understand the specifics and earnings logic of different digital platforms and services
- Choose a suitable sales channel and understand the possibilities of e-commerce
- Evaluate the sales and availability of multi-channel as part of the company's business
- Design digital channels that support sales growth and apply digital marketing methods
* Electronic sales channels
• Multi-channel sales, communications, and customer service
• Ecommerce strategy
• Ecommerce platforms
• Marketing automation
• Digital marketing
Sekki A. Alustatalousyrittäyys -opas sivutuloista kiinnostuneille 2021 Bookcover
Zahay D. Digital Marketing Management 2020 Business Expert Press
Muu opettajan ilmoittama materiaali
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- uses and analyzes digital business concepts in a comprehensive and consistent way
- realistically evaluates various e-sales tools and channels
- develops a comprehensive, reliable, and comprehensive e-commerce and digital marketing development plan
- analyzes and applies new information and be able to justify the use of different data sources
Assessment criteria, good (3)
- uses and exploits concepts related to digital business in a fairly consistent way
- evaluates e-sales tools and channels quite comprehensively
- draws up a fairly comprehensive and comprehensive plan for the development of e-commerce and digital marketing.
- analyzes and applies the information provided and be able to justify the use of different data sources
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
- makes somewhat consistent use of digital business concepts
- understands the use of e-sales tools and channels
- develops a concise plan for the development of e-commerce and digital marketing.
- applies the information provided and justify the use of different sources of information
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Pia Kuittinen
The student gets to know the versatile topics of organizational psychology.
Leadership tasks and responsibility in conflict situations, dealing with problems in the working community, work satisfaction, encouragement and rewards and skills development.
Location and time
Opintojakson voi suorittaa milloin vain. Oppimistehtävä on ohjeistettu Repussa, ja se palautetaan Reppuun.
Palautus arvioidaan kuukauden sisällä palautuksesta. Arviointiaikatauluun voi vaikuttaa opettajien vapaajaksot.
Oppimistehtävään on annettu lähdeaineistoa Repussa.
Teaching methods
Orientaatioluento (1,5 h) pidetään syyskuussa (merkitty lukujärjestykseen).
Repussa on tallenne opintojakson suorittamisesta.
Itsenäisesti suoritettava oppimistehtävä on ohjeistettu Repussa (avain: welcome)
Employer connections
Oppimistehtävässä voi havainnollistaa teorioita työelämässä hankittujen tietojen ja taitojen avulla.
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä. Oppimistehtävän voi palauttaa milloin tahansa.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat organisaatiopsykologian korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava organisaatiopsykologian osaaminen.
Student workload
3 op = 80 tuntia opiskelijan työtä
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
An excellent learning assignment essay is informative, varied and comprehensive. All sources have been used visibly and in an appropriate manner covering each question in order. The perspectives of various sources have been assessed, compared and combined so that the main theories and concepts concerning the topic are fluently presented. The text also contains the author's own justified opinions, applications and critical observations. The text is clearly divided and progresses logically so that the various parts of the given task have been covered equally. The source references are accurately recorded as instructed and the learning assignment is neat and organised in appearance. The essay expresses the student's individual and creative way of analysing the issue targeted by the given task.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
A good learning assignment essay expresses the central theories and concept of the topic related to the given task. All sources have been used but the student has failed to assess, combine and compare all of them systematically. The text may be somewhat mechanical, bland with a lot of references, though very informative nevertheless. There may not be much expression of critical thinking and some sources may be recorded a little inaccurately. However, overall the essay covers all the areas of the given question logically and cohesively.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
A satisfactory essay treats the topic of the given question in a disorganised and superficial way. Not all the questions and parts of the task have been examined. Source material may have been used, but unevenly, relying on e.g. one specific source and leaving others in the background. The student expresses an inability to combine, compare and critically assess sources. The text is not clearly divided and it is therefore difficult to perceive a logical narrative. However the main theories and concepts related to the topic are expressed so as to be understood and have been applied as required in the given task. Some references may be missing.
An essay that is assessed as incomplete:
The student has written an essay that clearly lacks content in relation to the given assignment. Central theories and concepts have not been examined and applied in sufficient depth or consistently.
A crucial part of the assignment may have been ignored.
The student has not used sources correctly, for example a basic source may not have been sufficiently used, or in fact, used at all to produce the text.
The text may use too many references, or even copy text directly from elsewhere.
The reference list may be incomplete or references may be missing.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oppimistehtävässä arvioidaan mm. seuraavien asioiden avulla sitä, kuinka opiskelija on hahmottanut tietyn kokonaisuuden.
Onko esseen tavoitteet määritelty?
Vastaako esseen sisältö tehtävänasettelua ja eteneekö käsittely loogisesti?
Esseen rakenne on looginen. Käytä alaotsikoita jäsentämään tekstiäsi, mutta älä pilko liian pieniin alalukuihin.
Ovatko asiatiedot oikein?
Onko aiheeksi valittua asiaa käsitelty riittävän syvästi monipuolisesti, eri näkökulmista ja hyvin argumentoiden?
Kuinka onnistuneesti lähteet ja oma pohdinta on nivottu yhteen?
Miten lähteitä on käytetty? Ovatko lähteet luotettavia ja monipuolisia?
Onko esseen asiatyylin mukainen, sujuva ja kieliasultaan moitteeton asiallinen, neutraali, viimeistelty, sujuva?
Lähdeviitteet sekä itse tekstissä että lähdeluettelossa ovat moitteettomat (APA6).
Kuinka paljon tekstiä on kopioitu lähteistä?
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Työstettäväksi arvioitu:
Oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut esseen, jossa on selkeitä sisällöllisiä puutteita tehtävänantoon nähden.
Keskeisiä teorioita ja käsitteitä ei ole tarkasteltu ja sovellettu riittävän perusteellisesti tai tarkoituksenmukaisesti.
Jokin olennainen osa tehtävänantoa on saattanut jäädä huomioimatta.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntämisessä on puutteita, esim. jotain tiettyä peruslähdettä ei ole käytetty riittävästi tai ei lainkaan tekstin tuottamisessa.
Teksti saattaa olla luonteeltaan vahvasti referoivaa, jopa kopioivaa.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty puutteellisesti tai ne puuttuvat kokonaan.
Esseessä on yli 20% kopiointia.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Arvolauseet 4–5:
Erinomaisessa ja kiitettävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta informatiivisen, monipuolisen ja kattavan esseen.
Oppimistehtävässä on sovellettu kaikkia lähteitä tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja näkyvästi annettujen kysymysten erittelyssä.
Eri lähteiden näkökulmia on arvioitu, vertailtu ja yhdistelty toisiinsa siten, että aiheen kannalta keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat sujuvasti esille.
Tekstissä esiintyy myös perusteltuja omia pohdintoja, sovelluksia ja kriittisiä huomioita.
Teksti on kauttaaltaan selkeästi jäsenneltyä ja etenee johdonmukaisesti niin, että kaikki tehtävänannon osa-alueet on käsitelty tasapainoisesti.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty asianmukaisesti ja oppimistehtävän ulkoasu on huoliteltu.
Arvolauseessa 5 tulee lisäksi esille opiskelijan omaperäinen ja luova tapa jäsentää tehtävänannon haettua asiaa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Arvolause 3:
Hyvässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta esseen, jossa aihealueen keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat hyvin esille.
Oppimistehtävässä on hyödynnetty kaikkia lähteitä, mutta niiden annin arviointi, yhdistely ja vertailu jäävät satunnaiseksi.
Teksti voi olla luonteeltaan hieman mekaanista, persoonatonta ja referoivaa, joskin hyvin informatiivista. Kriittinen pohdinta voi myös olla vähäistä.
Lähdemerkinnöissä voi olla pientä epätarkkuutta.
Kokonaisuudessaan esseessä on kuitenkin johdonmukaisesti ja yhtenäisesti käsitelty kaikkia tehtävänannon osa-alueita.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Tyydyttävässä ja välttävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut tehtävänannon pohjalta hajanaisen ja pintapuolisen esseen . Kaikkia tehtävänannon kysymyksiä ja osa-alueita ei ole tarkasteltu.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntäminen voi myös olla epätasaista, nojautuen vahvasti esim. yhteen lähteeseen muiden jäädessä taustalle.
Tiedon yhdistely, vertailu ja kriittinen arviointi puuttuvat lähes kokonaan.
Tekstin jäsennys ei ole selkeä, jolloin siitä voi olla hankala hahmottaa johdonmukaista kokonaiskertomusta.
Aiheen kannalta olennaisia teorioita ja käsitteitä on kuitenkin onnistuttu tuomaan ymmärrettävästi esille ja niitä on pyritty soveltamaan tehtävänannon mukaisesti.
Lähdeviittauksissa on joitain puutteellisuuksia.
Arvosanalla 1 arvioitu oppimistehtävä sisältää jotain hyväksyttyyn tehtävään riittävää.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to calculate salaries according to regulations set out in the working time and annual holiday laws and can follow orders based on tax authority decisions concerning fringe benefits and the reimbursement of non-taxable travel expenses.
Basis of salaries and how they are formed, payroll administration documents
Overtime, fringe benefits, reimbursement of non-taxable expenses
Annual holiday salary, holiday pay, holiday bonus
Case task
Location and time
Syksy 2024
Palkanlaskenta käytännönläheisesti 2022, tekijät K. Mattinen, C. Orlando ja K. Parnila. Kauppakamari.
Muu aineisto kerrotaan Moodlessa
Teaching methods
Aloitustunnit lähiopetuksena. Opintojakso on suoritettavissa verkko-opintoina.
Exam schedules
Sovitaan opintojakson alussa
Student workload
1 op vastaa 27 h opiskelijan työtä. 3 * 27 h = 81 h
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to calculate independently either manually or using software, salaries in line with work time legislation and annual holiday regulations taking into account tax authority regulations concerning fringe benefits and tax-free travel expenses reimbursement.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to apply payroll calculation principles to calculate salary manually or using software. They are able to use working time legislation and the annual holiday act. They are able to enforce the regulations of tax authority decisions concerning fringe benefits and tax-free travel expenses reimbursement.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to calculate salaries manually and using software with supervision. They are able to apply work time law and annual holiday law regulations in payroll calculation. They know the tax authority's regulations concerning fringe benefits and tax-free travel expenses reimbursement and can make use of them with supervision.
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi 1-5. Tarkemmin kerrottu opetussuunnitelmassa.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to calculate salaries according to regulations set out in the working time and annual holiday laws and can follow orders based on tax authority decisions concerning fringe benefits and the reimbursement of non-taxable travel expenses.
Basis of salaries and how they are formed, payroll administration documents
Overtime, fringe benefits, reimbursement of non-taxable expenses
Annual holiday salary, holiday pay, holiday bonus
Case task
Palkanlaskenta käytännönläheisesti 2022, tekijät K. Mattinen, C. Orlando ja K. Parnila. Kauppakamari.
Muu aineisto kerrotaan Moodlessa
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to calculate independently either manually or using software, salaries in line with work time legislation and annual holiday regulations taking into account tax authority regulations concerning fringe benefits and tax-free travel expenses reimbursement.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to apply payroll calculation principles to calculate salary manually or using software. They are able to use working time legislation and the annual holiday act. They are able to enforce the regulations of tax authority decisions concerning fringe benefits and tax-free travel expenses reimbursement.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to calculate salaries manually and using software with supervision. They are able to apply work time law and annual holiday law regulations in payroll calculation. They know the tax authority's regulations concerning fringe benefits and tax-free travel expenses reimbursement and can make use of them with supervision.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be conversant with the principles, procedures and appeal in personal taxation.
Tax liability
Proportional and graded taxation
Taxable income (capital gains and earned income)
Deductible outgoings
Tax declaration and appeal
Niskakangas H. & Nuutinen R. 2022. Henkilöverotus. Alma Talent Pro Fokus
Puronen P. 2015. Perintö- ja lahjaverotus. Alma Talent Oy. Teos on saatavilla sähköisenä KamkFinnan kautta Alma Talent kirjahyllystä.
Finlex: (ajantasainen laisäädäntö).
Tuloverolaki, 30.12.1992/1535, Perintö- ja lahjaverolaki 12.7.1940/378 ja varainsiirtoverolaki 29.11.1996/931
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Content scheduling
Suhteellinen ja progressiivinen verotus
Tulojen veronalaisuus (pääomatulot ja ansiotulot)
Menojen vähennyskelpoisuus
Verotuksen toimittaminen ja muutoksenhaku
Perintö- ja lahjaverotuksen perusteita
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A student knows the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
A student is able to understand the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
A student recognizes the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply the personal taxation legislation into different cases monitoredly.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
19.02.2024 - 25.02.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be conversant with the principles, procedures and appeal in personal taxation.
Tax liability
Proportional and graded taxation
Taxable income (capital gains and earned income)
Deductible outgoings
Tax declaration and appeal
Niskakangas H. & Nuutinen R. 2022. Henkilöverotus. Alma Talent Pro Fokus
Puronen P. 2015. Perintö- ja lahjaverotus. Alma Talent Oy. Teos on saatavilla sähköisenä KamkFinnan kautta Alma Talent kirjahyllystä.
Finlex: (ajantasainen laisäädäntö).
Tuloverolaki, 30.12.1992/1535, Perintö- ja lahjaverolaki 12.7.1940/378 ja varainsiirtoverolaki 29.11.1996/931
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Content scheduling
Suhteellinen ja progressiivinen verotus
Tulojen veronalaisuus (pääomatulot ja ansiotulot)
Menojen vähennyskelpoisuus
Verotuksen toimittaminen ja muutoksenhaku
Perintö- ja lahjaverotuksen perusteita
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A student knows the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
A student is able to understand the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
A student recognizes the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply the personal taxation legislation into different cases monitoredly.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti tuloverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti taustalla henkilöverotuksen olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
01.05.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.06.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Scheduling groups
- KAMK Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
- KAMK Open UAS 1
Students will be conversant with the principles, procedures and appeal in personal taxation.
Tax liability
Proportional and graded taxation
Taxable income (capital gains and earned income)
Deductible outgoings
Tax declaration and appeal
Location and time
Opintojakson voi suorittaa itsenäisesti kesäopintoina ja syyslukukauden aikana.
Niskakangas H. & Nuutinen R. 2022. Henkilöverotus. Alma Talent Pro Fokus
Puronen P. 2015. Perintö- ja lahjaverotus. Alma Talent Oy. Teos on saatavilla sähköisenä KamkFinnan kautta Alma Talent kirjahyllystä.
Finlex: (ajantasainen laisäädäntö).
Tuloverolaki, 30.12.1992/1535, Perintö- ja lahjaverolaki 12.7.1940/378 ja varainsiirtoverolaki 29.11.1996/931
Teaching methods
Verkko-oppimisympäristössä tapahtuva itsenäinen opiskelu.
Student workload
Opintojakso on 3 opintopisteen laajuinen. 3 opintopistettä vastaa n. 81 opiskelijan työtuntia.
Content scheduling
Suhteellinen ja progressiivinen verotus
Tulojen veronalaisuus (pääomatulot ja ansiotulot)
Menojen vähennyskelpoisuus
Verotuksen toimittaminen
Perintö- ja lahjaverotuksen perusteet
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment methods and criteria
Piententit Repussa.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti tuloverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti tuloverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti tuloverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti tuloverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
22.03.2025 - 30.04.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be proficient in the principles of personal taxation, taxation procedure and appeal.
The duty to pay tax
Proportional and progressive taxation
Taxable income (capital income and earnings)
Deductible expenses
Tax procedure
Niskakangas H. & Nuutinen R. Henkilöverotus, Alma Talent Pro Fokus. Kirja on saatavilla sähköisenä KamkFinnan kautta Alman kirjahyllystä.
Verohallinnon materiaalit:
Teaching methods
Content scheduling
Suhteellinen ja progressiivinen verotus
Tulojen veronalaisuus (pääomatulot ja ansiotulot)
Menojen vähennyskelpoisuus
Verotuksen toimittaminen
Perintö- ja lahjaverotuksen perusteet
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student can interpret relations between professional concepts and compare and justify his/her choices.
The student can judge and draw conclusions independently as well as develop alternative solutions using his/her judicial knowledge.
Assessment methods and criteria
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa soveltaa TVL:n säädöksiä ansio- ja pääomatulojen laskennassa sekä perintö ja lahjaverotustilanteissa.
Opiskelija osaa laskea verotettavat pääoma ja ansiotulot TVL:n säännösten mukaan.
Opiskelija tuntee perusteet TVL:n mukaisessa henkilökohtaisten tulojen verotuksessa.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
The student can make various business entries and prepare the financial statements. The student knows the contents of the financial statements. The student familiarises him/herself with accounting regulations
Accounting and balancing the accounts
Financial statements
Accounting exercises
Accounting regulations
ReppuMoodlen materiaali.
Tomperi Soile: Käytännön kirjanpito -oppikirja ja -harjoituskirja. Edita, uusin painos.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements and other sources of good bookkeeping. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently and can assess them critically while working in a team to develop its work and team spirit.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently while working to achieve common goals in groups and teams.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to recognise the theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work under supervision while being able to work as part of a group.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
The student can make various business entries and prepare the financial statements. The student knows the contents of the financial statements. The student familiarises him/herself with accounting regulations
Accounting and balancing the accounts
Financial statements
Accounting exercises
Accounting regulations
ReppuMoodlen materiaali.
Tomperi Soile: Käytännön kirjanpito -oppikirja ja -harjoituskirja. Edita, uusin painos.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements and other sources of good bookkeeping. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently and can assess them critically while working in a team to develop its work and team spirit.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently while working to achieve common goals in groups and teams.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to recognise the theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work under supervision while being able to work as part of a group.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
30 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Olli Jääskeläinen
The aim of the traineeship is to familiarise students with practical work tasks and the application of knowledge and skills in working life, especially in the context of vocational studies.
The aim of the placement is to support the development of the student's knowledge, practical work skills and personal competences. The traineeship can be carried out in the country of origin or abroad in a relevant work environment.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
750 hours of continuous training in a relevant work environment
Internship assignment
Internship diary
Application for employer feedback
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students can independently search for a placement in their home country or abroad that supports their professional orientation. He/she attends the placement information sessions, indicates the learning objectives for the placement, fills in the placement contract form and has the contract approved by the employer and the placement coordinator before signing it.
The student will independently find out about the organisation, the operating logic, the different tasks and the services offered at the placement site.
The student works in the different tasks of the placement, using the knowledge acquired in the basic, vocational and alternative vocational studies. He/she recognise the importance of different roles within an organisation. The student defines the learning task of the placement at the contract stage and carries out and report on it as instructed.
The student can reflect on his/her professional development and the relevance of his/her studies. The student keeps a diary and prepares a placement report in accordance with the instructions, evaluating the placement.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
Basic studies and a sufficinet amount of professional studies. Students are assumed to have at least 90 cr.
Further information
RD 30 cr
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- Olli Jääskeläinen
- Maritta Seppälä
- Päivi Auno
The students undergo professional induction under supervision gaining practical experience of work and the application of knowledge and skills in working life. The aim of the practical training period is to support the students in developing their professional knowledge, practical working life and personal skills.
The students can accomplish practical training either in Finland or in accordance with an adjusted personal study plan, abroad (3 months) in a working environment linked to their field of study.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
250 hours of work experience in a relevant work environment
Internship diary
Application for employer feedback
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students is able to look as independently as possible for a placement in their home country or abroad that supports their studies and professional development. They attend the placement information sessions, fill in the placement contract form and have the contract approved by the employer and the training coordinator before signing it.
The student can independently find out about the organisation of the placement, its operating logic, the different tasks and the services offered.
The student can work in the different tasks of the placement, making use of the knowledge acquired during the studies. He/she recognises the importance of the different roles in the organisation.
They can reflect on their professional development and the relevance of their studies to it. The student keeps a diary and prepares an internship report according to the guidelines.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
At least 45 credits compulsory basic and professional studies completed according to personal study plan.
Further information
RD 10 cr
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Päivi Dahl
- Hannele Siipola
- Pia Kuittinen
The students undergo professional induction under supervision gaining practical experience of work and the application of knowledge and skills in working life. The aim of the practical training period is to support the students in developing their professional knowledge, practical working life and personal skills.
The students can accomplish practical training either in Finland or in accordance with an adjusted personal study plan, abroad (3 months) in a working environment linked to their field of study.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
250 hours of work experience in a relevant work environment
Internship diary
Application for employer feedback
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students is able to look as independently as possible for a placement in their home country or abroad that supports their studies and professional development. They attend the placement information sessions, fill in the placement contract form and have the contract approved by the employer and the training coordinator before signing it.
The student can independently find out about the organisation of the placement, its operating logic, the different tasks and the services offered.
The student can work in the different tasks of the placement, making use of the knowledge acquired during the studies. He/she recognises the importance of the different roles in the organisation.
They can reflect on their professional development and the relevance of their studies to it. The student keeps a diary and prepares an internship report according to the guidelines.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
At least 45 credits compulsory basic and professional studies completed according to personal study plan.
Further information
RD 10 cr
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
20 op
RDI portion
20 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- Päivi Auno
The aim of the traineeship is to familiarise students with practical work tasks and the application of knowledge and skills in working life, especially in the context of vocational studies.
The aim of the placement is to support the student's academic development, the development of practical working life skills and the development of personal skills.
The traineeship can be carried out in the country or abroad in a relevant work environment and in a relevant job.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
500 hours of work experience in a relevant work environment and tasks
Learning assignment for the traineeship
Internship diary
Application for feedback from the employer
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students can independently search for a placement in the home country or abroad that supports his/her professional orientation and development. He/she attends the placement information sessions, fills in the placement contract form and has the contract approved by the employer and the training coordinator before signing it.
The student is able to find out independently about the organisation of his/her placement, its working logic, the different tasks and the services offered.
The student can work in the different tasks of the placement site, using the knowledge acquired in his/her undergraduate and professional studies. The Student recognises the importance of different roles in an organisation.
The student defines the learning task of the placement at the contract stage and carries it out and reports on it as instructed.
The student is able to reflect on his/her professional development and the relevance of his/her studies. The student keeps a diary and prepares an internship report in accordance with the instructions, evaluating the internship.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
Basic studies completed and a sufficient amount of professional studies, at least 105 credits in total.
Further information
RD 20 cr
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Mervi Väisänen
The goal is for the student to understand the basics of product development and knows how to use service design to support product development.
The student knows the importance of service development and customer relationship- oriented thinking as part of implementing profitable business.
The student is able to productize and develop organizational services taking into account business principles.
Product development
Services, provision of services and product development process
Productization of services
Service innovations and service business development
New technologies and their potential in the development of services
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija hallitsee palvelujen suunnittelun ja tuotteistamisen toteutuksen. Hän kykenee arvioimaan tuotteistettujen palvelujen liiketoiminnallisia mahdollisuuksia ja jatkokehitystarpeita sekä reflektoimaan oppimaansa. Annettujen tehtävien ratkaisuissa näkyy monipuolinen perehtyneisyys aihealueeseen.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää oppimaansa ja kykenee suunnittelmaan toteuttamiskelpoisia palvelutuotteita. Hän tunnistaa palvelujen tuotteistamisen ja edelleen kehittämisen mahdollisuuksia, sekä kykenee huomioimaan palvelujen toteuttamisen liiketoiminnalliset kannattavuusvaatimukset.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija kykenee kuvaamaan palvelujen tuotteistamisen etenemisen ja osaa suunnitella palvelutuotteen sisällön.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Petri Lintumäki
The goal is for the student to understand the basics of product development and knows how to use service design to support product development.
The student knows the importance of service development and customer relationship- oriented thinking as part of implementing profitable business.
The student is able to productize and develop organizational services taking into account business principles.
Product development
Services, provision of services and product development process
Productization of services
Service innovations and service business development
New technologies and their potential in the development of services
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija hallitsee palvelujen suunnittelun ja tuotteistamisen toteutuksen. Hän kykenee arvioimaan tuotteistettujen palvelujen liiketoiminnallisia mahdollisuuksia ja jatkokehitystarpeita sekä reflektoimaan oppimaansa. Annettujen tehtävien ratkaisuissa näkyy monipuolinen perehtyneisyys aihealueeseen.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää oppimaansa ja kykenee suunnittelmaan toteuttamiskelpoisia palvelutuotteita. Hän tunnistaa palvelujen tuotteistamisen ja edelleen kehittämisen mahdollisuuksia, sekä kykenee huomioimaan palvelujen toteuttamisen liiketoiminnalliset kannattavuusvaatimukset.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija kykenee kuvaamaan palvelujen tuotteistamisen etenemisen ja osaa suunnitella palvelutuotteen sisällön.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Erja Karppinen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Erja Karppinen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Iina Korhonen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Nina Jyrkäs
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
08.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Iina Korhonen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
- Erja Karppinen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Location and time
Spring 2024
Materials in Reppu
Teaching methods
Blended and online learning
Exam schedules
Supervised exam on 24.5. at 8.15 - 9.45
Two retakes are permitted in autumn 2025.
Completion alternatives
It is also possible to complete the course independently, but students are required to be active and motivated to find other participants for pair and group work tasks. The final exam is taken under supervision, either at a KAMK exam session or at a student-organised exam session at another educational institution. In the latter case, the contact details of the exam invigilator must be provided to the teacher of the course at least 7 working days before the exam. The student must pay any possible costs arising from sitting the exam elsewhere under supervision.
Student workload
Blended course consisting of 20 hours of teaching and 115 hours of independent work.
Some of the lessons are delivered via Teams (see timetable for details).
Content scheduling
24.1. KAMK 1-2 Course generals, formal and informal English
25.1. KAMK 3-4 How to write an abstract in English
21.2.Teams 5-6 Human resource issues
22.2. Teams 7-8 Human resource issues
28.3. KAMK 9-10 Job orientation
29.3. KAMK 11-12 Managing across cultures
25.4. Teams 13-14 Challenging work situations: Case discussions
26.4. Teams 15-16 Challenging work situations: Case discussions
23.5. KAMK 17-18 Motivation and rewards
24.5. KAMK 19-20 Exam (8.15 - 9.45 am)
Further information
You need a computer, pen and paper
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation both in class, in Teams and independently and an exam.
Exam assessment:
50-59 % = grade 1
60-69 % = grade 2
70-79 % = grade 3
80-89 % = grade 4
90 – 100 % = grade 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors may occur. They are able to recognize key terminology of their field.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Anne Määttä
- Mika Pietarinen
The students will be able to plan a safe, responsible and profitable event.
Content production, technical implementation and financial planning in event production
Event ecosystem
Event marketing
Creating a safe and responsible event
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 15.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
After completing the course, the student masters the basic skills in carrying out various research and development projects and knows how to use research methods in work-life development tasks. The student acquires skills for searching for information and scientific writing and knows how to critically evaluate the information produced through research and development work.
- Starting points and methods of research and development activities
- Research development work
- Qualitative research process
- Quantitative research process
- Information retrieval and science communication
- Analysis and interpretation of research data
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
After completing the course, the student masters the basic skills in carrying out various research and development projects and knows how to use research methods in work-life development tasks. The student acquires skills for searching for information and scientific writing and knows how to critically evaluate the information produced through research and development work.
- Starting points and methods of research and development activities
- Research development work
- Qualitative research process
- Quantitative research process
- Information retrieval and science communication
- Analysis and interpretation of research data
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
After completing the course, the student masters the basic skills in carrying out various research and development projects and knows how to use research methods in work-life development tasks. The student acquires skills for searching for information and scientific writing and knows how to critically evaluate the information produced through research and development work.
- Starting points and methods of research and development activities
- Research development work
- Qualitative research process
- Quantitative research process
- Information retrieval and science communication
- Analysis and interpretation of research data
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
- Anne Karhu
Students will possess the basic ability to develop their expertise in order to carry out different research and development projects, while understanding how they add to their expertise. They will be able to critically assess knowledge generated by research and development work.
Basis of research and development
Qualitative research process
Quantitative research process
Research material analysis and interpretation
Further information
Opintojaksosta on oltava suoritettuna vähintään 3 op ennen oman opinnäytetyösuunnitelman hyväksymistä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 26.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
- Anne Karhu
Students will possess the basic ability to develop their expertise in order to carry out different research and development projects, while understanding how they add to their expertise. They will be able to critically assess knowledge generated by research and development work.
Basis of research and development
Qualitative research process
Quantitative research process
Research material analysis and interpretation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Petri Lintumäki
- Pia Kuittinen
Learning Outcome:
The student understands the principles of customer experience and purchasing behavior as part of a profitable business.
The student knows the factors influencing the purchasing decision of both the consumer and the organization and is able to analyze the factors influencing the making of a purchasing decision.
Consumer decision-making process and purchasing behavior path
Organizational purchasing process and influencing factors
Identifying the customer experience process
Developing, measuring, and evaluating the impact of customer experience
Customer experience in the digital age
Location and time
Kevätlukukaudella kerran viikolla 2,5-tunnin tapaaminen. Tarpeen mukaan myös etätapaamisia.
Luennot ja lisämateriaalit on jaettu Repussa.
Tenttikirja: Korkiakoski, Kari 2019. Asiakaskokemus ja henkilöstökokemus. Uusi aika. Uudenlainen johtaminen.Alma Talent | Helsinki 2019. E-kirja: KAMK / Finna / Alma Talent Bisneskirjasto.
Esseen kirja: Gerdt, B. & Eskelinen, S.(2018) Digiajan asiakaskokemus. E-kirja: KAMK / Finna / Alma Talent Bisneskirjasto.
Teaching methods
Teorialuennot, soveltavat tehtävät, tentti, itsenäiset tehtävät ja ryhmätyöt.
Employer connections
Luennoilla mahdolliset vierailijat, webinaarit ja seminaarit.
Vierailut yrityksiin ja mahdollisiin paikallisiin tapahtumiin.
Opintomatka kuuluu opintojakson pakollisiin suorituksiin. Matka tehdään yhden päivän aikana ja se on ilmainen opiskelijoille.
Exam schedules
Tentti suoritetaan etänä 28. - 29.4. välisenä aikana. Kellonajat on kerrottu Repussa.
Uusintatentti järjestetään KAMKin uusintatenttipäivänä.
International connections
Mahdolliset aiheeseen sopivat webinaarit sekä vierailijaluennot muista oppilaitoksista, yrityksistä ja organisaatioista.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava opintojakson tavoitteiden osaaminen.
Student workload
5 opintopistettä tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työskentelyä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student utilizes, compares, and applies key concepts and perspectives related to customer experience and purchasing behavior. The use of the concepts is diverse, expert and justified.
The student is able to effectively combine and apply previous marketing skills.
In the assignment, the student demonstrates critical appraisal and considers the future challenges of customer-centric marketing. The objectives of the task are achieved on their own initiative and in a self-directed manner.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student describes and explains the main contents of the key concepts and elements of the customer experience and purchasing behavior. The use and exploitation of concepts is consistent and logical.
The student is able to utilize the most suitable customer-centric marketing processes and perspectives. The student acts independently and is able to consistently justify his / her solution.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student names, understands, and partially utilizes key content and basic concepts related to customer experience and purchasing behavior. The use of knowledge is still descriptive and there are shortcomings in forming a clear whole picture.
The student is able to choose appropriate aspects related to marketing. Utilization of previously learned knowledge and skills will be partially realized.
The student still requires guidance.
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojakso arvioidaan (1-5) suoritusten yhteispistemäärän perusteella seuraavasti:
5 = 90 % = 90 -100 pistettä
4 = 80 % = 80 - 89 pistettä
3 = 70 % = 70 – 79 pistettä
2 = 60 % = 60 – 69 pistettä
1 = vähintään 50 % = 50 - 59 pistettä ja tentti läpi
Myöhästyneistä palautuksista vähennetään 20 % saaduista pisteistä
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maarit Vuorinen
The student is able to describe the key concepts, goals and meanings of service design. The student understands the main principles of service design-oriented thinking in business and learns to search for and interpret user experience, customer needs and expectations. He/she learns to innovatively develop an existing service process with future needs in mind. The goal is to create new value for the customer as cost-effectively as possible. The student adopts the different stages of service design and is able to creatively apply this process thinking in practice. The student learns the most important research methods used in service design, as well as information acquisition and ideation tools. In addition, he/she acquires co-development and workshop facilitation skills.
Key principles of design-oriented thinking
Service design process
Creative data acquisition and ideation tools in service design
Visualization of the service design process, its stages and outcome
Facilitation skills in workshop work
A practical service design case
Kurssimateriaali löytyy kootusti Repusta.
Kirjallisuusluettelo käydään läpi kurssin alussa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to describe the content of the service design process, key concepts and elements in a versatile and expert manner. He / she is able to evaluate the wide-ranging strategic choices made in the service design process and the result achieved on the basis of them, as well as the future prospects for different branded companies, and to compare different options in practical situations and reflect on what they have learned. The solutions to the given tasks show a wide range of familiarity with the matter. He/she makes effective use of service design tools.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The conceptualization and utilization of the different stages of service design and the process is consistent and the structuring of entities is logical. The student is also able to utilize and apply key concepts and elements when analyzing or solving practical case situations and tasks. He/she applies service design tools.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to outline the process of service design and the different stages, basic concepts and their contents. There is a lack of understanding of the whole subject and the use of concepts. The student utilizes the concepts needed in problem solving to some extent, the use of the concepts in application tasks is successful in some respects. He/she makes partial use of service design tools.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
02.08.2024 - 30.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Mervi Väisänen
- Pia Kuittinen
Opiskelija ymmärtää palveluliiketoimintaa, jossa palvelu muodostaa arvonluonnin perustan. Tavoitteena on, että opiskelija tunnistaa erilaisia palveluihin liittyviä prosesseja sekä kehittämistarpeita. Opiskelija tuntee palvelujen markkinoinnin erityispiirteet ja ymmärtää asiakastyytyväisyyden sekä asiakassuhdeajattelun merkityksen osana kannattavan liiketoiminnan toteutusta. Opiskelija myös omaksuu palvelun ja asiakaskokemuksen tärkeyden ja vahvistaa osaamistaan palvelujen käyttäjälähtöisessä kehittämisessä. Opiskelija tuntee palvelumyynnin vaiheet ja myynnin johtamisen kokonaisuuden.
Palvelut ja palvelujen tuottaminen
Palvelukonseptit ja asiakaskokemus
Palvelujen laatu
Palvelujen markkinointi ja myynti
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää ja soveltaa monipuolisesti aihealueen käsitteitä käytännön työ- ja tehtävätilanteiden ratkaisuissa. Käsitteiden käyttö on perusteltua ja asiantuntevaa.
Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti ja kriittisesti hyödyntää ja vertailla eri teoriataustoja käytännön tilanteissa, ohjata tehtäväkokonaisuuden toteutusta, toimia itseohjautuvasti sekä reflektoida oppimaansa.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Käsitteiden käyttö ja hyödyntäminen on johdonmukaista ja loogista.
Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti hyödyntää teoriataustoja käytännön tilanteissa, perustella tehtäväkokonaisuuden toteutusta ja ratkaisujen valintaa sekä arvioida ratkaisujen onnistuneisuutta.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija kykenee kuvaamaan aihealueen peruskäsitteet ja pääelementtien sisällöt. Kuvaus vielä irrallista ja kokonaisuuden muodostaminen puutteellista.
Opiskelija osaa valita tilanteeseen sopivia keinoja ja kanavia sekä hyödyntää ainakin osittain eri teoriataustoja käytännön tehtävässä.
19.02.2024 - 25.02.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Taneli Rantaharju
- Eija Pekkonen
The student becomes acquainted with intelligent financial management, processes and knowledge management.
The student becomes acquainted with the methods and tools that enable intelligent financial management.
The student understands the importance of intelligent financial management in business development.
The student gets acquainted with software robotics and its applications in financial management.
Tasks and role of financial management in business
Financial management processes and their development
Systems and tools
Reporting and analytics
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan
Kaarlejärvi, S. & Salminen, T. 2018. Älykäs taloushallinto: automaation aika. Helsinki: Alma Talent. Löytyy Kamk:n Alma Talent bisneskirjastosta.
Teaching methods
Employer connections
Completion alternatives
Content scheduling
Taloushallinnon tehtävät ja rooli liiketoiminnassa
Taloushallinnon prosessit ja niiden kehittäminen
Järjestelmät ja työkalut
Raportointi ja analytiikka
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
A student has attended into the assignment in small group, he has attended the reporting and evaluation of the assignment actively.
The assignment has been made by using current and high-quality source material.
Exams: 70 %
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Mervi Väisänen
The student understands the significance of strategic marketing thinking as part of the company's business strategy.
Strategic marketing concepts and processes
Coordinating operational processes and developing business
Brand as a strategic part of marketing
Innovation and developing customer-oriented services and products
Location and time
Kevät 2025
Aaker David A. & Moorman Christine: Strategic Market Management (2017 Wiley & Sons Ltd)
Käy myös vanhempi, joka löytyy nimellä: Aaker David A & McLoughlin Damien: Strategic Market Management (2010 John Wiley & Sons Ltd)
Drummond, Ensor & Ashford: Strategic marketing planning and control (2008, Butterworth-Heinemann) tai uudempi
Tikkanen H & Vassinen A: Strateginen markkinointiosaaminen (2010 Talentum)
Tikkanen H, Aspara J & Parviainen P: Strategisen markkinoinnin perusteet (2007 Talentum)
Muita hyödyllisiä lähteitä, muu strategia-, asiakkuus- ja brändikirjallisuus
Teaching methods
Luennot, itsenäiset tehtävät ja yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu.
Exam schedules
Palautettavien arvioitavien tehtävien aikataulu annetaan opintojakson alussa.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Kokonaisaika 81 tuntia (lähiopetus 20 h, itsenäinen ja yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu 61 h).
Content scheduling
Lähiopetustunnit edellyttävät läsnäoloa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can describe the contents of strategic marketing in a versatile and professional way. (S)he can review the made strategic choices, the final outcome based on the choices and future prospects from various perspectives as far as the example companies are concerned. (S)he can compare possible alternatives in practical situations and reflect on the things learnt. Completed assignments demonstrate in-depth and versatile knowledge of the topic and the ability to apply knowledge in case solutions.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The use of the concepts of strategic marketing is consistent and the way the big picture is envisioned is logical. The student can apply the main concepts when analysing and solving practical cases and tasks.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can outline the basic concepts and contents of the subject area. Getting the big picture and concept use is still lacking. The student can, when solving tasks, make use of the concepts to some extent.
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat itsenäiset ja casetehtävät arvioidaan.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa kuvailla strategisen markkinoinnin käsitteiden ja elementtien sisältöjä monipuolisesti ja asiantuntevasti. Hän kykenee arvioimaan laaja-alaisesti tehtyjä strategisia valintoja ja niiden pohjalta saavutettua lopputulosta sekä tulevaisuuden näkymiä erimerkkiyritysten osalta, ja vertailemaan eri vaihtoehtoja käytännön tilanteissa sekä reflektoimaan oppimaansa. Annettujen tehtävien ratkaisuissa näkyy monipuolinen perehtyneisyys aihealueeseen ja kyky soveltaa tietoa caseratkaisuissa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Strategisen markkinoinnin käsitteiden käyttö ja hyödyntäminen on johdonmukaista ja kokonaisuuksien jäsentäminen on loogista. Opiskelija osaa myös hyödyntää ja soveltaa keskeisiä käsitteitä ja –elementtejä analysoidessaan tai ratkaistessaan käytännön case-tilanteita ja tehtäviä.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija kykenee pääpiirteissään kuvaamaan aihealueen peruskäsitteet ja niiden sisällöt. Aihealueen kokonaisuuden hahmottaminen ja käsitteiden käyttö on puutteellista. Opiskelija hyödyntää tehtävänratkaisussa tarvittavia käsitteitä jossain määrin, käsitteiden käyttö sovellustehtävissä onnistuu joiltain osin.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Mervi Väisänen
The student understands the significance of strategic marketing thinking as part of the company's business strategy.
Strategic marketing concepts and processes
Coordinating operational processes and developing business
Brand as a strategic part of marketing
Innovation and developing customer-oriented services and products
Location and time
Kevät 2025.
Aaker David A. & Moorman Christine: Strategic Market Management (2017 Wiley & Sons Ltd)
Or: Aaker David A & McLoughlin Damien: Strategic Market Management (2010 John Wiley & Sons Ltd)
Drummond, Ensor & Ashford: Strategic marketing planning and control (2008, Butterworth-Heinemann) or newer
Tikkanen H & Vassinen A: Strateginen markkinointiosaaminen (2010 Talentum)
Tikkanen H, Aspara J & Parviainen P: Strategisen markkinoinnin perusteet (2007 Talentum)
Teaching methods
Luennot, itsenäiset tehtävät ja yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu.
Exam schedules
Palautettavien arvioitavien tehtävien aikataulu annetaan opintojakson alussa.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
Kokonaisaika 81 tuntia (verkko-opetus 10 h, itsenäinen ja yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu 71 h).
Content scheduling
Opintojakso etenee annetun työjärjestyksen aikataulun mukaisesti. Tehtävät tulee palauttaa annetun aikataulun mukaisesti.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can describe the contents of strategic marketing in a versatile and professional way. (S)he can review the made strategic choices, the final outcome based on the choices and future prospects from various perspectives as far as the example companies are concerned. (S)he can compare possible alternatives in practical situations and reflect on the things learnt. Completed assignments demonstrate in-depth and versatile knowledge of the topic and the ability to apply knowledge in case solutions.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The use of the concepts of strategic marketing is consistent and the way the big picture is envisioned is logical. The student can apply the main concepts when analysing and solving practical cases and tasks.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can outline the basic concepts and contents of the subject area. Getting the big picture and concept use is still lacking. The student can, when solving tasks, make use of the concepts to some extent.
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat itsenäiset ja casetehtävät arvioidaan
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa kuvailla strategisen markkinoinnin käsitteiden ja elementtien sisältöjä monipuolisesti ja asiantuntevasti. Hän kykenee arvioimaan laaja-alaisesti tehtyjä strategisia valintoja ja niiden pohjalta saavutettua lopputulosta sekä tulevaisuuden näkymiä erimerkkiyritysten osalta, ja vertailemaan eri vaihtoehtoja käytännön tilanteissa sekä reflektoimaan oppimaansa. Annettujen tehtävien ratkaisuissa näkyy monipuolinen perehtyneisyys aihealueeseen ja kyky soveltaa tietoa caseratkaisuissa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Strategisen markkinoinnin käsitteiden käyttö ja hyödyntäminen on johdonmukaista ja kokonaisuuksien jäsentäminen on loogista. Opiskelija osaa myös hyödyntää ja soveltaa keskeisiä käsitteitä ja –elementtejä analysoidessaan tai ratkaistessaan käytännön case-tilanteita ja tehtäviä.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija kykenee pääpiirteissään kuvaamaan aihealueen peruskäsitteet ja niiden sisällöt. Aihealueen kokonaisuuden hahmottaminen ja käsitteiden käyttö on puutteellista. Opiskelija hyödyntää tehtävänratkaisussa tarvittavia käsitteitä jossain määrin, käsitteiden käyttö sovellustehtävissä onnistuu joiltain osi
02.07.2024 - 31.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
15 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- OPE_Liiketoiminta OPE_Liiketoiminta
- Saara Manninen
- Mervi Väisänen
- Maritta Seppälä
- Erja Karppinen
- Eija Pekkonen
- Pia Kuittinen
- Sami Malm
Students will develop and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills to a practical task requiring expertise related to their professional studies. The thesis will deepen their professional competence in RDI activities through a piece of research or a developmental or other project conducted as a thesis linked with working life. The thesis will ensure that students are sufficiently proficient in the written and spoken communication competences required in working life.
Thesis start-up seminar
Approval of topic and topic analysis
Compilation of thesis plan, presentation and acting as an opponent
Academic Writing (attendance and exercises)
Thesis + thesis supervision seminars (participation)
Presentation seminar
Maturity test
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1-5:According to the KAMK thesis assessment criteria.
Research and Development Methods
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
15 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Pekka Vaarala
- Outi Lundahl
- Mervi Väisänen
- Elina Jääskeläinen
- Maarit Vuorinen
- Erja Karppinen
- Pia Kuittinen
Students will develop and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills to a practical task requiring expertise related to their professional studies. The thesis will deepen their professional competence in RDI activities through a piece of research or a developmental or other project conducted as a thesis linked with working life. The thesis will ensure that students are sufficiently proficient in the written and spoken communication competences required in working life.
Thesis start-up seminar
Approval of topic and topic analysis
Compilation of thesis plan, presentation and acting as an opponent
Academic Writing (attendance and exercises)
Thesis + thesis supervision seminars (participation)
Presentation seminar
Maturity test
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1-5:According to the KAMK thesis assessment criteria.
Research and Development Methods
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
15 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Aki Kortelainen
- Päivi Dahl
- Pekka Vaarala
- OPE_Liiketoiminta OPE_Liiketoiminta
- Saara Manninen
- Raija Jormakka
- Hannele Siipola
- Outi Lundahl
- Maritta Seppälä
- Maarit Vuorinen
- Erja Karppinen
- Eija Pekkonen
- Sami Malm
Students will develop and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills to a practical task requiring expertise related to their professional studies. The thesis will deepen their professional competence in RDI activities through a piece of research or a developmental or other project conducted as a thesis linked with working life. The thesis will ensure that students are sufficiently proficient in the written and spoken communication competences required in working life.
Thesis start-up seminar
Approval of topic and topic analysis
Compilation of thesis plan, presentation and acting as an opponent
Academic Writing (attendance and exercises)
Thesis + thesis supervision seminars (participation)
Presentation seminar
Maturity test
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1-5:According to the KAMK thesis assessment criteria.
Research and Development Methods
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Janus Pitkänen
The aim is to become acquainted with and understand the changing trends and requirements of working life in an international operating environment.
Each of the topics in the current affairs forum.
Students actively participate in forums and other workshops.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
A student attends actively both into forum work and workshops. A student shares the knowledge produced in groups actively and produces a reflective blog text.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
Students will be able to solve complex value added tax problems in invoicing, bookkeeping and in financial statement.
Value added tax duty
Taxable sales and tax rate
VAT deduction
Tax procedure
Special issues in VAT
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in demanding practical situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in common practical situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in simple practical situations.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
Students will be able to solve complex value added tax problems in invoicing, bookkeeping and in financial statement.
Value added tax duty
Taxable sales and tax rate
VAT deduction
Tax procedure
Special issues in VAT
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in demanding practical situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in common practical situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in simple practical situations.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Tuula Rajander
Scheduling groups
- KAMK Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
Small groups
- KAMK Open UAS 1
In the three-credit written communication course, students are introduced to the types of texts needed in the academic world, along with their typical features and requirements. After completing the course, you will be able to recognize various types of academic texts and produce text suitable for different needs.
In the one-credit oral communication course, students are introduced to the basics of oral communication. During the course, you will explore oral communication both theoretically and practically, and work on developing yourself into a master communicator.
The course is part of KAMK's course: Expert Communication.
Written Communication 3 ECTS The course consists of five sections:
Text types and genres
Information retrieval and reading
Formal style and language correctness
Citation system
Workplace texts
Oral Communication 1 ECTS The course consists of three parts:
Basics of communication
Oral communication situations in studies and working life (presentations and speeches)
Meetings and negotiations
Location and time
Nonstop-studying in Reppu-environment.
Kortetjärvi-Nurmi, S. & Murtola, K. (2016). Areena: Yritysviestinnän käsikirja.
Lehtipuun, U. & Mustakallio, A. (2021). Elämäsi paras puhe. AlmaTalent.
Lohtaja, S. & Kaihovirta-Rapo, M. (2007). Tehoa työelämän viestintään. WSOY.
Other material in Reppu-environment.
Teaching methods
The course consists of the following components:
Written communication 3 ECTS + oral communication 1 ECTS
Independent study in e-learning environment.
The course requires 108 hours of student's own work.
In order to pass the course the student has to accomplish all the assignments.
Exam schedules
Nonstop-exams in Reppu.
International connections
Completion alternatives
To be agreed with the teacher.
Student workload
4 cr = 108 hours of student's own work.
Content scheduling
Written Communication 3 ECTS The course consists of five sections:
Text types and genres
Information retrieval and reading
Formal style and language correctness
Citation system
Workplace texts
Oral Communication 1 ECTS The course consists of three parts:
Basics of communication
Oral communication situations in studies and working life (presentations and speeches)
Meetings and negotiations
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student's written communication is versatile. The student writes excellent informative text and is proficient in the smooth use of citations. The student is able to realistically assess their own communication and is interested in developing it.
The use of concepts is versatile and professional, and the learning objectives of the course have been achieved independently and autonomously. The student understands the significance of language as part of professional competence and shares their expertise within the community in an appropriate manner. The student actively seeks feedback and can analyze, reflect on, and critically evaluate their own interaction and communication skills. The student works as a group member, promoting and developing the group's activities. The student performs convincingly in presentation situations during studies and working life, arguing in a versatile, effective, and context-appropriate manner. The student independently seeks the latest information in their field and approaches new information with curiosity.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student manages well in written interaction situations within their field. The student writes good informative text and knows how to use citations. The student assesses their own communication and identifies areas for improvement.
The student consistently uses concepts of interaction, can name and describe them, and justify their use. The student has achieved the learning objectives of the course. The student understands the significance of the language form used in professional activities. The student can assess and reflect on their own interaction skills, and analyze their weaknesses and strengths as a communicator. The student accepts and provides constructive feedback. The student works as a group member to achieve a common goal. The student performs naturally in presentation situations during studies and working life and can argue their messages effectively. The student independently seeks the latest information in their field.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student's written communication is mostly understandable. The student writes satisfactory informative text and attempts to use sources to support their own thinking. The student strives to assess their own interaction skills.
The student appropriately uses concepts of interaction and is able to name and describe them. The student has achieved the learning objectives of the course. The student is aware of the impact of their own communication style in the communication process. The student strives to assess and reflect on their own interaction skills and accepts feedback. The student knows how to act professionally and considerately as a member of a group. The student performs satisfactorily in presentation situations during their studies. The student seeks information relevant to their field.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student's written communication is versatile. The student writes excellent informative text and is proficient in the smooth use of citations. The student is able to realistically assess their own communication and is interested in developing it.
The use of concepts is versatile and professional, and the learning objectives of the course have been achieved independently and autonomously. The student understands the significance of language as part of professional competence and shares their expertise within the community in an appropriate manner. The student actively seeks feedback and can analyze, reflect on, and critically evaluate their own interaction and communication skills. The student works as a group member, promoting and developing the group's activities. The student performs convincingly in presentation situations during studies and working life, arguing in a versatile, effective, and context-appropriate manner. The student independently seeks the latest information in their field and approaches new information with curiosity.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student manages well in written interaction situations within their field. The student writes good informative text and knows how to use citations. The student assesses their own communication and identifies areas for improvement.
The student consistently uses concepts of interaction, can name and describe them, and justify their use. The student has achieved the learning objectives of the course. The student understands the significance of the language form used in professional activities. The student can assess and reflect on their own interaction skills, and analyze their weaknesses and strengths as a communicator. The student accepts and provides constructive feedback. The student works as a group member to achieve a common goal. The student performs naturally in presentation situations during studies and working life and can argue their messages effectively. The student independently seeks the latest information in their field.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student's written communication is mostly understandable. The student writes satisfactory informative text and attempts to use sources to support their own thinking. The student strives to assess their own interaction skills.
The student appropriately uses concepts of interaction and is able to name and describe them. The student has achieved the learning objectives of the course. The student is aware of the impact of their own communication style in the communication process. The student strives to assess and reflect on their own interaction skills and accepts feedback. The student knows how to act professionally and considerately as a member of a group. The student performs satisfactorily in presentation situations during their studies. The student seeks information relevant to their field.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Maritta Seppälä
- Päivi Auno
- Sami Malm
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Teaching methods
Oppimistehtävät ja tarvittavat materiaalit löytyvät Repusta, avain welcome
Itsenäisesti suoritettava opintojakso, jonka voi tehdä oman aikataulun mukaan.
Repussa olevan ohjeen mukainen tutkielmaessee (HRM) 3 op ja työoikeuden nettitentti 2 op
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
- Päivi Auno
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
Location and time
Itsenäinen työskentely ja verkkototeutus. Voit suorittaa opintojakson omaan tahtiin ja voit aloittaa sen suorittamisen milloin haluat. Opintojaksosta järjestetään aloitustunti lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti teams -toteutuksena.
E-books and -materials
Teaching methods
Opiskelija kirjoittaa yksilötyönä tutkielmaesseen annettujen ohjeiden mukaisesti. Opintojakson aloitustunnit teams -toteutuksena. Verkkototeutus.
Employer connections
Opintojakson tehtävissä hyödynnetään kokemuksia nykyisestä tai aiemmista työnantajaorganisaatioista. Mikäli työkokemuksia ei olisi, tehtävissä ohjataan vaihtoehtoisiin tarkasteluihin.
Completion alternatives
Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista saat tarvittaessa opintojakson opettajilta.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op x 27 tuntia = n. 135 tuntia.
Content scheduling
Opintojaikson suoritus on yksilötyönä tehtävä tutkielmaessee:
Tutkielmaesseen rakenne;
Yksilö organisaatiossa
Ryhmät ja tiimit
Organisaatiot ja kulttuurit työympäristönä
Ihmisten johtaminen ja alaistaidot
Kokoava pohdinta
Further information
Opintojakso on yhteinen liikunnanohjaaja-, liiketalouden tradenomi- ja restonomiopiskelijoille.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojakson arviointi perustuu yksilötyönä tehtyyn tutkielmaesseen. Opintojaksolla oleva arviointikriteeristö ohjaa opiskelijan oppimista ja arvosanatavoitteen mukaisen raportin aikaansaamista.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut esseen, jossa on selkeitä sisällöllisiä puutteita tehtävänantoon nähden.
Keskeisiä teorioita ja käsitteitä ei ole tarkasteltu ja sovellettu riittävän perusteellisesti tai tarkoituksenmukaisesti.
Ajankohtaisia lähteitä tai omakohtaisia kokemuksia ei ole esitetty eli työ on pelkkää teoriaa.
Jokin olennainen osa tehtävänantoa on saattanut jäädä huomioimatta.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntämisessä on puutteita, esim. jotain tiettyä peruslähdettä ei ole käytetty riittävästi tai ei lainkaan tekstin tuottamisessa.
Teksti saattaa olla luonteeltaan vahvasti referoivaa, jopa kopioivaa.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty puutteellisesti tai ne puuttuvat kokonaan.
Esseessä on yli 20 % kopiointia.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Erinomaisessa ja kiitettävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta informatiivisen, monipuolisen ja kattavan esseen.
Oppimistehtävässä on sovellettu kaikkia lähteitä tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja näkyvästi annettujen kysymysten erittelyssä.
Ajankohtaiset lähteet ja omakohtaiset kokemukset linkittyvät teoriaan rikastaen sitä.
Eri lähteiden näkökulmia on arvioitu, vertailtu ja yhdistelty toisiinsa siten, että aiheen kannalta keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat sujuvasti esille.
Tekstissä esiintyy myös perusteltuja omia pohdintoja, sovelluksia ja kriittisiä huomioita.
Teksti on kauttaaltaan selkeästi jäsenneltyä ja etenee johdonmukaisesti niin, että kaikki tehtävänannon osa-alueet on käsitelty tasapainoisesti.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty asianmukaisesti ja oppimistehtävän ulkoasu on huoliteltu.
Arvolauseessa 5 tulee lisäksi esille opiskelijan omaperäinen ja luova tapa jäsentää tehtävänannon haettua asiaa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Hyvässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta esseen, jossa aihealueen keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat hyvin esille.
Oppimistehtävässä on hyödynnetty kaikkia lähteitä, mutta niiden annin arviointi, yhdistely ja vertailu jäävät satunnaiseksi.
Ajankohtaiset lähteet ja omakohtaiset kokemukset linkittyvät teoriaan satunnaisesti.
Teksti voi olla luonteeltaan hieman mekaanista, persoonatonta ja referoivaa, joskin hyvin informatiivista. Kriittinen pohdinta voi myös olla vähäistä.
Lähdemerkinnöissä voi olla pientä epätarkkuutta.
Kokonaisuudessaan esseessä on kuitenkin johdonmukaisesti ja yhtenäisesti käsitelty kaikkia tehtävänannon osa-alueita.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Tyydyttävässä ja välttävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut tehtävänannon pohjalta hajanaisen ja pintapuolisen esseen. Kaikkia tehtävänannon kysymyksiä ja osa-alueita ei ole tarkasteltu.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntäminen voi myös olla epätasaista, nojautuen vahvasti esim. yhteen lähteeseen muiden jäädessä taustalle.
Ajankohtaisia lähteitä ja omakohtaisia kokemuksia esitetään satunnaisesti.
Tiedon yhdistely, vertailu ja kriittinen arviointi puuttuvat lähes kokonaan.
Tekstin jäsennys ei ole selkeä, jolloin siitä voi olla hankala hahmottaa johdonmukaista kokonaiskertomusta.
Aiheen kannalta olennaisia teorioita ja käsitteitä on kuitenkin onnistuttu tuomaan ymmärrettävästi esille ja niitä on pyritty soveltamaan tehtävänannon mukaisesti.
Lähdeviittauksissa on joitain puutteellisuuksia.
Arvosanalla 1 arvioitu oppimistehtävä sisältää jotain hyväksyttyyn tehtävään riittävää.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
- Päivi Auno
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
E-books and -materials
Teaching methods
Opintojakso on uudistettu osana businesspsykologian opintokokonaisuutta,
joka on luotu osana EU:n osarahoittamaa Businesspsykologian taitajaksi –hanketta.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 28.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
E-books and -materials
Teaching methods
Opintojakso on uudistettu osana businesspsykologian opintokokonaisuutta,
joka on luotu osana EU:n osarahoittamaa Businesspsykologian taitajaksi –hanketta.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
01.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
19.08.2024 - 22.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kirsi Huotari
- Kaisa Loikkanen
You recognize the key principles of occupational well-being.
You identify factors related to a safe work environment and can apply your knowledge in work-life contexts.
You are able to develop/improve your own well-being during your studies.
The theory of occupational well-being
Promoting occupational well-being
Safe work environment
Location and time
syyskuu-marraskuu 2024
Oppimateriaali löytyy repusta
Teaching methods
Verkko-opetus Reppu-alustalla
Student workload
5op = 135h opiskelijan työtä
Repussa on määritelty tehtävien laajuus osioittain
Content scheduling
Opiskelija voi edetä opintojaksolla oman aikataulun mukaisesti. Suositeltava osioiden suoritusjärjestys on kerrottu repussa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Osaat käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti ammattialasi käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä
Osaat analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
Osaat analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi
toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon avulla.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä.
Osaat valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Osaat soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassasi.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Osaat käyttää johdonmukaisesti ammattialan käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
Osaat arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi toimintatapoja.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
Osaat soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi.
Osaat perustella toimintaasi ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Osaat käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä ammattialasi käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa.
Osaat toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä.
Osaat käyttää toiminnassasi tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassasi muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon.
Osaat toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 30.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kirsi Huotari
- Kaisa Loikkanen
You recognize the key principles of occupational well-being.
You identify factors related to a safe work environment and can apply your knowledge in work-life contexts.
You are able to develop/improve your own well-being during your studies.
The theory of occupational well-being
Promoting occupational well-being
Safe work environment
Location and time
Opetus alkaa viikolla 6 ja päättyy viikolla 20.
Opintojaksolla esitellään tarkempi etenemissuunnitelma opintojakson sisällöistä.
Oppimateriaali Reppukurssilla
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen työskentely
Employer connections
Opintojaksolla toteutetaan käytännön projekti työelämän kanssa yhteistyössä.
Completion alternatives
Opiskelijalla on mahdollisuus aloitustunnin jälkeen valita täysin itsenäinen suoritustapa (verkkototeutus). Eri toteutusvaihtoehdot esitellään opintojakson aloitustunnilla.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Osaat käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti ammattialasi käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä
Osaat analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
Osaat analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi
toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon avulla.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä.
Osaat valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Osaat soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassasi.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Osaat käyttää johdonmukaisesti ammattialan käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
Osaat arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi toimintatapoja.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
Osaat soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi.
Osaat perustella toimintaasi ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Osaat käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä ammattialasi käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa.
Osaat toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä.
Osaat käyttää toiminnassasi tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassasi muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon.
Osaat toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä kokonaisuuksiksi.
• analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita työhyvinvointiin liittyvää tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
• analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistaan ja ammattialansa toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon avulla
• toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
• toimintaympäristössä
• valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialansa tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä toiminnassaan.
• toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa
• soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassaan.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
• käyttää johdonmukaisesti työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä
• nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialansa perustiedot.
• valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
• arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistaan ja ammattialansa toimintatapoja
• toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä
• soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialansa toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
• toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi
• perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
• käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä
• nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialansa perustiedot.
• toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa
• toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä
• käyttää toiminnassaan tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialansa tekniikoita ja malleja.
• toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassaan muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon
• toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 27.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kirsi Huotari
- Kaisa Loikkanen
You recognize the key principles of occupational well-being.
You identify factors related to a safe work environment and can apply your knowledge in work-life contexts.
You are able to develop/improve your own well-being during your studies.
The theory of occupational well-being
Promoting occupational well-being
Safe work environment
Location and time
Opetus alkaa viikolla 6 ja päättyy viikolla 20.
Opintojaksolla esitellään tarkempi etenemissuunnitelma opintojakson sisällöistä.
Oppimateriaali Reppukurssilla
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen työskentely
Employer connections
Opintojaksolla toteutetaan käytännön projekti työelämän kanssa yhteistyössä.
Completion alternatives
Opiskelijalla on mahdollisuus aloitustunnin jälkeen valita täysin itsenäinen suoritustapa (verkkototeutus). Eri toteutusvaihtoehdot esitellään opintojakson aloitustunnilla.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Osaat käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti ammattialasi käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä
Osaat analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
Osaat analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi
toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon avulla.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä.
Osaat valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Osaat soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassasi.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Osaat käyttää johdonmukaisesti ammattialan käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
Osaat arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi toimintatapoja.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
Osaat soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi.
Osaat perustella toimintaasi ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Osaat käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä ammattialasi käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa.
Osaat toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä.
Osaat käyttää toiminnassasi tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassasi muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon.
Osaat toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä kokonaisuuksiksi.
• analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita työhyvinvointiin liittyvää tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
• analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistaan ja ammattialansa toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon avulla
• toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
• toimintaympäristössä
• valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialansa tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä toiminnassaan.
• toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa
• soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassaan.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
• käyttää johdonmukaisesti työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä
• nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialansa perustiedot.
• valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
• arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistaan ja ammattialansa toimintatapoja
• toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä
• soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialansa toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
• toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi
• perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
• käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä
• nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialansa perustiedot.
• toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa
• toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä
• käyttää toiminnassaan tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialansa tekniikoita ja malleja.
• toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassaan muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon
• toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
30.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Kirsi Huotari
- Kaisa Loikkanen
You recognize the key principles of occupational well-being.
You identify factors related to a safe work environment and can apply your knowledge in work-life contexts.
You are able to develop/improve your own well-being during your studies.
The theory of occupational well-being
Promoting occupational well-being
Safe work environment
Location and time
helmikuu-toukokuu 2025
Oppimateriaali löytyy repusta
Teaching methods
Verkko-opetus Reppu-alustalla
Student workload
5op = 135h opiskelijan työtä
Repussa on määritelty tehtävien laajuus osioittain
Content scheduling
Opiskelija voi edetä opintojaksolla oman aikataulun mukaisesti. Suositeltava osioiden suoritusjärjestys on kerrottu repussa.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Osaat käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti ammattialasi käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä
Osaat analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
Osaat analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi
toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon avulla.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä.
Osaat valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Osaat soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassasi.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Osaat käyttää johdonmukaisesti ammattialan käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
Osaat arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi toimintatapoja.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
Osaat soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi.
Osaat perustella toimintaasi ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Osaat käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä ammattialasi käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa.
Osaat toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä.
Osaat käyttää toiminnassasi tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassasi muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon.
Osaat toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
• käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä kokonaisuuksiksi.
• analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita työhyvinvointiin liittyvää tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
• analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistaan ja ammattialansa toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon avulla
• toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
• toimintaympäristössä
• valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialansa tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä toiminnassaan.
• toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa
• soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassaan.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
• käyttää johdonmukaisesti työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä
• nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialansa perustiedot.
• valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
• arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistaan ja ammattialansa toimintatapoja
• toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä
• soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialansa toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
• toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi
• perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
• käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä työhyvinvointiin liittyviä käsitteitä
• nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialansa perustiedot.
• toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa
• toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä
• käyttää toiminnassaan tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialansa tekniikoita ja malleja.
• toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa
• toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassaan muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon
• toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Outi Lundahl
The student understands how branding functions as a strategic tool for a company. He/she learns to identify, analyze, and solve branding-related tasks and objectives. He/she develops the ability to compare and utilize brand theories and theoretical frameworks in a practical manner linked to specific branding goals.
Symbolic and cultural meanings of brands
Brand identity, brand image, brand promise, brand equity
Processes and models of brand building
Creating brand strategy and brand management
Measuring the effectiveness of branding
Current trends, megatrends, and practices in branding
Location and time
Opintojakson opetus järjestetään lähiopetuksena syyslukukaudella, lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Oppimateriaalina käytetään (soveltuvin osin) kirjaa Keller, K.L. (2019) Strategic Brand Management: building, measuring and managing brand equity. Pearson.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso koostuu kaikille pakollisista luennoista, joihin liittyy itsenäisesti, ryhmässä suoritettavia oppimistehtäviä. Oppimistehtävien avulla harjoittelet opintojakson keskeisten sisältöjen hallintaa ja ymmärtämistä. Lisäksi opintojaksoon kuuluu ryhmässä tehtävä projektityö, jonka laajuus on noin 1,5 op eli noin 40 h työtä. Projektityö ohjaa sinua opitun tiedon soveltamiseen. Projektitehtävä arvioidaan numeraalisesti ja se on osa opintojakson suoritusta.
Employer connections
Kurssin projektityö sisältää vapaasti valittavan yrityksen markkinointivastaavan haastattelun.
Exam schedules
Kurssiin ei sisälly tenttiä.
Completion alternatives
Valinnaisia suoritustapoja ei ole.
Student workload
Opintojakso vaatii noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Luentojen osuus on noin 45 tuntia. Loput 90 h tuntia työtä liittyvät itsenäisesti suoritettaviin oppimistehtäviin (n. 50 h) sekä arvioitavaan projektityöhön (n. 40 h). Nämä määrät ovat suuntaa antavia ja lopullinen työmäärä määrittyy opiskelijan itsensä käyttämästä ajasta työskentelyyn.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso koostuu lähiopetuksessa toteutettavista luennoista, jotka ovat koko ryhmälle yhteiset. Lisäksi opintojakso sisältää oppimistehtäviä ja projektityön, joissa opiskelijat ovat jaettuna ryhmiin. Ryhmäjako tehdään opintojakson alkaessa. Oppimistehtävät ja projektityö sisältävät kirjallisen osion sekä suulliset esitykset. Lähiopetuksessa vaadittu läsnäolo on 50 %. Liialliset poissaolot korvataan ylimääräisellä oppimistehtävällä.
Further information
Tekoälyn käyttö on sallittu eli tekoälyä saa käyttää, mutta sen käytöstä pitää kertoa (Arenen tekoälysuosituksen luokitus “keltainen”.) Väärinkäytöksestä seuraa KAMKin ohjeiden mukaisesti opintojakson hylkääminen ja opintojakson tai tehtävän uudelleen suorittaminen.
Lähiopetusluentoja ei tallenneta.
Hyväksiluku ja ahot-menettely tapauskohtaisesti.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to describe the contents of brand strategy concepts and elements in a versatile and knowledgeable manner. They can comprehensively evaluate strategic choices made and the resulting outcomes, as well as future prospects for various example companies, comparing different alternatives in practical situations and reflecting on their learning. Their solutions to given tasks demonstrate a diverse understanding of the subject matter.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The use and utilization of brand strategy concepts are consistent, and structuring of the overall framework is logical. The student can also effectively employ and apply key concepts and elements when analyzing or solving practical case situations and tasks.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to broadly describe the basic concepts and their contents within the subject area. However, their understanding of the overall scope of the subject and the use of concepts is lacking. The student utilizes the necessary concepts to some extent in task solving, but their application of concepts in practical exercises is only partially successful.
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojaksoon sisältyy pakolliset oppimistehtävät sekä itsenäinen projektityö. Oppimistehtävät arvostellaan hyväksytty/hylätty, projektityö asteikolla 1-5. Kurssin loppuarvosana (asteikolla 0-5) muodostuu projektityön arvosanasta.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa kuvailla brändistrategian käsitteiden ja elementtien sisältöjä monipuolisesti ja asiantuntevasti. Hän kykenee arvioimaan laaja-alaisesti tehtyjä strategisia valintoja ja niiden pohjalta saavutettua lopputulosta sekä tulevaisuuden näkymiä erimerkkiyritysten osalta, ja vertailemaan eri vaihtoehtoja käytännön tilanteissa sekä reflektoimaan oppimaansa. Annettujen tehtävien ratkaisuissa näkyy monipuolinen perehtyneisyys asiaan.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Brandistrategian käsitteiden käyttö ja hyödyntäminen on johdonmukaista ja kokonaisuuksien jäsentäminen on loogista. Opiskelija osaa myös hyödyntää ja soveltaa keskeisiä pääkäsitteitä ja -elementtejä analysoidessaan tai ratkaistessaan käytännön case-tilanteita ja tehtäviä.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija kykenee pääpiirteissään kuvaamaan aihealueen peruskäsitteet ja niiden sisällöt. Aihealueen kokonaisuuden hahmottaminen ja käsitteiden käyttö on puutteellista. Opiskelija hyödyntää tehtävänratkaisussa tarvittavia käsitteitä jossain määrin, käsitteiden käyttö sovellustehtävissä onnistuu joiltain osin.
06.08.2025 - 04.09.2025
05.09.2025 - 30.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Anne Karhu
The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business.
The significance of business in society
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Operational and business idea
Basic business model and smart processes
Stakeholders and networking
Forms of business
Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
Business potential
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Opiskelija osallistuu aktiivisesti työskentelyyn lähiopetustunneilla. Opiskelija osaa suunnitella liiketoimintaa ja kuvata asiakasymmärryksen merkitystä liikuntapalveluiden suunnittelussa. Opiskelija huolehtii vastuullisesti itsenäisten tehtävien suorittamisesta ja toimii aktiivisena ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamista.
Further information
Vaihtoehtoinen suoritustapa: täysin itsenäinen opiskelu
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
17 % Contact teaching, 83 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Mika Pietarinen
- Maritta Seppälä
- Pia Kuittinen
The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business. The students know document standard and are able to formulate business letters.
The significance of business in society
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Operational and business idea
Basic business model and smart processes
Stakeholders and networking
Forms of business
Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
Business potential
Document standard, Business correspondence
Location and time
Tapaamiset ovat syyslukukauden 2025 aikana lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti. Elokuussa on lähiopetus kampuksella, muut tapaamiset ovat etänä Teamsillä.
The lecture material and other material will be announced at the beginning of the study period.
Teaching methods
Lähi- ja etäopetus, luennot, ohjatut harjoitukset, yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. ryhmätyöskentely).
Liiketalouden monimuotototeutuksessa opintojaksoon kuuluu työkirja ja sen esitys, yrityshaastattelu sekä raportti opiskelijaa kiinnostavan toimialan esittely. Lisäksi opintojaksoon kuuluu liikekirjeiden (2 kpl) laatiminen.
Employer connections
Yrittäjän haastattelu on yksi opintojakson tehtävä.
Exam schedules
Verkkotentti on tehtävissä usean päivän ajan opintojakson loppupuolella. Tarkempi ajankohta ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat yrityksen perusteita käsittelevät korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava yritystoiminnan osaaminen sovitaan tapauskohtaisesti.
Student workload
1 op on 27 tuntia, yhteensä 6 * 27 h = 162 tuntia
Content scheduling
5 kertaa syyslukukauden 2025 aikana lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to widely use and combine business concepts with expertise and can analyse, compare and critically assess their own business competence and forms and methods of business using acquired knowledge. The students are able to work as members of a group/team, promoting and developing the work of the group. The students are able to produce correct business letters and use document standard.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to systematically use business concepts. They are able to use, name and justify business and entrepreneurial practices. The students are able to work independently based on information and instructions and can apply business techniques and models. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and can give reasons for their actions based on professional ethical principles. The students are able to produce business letters, but the letters might have minor mistakes either in content or in positioning.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use basic business concepts as required according to professional ethical principles. They are able name and describe basic business information. The students are able to work appropriately though their actions may display uncertainty. The students are able to produce business letters.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti yritystalouden käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä kokonaisuuksiksi. Opiskelija osaa analysoida, vertailla ja arvioida kriittisesti yritystalouden osaamistaan ja yritystalouden toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon perusteella. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa. Opiskelijat tuottaa täysin julkaisukelpoiset liikekirjeet ja hallitsee asiakirjastandardin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija käyttää johdonmukaisesti liiketoimintaosaamisen käsitteitä. Opiskelija osaa nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella yritystalouden ja yrittäjyyden toimintatapoja. Hän osaa toimia itsenäisesti tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella ja soveltaa yritystalouden toimintaan liittyviä tekniikoita ja malleja. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ja perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti. Opiskelija tuottaa liikekirjeet, joissa voi olla pieniä virheellisyyksiä joko sisällössä tai asettelussa.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija osaa määritellä ja käyttää yritystalouden peruskäsitteitä asianmukaisesti ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti. Hän osaa nimetä ja kuvailla yritytalouden perustiedot. Hän osaa toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa. Opiskelija tuottaa liikekirjeet.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Maritta Seppälä
- Pia Kuittinen
The students will adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their studies and work. They will be able to use basic business concepts as required. They will understand the importance of being able to identify and create business potential to the development and wellbeing of society. The students will also be able to describe a company’s basic operations and functions and they will understand the principles of running a profitable business. The students know document standard and are able to formulate business letters.
The significance of business in society
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Operational and business idea
Basic business model and smart processes
Stakeholders and networking
Forms of business
Marketing and customer-oriented approaches
Business potential
Document standard, Business correspondence
Location and time
Syyslukukaudella 2025 lähiopetukset kerran viikossa (2,5 h) Kajaanin kampuksella (4 op).
Keväällä 2026 on työelämäjakso (1 op).
The lecture material and other material will be announced at the beginning of the study period.
Teaching methods
Lähi- ja etäopetus, luennot, ohjatut harjoitukset, yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (esim. ryhmätyöskentely).
Liiketalouden koulutuksessa päivätoteutuksessa opintojaksoon kuuluu tentti, työkirja, yrityshaastattelu ja työelämäjakso. Lisäksi opintojaksoon kuuluu liikekirjeiden (2 kpl) laatiminen.
Employer connections
Yrittäjän haastattelu on yksi opintojakson tehtävä ja keväällä 2026 suoritetaan työelämäjakso (1 op).
Exam schedules
Verkkotentti on suoritetaan luokassa ja sen ajankohta ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat yrityksen perusteita käsittelevät korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava yritystoiminnan osaaminen sovitaan tapauskohtaisesti.
Student workload
1 op on 27 tuntia, yhteensä 6 * 27 h = 162 tuntia
Content scheduling
Syksyllä 2025 lähiopetus kampuksella (5 op) ja kevällä 2026 työelämäjakso (1 op).
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to widely use and combine business concepts with expertise and can analyse, compare and critically assess their own business competence and forms and methods of business using acquired knowledge. The students are able to work as members of a group/team, promoting and developing the work of the group. The students are able to produce correct business letters and use document standard.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to systematically use business concepts. They are able to use, name and justify business and entrepreneurial practices. The students are able to work independently based on information and instructions and can apply business techniques and models. The students are able to work as members of a group to achieve common goals and can give reasons for their actions based on professional ethical principles. The students are able to produce business letters, but the letters might have minor mistakes either in content or in positioning.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use basic business concepts as required according to professional ethical principles. They are able name and describe basic business information. The students are able to work appropriately though their actions may display uncertainty. The students are able to produce business letters.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti yritystalouden käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä kokonaisuuksiksi. Opiskelija osaa analysoida, vertailla ja arvioida kriittisesti yritystalouden osaamistaan ja yritystalouden toimintatapoja hankkimansa tiedon perusteella. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa. Opiskelijat tuottaa täysin julkaisukelpoiset liikekirjeet ja hallitsee asiakirjastandardin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija käyttää johdonmukaisesti liiketoimintaosaamisen käsitteitä. Opiskelija osaa nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella yritystalouden ja yrittäjyyden toimintatapoja. Hän osaa toimia itsenäisesti tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella ja soveltaa yritystalouden toimintaan liittyviä tekniikoita ja malleja. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ja perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti. Opiskelija tuottaa liikekirjeet, joissa voi olla pieniä virheellisyyksiä joko sisällössä tai asettelussa.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija osaa määritellä ja käyttää yritystalouden peruskäsitteitä asianmukaisesti ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti. Hän osaa nimetä ja kuvailla yritytalouden perustiedot. Hän osaa toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa. Opiskelija tuottaa liikekirjeet.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to compile a business plan for a company.
He is able to evaluate the business potential of the company and do profitability and financing calculations needed. He will get abilities to establish an enterprise of his own or to develop existing enterprise.
A company's strategic planning process
Location and time
Syksy 2025
Mika Kamensky: Strateginen johtaminen; menestyksen timantti. Muu aineisto kuvattu Repun oppimisympäristössä.
Teaching methods
Lähiopetus ja ryhmätyöskentely.
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä, palautettava työkirja.
Student workload
1 op vaatii opiskelijan työtä 27 h. 5 * 27 = 135 h.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to analyse, compare and critically assess the implementation of an business plan using acquired knowledge. They are able to analyse the customer and goal orientation and profitability of their plan.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to describe and give reasons for initializing procedures for starting a company. They are able to work independently according to their acquired knowledge and instructions and can apply alternative forms of business planning according to professional ethics. The students are able to assess the compatibility of a business idea and a selected form of operations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use the basic concepts of the business plan according to professional ethics. Their plan contains sufficient information to begin business operations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei suoriudu annetusta tehtävästä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija tuntee alaan liittyvät käsitteet ja tehtävät sekä suorituu erinomaisesti annetusta tehtävästä. Opiskelija osaa yhdistää liiketoiminnan eri osa-alueet yhdeksi liiketoiminnan suunnittelun kokonaisuudeksi. Opiskelija osaa analysoida ja vertailla erilaisia liiketoimintamalleja ja perustella valintojaan hankkimansa tiedon perusteella. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija tuntee alaan liittyvät käsitteet ja tehtävät sekä suorituu hyvin annetusta tehtävästä.
Opiskelija osaa nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella liiketoiminnan toimintatapoja. Hän osaa toimia itsenäisesti tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella ja soveltaa liiketoimintaan liittyviä tekniikoita ja malleja. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ja perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tuntee alaan liittyvät käsitteet ja tehtävät sekä suorituu annetusta tehtävästä.
Opiskelija osaa määritellä ja käyttää liiketoiminnan suunnitteluun liittyviä osa-alueita asianmukaisesti ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Basic Studies
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to compile a business plan for a company.
He is able to evaluate the business potential of the company and do profitability and financing calculations needed. He will get abilities to establish an enterprise of his own or to develop existing enterprise.
A company's strategic planning process
Location and time
Syksy 2025
Mika Kamensky: Strateginen johtaminen; menestyksen timantti. Muu aineisto kuvattu Repun oppimisympäristössä.
Teaching methods
Monimuotototeutus. Luennot ja verkkototeutus. Ryhmätyöskentely.
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä, palautettava työkirja.
Student workload
1 op vaatii opiskelijan työtä 27 h. 5 * 27 = 135 h.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to analyse, compare and critically assess the implementation of an business plan using acquired knowledge. They are able to analyse the customer and goal orientation and profitability of their plan.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to describe and give reasons for initializing procedures for starting a company. They are able to work independently according to their acquired knowledge and instructions and can apply alternative forms of business planning according to professional ethics. The students are able to assess the compatibility of a business idea and a selected form of operations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to define and use the basic concepts of the business plan according to professional ethics. Their plan contains sufficient information to begin business operations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei suoriudu annetusta tehtävästä
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija tuntee alaan liittyvät käsitteet ja tehtävät sekä suorituu erinomaisesti annetusta tehtävästä.Opiskelija osaa yhdistää liiketoiminnan eri osa-alueet yhdeksi liiketoiminnan suunnittelun kokonaisuudeksi. Opiskelija osaa analysoida ja vertailla erilaisia liiketoimintamalleja ja perustella valintojaan hankkimansa tiedon perusteella. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija tuntee alaan liittyvät käsitteet ja tehtävät sekä suorituu hyvin annetusta tehtävästä.Opiskelija tuntee alaan liittyvät käsitteet ja tehtävät sekä suorituu hyvin annetusta tehtävästä. Opiskelija osaa nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella liiketoiminnan toimintatapoja. Hän osaa toimia itsenäisesti tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella ja soveltaa liiketoimintaan liittyviä tekniikoita ja malleja. Opiskelija osaa toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ja perustella toimintansa ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tuntee alaan liittyvät käsitteet ja tehtävät sekä suorituu annetusta tehtävästä.
Opiskelija osaa määritellä ja käyttää liiketoiminnan suunnitteluun liittyviä osa-alueita asianmukaisesti ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Basic Studies
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Pekka Vaarala
- Sami Malm
Students will know the priciples of corporate law for different forms of business and the legal issues that arise when the form of business changes or in other situations involving reorganisation.
Forms of business
Company information system
Setting up a company
Board and representation
Changes in forms of business
Other forms of reorganisation of a business
Location and time
sysky 2025
Materials are announced in Moodle.
Teaching methods
itsenäinen opiskelu
Exam schedules
Sovitaan opintojakson alussa.
Student workload
Content scheduling
syksy 2025
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
alle 50% tentin maksimipisteistä
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
vähintään 90% tentin maksimipisteistä
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
vähintään 70% tentin maksimipisteistä
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
vähintään 50% tentin maksimipisteistä
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
The student knows the basics of corporate communication, recognizes the components of a communication process and knows how to plan and implement internal and external communication in a company. The student knows the basics of reputation management and can use the tools of communication in change and crisis management.
Basics of corporate communication and communication process
Areas of communication
Panning and implementation of communication
Reputation management
Communication in change and crisis management
Location and time
A nonstop course that can be started according to one's own schedule.
Juholin, E. Communicare! Ota viestinnän ilmiöt ja strategiat haltuun. (Vanhemmat painokset ok).
Åberg, L. Viestinnän johtaminen.
Åberg, L. Esimiehen viestintäopas.
Åberg, L. Viestinnän strategiat.
Aula, P. - Heinonen, J. Maine - menestystekijä
Teaching methods
Introductory session. Independent study in Moodle and submission of the final assignment.
Employer connections
Collaboration with working life is implemented in the final assignment.
Exam schedules
Completion alternatives
Discuss with the teacher.
Student workload
5 cr = 135 hours of student's own work.
Content scheduling
Community communication - what is it?
Influencer communication and reputation management
Crisis communication
Communication planning
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can draw on the areas and tools of organizational communication and the approaches of communication process in a responsible and problem solving way.
In the portfolio, (s)he can develop and analyse communication in the organization from the individual and group communication point of view.
The student recognizes and reflects on the effects of communication culture in individual and group guidance.
The student uses portfolio bibliography in a versatile and creditable way, which forms the base for his/her own reflections.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student knows usable tools and approaches of organizational communication.
In the portfolio, (s)he can apply communication, tools and approaches of his/her own organization as well as analyse communication and recognize things to be developed.
The student's use of portfolio bibliography is fairly good and versatile.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student knows the basic tasks, roles and responsibilities of organizational communication.
In the portfolio, (s)he can examine factors affecting individual and group activities from the communicational point of view and reflect on the influence of communication.
The student's use of portfolio bibliography is superficial and one-sided.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is assessed based on the final assignment according to the course assessment criteria.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is capable of responsibly and solution-orientedly utilizing the various areas, tools, and communication process models of organizational communication. In their portfolio, they can develop and analyze communication within their own organization from the perspectives of individual and group communication.
The student identifies and reflects on the effects of communication culture on guiding individuals and groups. Their portfolio demonstrates commendable and diverse use of sources, serving as a foundation for their own reflections.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student is well acquainted with the tools and models of organizational communication that can be utilized. In their portfolio, they demonstrate the ability to apply communication, tools, and models within their own organization, as well as analyze communication and identify areas for improvement.
The student's use of sources in their portfolio is moderately good and diverse.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is aware of the fundamental tasks, roles, and responsibilities of organizational communication. In their portfolio, they can examine factors influencing individual and group behavior from a communication perspective and reflect on the impact of communication.
However, the student's use of sources in their portfolio is limited and one-sided.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sami Malm
Students will know the priciples of corporate law for different forms of business and the legal issues that arise when the form of business changes or in other situations involving reorganisation.
Forms of business
Company information system
Setting up a company
Board and representation
Changes in forms of business
Other forms of reorganisation of a business
Location and time
syksy 2025
Materials are announced in Moodle.
Teaching methods
itsenäinen opiskelu
Exam schedules
Sovitaan opintojakson alussa.
Student workload
130 h
Content scheduling
syksy 2025
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
alle 50% tentin maksimipisteistä
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
vähintään 90% tentinmaksimipisteistä
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
vähintään 70% tentin maksimipisteitä
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
vähintään 50% tentin maksimipisteistä
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 30
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
Students will know the legislation for corporate income taxation and the basic principles of income taxation and financial statement planning.
Income taxation for different forms of business
Calculating taxable business income
Basics of financial statement planning
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan
Oppikirja: Tomperi S. Yritysverotus ja tilinpäätössuunnittelu. 2022 tai uudempi painos. Edita. Uusin painos. Teos löytyy myös e-kirjana Kamk:n Ellips-kirjastosta . HUOM! e-kirjassa ei ole sivunumerointia.
Laki elinkeinotulon verottamisesta löytyy Finlexistä (säädösnumero 1968/360).
Tuloverolaki (1535/1992)
Laki konserniavustuksesta verotuksessa (825/1986)
Laki varojen arvostamisesta verotuksessa (1142/2005)
Teaching methods
Luennot ja harjoitukset
Palautettavat tehtävät (ryhmä- ja yksilötehtävät)
Välitentti ja lopputentti
Exam schedules
Tentit Reppu -oppimisympäristössä kurssin aikataulun mukaan.
Päivittyy myöhemmin.
Completion alternatives
Student workload
KAMK lähiopetusta 15 x 4 = 60 h
Opiskelijan itsenäistä työtä 75 h
Opiskelijan kuormitus yhteensä 135 h
Content scheduling
1. Kurssin esittely, lainsäädäntö, tuloverotuksen vaiheet
2. Tulolajit ja tulolähteet
3. Yksityisliike ja henkilöverotus
4. Yksityisliike jatkuu
5. Osakeyhtiö
6. Välitentti
7. EVL-tulolähde ja verotettavan tulon laskeminen
8. Verotettavan tulon laskeminen
9. Tulot ja menot (jaksotukset)
10. Vaihto-omaisuuden jaksottaminen
11. Käyttöomaisuus
12. Varaukset
13. Tilinpäätössuunnittelu
14. Lopputentti
15. Tentin palautus ja kurssipalautteet
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student understands the theoretical legislation behind corporate taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying corporate taxation to various corporate tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can interpret the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying personal taxation to various personal tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student applies the legislative theory underlying income taxation to various income tax-related cases under guidance.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat tehtävät max 15 p.
Välitentti max 10 p.
Lopputentti max 25 p.
Yhteensä 50 pistettä
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Hylätty 0 - 24 p.
< 50% kurssin kokonaispistemäärästä.
Suoritus ei vastaa kurssin minimikriteerejä.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
45 - 50 pistettä
Suoritus ylittää erittäin hyvän tason.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
40 - 44 pistettä
Suoritus täyttää kurssin vaatimukset hyvin; suoritus on keskimääräistä parempi, osoittaa perusteellista ymmärrystä ja vahvaa toteutusta.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
25 - 39 pistettä
Suoritus täyttää perusvaatimukset mutta useita puutteita jää hyvään suoritukseen.
Introduction to Accounting and Finance 5 cr and Practical Bookkeeping 5 cr
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will know the legislation for corporate income taxation and the basic principles of income taxation and financial statement planning.
Income taxation for different forms of business
Calculating taxable business income
Basics of financial statement planning
Tomperi S. 2022 tai uudempi painos. Yritysverotus ja tilinpäätössuunnittelu. Edita. Teos löytyy e-kirjana Kamk:n Ellips-kirjastosta
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Tentti Repussa.
Completion alternatives
Lähiopetus LLT22SH-ryhmän työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student understands the theoretical legislation behind corporate taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying corporate taxation to various corporate tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can interpret the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying personal taxation to various personal tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student applies the legislative theory underlying income taxation to various income tax-related cases under guidance.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavien tehtävien ja tentin yhteispistemäärän mukaan.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Introduction to Accounting and Finance 5 cr and Practical Bookkeeping 5 cr
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will know the legislation for corporate income taxation and the basic principles of income taxation and financial statement planning.
Income taxation for different forms of business
Calculating taxable business income
Basics of financial statement planning
Tomperi S. 2022 tai uudempi painos. Yritysverotus ja tilinpäätössuunnittelu. Edita. Teos löytyy e-kirjana Kamk:n Ellips-kirjastosta
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Tentti Repussa.
Completion alternatives
Lähiopetus LLT22SH-ryhmän työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Content scheduling
Yrityksen tuloverotuksen lainsäädäntö
Tulolajit ja -lähteet
Yksityisliikkeen ja henkilöyhtiön verotus
Osakeyhtiön verotus
EVL-tulonlähde ja verotettava tulo
Tulot, menot ja menetykset EVL:n mukaan verotuksessa
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student understands the theoretical legislation behind corporate taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying corporate taxation to various corporate tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can interpret the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student independently applies the legislative theory underlying personal taxation to various personal tax-related cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the legislative theory behind personal taxation.
The student applies the legislative theory underlying income taxation to various income tax-related cases under guidance.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavien tehtävien ja tentin yhteispistemäärän mukaan.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa yritysverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti yritysverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin yritysverotuksen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Introduction to Accounting and Finance 5 cr and Practical Bookkeeping 5 cr
04.08.2025 - 02.09.2025
03.09.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Helka Leimu-Pelkonen
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
The learning materials are available on Moodle.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
26.08.2025 - 24.09.2025
25.09.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Helka Leimu-Pelkonen
The students will perceive how events are integrated into their regional significance.
They will be familiar with different types of events. The students will gain an understanding of why
events are instrumental from the perspective of the event manager and can apply this knowledge in
practice. They will be able to plan functions linked to organising an event taking into account the
opportunities provided by versatile operational environments. They will gain the knowledge and skills
to adopt an active role in organising an event.
Event management theory
Event typology and types of events
Operational and strategic dimensions of events
Event management or responsible role in an event
Project management
The learning materials are available on Moodle.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows how to independently, take initiative, and responsibly plan and organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to act admirably by promoting the group's activities as a member and takes the other members of the event team into account in their activities. The student can analyze the significance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can extensively justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can independently plan and practically organize an event from start to finish, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function well as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can evaluate the importance of public events as an attractive factor in tourism. In addition, he knows how to justify the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Under guidance, the student can plan and organize a practical event from the beginning to the end, following the principles of organizing a successful event. The student knows how to function satisfactorily as a member of a group and takes the other members of the event team into account in his actions. The student can satisfactorily evaluate the importance of events as an attraction factor in tourism. In addition, he can superficially describe the economic significance of events for society.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
The students will understand the significance of memorable experiences and narratives in event production and the role of catering as a part of the event experience.
The students will be able to plan responsible events taking into account the special features of the region and the opportunities offered by the environment.
Memorable experience
Creating narratives
Catering as a part of events
Special cultural features
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Anne Määttä
- Katja-Mari Kärkkäinen
- Mika Pietarinen
The students will participate in producing an event. They be able to work within different roles within the event in a responsible and expert way as well as to evaluate the success of the event.
Tapahtuman käsikirjoittaminen ja tuotantoon osallistuminen.
Matkamessuille osallistuminen.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Päivi Dahl
The student recognizes different communication situations as well as documents and spoken presentations relating to them. (S)he can express him/herself clearly and in a target oriented way in communication situations in speaking and writing. The student acquires and assesses field related information critically and applies it in new situations.
Speech Communication 2 cr
Meeting and Negotiation Skills 1 cr
Written Communication 2 cr
Basics of communication and interaction.
Spoken communication situations, preparation and implementation: presentations, meetings, negotiations, speeches, intensive listening techniques.
Central business documents: meeting and negotiation documents, business letters, employment search documents.
Formal writing and properties of a good document (essays, summaries, reports, abstracts).
Use of source references and drawing up a bibliography.
Other formal writing and technical instructions for it (reference technique, bibliography, templates).
In the implementation plan.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has achieved the learning objectives and can produce publishable documents using versatile professional concepts and deliver an assertive presentation.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce accurate documents and deliver a successful presentation.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student has reached the learning objectives and can produce adequate documents and deliver an average presentation.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Outi Lundahl
The student is familiar with the special features and challenges of international business
The student identifies market opportunities for products and services in the international market.
The student is able to make development and implementation solutions that meet customer needs and evaluate their profitability effects
The student manages the launch of a product / service for a selected target market.
The importance of foreign trade for the Finnish economy
Challenges of the global operating environment for the company and global marketplaces
The company's internationalization paths and internationalization strategy
Analysis and utilization of market information
Commercialization planning: making full use of competitive means
Marketing and sales planning
Location and time
Opintojakson opetus järjestetään lähiopetuksena syyslukukaudella, lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Oppimateriaalina käytetään soveltuvin osin seuraavia kirjoja:
-Vahvaselkä (2009) Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta ja markkinointi.
-Tienari & Meriläinen (2021) Johtaminen ja globaali talous.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso koostuu kaikille pakollisista luennoista, joihin liittyy itsenäisesti suoritettavia oppimistehtäviä. Oppimistehtävien avulla harjoittelet opintojakson keskeisten sisältöjen hallintaa ja ymmärtämistä. Lisäksi opintojaksoon kuuluu ryhmässä tehtävä projektityö, jonka laajuus on noin 1,5 op eli noin 40 h työtä. Projektityö ohjaa sinua opitun tiedon soveltamiseen. Projektitehtävä arvioidaan numeraalisesti ja se on osa opintojakson arviointia.
Exam schedules
Tentti järjestetään viimeisen lähioppitunnin aikana. Uusintatentin mahdollisuuksia on kaksi KAMKin yleisinä tenttipäivinä. Uusintatenttiin ilmoittaudutaan vähintään viikkoa ennen tenttipäivää.
Completion alternatives
Valinnaisia suoritustapoja ei ole.
Student workload
Opintojakso vaatii noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Luentojen osuus on noin 45 tuntia. Loput 90 h tuntia työtä liittyvät itsenäiseen opiskeluun (n. 20 h), itsenäisesti suoritettaviin oppimistehtäviin (n. 30 h) sekä projektityöhön (n. 40 h). Nämä määrät ovat suuntaa antavia ja lopullinen työmäärä määrittyy opiskelijan itsensä käyttämästä ajasta työskentelyyn.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso koostuu lähiopetuksessa toteutettavista luennoista, jotka ovat koko ryhmälle yhteiset. Lähiopetuksen luentoja ei tallenneta.
Lisäksi opintojakso sisältää oppimistehtäviä, joista osassa opiskelijat ovat jaettuna ryhmiin. Ryhmäjako tehdään opintojakson alkaessa. Oppimistehtävät ja projektityö sisältävät kirjallisen osion sekä suulliset esitykset.
Lähiopetuksessa vaadittu läsnäolo on 50 %. Liialliset poissaolot korvataan ylimääräisellä oppimistehtävällä.
Further information
Tekoälyn käyttö on sallittu eli tekoälyä saa käyttää, mutta sen käytöstä pitää kertoa (Arenen tekoälysuosituksen luokitus “keltainen”.) Väärinkäytöksestä seuraa KAMKin ohjeiden mukaisesti opintojakson hylkääminen ja opintojakson tai tehtävän uudelleen suorittaminen.
Lähiopetusluentoja ei tallenneta.
Hyväksiluku ja ahot-menettely tapauskohtaisesti.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
To achieve grade 5 students must be able to
- analyze the acquired information, draw conclusions, and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill, or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners
Assessment criteria, good (3)
To achieve grade 3-4 students must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
To achieve grade 1-2 (or pass) students must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner
- act independently considering the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their need
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojaksoon sisältyy pakolliset oppimistehtävät sekä itsenäinen projektityö. Oppimistehtävät arvostellaan hyväksytty/hylätty, projektityö asteikolla 0-5. Tentti arvostellaan asteikolla 0-5. Loppuarvosana muodostuu projektityön ja tentin arvosanoista.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija hyödyntää, vertailee ja soveltaa keskeisiä liittyviä sisältöjä ja peruskäsitteitä. Käsitteiden käyttö on monipuolista, asiantuntevaa ja perusteltua.
Opiskelija kykenee tehokkaasti yhdistämään aikaisempaa markkinointiosaamistaan.
Opiskelija osoittaa tehtävien laatimisessa, analysoinnissa ja johtopäätöksissä kriittistä arviointia ja huomioi tulevaisuuden haasteet. Opintojaksolle asetetut tavoitteet saavutetaan oma-aloitteisesti ja itseohjautuvasti
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija kuvaa ja selittää keskeiset sisällöt ja peruskäsitteet. Käsitteiden käyttö ja teorian hyödyntäminen on johdonmukaista ja loogista.
Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää ja soveltaa parhaiten soveltuvia manetelmiä.
Opiskelija toimii itsenäisesti ja osaa perustella tehtävissä tehdyt ratkaisut.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija nimeää, ymmärtää ja osittain hyödyntää keskeisiä sisältöjä ja peruskäsitteitä. Tehtävien taso on vielä kuvaileva ja selkeän kokonaisuuden muodostamisessa ja analysoinnissa on puutteita.
Aiemmin opittujen tietojen ja taitojen hyödyntäminen toteutuu osittain tehtävientekemisessä.
Opiskelija tarvitsee vielä ohjausta tehtävien tekemisessä
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 31.07.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
- Päivi Auno
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
05.08.2025 - 03.09.2025
04.09.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
- Päivi Auno
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Location and time
Itsenäinen työskentely ja verkkototeutus. Voit suorittaa opintojakson omaan tahtiin. Opintojaksosta järjestetään aloitustunti lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti teams -toteutuksena.
E-books and -materials
Teaching methods
Itsenäisesti verkossa suoritettava opintojakso.
Employer connections
Opiskelija reflektoi oppisisältöjä tuntemansa organisaation käytänteisiin.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksossa ei ole aikataulutettua tenttiä.
Completion alternatives
Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista saat tarvittaessa opintojakson opettajilta.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op x 27 tuntia = n. 135 tuntia.
Content scheduling
Sisällön tarkempi jaksotus löytyy opintojaksolta repusta.
Kaikille opiskelijoille yhteinen osio 3 op Henkilöstövoimavarojen kokonaisuus
- henkilöstösuunnittelu ja rekrytointi
- perehdyttäminen ja työnopastus
- työnorganisointi ja muotoilu
- henkilöstön kehittäminen
- palkitseminen
Eriytyvä osio 2 op liiketalous
- HRM- suunnitelmat, suunnitelman teoria ja suunnitelman laadinta
Eriytyvä osio 2 op: matkailu ja liikunta
- työoikeus, itsenäinen ja itsenäisesti aikataulutettava tentti
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
Assessment methods and criteria
Liiketalouden koulutus: Tutkielmaesseen arviointikriteerien perusteella 5 op.
Matkailun ja liikunnan koulutukset:
- Tutkielmaesseen arviointikriteerien perusteella 3 op .
- Tentti, jossa automatiikan arvioimia kysymyksiä 2op.
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 15.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 31.07.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Päivi Auno
BY00BX52 Human Resource Management HRM
All programs (3 cr): The student understands the importance of human resources and knows the measures needed to regulate the quantity, ensure the necessary competence, and maintain the well-being and motivation of the staff.
Business Administration (2 cr): The student is able to draw up an HRM plan to be agreed upon at the beginning of the course.
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
Common to everyone (3 cr):
Personnel planning and recruitment
Orientation and job guidance
Work organization and design
Staff Development
Business Administration (2 cr): Separately agreed HRM plan (eg Orientation Plan).
Sports and Tourism Education (2 cr): Labor Law.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to apply the concept of human resource management sensibly and in different contexts, explain the strategic connections of processes in terms of competitiveness and the meanings of different factors.
The student is able to analyze personnel processes and present alternatives.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to describe and explain the roles and significance of different actors as implementers of personnel processes and the connection between personnel processes and strategy.
The student is able to share information in the role of a personnel expert.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to describe the main personnel processes of the company in their main features and the connection between personnel management and strategy.
The student is able to acquire information in a supervised role in the role of a personnel expert and is able to use the key concepts of personnel management in a substantially correct way.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Elina Jääskeläinen
The student can plan, implement and assess different methods and channels of marketing communication, understands the meaning of integrated marketing communication and the effects of the aims, target groups, overall profitability and budget.
The student manages the methods and channels in digital marketing communication and can choose them according to the situation and aim. (S)he can produce publishable contents for different media and channels.
Comprehensive planning of marketing communication
Methods and channels of marketing communication
Planning and implementation of a marketing campaign
Digital marketing communication
Digital media and channels
1) Edita Viesti perille! Tuloksellista markkinointiviestintää ja sisällöntuotantoa. Digikirja
2) Alma talent Bisneskirjasto: Digimarkkinointi
3) Alma talent Bisneskirjasto: Sisältöstrategia
4) Alma talent Bisneskirjasto: Johdata asiakkaasi verkkoon
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication independently and use them logically and consistently.
The student can, on own initiative, choose the most appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in different areas of marketing communication
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can use and apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication logically and consistently.
The student can choose the most appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in in different areas of marketing communication.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can use and apply the basic theories and concepts of marketing communication to some extent.
The student can choose appropriate methods, channels and theoretic backgrounds for a situation and apply them in different areas of marketing communication under guidance.
Basics of marketing
Customer Oriented Marketing -course has to be made before
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
Students will be aware of the significance of bookkeeping and accounting as a part of entrepreneurial activities. They will know the basic principles of compiling accounts and financial statements. Additionally they will be able to assess a company's financial situation based on the profit and loss statement and balance sheet as well as understanding the significance of the financial statement as the basis of corporate taxation.
Accounting as a part of business operations
Double-entry bookkeeping
Financial statement structure
ADP bookkeeping
The basics of VAT and company taxation
Introduction to financial statement analysis
Location and time
Kontaktiopetus ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
ReppuMoodlen materiaali ja opintojaksolla ilmoitettava kirjaliisuus
Teaching methods
Luennot, harjoitukset, ryhmätyöt, verkko-opinnot ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements
can interpret and draw conclusions on financial statements using financial ratios
can use accounting technics independently and judge them critically
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student
knows the basic priciples of accounting and financial statements
can interpret financial ratios and prepare financial statements
can use accounting technics independently
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the significance of accounting and financial statements in economic follow-up
The student knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements and can calculate financial ratios
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
Students will be aware of the significance of bookkeeping and accounting as a part of entrepreneurial activities. They will know the basic principles of compiling accounts and financial statements. Additionally they will be able to assess a company's financial situation based on the profit and loss statement and balance sheet as well as understanding the significance of the financial statement as the basis of corporate taxation.
Accounting as a part of business operations
Double-entry bookkeeping
Financial statement structure
ADP bookkeeping
The basics of VAT and company taxation
Introduction to financial statement analysis
Location and time
Classroom teaching according to schedule.
Soile Tomperi: Käytännön kirjanpito, Edita Oppiminen Oy
Edition: 24. rev. ed. Published: 2016
Language: Suomi
Series: Business
(to be confirmed)
Teaching methods
Tasks to be returned
2 exams
Exam schedules
According to separate schedule. Will be updated later.
Student workload
Student's workload 135 h = 5 cr
of which in classroom teaching 49,5 h
and student's independent work 85,5 h
Content scheduling
Basics of financial management
External accounting
- Basics of accounting
- Financial statements
- Key legislation
Internal accounting
- Cost accounting
- Profitability calculation
- Budgeting
- Investment planning
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements
can interpret and draw conclusions on financial statements using financial ratios
can use accounting technics independently and judge them critically
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student
knows the basic priciples of accounting and financial statements
can interpret financial ratios and prepare financial statements
can use accounting technics independently
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student recognizes the significance of accounting and financial statements in economic follow-up
The student knows the basic principles of accounting and financial statements and can calculate financial ratios
Assessment methods and criteria
Exams 50% of the grade
Tasks to be returned (in Reppu) 50% of the grade
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
- The student has not achieved the learning objectives (<50% of the total course points).
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- The student is able to interpret and apply the theory behind the principles of financial management
- The student independently prepares demanding calculations related to financial planning and management
- The student has achieved 90% of the maximum number of credits for the course
(exams + assignments to be returned).
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
- The student is able to interpret the theory behind the basics of financial management
- The student independently prepares calculations related to financial planning and management
- The student participates in activities to achieve common objectives in a group
- The student has achieved 70% - 89% of the maximum marks for the course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
- Students will identify the theory behind financial management calculations and reports
- Students will prepare financial planning and management calculations in a guided manner
- Students will participate in group activities
- Students will have achieved 50% - 69% of the maximum marks for the course.
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 15.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Maritta Seppälä
Students will be able to audit administration, bookkeeping and financial statements.
Management and bookkeeping auditing
Auditing financial statements
Reporting and work papers
Location and time
Syksy 2024.
Oppikirja: Tomperi, Tilintarkastus, normeista käytäntöön; Edita.
Muu Moodlessa kerrottu aineisto
Teaching methods
Aloitustunnit ja verkko-opinnot
Exam schedules
Verkkotentti. Sovitaan opintojakson alussa.
Student workload
1 op vaatii 27 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. 5 * 27 h = 135 h.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assignments, the limit for Pass is 70 %.
Assessment methods and criteria
Kerrottu opetussuunnitelmassa.
Introduction to Accounting
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sami Malm
Students will know the system of regulations concerning publicity, privacy and personal information concerning officials as well as the legal regulations concerning information security.
Legal regulations concerning privacy and the protection of personal information
Processing personal information
Security surveys
Information security in working life
Location and time
syksy 2025
Is announced in moodle.
Teaching methods
Student workload
70 h
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Hyväksytty: opiskelija osoittaa hallitsevansa alan peruskäsitteistön ja osaa soveltaa niitä arvioitavissa tehtävissä pääosin oikein. Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää kattavasti aihealueen lähdemateriaaleja. Opiskelija osittaa hyvää ammatillista osaamista tehtävien ratkaisuissa.
Content scheduling
syksy 2025
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
In order to get the highest grade, a student must present very well justified, interpretative and insightful solutions for the problems. A student shows that he knows the system between the norms of the data security. The language and form of assignmets are impeccable.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
In order to get grades 3 - 4, a student must present justified solutions for the problems. Attitudes may not be very insightful. A student shows that he mainly knows the system between the norms of the data security. The language and form of assignmets are impeccable.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
In order to get grades 1 - 2, a student understands the systems between the norms, but he can't give any interpretations or attitudes of his own. His arguments may not be insightful and he can't give interpretations that are legally justified.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The students are able to assess and make conclusions independently and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law. They are able to interpret the relationships between different professional concepts and can compare and justify their choice of solution.
Assessment methods and criteria
Arvioitavat moduulitehtävät
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Sami Malm
Students will know the system of regulations concerning publicity, privacy and personal information concerning officials as well as the legal regulations concerning information security.
Legal regulations concerning privacy and the protection of personal information
Processing personal information
Security surveys
Information security in working life
Location and time
sysky 2025
Is announced in moodle.
Teaching methods
Student workload
70 h
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Hyväksytty: opiskelija osoittaa hallitsevansa alan peruskäsitteistön ja osaa soveltaa niitä arvioitavissa tehtävissä pääosin oikein. Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää kattavasti aihealueen lähdemateriaaleja. Opiskelija osittaa hyvää ammatillista osaamista tehtävien ratkaisuissa.
Content scheduling
syksy 2025
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
In order to get the highest grade, a student must present very well justified, interpretative and insightful solutions for the problems. A student shows that he knows the system between the norms of the data security. The language and form of assignmets are impeccable.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
In order to get grades 3 - 4, a student must present justified solutions for the problems. Attitudes may not be very insightful. A student shows that he mainly knows the system between the norms of the data security. The language and form of assignmets are impeccable.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
In order to get grades 1 - 2, a student understands the systems between the norms, but he can't give any interpretations or attitudes of his own. His arguments may not be insightful and he can't give interpretations that are legally justified.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The students are able to assess and make conclusions independently and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law. They are able to interpret the relationships between different professional concepts and can compare and justify their choice of solution.
Assessment methods and criteria
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
Students will be able to carry out calculations that support the finances and specifically profitability related management decision making.
The course have common 3 credits to students in Sports, Business and Tourism.
Common 3 cr:
Profitability monitoring
Planning operations
Cost accounting
Business 2 cr:
Activity based accounting
Assessing the profitability of investments
Location and time
Classroom teaching according to schedule
Jormakka, Koivusalo, Lappalainen, Niskanen: Laskentatoimi
Other material will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Material in Reppu provided by teacher.
Teaching methods
Assignments and exercises
Exercises to be returned
Exam schedules
According to separate schedule. Will be updated later.
Completion alternatives
Independent studying in Reppu and participating in exam. Return exercises on due date.
Student workload
135 hours students workload = 5 cr
in classroom lessons 15 x 2,5 h = 37,5 h
student's independent work 97,5 h
Content scheduling
1. Profitability management
2. Budgeting
3. Cost accounting
4. Investment management
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret and apply management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile demanding profitability planning and management calculations. They develop the work and spirit of their team/group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret and management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile profitability planning and management calculations. They work together to achieve common goals in teams and groups.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to identify management accounting theory. They are able to compile profitability planning and management calculations under supervision. They participate in group (classroom) work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course will be assessed by exam (50%) and tasks to be returned (50%)
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
- Opiskelija on saavuttanut < 50% opintojakson maksimipistemäärästä
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- Opiskelija osaa tulkita ja soveltaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
- Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti vaativia kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
- Opiskelija on saavuttanut 90% opintojakson maksimipistemäärästä (tentti + palautettavat tehtävät).
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
- Opiskelija osaa tulkita johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
- Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
- Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ryhmässä
- Opiskelija on saavuttanut 70% - 89% opintojakson maksimipistemäärästä.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
- Opiskelija tunnistaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
- Opiskelija laatii ohjatusti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
- Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan ryhmässä
- Opiskelija on saavuttanut 50% - 69% opintojakson maksimipistemäärästä.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be able to carry out calculations that support the finances and specifically profitability related management decision making.
The course have common 3 credits to students in Sports, Business and Tourism.
Common 3 cr:
Profitability monitoring
Planning operations
Cost accounting
Business 2 cr:
Activity based accounting
Assessing the profitability of investments
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan
Jormakka, Koivusalo, Lappalainen, Niskanen: Laskentatoimi
Opintojakson alussa sovittu muu kirjallisuus.
Opettajan laatima materiaali
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Kurssin etenemissuunnitelman mukaan.
Completion alternatives
Content scheduling
Kannattavuuden hallinta
Talouden suunnittelu
Investointien kannattavuuden arviointi
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret and apply management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile demanding profitability planning and management calculations. They develop the work and spirit of their team/group.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret and management accounting theory. They are able to independently compile profitability planning and management calculations. They work together to achieve common goals in teams and groups.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to identify management accounting theory. They are able to compile profitability planning and management calculations under supervision. They participate in group (classroom) work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Palautettavat tehtävät 50%
Tentti 50%
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita ja soveltaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti vaativia kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija toimii ryhmän ja tiimin kehittäjänä ja hengen luojana
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ryhmässä ja tiimeissä
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa johdon laskennan taustalla olevaa teoriaa
Opiskelija laatii ohjatusti kannattavuuden suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyviä laskelmia
Opiskelija osallistuu toimintaan ryhmässä (luokka)
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Petri Lintumäki
Students will gain the ability to acquire information required by company management with the aid of marketing research. They will understand the principles of qualitative and quantitative research. They will know how to plan a piece of research and apply a suitable research method to solve their research problem.
Concepts, needs and aims of marketing research
Ethics in marketing research
Qualitative and quantitative research methods
Compiling a research plan from the viewpoint of a selected research method
Conducting the research and analysing the results
Conclusions and compiling the research report
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use, compare and apply the fundamental contents and basic concepts of marketing research. They use versatile concepts in a variety of ways in the piece of research and can justify their use. The students are able to effectively combine and apply previous marketing competence in their marketing research. In the research report, analysis and conclusions they demonstrate an ability for critical assessment and to take future challenges into account. The aims of the marketing research assignment are achieved independently in a self-directed manner.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to describe and explain the fundamental contents and basic concepts of marketing research. They use concepts and theory logically and systematically. The students are able to use and apply the most suitable research method. Their conduct of the research, analysis and conclusions form a logical, cohesive piece of research. The students work independently and can justify implemented solutions in the research report.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to name, understand and to some extent use the fundamental contents and basic concepts of marketing research. Their research plan remains descriptive and their perception of the piece of research as a whole and reporting may remain somewhat cursory. The students are able to select a suitable research method. They are able to use previously acquired skills and knowledge to some extent when conducting their research and they still require supervision when forming the conclusions in their research report.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Elina Jääskeläinen
The student achieves basic knowledge and skills in visual communication and media design. They can plan and execute communication materials and media content for an organization from commission to print-ready product. The student understands the basic theory of visual design and learns to use selected image editing, video editing, and layout programs.
Digital media space, content planning, and production
Readability and typographic design
Layout, illustration, and visual expression elements
Creating imagery in marketing communication
Print-ready visual publishing
PhotoShop and InDesign software
As separately announced by the teacher.
Exercises conducted in face-to-face teaching.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can plan and execute corporate communication materials from commission to print-ready product. Both the class exercises and the final assignment are executed exceptionally well both technically and visually, demonstrating the student's fluent use of various software and ability to come up with creative and insightful solutions. The student is ready to continuously develop themselves in all areas.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student can plan and execute corporate communication materials from commission to print-ready product. Both the class exercises and the final assignment are technically well executed, demonstrating the student's ability to come up with visually creative solutions. The student handles different areas and software quite independently and can apply and utilize them in creating media content.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student can plan and execute corporate communication materials from commission to print-ready product. Both the class exercises and the final assignment are satisfactorily well executed both technically and visually. The student excels in some areas more than others.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Petri Lintumäki
Student can:
- Identify key trends and changes in digital business models
- Understand the specifics and earnings logic of different digital platforms and services
- Choose a suitable sales channel and understand the possibilities of e-commerce
- Evaluate the sales and availability of multi-channel as part of the company's business
- Design digital channels that support sales growth and apply digital marketing methods
* Electronic sales channels
• Multi-channel sales, communications, and customer service
• Ecommerce strategy
• Ecommerce platforms
• Marketing automation
• Digital marketing
Sekki A. Alustatalousyrittäyys -opas sivutuloista kiinnostuneille 2021 Bookcover
Zahay D. Digital Marketing Management 2020 Business Expert Press
Muu opettajan ilmoittama materiaali
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- uses and analyzes digital business concepts in a comprehensive and consistent way
- realistically evaluates various e-sales tools and channels
- develops a comprehensive, reliable, and comprehensive e-commerce and digital marketing development plan
- analyzes and applies new information and be able to justify the use of different data sources
Assessment criteria, good (3)
- uses and exploits concepts related to digital business in a fairly consistent way
- evaluates e-sales tools and channels quite comprehensively
- draws up a fairly comprehensive and comprehensive plan for the development of e-commerce and digital marketing.
- analyzes and applies the information provided and be able to justify the use of different data sources
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
- makes somewhat consistent use of digital business concepts
- understands the use of e-sales tools and channels
- develops a concise plan for the development of e-commerce and digital marketing.
- applies the information provided and justify the use of different sources of information
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Pia Kuittinen
The student gets to know the versatile topics of organizational psychology.
Leadership tasks and responsibility in conflict situations, dealing with problems in the working community, work satisfaction, encouragement and rewards and skills development.
Location and time
Opintojakson voi suorittaa milloin vain. Oppimistehtävä on ohjeistettu Repussa, ja se palautetaan Reppuun.
Palautus arvioidaan kuukauden sisällä palautuksesta. Arviointiaikatauluun voi vaikuttaa opettajien vapaajaksot.
Opiskelijan itse valitsema lähdeaineisto.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen non-stop-opintojakso. Valitset kolme sinua kiinnostavaa teemaa ja kirjoitat essee, jossa tarkastelet teemoja teorioiden, käsitteiden ja käytännön esimerkkien avulla.
Repussa on tallenne opintojakson suorittamisesta. Itsenäisesti suoritettava oppimistehtävä on ohjeistettu Repussa (avain: welcome).
Employer connections
Oppimistehtävässä voi havainnollistaa teorioita työelämässä hankittujen tietojen ja taitojen avulla.
Exam schedules
Ei tenttiä. Oppimistehtävän voi palauttaa milloin tahansa.
Completion alternatives
Sovitaan opettajan kanssa tapauskohtaisesti KAMKin pääperiaatteiden mukaisesti:
- Aiemmat organisaatiopsykologian korkeakoulusuoritukset voidaan hyväksilukea tapauskohtaisesti.
- Työelämässä aiemmin hankittua osaamista tunnistetaan (AHOT) tapauskohtaisesti.
- Opinnollistaminen eli nykyisessä työssä hankittava ja osoitettava organisaatiopsykologian osaaminen.
Student workload
3 op = 80 tuntia opiskelijan työtä
Content scheduling
non-stop-opintojakson voi suorittaa milloin tahansa
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
An excellent learning assignment essay is informative, varied and comprehensive. All sources have been used visibly and in an appropriate manner covering each question in order. The perspectives of various sources have been assessed, compared and combined so that the main theories and concepts concerning the topic are fluently presented. The text also contains the author's own justified opinions, applications and critical observations. The text is clearly divided and progresses logically so that the various parts of the given task have been covered equally. The source references are accurately recorded as instructed and the learning assignment is neat and organised in appearance. The essay expresses the student's individual and creative way of analysing the issue targeted by the given task.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
A good learning assignment essay expresses the central theories and concept of the topic related to the given task. All sources have been used but the student has failed to assess, combine and compare all of them systematically. The text may be somewhat mechanical, bland with a lot of references, though very informative nevertheless. There may not be much expression of critical thinking and some sources may be recorded a little inaccurately. However, overall the essay covers all the areas of the given question logically and cohesively.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
A satisfactory essay treats the topic of the given question in a disorganised and superficial way. Not all the questions and parts of the task have been examined. Source material may have been used, but unevenly, relying on e.g. one specific source and leaving others in the background. The student expresses an inability to combine, compare and critically assess sources. The text is not clearly divided and it is therefore difficult to perceive a logical narrative. However the main theories and concepts related to the topic are expressed so as to be understood and have been applied as required in the given task. Some references may be missing.
An essay that is assessed as incomplete:
The student has written an essay that clearly lacks content in relation to the given assignment. Central theories and concepts have not been examined and applied in sufficient depth or consistently.
A crucial part of the assignment may have been ignored.
The student has not used sources correctly, for example a basic source may not have been sufficiently used, or in fact, used at all to produce the text.
The text may use too many references, or even copy text directly from elsewhere.
The reference list may be incomplete or references may be missing.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oppimistehtävässä arvioidaan mm. seuraavien asioiden avulla sitä, kuinka opiskelija on hahmottanut tietyn kokonaisuuden.
Onko esseen tavoitteet määritelty?
Vastaako esseen sisältö tehtävänasettelua ja eteneekö käsittely loogisesti?
Esseen rakenne on looginen. Käytä alaotsikoita jäsentämään tekstiäsi, mutta älä pilko liian pieniin alalukuihin.
Ovatko asiatiedot oikein?
Onko aiheeksi valittua asiaa käsitelty riittävän syvästi monipuolisesti, eri näkökulmista ja hyvin argumentoiden?
Kuinka onnistuneesti lähteet ja oma pohdinta on nivottu yhteen?
Miten lähteitä on käytetty? Ovatko lähteet luotettavia ja monipuolisia?
Onko esseen asiatyylin mukainen, sujuva ja kieliasultaan moitteeton asiallinen, neutraali, viimeistelty, sujuva?
Lähdeviitteet sekä itse tekstissä että lähdeluettelossa ovat moitteettomat (APA6).
Kuinka paljon tekstiä on kopioitu lähteistä?
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Työstettäväksi arvioitu:
Oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut esseen, jossa on selkeitä sisällöllisiä puutteita tehtävänantoon nähden.
Keskeisiä teorioita ja käsitteitä ei ole tarkasteltu ja sovellettu riittävän perusteellisesti tai tarkoituksenmukaisesti.
Jokin olennainen osa tehtävänantoa on saattanut jäädä huomioimatta.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntämisessä on puutteita, esim. jotain tiettyä peruslähdettä ei ole käytetty riittävästi tai ei lainkaan tekstin tuottamisessa.
Teksti saattaa olla luonteeltaan vahvasti referoivaa, jopa kopioivaa.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty puutteellisesti tai ne puuttuvat kokonaan.
Esseessä on yli 20% kopiointia.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Arvolauseet 4–5:
Erinomaisessa ja kiitettävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta informatiivisen, monipuolisen ja kattavan esseen.
Oppimistehtävässä on sovellettu kaikkia lähteitä tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja näkyvästi annettujen kysymysten erittelyssä.
Eri lähteiden näkökulmia on arvioitu, vertailtu ja yhdistelty toisiinsa siten, että aiheen kannalta keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat sujuvasti esille.
Tekstissä esiintyy myös perusteltuja omia pohdintoja, sovelluksia ja kriittisiä huomioita.
Teksti on kauttaaltaan selkeästi jäsenneltyä ja etenee johdonmukaisesti niin, että kaikki tehtävänannon osa-alueet on käsitelty tasapainoisesti.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty asianmukaisesti ja oppimistehtävän ulkoasu on huoliteltu.
Arvolauseessa 5 tulee lisäksi esille opiskelijan omaperäinen ja luova tapa jäsentää tehtävänannon haettua asiaa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Arvolause 3:
Hyvässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta esseen, jossa aihealueen keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat hyvin esille.
Oppimistehtävässä on hyödynnetty kaikkia lähteitä, mutta niiden annin arviointi, yhdistely ja vertailu jäävät satunnaiseksi.
Teksti voi olla luonteeltaan hieman mekaanista, persoonatonta ja referoivaa, joskin hyvin informatiivista. Kriittinen pohdinta voi myös olla vähäistä.
Lähdemerkinnöissä voi olla pientä epätarkkuutta.
Kokonaisuudessaan esseessä on kuitenkin johdonmukaisesti ja yhtenäisesti käsitelty kaikkia tehtävänannon osa-alueita.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Tyydyttävässä ja välttävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut tehtävänannon pohjalta hajanaisen ja pintapuolisen esseen . Kaikkia tehtävänannon kysymyksiä ja osa-alueita ei ole tarkasteltu.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntäminen voi myös olla epätasaista, nojautuen vahvasti esim. yhteen lähteeseen muiden jäädessä taustalle.
Tiedon yhdistely, vertailu ja kriittinen arviointi puuttuvat lähes kokonaan.
Tekstin jäsennys ei ole selkeä, jolloin siitä voi olla hankala hahmottaa johdonmukaista kokonaiskertomusta.
Aiheen kannalta olennaisia teorioita ja käsitteitä on kuitenkin onnistuttu tuomaan ymmärrettävästi esille ja niitä on pyritty soveltamaan tehtävänannon mukaisesti.
Lähdeviittauksissa on joitain puutteellisuuksia.
Arvosanalla 1 arvioitu oppimistehtävä sisältää jotain hyväksyttyyn tehtävään riittävää.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be conversant with the principles, procedures and appeal in personal taxation.
Tax liability
Proportional and graded taxation
Taxable income (capital gains and earned income)
Deductible outgoings
Tax declaration and appeal
Niskakangas H. & Nuutinen R. 2022. Henkilöverotus. Alma Talent Pro Fokus
Puronen P. 2015. Perintö- ja lahjaverotus. Alma Talent Oy. Teos on saatavilla sähköisenä KamkFinnan kautta Alma Talent kirjahyllystä.
Finlex: (ajantasainen laisäädäntö).
Tuloverolaki, 30.12.1992/1535, Perintö- ja lahjaverolaki 12.7.1940/378 ja varainsiirtoverolaki 29.11.1996/931
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Content scheduling
Suhteellinen ja progressiivinen verotus
Tulojen veronalaisuus (pääomatulot ja ansiotulot)
Menojen vähennyskelpoisuus
Verotuksen toimittaminen ja muutoksenhaku
Perintö- ja lahjaverotuksen perusteita
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A student knows the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
A student is able to understand the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
A student recognizes the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply the personal taxation legislation into different cases monitoredly.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be conversant with the principles, procedures and appeal in personal taxation.
Tax liability
Proportional and graded taxation
Taxable income (capital gains and earned income)
Deductible outgoings
Tax declaration and appeal
Niskakangas H. & Nuutinen R. 2022. Henkilöverotus. Alma Talent Pro Fokus
Puronen P. 2015. Perintö- ja lahjaverotus. Alma Talent Oy. Teos on saatavilla sähköisenä KamkFinnan kautta Alma Talent kirjahyllystä.
Finlex: (ajantasainen laisäädäntö).
Tuloverolaki, 30.12.1992/1535, Perintö- ja lahjaverolaki 12.7.1940/378 ja varainsiirtoverolaki 29.11.1996/931
Teaching methods
Exam schedules
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Content scheduling
Suhteellinen ja progressiivinen verotus
Tulojen veronalaisuus (pääomatulot ja ansiotulot)
Menojen vähennyskelpoisuus
Verotuksen toimittaminen ja muutoksenhaku
Perintö- ja lahjaverotuksen perusteita
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A student knows the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
A student is able to understand the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
A student recognizes the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply the personal taxation legislation into different cases monitoredly.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
Assessment methods and criteria
Minitentit kurssialustalla.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija ei osaa soveltaa ohjatusti tuloverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija osaa tulkita henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa itsenäisesti henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija tunnistaa henkilöverotuksen taustalla olevan teorian lainsäädäntöä.
Opiskelija soveltaa ohjatusti taustalla henkilöverotuksen olevaa lainsäädäntöä erilaisiin tuloverotukseen liittyviin tapauksiin.
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 31.07.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Eija Pekkonen
Students will be conversant with the principles, procedures and appeal in personal taxation.
Tax liability
Proportional and graded taxation
Taxable income (capital gains and earned income)
Deductible outgoings
Tax declaration and appeal
Niskakangas H. & Nuutinen R. 2022. Henkilöverotus. Alma Talent Pro Fokus
Puronen P. 2015. Perintö- ja lahjaverotus. Alma Talent Oy.
Finlex: (ajantasainen laisäädäntö).
Tuloverolaki, 30.12.1992/1535, Perintö- ja lahjaverolaki 12.7.1940/378 ja varainsiirtoverolaki 29.11.1996/931
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
A student knows the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
A student is able to understand the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply independently the personal taxation legislation into different cases.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
A student recognizes the legislation, which is on the background of personal taxation.
A student can apply the personal taxation legislation into different cases monitoredly.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The student knows how to interpret the relationships between professional concepts and how to compare and justify their choice of solution. They can independently assess and draw conclusions and develop alternative solutions using their knowledge of law.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
5 - 30
Degree programmes
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
The student can make various business entries and prepare the financial statements. The student knows the contents of the financial statements. The student familiarises him/herself with accounting regulations
Accounting and balancing the accounts
Financial statements
Accounting exercises
Accounting regulations
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan.
Tomperi Soile: Käytännön kirjanpito -textbook and exercise book. Edita, latest edition.
Material in Reppu e-learning platform.
Teaching methods
Group tasks
Tasks to be returned
Exam schedules
According to separate schedule. To be updated later.
Completion alternatives
Independent online study and participation in the exam. To be agreed on with teacher in the beginning of the course.
Student workload
Total student workload 135 h = 5 credits
Face-to-face teaching 15 x 3 h = 45 h
Student's independent work about 90 h
Content scheduling
Periodic accounting and financial statements
Financial statements
Accounting exercises
Accounting legislation and Kila's guidelines
Further information
Must have completed course Laskentatoimen perusteet before participating
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements and other sources of good bookkeeping. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently and can assess them critically while working in a team to develop its work and team spirit.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently while working to achieve common goals in groups and teams.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to recognise the theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work under supervision while being able to work as part of a group.
Assessment methods and criteria
Returnable assignments (both individual and group work) 50% of grade
Exam 50% of grade
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
- The student has achieved <50% of the maximum scores for the course
- The learning objectives of the course have not been achieved.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- The student is able to interpret and apply the theory and legislation behind accounting
- The student independently prepares monthly accounts with accruals and related calculations
- The student has achieved 90% of the maximum number of credits for the course (exam + assignments to be returned)
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
- The student is able to interpret the theory and legislation behind bookkeeping
- The student independently prepares calculations related to monthly bookkeeping and related calculations
- The student participates in activities to achieve common goals in a group
- The student has achieved 70% - 89% of the maximum number of points for the course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
- Students will identify the theory and legislation behind accounting
- Students will prepare monthly accounts and related calculations in a guided manner
- Students will participate in group activities
- Students will have achieved between 50% and 69% of the maximum marks for the course.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
The student can make various business entries and prepare the financial statements. The student knows the contents of the financial statements. The student familiarises him/herself with accounting regulations
Accounting and balancing the accounts
Financial statements
Accounting exercises
Accounting regulations
Location and time
Kontaktiopetus ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
ReppuMoodlen materiaali.
Tomperi Soile: Käytännön kirjanpito -oppikirja ja -harjoituskirja. Edita, uusin painos.
Teaching methods
Luennot, harjoitukset, ryhmätyöt, verkko-opinnot ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
Student workload
Opintojakso edellyttää 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements and other sources of good bookkeeping. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently and can assess them critically while working in a team to develop its work and team spirit.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to interpret the legal theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work independently while working to achieve common goals in groups and teams.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to recognise the theoretical framework of bookkeeping and financial statements. They are able to use bookkeeping techniques and models in their work under supervision while being able to work as part of a group.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
30 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Mervi Väisänen
The aim of the traineeship is to familiarise students with practical work tasks and the application of knowledge and skills in working life, especially in the context of vocational studies.
The aim of the placement is to support the development of the student's knowledge, practical work skills and personal competences. The traineeship can be carried out in the country of origin or abroad in a relevant work environment.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
750 hours of continuous training in a relevant work environment
Internship assignment
Internship diary
Application for employer feedback
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students can independently search for a placement in their home country or abroad that supports their professional orientation. He/she attends the placement information sessions, indicates the learning objectives for the placement, fills in the placement contract form and has the contract approved by the employer and the placement coordinator before signing it.
The student will independently find out about the organisation, the operating logic, the different tasks and the services offered at the placement site.
The student works in the different tasks of the placement, using the knowledge acquired in the basic, vocational and alternative vocational studies. He/she recognise the importance of different roles within an organisation. The student defines the learning task of the placement at the contract stage and carries out and report on it as instructed.
The student can reflect on his/her professional development and the relevance of his/her studies. The student keeps a diary and prepares a placement report in accordance with the instructions, evaluating the placement.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
Basic studies and a sufficinet amount of professional studies. Students are assumed to have at least 90 cr.
Further information
RD 30 cr
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
30 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
The aim of the traineeship is to familiarise students with practical work tasks and the application of knowledge and skills in working life, especially in the context of vocational studies.
The aim of the placement is to support the development of the student's knowledge, practical work skills and personal competences. The traineeship can be carried out in the country of origin or abroad in a relevant work environment.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
750 hours of continuous training in a relevant work environment
Internship assignment
Internship diary
Application for employer feedback
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students can independently search for a placement in their home country or abroad that supports their professional orientation. He/she attends the placement information sessions, indicates the learning objectives for the placement, fills in the placement contract form and has the contract approved by the employer and the placement coordinator before signing it.
The student will independently find out about the organisation, the operating logic, the different tasks and the services offered at the placement site.
The student works in the different tasks of the placement, using the knowledge acquired in the basic, vocational and alternative vocational studies. He/she recognise the importance of different roles within an organisation. The student defines the learning task of the placement at the contract stage and carries out and report on it as instructed.
The student can reflect on his/her professional development and the relevance of his/her studies. The student keeps a diary and prepares a placement report in accordance with the instructions, evaluating the placement.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
Basic studies and a sufficinet amount of professional studies. Students are assumed to have at least 90 cr.
Further information
RD 30 cr
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Rea Stricker
The students undergo professional induction under supervision gaining practical experience of work and the application of knowledge and skills in working life. The aim of the practical training period is to support the students in developing their professional knowledge, practical working life and personal skills.
The students can accomplish practical training either in Finland or in accordance with an adjusted personal study plan, abroad (3 months) in a working environment linked to their field of study.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
250 hours of work experience in a relevant work environment
Internship diary
Application for employer feedback
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students is able to look as independently as possible for a placement in their home country or abroad that supports their studies and professional development. They attend the placement information sessions, fill in the placement contract form and have the contract approved by the employer and the training coordinator before signing it.
The student can independently find out about the organisation of the placement, its operating logic, the different tasks and the services offered.
The student can work in the different tasks of the placement, making use of the knowledge acquired during the studies. He/she recognises the importance of the different roles in the organisation.
They can reflect on their professional development and the relevance of their studies to it. The student keeps a diary and prepares an internship report according to the guidelines.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
At least 45 credits compulsory basic and professional studies completed according to personal study plan.
Further information
RD 10 cr
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
20 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Tuula Rajander
- Olli Jääskeläinen
- Maritta Seppälä
The aim of the traineeship is to familiarise students with practical work tasks and the application of knowledge and skills in working life, especially in the context of vocational studies.
The aim of the placement is to support the student's academic development, the development of practical working life skills and the development of personal skills.
The traineeship can be carried out in the country or abroad in a relevant work environment and in a relevant job.
Pre-training information before the training
Approval of the traineeship contract
500 hours of work experience in a relevant work environment and tasks
Learning assignment for the traineeship
Internship diary
Application for feedback from the employer
Traineeship evaluation and reporting
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Students can independently search for a placement in the home country or abroad that supports his/her professional orientation and development. He/she attends the placement information sessions, fills in the placement contract form and has the contract approved by the employer and the training coordinator before signing it.
The student is able to find out independently about the organisation of his/her placement, its working logic, the different tasks and the services offered.
The student can work in the different tasks of the placement site, using the knowledge acquired in his/her undergraduate and professional studies. The Student recognises the importance of different roles in an organisation.
The student defines the learning task of the placement at the contract stage and carries it out and reports on it as instructed.
The student is able to reflect on his/her professional development and the relevance of his/her studies. The student keeps a diary and prepares an internship report in accordance with the instructions, evaluating the internship.
The student has not completed the practical training period or has not prepared the required reports as instructed.
Basic studies completed and a sufficient amount of professional studies, at least 105 credits in total.
Further information
RD 20 cr
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Päivi Dahl
The student masters various communication situations in studying and working life and develops oral and written communication skills as part of his/her professional competence.
Basics of communication and responsible communication
Documentation and use of sources
Review of language and text management
Planning, delivering and analysing a speech presentation
Interaction skills in a group
Meeting and negotiation skills
Meeting documents
Location and time
Opintojakson opetus järjestetään kontaktiopetuksena (etäopetus) lukukaudella lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Ei pakollista kurssikirjaa, tässä kirjavinkit ja suositeltavaa lukemista opintojaksolle:
- Kortetjärvi-Nurmi S. & Murtola K. (2015): Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Helsinki: Edita.
- Kortesuo K., Patjas L., Seppänen L. (2016). Pillillä vai pasuunalla? : viestinnän käsikirja yrittäjille. Helsinki: Suomen Yrittäjien Sypoint Oy.
- Lohtaja-Ahonen S, Kaihovirta-Rapo M. (2012). Tehoa työelämän viestintään. Talentum. (Löytyy sähköisenä opiskelijoiden käyttöön KAMKin Almatalent -verkkokirjahyllystä ja vaatii KAMKFinna kirjautumisen).
Teaching methods
Opintojakso sisältää luentoja ja harjoituksia, ryhmätöitä sekä itsenäistä työskentelyä. Niiden avulla harjoittelet opintojakson keskeisten sisältöjen hallintaa ja ymmärtämistä. Opetus on etäopetusta, osallistumista seurataan.
Opintojakson läpäisy edellyttää tehtävien ja harjoitusten hyväksyttyä suoritusta.
Employer connections
Mahdolliset työelämävierailut.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksolla ei varsinaista yhtä tenttiä, vaan osasuorituksina muun muassa puhe-esitys videona ja esseen kirjoittaminen ja muut kirjalliset harjoitukset sekä lähdeviitetentti.
Completion alternatives
Opintojakson voi hyväksilukea aikaisemmilla ammattikorkeakoulutasoisilla opinnoilla.
Student workload
Opintojakso vaatii noin 108 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Luentojen osuus on noin 20 tuntia. Loput noin 88 h tuntia työtä on itsenäistä opiskelua tai ryhmätyötä sekä tehtävien valmistelua. Nämä määrät ovat suuntaa antavia ja lopullinen työmäärä määrittyy opiskelijan itsensä käyttämästä ajasta työskentelyyn.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso koostuu kontaktiopetuksena (lähi-/etätoteutus) toteutettavista luennoista, jotka ovat koko ryhmälle yhteiset.
Jaksotus esitellään opintojakson alussa.
Mahdolliset poissaolot korvataan erikseen sovittavilla tehtävillä.
Further information
Opintojakson voi hyväksilukea aikaisemmilla ammattikorkeakoulutasoisilla opinnoilla, joista on kulunut alle 10 vuotta.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student communicates in a variety of ways, both orally and in writing. The student writes excellent factual texts and is fluent in the use of references. The student is able to evaluate realistically his/her own communication and is interested in improving it. The student can work constructively in group communication situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student copes well both orally and in writing with interaction situations in his/her field. The student writes good factual text and knows how to use references. The student evaluates his/her own communication and identifies areas for improvement. The student actively participates in group communication situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student communicates mainly in an understandable way, both orally and in writing. The student writes satisfactory factual texts and tries to use sources to support his/her thinking. The student tries to evaluate his/her own interpersonal skills and participates in group situations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointimenetelmät ovat opintojakson kirjalliset tuotokset (esseet, raportti- ja muut tehtävät), videot, vertaisarviointi, Repun erilaiset tehtävät. Lisäksi puhe-esitys toteutetaan joko livenä tai videona (tarkemmin opintojaksolla).
Opintojakson kokonaisarvioinnin kannalta tärkeimmät tehtävät liittyvät kirjoitus- ja puheviestintään sekä kokousharjoituksiin.
Opettaja voi käyttää opintojaksolla joidenkin tehtävien tarkistamisessa apunaan tekoälyä.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei osallistu tunneille tai on passiivinen. Opiskelija jättää tehtävät tekemättä tai tekee vain osittain tai saa kaikista tehtävistä hylätyn arvosanan.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija viestii monipuolisesti sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti. Opiskelija kirjoittaa kiitettävää asiatekstiä ja osaa lähdeviittausten sujuvan käytön. Opiskelija kykenee arvioimaan realistisesti omaa viestintäänsä ja on kiinnostunut kehittämään sitä. Opiskelija toimii rakentavasti ryhmäviestintätilanteissa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija selviää hyvin sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti oman alansa vuorovaikutustilanteista. Opiskelija kirjoittaa hyvää asiatekstiä ja osaa lähdeviittausten käytön. Opiskelija arvioi omaa viestintäänsä ja tunnistaa siitä kehittämiskohteet. Opiskelija osallistuu aktiivisesti ryhmäviestintätilanteissa.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija viestii pääosin ymmärrettävästi sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti. Opiskelija kirjoittaa tyydyttävää asiatekstiä ja pyrkii käyttämään lähteitä oman ajattelunsa tukena. Opiskelija pyrkii arvioimaan omaa vuorovaikutusosaamistaan ja osallistuu ryhmätilanteessa.
Further information
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
0.5 op
Mode of delivery
88 % Contact teaching, 12 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Päivi Dahl
The student masters various communication situations in studying and working life and develops oral and written communication skills as part of his/her professional competence.
Basics of communication and responsible communication
Documentation and use of sources
Review of language and text management
Planning, delivering and analysing a speech presentation
Interaction skills in a group
Meeting and negotiation skills
Meeting documents
Location and time
Opintojakson opetus järjestetään kontaktiopetuksena (lähi-/etäopetus) lukukaudella, lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Ei pakollista kurssikirjaa, tässä kirjavinkit ja suositeltavaa lukemista opintojaksolle:
- Kortetjärvi-Nurmi S. & Murtola K. (2015): Areena. Yritysviestinnän käsikirja. Helsinki: Edita.
- Kortesuo K., Patjas L., Seppänen L. (2016). Pillillä vai pasuunalla? : viestinnän käsikirja yrittäjille. Helsinki: Suomen Yrittäjien Sypoint Oy.
- Lohtaja-Ahonen S, Kaihovirta-Rapo M. (2012). Tehoa työelämän viestintään. Talentum. (Löytyy sähköisenä opiskelijoiden käyttöön KAMKin Almatalent -verkkokirjahyllystä ja vaatii KAMKFinna kirjautumisen).
Teaching methods
Opintojakso sisältää luentoja ja harjoituksia, ryhmätöitä sekä itsenäistä työskentelyä. Niiden avulla harjoittelet opintojakson keskeisten sisältöjen hallintaa ja ymmärtämistä. Opetus on pääosin lähiopetusta, tuntiaktiivisuutta seurataan.
Opintojakson läpäisy edellyttää tehtävien ja harjoitusten hyväksyttyä suoritusta.
Employer connections
Opintojaksolla voidaan tehdä yritysvierailuja tai oppitunneilla voi käydä työelämän edustajia.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksolla ei varsinaista yhtä tenttiä, vaan osasuorituksina muun muassa puhe-esitys ja esseen kirjoittaminen sekä lähdeviitetentti.
Completion alternatives
Opintojakson voi hyväksilukea aikaisemmilla ammattikorkeakoulutasoisilla opinnoilla.
Student workload
Opintojakso vaatii noin 108 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Luentojen osuus on noin 50 tuntia. Loput noin 58 h tuntia työtä on itsenäistä opiskelua tai ryhmätyötä sekä tehtävien valmistelua. Nämä määrät ovat suuntaa antavia ja lopullinen työmäärä määrittyy opiskelijan itsensä käyttämästä ajasta työskentelyyn.
Content scheduling
Opintojakso koostuu kontaktiopetuksena (lähi-/etätoteutus) toteutettavista luennoista, jotka ovat koko ryhmälle yhteiset. Lisäksi opintojakso sisältää käytännön harjoituksia, joissa opiskelijat ovat jaettuna ryhmiin. Ryhmäjako kerrotaan opintojakson alkaessa. Harjoituksiin osallistuminen on pakollista ja ne toteutetaan lähiopetuksena. Ohjatuissa harjoituksissa läsnäolo on 100 % ja mahdolliset poissaolot korvataan erikseen sovittavilla tehtävillä.
Further information
Opintojakson voi hyväksilukea aikaisemmilla ammattikorkeakoulutasoisilla opinnoilla, joista on kulunut alle 10 vuotta.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Student communicates in a variety of ways, both orally and in writing. The student writes excellent factual texts and is fluent in the use of references. The student is able to evaluate realistically his/her own communication and is interested in improving it. The student can work constructively in group communication situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student copes well both orally and in writing with interaction situations in his/her field. The student writes good factual text and knows how to use references. The student evaluates his/her own communication and identifies areas for improvement. The student actively participates in group communication situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student communicates mainly in an understandable way, both orally and in writing. The student writes satisfactory factual texts and tries to use sources to support his/her thinking. The student tries to evaluate his/her own interpersonal skills and participates in group situations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointimenetelmät ovat opintojakson kirjalliset tuotokset (esseet, raportti- ja muut tehtävät), videot, vertaisarviointi, Repun erilaiset tehtävät. Lisäksi puhe-esitys toteutetaan joko livenä tai videona (tarkemmin opintojaksolla).
Opintojakson kokonaisarvioinnin kannalta tärkeimmät tehtävät liittyvät kirjoitus- ja puheviestintään sekä kokousharjoituksiin.
Opettaja voi käyttää opintojaksolla joidenkin tehtävien tarkistamisessa apunaan tekoälyä.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Opiskelija ei osallistu tunneille tai on passiivinen. Opiskelija jättää tehtävät tekemättä tai tekee vain osittain tai saa kaikista tehtävistä hylätyn arvosanan.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija viestii monipuolisesti sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti. Opiskelija kirjoittaa kiitettävää asiatekstiä ja osaa lähdeviittausten sujuvan käytön. Opiskelija kykenee arvioimaan realistisesti omaa viestintäänsä ja on kiinnostunut kehittämään sitä. Opiskelija toimii rakentavasti ryhmäviestintätilanteissa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Opiskelija selviää hyvin sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti oman alansa vuorovaikutustilanteista. Opiskelija kirjoittaa hyvää asiatekstiä ja osaa lähdeviittausten käytön. Opiskelija arvioi omaa viestintäänsä ja tunnistaa siitä kehittämiskohteet. Opiskelija osallistuu aktiivisesti ryhmäviestintätilanteissa.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija viestii pääosin ymmärrettävästi sekä suullisesti että kirjallisesti. Opiskelija kirjoittaa tyydyttävää asiatekstiä ja pyrkii käyttämään lähteitä oman ajattelunsa tukena. Opiskelija pyrkii arvioimaan omaa vuorovaikutusosaamistaan ja osallistuu ryhmätilanteessa.
Further information
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Iina Korhonen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Erja Karppinen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Location and time
Autumn semester 2025
Material available in the KAMK learning platform, Reppu
Teaching methods
Small group teaching: oral and written group and pair assignments
Independent study
Exam schedules
Written exam at the last teaching session as indicated in the timetable, either at the end of November or beginning of December 2025
Retakes in spring 2026
Completion alternatives
To be agreed in advance or at the beginning of the course with the teacher on a case-by-case basis
Student workload
approx. 60 h of contact teaching
approx. 70 h of independent study
Content scheduling
Classes start at the end of August or beginning of September
Approx. 45 lessons, one lesson lasts 90 min.
The timetable will be published in May or June.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written independent assignments
Oral presentation
Written exam
A grade of one requires 50% competency and points
Prerequisites: European reference framework: B2
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student is unable to communicate in a mainly comprehensible way, both orally and in writing, in routine communication and interaction situations in the field.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Students communicate in a variety of oral and written forms in demanding communication and interaction situations in their field.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Students will be able to communicate and interact well in their field, both orally and in writing.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student communicates mainly in an understandable way, both orally and in writing, in routine communication and interaction situations in the field.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kaisa Enticknap-Seppänen
- Erja Karppinen
The student is able to use English professionally in work based communication and interaction situations as well as international and multicultural work environments.
Field-specific concepts and communication situations
Academic reading and writing
Multicultural working environments
Location and time
Autumn 2025
Materials in Reppu
Teaching methods
Blended and online learning
Independent study
Exam schedules
Supervised exam in December 2025
Two retakes are permitted in spring 2026
Completion alternatives
It is also possible to complete the course independently, but students are required to be active and motivated to find other participants for pair and group work tasks. The final exam is taken under supervision, either at a KAMK exam session or at a student-organised exam session at another educational institution. In the latter case, the contact details of the exam invigilator must be provided to the teacher of the course at least 7 working days before the exam. The student must pay any possible costs arising from sitting the exam elsewhere under supervision.
Student workload
Blended course consisting of 20 hours of teaching via Teams and 115 hours of independent work.
Content scheduling
This is a preliminary timetable. The final version will be published in May in the timetables and in August in Reppu.
Fri 29.8. 4 x 45 min Course generals, formal and informal English, How to write an abstract in English
Fri 26.9. 1h 30 min Human resource issues
Sat 27.9. 1h 30 min Human resource issues
Fri 24.10. 1h 30 min Job orientation
Sat 25.10. 1h 30 min Managing across cultures - challenging work situations
Fri 21.11. 4 x 45 min Challenging work situations: Case discussions
Sat 22.11. 1h 30 min Motivation and rewards
Thu 11.12. 1h 30 min Exam
Further information
You need a computer, pen and paper
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors occur. The students recognise the key terminology of their field.
To be awarded a grade 1, all assessed assignments must be completed and approved and any possible exam result must be at least 50%.
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation both in teaching via Teams and independently, tasks and an exam.
Exam assessment:
50-59 % = grade 1
60-69 % = grade 2
70-79 % = grade 3
80-89 % = grade 4
90 – 100 % = grade 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply and adapt their written and spoken language usage to the needs of working life. They can employ the vocabulary of their field, topics related to current content and versatile sentence structures. The students are proficient in the key terminology of their field and can write about and discuss field-specific themes. The students' pronunciation and articulation is clear and fluent.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The students are able to produce accurate spoken and written English using basic structures in everyday and working life situations. The students recognise and are able to use the key terminology of their field and their pronunciation and articulation is fairly clear, although errors occur.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to produce written and spoken English of simple structure in everyday and working life situations, although pronunciation and grammatical errors may occur. They are able to recognize key terminology of their field.
B2, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
The students will be able to plan a safe, responsible and profitable event.
Content production, technical implementation and financial planning in event production
Event ecosystem
Event marketing
Creating a safe and responsible event
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
04.08.2025 - 02.09.2025
03.09.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
- Anne Karhu
Students will possess the basic ability to develop their expertise in order to carry out different research and development projects, while understanding how they add to their expertise. They will be able to critically assess knowledge generated by research and development work.
Basis of research and development
Qualitative research process
Quantitative research process
Research material analysis and interpretation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Ari Teirilä
After completing the course, the student masters the basic skills in carrying out various research and development projects and knows how to use research methods in work-life development tasks. The student acquires skills for searching for information and scientific writing and knows how to critically evaluate the information produced through research and development work.
- Starting points and methods of research and development activities
- Research development work
- Qualitative research process
- Quantitative research process
- Information retrieval and science communication
- Analysis and interpretation of research data
Location and time
Opetus järjestetään syyslukukaudella lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Materiaali annetaan Repussa, sieltä löytyy myös tietoa muusta täydentävästä kirjallisuudesta.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso koostuu luennoista, tunneilla tehdyistä harjoituksista sekä itsenäisesti tehtävistä palautettavista tehtävistä.
Exam schedules
Tentti järjestetään syksyllä kurssin lopussa, uusintatenttimahdollisuuksia on sen jälkeen.
Student workload
Kurssi vaatii noin 100 h opiskelijan työtä.
Content scheduling
Kurssilla on kolme osaa: yleinen tutkimuksen tekeminen, kvalitatiivinen tutkimus sekä kvantitatiivinen tutkimusstrategia.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
Assessment methods and criteria
Kurssi arvioidaan tentin sekä palautettavien tehtävien perusteella.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Ari Teirilä
After completing the course, the student masters the basic skills in carrying out various research and development projects and knows how to use research methods in work-life development tasks. The student acquires skills for searching for information and scientific writing and knows how to critically evaluate the information produced through research and development work.
- Starting points and methods of research and development activities
- Research development work
- Qualitative research process
- Quantitative research process
- Information retrieval and science communication
- Analysis and interpretation of research data
Location and time
Kurssi pidetään syksyllä lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Materiaali on Repussa, sieltä löytyy myös tietoja muusta täydentävästä kirjallisuudesta.
Teaching methods
Kurssi suoritetaan pääasiassa itsenäisesti Repun avulla, lähipäivien aikana harjoitellaan asioita yhdessä tehtäviä tekemällä.
Exam schedules
Tentti on kurssin lopussa, uusintatenttimahdollisuudet on tämän jälkeen yleisinä uusintatenttipäivinä.
Student workload
Kurssi vaatii noin 100 h opiskelijan omaa työtä.
Content scheduling
Kurssi koostuu kolmesta osasta: yleinen tutkimuksen tekeminen, kvalitatiivinen tutkimus sekä kvantitatiivinen tutkimusstrategia.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
Assessment methods and criteria
Arviointi perustuu tenttiin sekä palautettaviin itsenäisesti suoritettaviin tehtäviin.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
After completing the course, the student masters the basic skills in carrying out various research and development projects and knows how to use research methods in work-life development tasks. The student acquires skills for searching for information and scientific writing and knows how to critically evaluate the information produced through research and development work.
- Starting points and methods of research and development activities
- Research development work
- Qualitative research process
- Quantitative research process
- Information retrieval and science communication
- Analysis and interpretation of research data
Location and time
Opetus järjestetään syyslukukaudella lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti.
Materiaali annetaan Repussa, sieltä löytyy myös tietoa muusta täydentävästä kirjallisuudesta.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso koostuu luennoista, tunneilla tehdyistä harjoituksista sekä itsenäisesti tehtävistä palautettavista tehtävistä.
Exam schedules
Tentti järjestetään syksyllä suurinpiirtein kurssin puolivälissä, uusintatenttimahdollisuuksia on kaksi kappaletta sen jälkeen uusintatenttitilaisuuksissa.
Student workload
Kurssi vaatii noin 100 h opiskelijan työtä.
Content scheduling
Kurssilla on kolme osaa: yleinen tutkimuksen tekeminen ja kehittämismenetelmät, kvalitatiivinen tutkimus sekä kvantitatiivinen tutkimus.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
Assessment methods and criteria
Kurssi arvioidaan tentin sekä palautettavien tehtävien perusteella.
13.12.2025 - 11.01.2026
12.01.2026 - 26.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Aki Kortelainen
- Anne Karhu
Students will possess the basic ability to develop their expertise in order to carry out different research and development projects, while understanding how they add to their expertise. They will be able to critically assess knowledge generated by research and development work.
Basis of research and development
Qualitative research process
Quantitative research process
Research material analysis and interpretation
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to use research and development concepts in a variety of ways and with expertise.
They are able to analyse and critically assess completed research.
The students are able to analyse, compare, combine and select information and present alternative procedures in research and development processes.
They are able to analyse, reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently, responsibly and with initiative. They can work as a member of a group promoting and developing the group's activities to achieve common goals. They are able to critically apply ethical principles in their work.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to use fundamental research and development concepts systematically.
They are able to describe various research and development processes and justify related solutions. The students are able to analyse completed research. They are able to select appropriate research and development procedures based on acquired knowledge. They are able to reflect upon and critically assess their own competence.
The students are able to work independently and responsibly. They can work as a member of a group to achieve common goals. They are able to justify their work according to ethical principles
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to use appropriate research and development concepts. They are able to describe the main features of the research and development process in general. The students are able to describe a piece of completed research.
They are able to systematically plan the implementation of method(s) used in a research and development process, though some uncertainty may be apparent. The students are able to use appropriate research and development methods under super vision. They can work as a member of a group taking responsibility for their own actions and other group members into account.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Mervi Väisänen
Opiskelija ymmärtää palveluliiketoimintaa, jossa palvelu muodostaa arvonluonnin perustan. Tavoitteena on, että opiskelija tunnistaa erilaisia palveluihin liittyviä prosesseja sekä kehittämistarpeita. Opiskelija tuntee palvelujen markkinoinnin erityispiirteet ja ymmärtää asiakastyytyväisyyden sekä asiakassuhdeajattelun merkityksen osana kannattavan liiketoiminnan toteutusta. Opiskelija myös omaksuu palvelun ja asiakaskokemuksen tärkeyden ja vahvistaa osaamistaan palvelujen käyttäjälähtöisessä kehittämisessä. Opiskelija tuntee palvelumyynnin vaiheet ja myynnin johtamisen kokonaisuuden.
Palvelut ja palvelujen tuottaminen
Palvelukonseptit ja asiakaskokemus
Palvelujen laatu
Palvelujen markkinointi ja myynti
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaisesti syksyllä 2025.
Ilmoitetaan Repussa.
Teaching methods
Lähiopetus ja annetut tehtävät.
Completion alternatives
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää ja soveltaa monipuolisesti aihealueen käsitteitä käytännön työ- ja tehtävätilanteiden ratkaisuissa. Käsitteiden käyttö on perusteltua ja asiantuntevaa.
Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti ja kriittisesti hyödyntää ja vertailla eri teoriataustoja käytännön tilanteissa, ohjata tehtäväkokonaisuuden toteutusta, toimia itseohjautuvasti sekä reflektoida oppimaansa.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Käsitteiden käyttö ja hyödyntäminen on johdonmukaista ja loogista.
Opiskelija osaa itsenäisesti hyödyntää teoriataustoja käytännön tilanteissa, perustella tehtäväkokonaisuuden toteutusta ja ratkaisujen valintaa sekä arvioida ratkaisujen onnistuneisuutta.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Opiskelija kykenee kuvaamaan aihealueen peruskäsitteet ja pääelementtien sisällöt. Kuvaus vielä irrallista ja kokonaisuuden muodostaminen puutteellista.
Opiskelija osaa valita tilanteeseen sopivia keinoja ja kanavia sekä hyödyntää ainakin osittain eri teoriataustoja käytännön tehtävässä.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Taneli Rantaharju
- Eija Pekkonen
The student becomes acquainted with intelligent financial management, processes and knowledge management.
The student becomes acquainted with the methods and tools that enable intelligent financial management.
The student understands the importance of intelligent financial management in business development.
The student gets acquainted with software robotics and its applications in financial management.
Tasks and role of financial management in business
Financial management processes and their development
Systems and tools
Reporting and analytics
Location and time
Työjärjestyksen mukaan
Kaarlejärvi, S. & Salminen, T. 2018. Älykäs taloushallinto: automaation aika. Helsinki: Alma Talent. Löytyy Kamk:n Alma Talent bisneskirjastosta.
Teaching methods
Employer connections
Completion alternatives
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Kaksi palautettavaa tehtävää laadittu hyväksytty -tasolla. Tämä vastaa arvosanaa kolme.
Content scheduling
Digitaalisesta taloushallinnosta älykkääseen taloushallintoon
Taloushallinnon järjestelmien -ja teknologian perusteita
Digitaalinen data
Taloushallinnon prosessit ja niiden kehittäminen
Raportointi ja analytiikka
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
A student has attended into the assignment in small group, he has attended the reporting and evaluation of the assignment actively.
The assignment has been made by using current and high-quality source material.
Exams: 70 %
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Iina Korhonen
- Erja Karppinen
You can communicate, both in speaking and writing, in Swedish in different professional situations and use Swedish to develop your professional competence.
Key professional vocabulary, spoken and written communication
Location and time
Autumn semester 2025
Perspektiv digital book, publisher Sanoma Pro and the materials in Reppu
Teaching methods
Svenska på jobbet 3 cr and Svenska i affärslivet 2 cr are organised as a single unit, 5 credits in total
Teams teaching: oral and written exercises
Pair and group work
Independent study
Exam schedules
Written exam in the last lesson in December
Retakes in spring 2026
Completion alternatives
To be agreed individually with the teacher in advance or at the beginning of the course
Student workload
approx. 12h Teams teaching
approx. 118h independent study
Content scheduling
The timetable will be published in May in the group's timetable and in August in Reppu.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
You speak and write Swedish versatilely in demanding professional communication situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
You speak and write Swedish well in professional communication situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
You speak and write Swedish understandably in routine professional communication situations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written and oral tasks
Oral presentation and written exam
Grade 1 requires approx. 50 competences and points
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student is unable to communicate in a largely comprehensible way, either orally or in writing, in routine communication and interaction situations in the field.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student communicates in a variety of oral and written forms in demanding communication and interaction situations in the field.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student can communicate and interact well in their field, both orally and in writing.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student communicates mainly in an understandable way, both orally and in writing, in routine communication and interaction situations in the field.
Level B1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Erja Karppinen
You can communicate, both in speaking and writing, in Swedish in different professional situations and use Swedish to develop your professional competence.
Key professional vocabulary, spoken and written communication
Location and time
Autumn semester 2025
Perspektiv digital book, publisher Sanoma Pro
Teaching methods
Svenska på jobbet 3 cr and Svenska i affärslivet 2 cr are organised as a single unit, 5 credits in total
Small group teaching: oral and written exercises
Pair and group work
Independent study
Exam schedules
Written exam in the last lesson at the end of November or beginning of December
Retakes in spring 2026
Completion alternatives
To be agreed individually with the teacher in advance or at the beginning of the course
Student workload
approx. 60h contact teaching
approx. 70h independent study
Content scheduling
The course starts at the end of August and ends with a written exam after about 45 lessons.
Oral presentation before the written exam
One lesson of 90 min. with 2-3 lessons per week
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
You speak and write Swedish versatilely in demanding professional communication situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
You speak and write Swedish well in professional communication situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
You speak and write Swedish understandably in routine professional communication situations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written and oral tasks
Oral presentation and written exam
Grade 1 requires approx. 50 competences and points
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student is unable to communicate in a largely comprehensible way, either orally or in writing, in routine communication and interaction situations in the field.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student communicates in a variety of oral and written forms in demanding communication and interaction situations in the field.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student can communicate and interact well in their field, both orally and in writing.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student communicates mainly in an understandable way, both orally and in writing, in routine communication and interaction situations in the field.
Level B1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Iina Korhonen
- Erja Karppinen
The students will develop their ability to use Swedish in field-specific work-based tasks. They will be able to write and speak Swedish in business related communication and interaction contexts.
Key field-specific vocabulary, communication and interaction situations involving speaking and writing.
Teaching methods
Svenska i affärslivet 2 cr is taught as a 5 cr unit together with Svenska på jobbet 3 cr.
See LT00CN48-3001 Svenska på jobbet 3 cr implementation plan.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students demonstrate excellent spoken and written communication skills in a variety of demanding field-specific communication and interaction situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students demonstrate good spoken and written communication abilities in field-specific communication and interaction situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students demonstrate the ability to speak and write English for the most part understandably in routine field-specific communication and interaction situations.
B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Erja Karppinen
The students will develop their ability to use Swedish in field-specific work-based tasks. They will be able to write and speak Swedish in business related communication and interaction contexts.
Key field-specific vocabulary, communication and interaction situations involving speaking and writing.
Will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Teaching methods
Svenska i affärslivet 2 cr is taught as a 5 cr unit together with Svenska på jobbet 3 cr.
See LT00CN48-3002 Svenska på jobbet 3 cr implementation plan.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students demonstrate excellent spoken and written communication skills in a variety of demanding field-specific communication and interaction situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students demonstrate good spoken and written communication abilities in field-specific communication and interaction situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students demonstrate the ability to speak and write English for the most part understandably in routine field-specific communication and interaction situations.
B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.08.2025 - 31.08.2025
01.09.2025 - 18.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
The students will develop their ability to use Swedish in field-specific work-based tasks. They will be able to write and speak Swedish in business related communication and interaction contexts.
Key field-specific vocabulary, communication and interaction situations involving speaking and writing.
Will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students demonstrate excellent spoken and written communication skills in a variety of demanding field-specific communication and interaction situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students demonstrate good spoken and written communication abilities in field-specific communication and interaction situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students demonstrate the ability to speak and write English for the most part understandably in routine field-specific communication and interaction situations.
B1, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
15 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- Saara Manninen
- Mervi Väisänen
- Maritta Seppälä
- Eija Pekkonen
- Erja Karppinen
Students will develop and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills to a practical task requiring expertise related to their professional studies. The thesis will deepen their professional competence in RDI activities through a piece of research or a developmental or other project conducted as a thesis linked with working life. The thesis will ensure that students are sufficiently proficient in the written and spoken communication competences required in working life.
Thesis start-up seminar
Approval of topic and topic analysis
Compilation of thesis plan, presentation and acting as an opponent
Academic Writing (attendance and exercises)
Thesis + thesis supervision seminars (participation)
Presentation seminar
Maturity test
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1-5:According to the KAMK thesis assessment criteria.
Research and Development Methods
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
15 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Petri Lintumäki
- Päivi Dahl
- Aki Kortelainen
- Pekka Vaarala
- Ulla Tirronen Heikkinen
- Hannele Siipola
- Mervi Väisänen
- Olli Jääskeläinen
- Sari Yli-Kauhaluoma
- Erja Karppinen
- Pia Kuittinen
Students will develop and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills to a practical task requiring expertise related to their professional studies. The thesis will deepen their professional competence in RDI activities through a piece of research or a developmental or other project conducted as a thesis linked with working life. The thesis will ensure that students are sufficiently proficient in the written and spoken communication competences required in working life.
Thesis start-up seminar
Approval of topic and topic analysis
Compilation of thesis plan, presentation and acting as an opponent
Academic Writing (attendance and exercises)
Thesis + thesis supervision seminars (participation)
Presentation seminar
Maturity test
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1-5:According to the KAMK thesis assessment criteria.
Research and Development Methods
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
15 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Tuula Rajander
- Petri Lintumäki
- Mervi Väisänen
- Maarit Vuorinen
- Elina Jääskeläinen
- Erja Karppinen
Students will develop and demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills to a practical task requiring expertise related to their professional studies. The thesis will deepen their professional competence in RDI activities through a piece of research or a developmental or other project conducted as a thesis linked with working life. The thesis will ensure that students are sufficiently proficient in the written and spoken communication competences required in working life.
Thesis start-up seminar
Approval of topic and topic analysis
Compilation of thesis plan, presentation and acting as an opponent
Academic Writing (attendance and exercises)
Thesis + thesis supervision seminars (participation)
Presentation seminar
Maturity test
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
1-5:According to the KAMK thesis assessment criteria.
Research and Development Methods
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
0.5 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Contact teaching, 25 % Distance learning
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Rea Stricker
- Maritta Seppälä
The aim is to become acquainted with and understand the changing trends and requirements of working life in an international operating environment.
Each of the topics in the current affairs forum.
Students actively participate in forums and other workshops.
Location and time
The course takes place in September and October.
Teaching is weekly contact teaching on campus and includes two full conference days in September.
All learning material is available on the course's BackpackMoodle platform and on the NBF website.
A computer and internet connection are required.
Teaching methods
The course is taught in class.
Meetings will include working in small groups and preparing to attend a business conference.
The course will culminate in a group presentation based on the conference themes and literature.
Employer connections
During the course students will hear from international business experts and discuss topical issues.
Exam schedules
The course does not include an exam. The performance is done as a group or individual presentation.
International connections
During the course the students will hear speeches from international business experts and research findings in the field.
Completion alternatives
Participating in a business conference and preparing a presentation on its themes. Conference and theme to be agreed with the teacher in advance.
Student workload
The scope of the course is 2 credits, which means about 50 hours of student work.
The course includes a preliminary assignment, active participation in the conference livestream (two days), group work, and preparation and presentation of a group presentation in the course.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Student has completed the preliminary tasks and followed the seminar for two days and on based of the seminar compiled the final report according to the instructions given by the lecturer.
Content scheduling
Starting session, orientation and course instructions
Group work kick off
Group work continuation
Independent work on group work
Online NBF Stream, place: TA21L148 (Taito 2 auditorium)
Presentations of the group work. Taito 2 auditorium
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
A student attends actively both into forum work and workshops. A student shares the knowledge produced in groups actively and produces a reflective blog text.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course requires active and independent participation of the student in group work, preparation of group work, conferencing and performance.
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
Students will be able to solve complex value added tax problems in invoicing, bookkeeping and in financial statement.
Value added tax duty
Taxable sales and tax rate
VAT deduction
Tax procedure
Special issues in VAT
Location and time
Oppikirja A:
Tomperi, Soile. Käytännön kirjanpito. Edita, uusin painos.
Harjoituskirja A:
Tomperi, Soile & Keskinen, Virpi. Käytännön kirjanpito, harjoituskirja. Edita, uusin painos.
Oppikirja B:
Tomperi, Soile. Kehittyvä kirjanpitotaito. Edita, uusin painos.
Harjoituskirja B:
Tomperi, Soile. Kehittyvä kirjanpitotaito, harjoituskirja. Edita, uusin painos.
Muu ReppuMoodlessa mainittu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Luennot, harjoitukset, ryhmätyöt, verkko-opinnot ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
Student workload
Opintojakso edellyttää 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in demanding practical situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in common practical situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in simple practical situations.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Saara Manninen
Students will be able to solve complex value added tax problems in invoicing, bookkeeping and in financial statement.
Value added tax duty
Taxable sales and tax rate
VAT deduction
Tax procedure
Special issues in VAT
Location and time
Oppikirja A:
Tomperi, Soile. Käytännön kirjanpito. Edita, uusin painos.
Harjoituskirja A:
Tomperi, Soile & Keskinen, Virpi. Käytännön kirjanpito, harjoituskirja. Edita, uusin painos.
Oppikirja B:
Tomperi, Soile. Kehittyvä kirjanpitotaito. Edita, uusin painos.
Harjoituskirja B:
Tomperi, Soile. Kehittyvä kirjanpitotaito, harjoituskirja. Edita, uusin painos.
Muu ReppuMoodlessa mainittu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Luennot, harjoitukset, ryhmätyöt, verkko-opinnot ja itsenäinen opiskelu.
Student workload
Opintojakso edellyttää 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in demanding practical situations.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in common practical situations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The students are able to apply VAT regulations in simple practical situations.
University level / Higher Education: Introduction to Accounting (Double entry bookkeeping)
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 31.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
The goal is to increase the sense of community within KAMK, to utilise internationality and diversity through a theatre project. In addition, the aim is to familiarise the participants with the different aspects of the production so that they can make use of their expertise later in working life.
- Grouping, in-depth social interaction
- development of self-knowledge, basics of improvisation
- presentation design, staging, costume design, sound/light technology, marketing and organizing a performance event
- Producing theatre production together with regional actors in accordance with the principles of sustainable development from design to performance
The learning material is produced in the course.
Recommended literature will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Active participation in the course (preparation of the production) and performance.
You don't have to have knowledge of acting or improvisation. Come as you are, curiosity is enough!
Further information
The course is suitable for anyone interested in doing theatre, including those who experience performance tension. The course proceeds in a student-oriented manner and the performance is formed based on the wishes, interests and skills of the participants (e.g. music, dance, crafts, etc.). Grouping towards the end of the previous semester. Group size up to 20 participants.
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 31.07.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
- Päivi Auno
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
04.08.2025 - 02.09.2025
03.09.2025 - 15.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
RDI portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Hannele Siipola
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
Location and time
Itsenäinen työskentely ja verkkototeutus. Voit suorittaa opintojakson omaan tahtiin ja voit aloittaa sen suorittamisen milloin haluat. Opintojaksosta järjestetään aloitustunti lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti teams -toteutuksena.
E-books and -materials
Teaching methods
Opiskelija kirjoittaa yksilötyönä tutkielmaesseen annettujen ohjeiden mukaisesti. Opintojakson aloitustunnit teams -toteutuksena. Verkkototeutus.
Employer connections
Opintojakson tehtävissä hyödynnetään kokemuksia nykyisestä tai aiemmista työnantajaorganisaatioista. Mikäli työkokemuksia ei olisi, tehtävissä ohjataan vaihtoehtoisiin tarkasteluihin.
Completion alternatives
Lisätietoja vaihtoehtoisista toteutustavoista saat tarvittaessa opintojakson opettajilta.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op x 27 tuntia = n. 135 tuntia.
Content scheduling
Opintojaikson suoritus on yksilötyönä tehtävä tutkielmaessee:
Tutkielmaesseen rakenne;
Yksilö organisaatiossa
Ryhmät ja tiimit
Organisaatiot ja kulttuurit työympäristönä
Ihmisten johtaminen ja alaistaidot
Kokoava pohdinta
Further information
Opintojakso on yhteinen liikunnanohjaaja-, liiketalouden tradenomi- ja restonomiopiskelijoille.
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
Assessment methods and criteria
Opintojakson arviointi perustuu yksilötyönä tehtyyn tutkielmaesseen. Opintojaksolla oleva arviointikriteeristö ohjaa opiskelijan oppimista ja arvosanatavoitteen mukaisen raportin aikaansaamista.
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
Oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut esseen, jossa on selkeitä sisällöllisiä puutteita tehtävänantoon nähden.
Keskeisiä teorioita ja käsitteitä ei ole tarkasteltu ja sovellettu riittävän perusteellisesti tai tarkoituksenmukaisesti.
Ajankohtaisia lähteitä tai omakohtaisia kokemuksia ei ole esitetty eli työ on pelkkää teoriaa.
Jokin olennainen osa tehtävänantoa on saattanut jäädä huomioimatta.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntämisessä on puutteita, esim. jotain tiettyä peruslähdettä ei ole käytetty riittävästi tai ei lainkaan tekstin tuottamisessa.
Teksti saattaa olla luonteeltaan vahvasti referoivaa, jopa kopioivaa.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty puutteellisesti tai ne puuttuvat kokonaan.
Esseessä on yli 20 % kopiointia.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Erinomaisessa ja kiitettävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta informatiivisen, monipuolisen ja kattavan esseen.
Oppimistehtävässä on sovellettu kaikkia lähteitä tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja näkyvästi annettujen kysymysten erittelyssä.
Ajankohtaiset lähteet ja omakohtaiset kokemukset linkittyvät teoriaan rikastaen sitä.
Eri lähteiden näkökulmia on arvioitu, vertailtu ja yhdistelty toisiinsa siten, että aiheen kannalta keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat sujuvasti esille.
Tekstissä esiintyy myös perusteltuja omia pohdintoja, sovelluksia ja kriittisiä huomioita.
Teksti on kauttaaltaan selkeästi jäsenneltyä ja etenee johdonmukaisesti niin, että kaikki tehtävänannon osa-alueet on käsitelty tasapainoisesti.
Lähdeviittaukset on merkitty asianmukaisesti ja oppimistehtävän ulkoasu on huoliteltu.
Arvolauseessa 5 tulee lisäksi esille opiskelijan omaperäinen ja luova tapa jäsentää tehtävänannon haettua asiaa.
Toteutuksen arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Hyvässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut annetun tehtävänannon pohjalta esseen, jossa aihealueen keskeiset teoriat ja käsitteet tulevat hyvin esille.
Oppimistehtävässä on hyödynnetty kaikkia lähteitä, mutta niiden annin arviointi, yhdistely ja vertailu jäävät satunnaiseksi.
Ajankohtaiset lähteet ja omakohtaiset kokemukset linkittyvät teoriaan satunnaisesti.
Teksti voi olla luonteeltaan hieman mekaanista, persoonatonta ja referoivaa, joskin hyvin informatiivista. Kriittinen pohdinta voi myös olla vähäistä.
Lähdemerkinnöissä voi olla pientä epätarkkuutta.
Kokonaisuudessaan esseessä on kuitenkin johdonmukaisesti ja yhtenäisesti käsitelty kaikkia tehtävänannon osa-alueita.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Tyydyttävässä ja välttävässä oppimistehtävässä opiskelija on kirjoittanut tehtävänannon pohjalta hajanaisen ja pintapuolisen esseen. Kaikkia tehtävänannon kysymyksiä ja osa-alueita ei ole tarkasteltu.
Lähdemateriaalin hyödyntäminen voi myös olla epätasaista, nojautuen vahvasti esim. yhteen lähteeseen muiden jäädessä taustalle.
Ajankohtaisia lähteitä ja omakohtaisia kokemuksia esitetään satunnaisesti.
Tiedon yhdistely, vertailu ja kriittinen arviointi puuttuvat lähes kokonaan.
Tekstin jäsennys ei ole selkeä, jolloin siitä voi olla hankala hahmottaa johdonmukaista kokonaiskertomusta.
Aiheen kannalta olennaisia teorioita ja käsitteitä on kuitenkin onnistuttu tuomaan ymmärrettävästi esille ja niitä on pyritty soveltamaan tehtävänannon mukaisesti.
Lähdeviittauksissa on joitain puutteellisuuksia.
Arvosanalla 1 arvioitu oppimistehtävä sisältää jotain hyväksyttyyn tehtävään riittävää.
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 15.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Olli Jääskeläinen
The student masters the principles of group and teamwork as well as subordinate skills. The student is familiar with the cultures and organizations affecting work, as well as factors influencing individual and group behavior. The student can apply leadership models. The student can develop their own ways of operating as a team member, subordinate, and supervisor ethically and responsibly. The student can improve the efficiency of work, effectiveness of activities, and quality of work life in the organization
The course is common for physical education instructor, business administration and economics students.
Individual in an organization, groups and teams in an organization, organizations and cultures as work environment, people management and subordinate skills.
E-books and -materials
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student is able to use the concepts in accordance with the competence goal by logically combining them.
The student is able to analyze his / her own and his / her group's activities and make justified proposals for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student is able to explain and describe the concepts of his / her own organization in accordance with the competence goal, identifying possible strengths and areas for development and making suggestions for the development of activities.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student is able to define and use basic concepts in accordance with the competence goal and is able to describe / identify them in his / her own organization
05.08.2025 - 03.09.2025
04.09.2025 - 17.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kirsi Huotari
- Kaisa Loikkanen
You recognize the key principles of occupational well-being.
You identify factors related to a safe work environment and can apply your knowledge in work-life contexts.
You are able to develop/improve your own well-being during your studies.
The theory of occupational well-being
Promoting occupational well-being
Safe work environment
Location and time
Opintojakson suoritusaika alkaa syyskuussa ja päättyy marraskuussa 2025. Opintojakso aikataulutukseen voit itse vaikuttaa ko. aikaraamin sisällä.
Materiaali ilmoitetaan Repussa.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu verkko-opintoina.
Exam schedules
Opintojaksoon liittyvät tehtävät ja palautusten aikataulu ilmoitetaan opintojakson alkaessa ja ne ovat nähtävillä Repussa.
Completion alternatives
Osallistuminen lähiopetukseen päiväopiskelijoiden kanssa. Lisätiedot vastuuopettajilta.
Student workload
Opintojakso vaatii noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Määrä on suuntaa antava ja lopullinen työmäärä määrittyy opiskelijan itsensä käyttämästä ajasta työskentelyyn.
Content scheduling
Työhyvinvointiin liittyvä teoria ja niihin liittyvät workshopit (2 op)
Turvallinen työympäristö (2 op)
Työhyvinvointiin liittyvän tiedon syventäminen (1 op)
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Osaat käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti ammattialasi käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä
Osaat analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
Osaat analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi
toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon avulla.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä.
Osaat valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Osaat soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassasi.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Osaat käyttää johdonmukaisesti ammattialan käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
Osaat arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi toimintatapoja.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
Osaat soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi.
Osaat perustella toimintaasi ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Osaat käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä ammattialasi käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa.
Osaat toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä.
Osaat käyttää toiminnassasi tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassasi muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon.
Osaat toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment methods and criteria
Työhyvinvointiin liittyvä teoria sekä työhyvinvoinnin edistäminen workshop -tehtävien avulla, arviointi: 1-5 / hylätty.
Turvallinen työympäristö, arviointi 1-5 / hylätty
Tiedon syventäminen, arviointi: 1-5 / hylätty
02.12.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.01.2026 - 15.05.2026
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Leisure Management
- Kirsi Huotari
- Kaisa Loikkanen
You recognize the key principles of occupational well-being.
You identify factors related to a safe work environment and can apply your knowledge in work-life contexts.
You are able to develop/improve your own well-being during your studies.
The theory of occupational well-being
Promoting occupational well-being
Safe work environment
Evaluation scale
0 - 5
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Osaat käyttää asiantuntevasti ja laaja-alaisesti ammattialasi käsitteitä sekä yhdistää niitä
Osaat analysoida, vertailla, yhdistellä ja valita tietoa sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia toimintatapoja
Osaat analysoida, reflektoida ja arvioida kriittisesti omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi
toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon avulla.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti, vastuullisesti, aloitteellisesti ja joustavasti kulloisessakin oppimis- ja toimintaympäristössä.
Osaat valita ja arvioida kriittisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja sekä käyttää niitä
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä edistäen ja kehittäen ryhmän toimintaa.
Osaat soveltaa kriittisesti ammattieettisiä periaatteita toiminnassasi.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Osaat käyttää johdonmukaisesti ammattialan käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä, kuvailla ja perustella ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat valita tarkoituksenmukaisia toimintatapoja hankkimasi tiedon ja ohjeistuksen perusteella
Osaat arvioida ja reflektoida omaa osaamistasi ja ammattialasi toimintatapoja.
Osaat toimia itsenäisesti ja vastuullisesti erilaisissa tehtävissä kulloisessakin oppimis- ja
Osaat soveltaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi toimintaan soveltuvia tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia asiakaslähtöisesti, tavoitteellisesti ja työelämää kehittävästi.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ryhmän yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi.
Osaat perustella toimintaasi ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Osaat käyttää asianmukaisesti keskeisiä/yksittäisiä ammattialasi käsitteitä.
Osaat nimetä ja kuvailla ammattialasi perustiedot.
Osaat toimia tarkoituksenmukaisesti, joskin toiminta voi olla vielä epävarmaa.
Osaat toimia ohjattuna asianmukaisesti erilaisissa oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä.
Osaat käyttää toiminnassasi tarkoituksenmukaisesti ammattialasi tekniikoita ja malleja.
Osaat toimia ammatillisesti asiakastilanteissa.
Osaat toimia ryhmän jäsenenä ja ottaa toiminnassasi muut ryhmän jäsenet huomioon.
Osaat toimia ammattieettisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.